All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.


Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."
You are a racist pig, plain and simple.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Yes of course, there is no such term as Irish American, Italian American, Asian American, Native American, Jewish American, etc.,

There is, however, a term that applies to you: Racist American.

Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC? Do you know that there is a Native American museum? Do you think that is a bad thing? Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum? You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans? The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts? You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.
Last edited: you agree with Picaro and think that they should have gone back to New Zealand?

I don't know what you're smoking to even ask me that, but I'll take a bait.

Is your question should blacks go back or where should they go?

American blacks are not from New Zealand, their ancestors are mostly from Africa.

Now what we got that out of the way, let's answer to" should blacks go back to Africa?

I believe in "when in Rome, do as Romans do". So if you don't feel American, don't like American English language, American Constitution, then go elsewhere where you can be happier. Some blacks went back to Africa, even new country was created by free slaves (Liberia) with the constitution based on ours. American blacks are Americans. They should live wherever they feel at home.

My question earlier was why leftist PC police is insisting on calling them African American?
To me, that is utterly racist term and if you're don't know why is, I can explain.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Yes of course, there is no such term as Irish American, Italian American, Asian American, Native American, Jewish American, etc.,

There is, however, a term that applies to you: Racist American.

Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC? Do you know that there is a Native American museum? Do you think that is a bad thing? Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum? You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans? The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts? You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.

Here is the homework for you.

First - find and quote one post where I said I am against this or any other museum.

Since you going to fail on the first task, here is the second - find your lost chromosome immediately, since things like you wrote in your post cant be written by normal person, only by Retard American.
Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC?
I have. You?
Do you know that there is a Native American museum?
You mean this one?

Do you think that is a bad thing?
Why would I think that? Only retard could even possibly ask question like that.
Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum?
I do. It's not at the Mall and it's not build by taxpayers money.
You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans?
The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts?
Where do you see I have problem with museums? Are you fucking nutz?
You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.
For that you first have to have one (mind). So, it's not your mind that is boggled, it's emptiness in your skull.
Last edited:
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Yes of course, there is no such term as Irish American, Italian American, Asian American, Native American, Jewish American, etc.,

There is, however, a term that applies to you: Racist American.

Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC? Do you know that there is a Native American museum? Do you think that is a bad thing? Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum? You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans? The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts? You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.

Here is the homework for you.

First - find and quote one post where I said I am against this or any other museum.

Since you going to fail on the first task, here is the second - find your lost chromosome immediately, since things like you wrote in your post cant be written by normal person, only by Retard American.

You don't read well. I underlined in your post the incorrect thing you said, and my post was directly aimed at that statement. YOU FAIL in reading comprehension well as putting 2 and 2 together. Go back to grammar school.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
Why is it that we as a country condoned slavery? The fact that parts of this nation fought against integration is bizarre. As a white person I support the museum. Backwards ass people don't like the idea.
Wrong. Division has never created unity. If I'm wrong please provide an example. The leftists use division for power the same way men have always used it, divide and conquer.

We could also have an Italian American museum, they were treated horribly when they first came in droves. Same with the Irish. The Chinese were slaves by another name. Japanese were rounded up during WW2 and imprisoned. Hispanics, well do we need to go on?

Leftists have it ass bass ackwards. The USA was founded under the principle of e pluribus unum, 'out of many, one' and they have turned it into 'out of one, many.'

Yep, racism is bad and I live in the segregated south, not a pretty picture. Moving from NYC to rural Mississippi was an experience. But I saw less racism there that up north. You may be puzzled over that but it's true. There's a lot of segregation these days, but it's all voluntary.

We could all go back in time and find our ancestors treated bad, enslaved, murdered, raped, etc. It's the history of the world. That's not to say the African American experience wasn't unique here but most blacks here don't even come from slave lineage and I'll bet that doesn't even deserve mention at the museum.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Yes of course, there is no such term as Irish American, Italian American, Asian American, Native American, Jewish American, etc.,

There is, however, a term that applies to you: Racist American.

Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC? Do you know that there is a Native American museum? Do you think that is a bad thing? Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum? You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans? The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts? You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.
Is there a Gay American museum yet? Maybe we can litter the landscape with every conceivable variation instead of one big one that honors all who came here, like we used to.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Yes of course, there is no such term as Irish American, Italian American, Asian American, Native American, Jewish American, etc.,

There is, however, a term that applies to you: Racist American.

Have you ever even been on the Mall in DC? Do you know that there is a Native American museum? Do you think that is a bad thing? Do you know there is a German American Heritage Museum? You got a problem with those museums? Are they exploiting the German American, Native Americans? The Jewish Museum? The Holocaust Museum? The Museum of Women in the Arts? You people are so stupid and ignorant it boggles the mind.
Is there a Gay American museum yet? Maybe we can litter the landscape with every conceivable variation instead of one big one that honors all who came here, like we used to.

The Stonewall in NYC is a National Monument dedicated to the struggles of gays....does that make you feel better?
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.

Hyphens define your Americanism, they do not replace it

You can be an elderly American, a rural American, a Texas American....It doesn't mean you are any less American
The purpose of a museum is not to be "fair" to everyone and represent all races, sexes, nationalities, states or occupations

The purpose of a museum is to educate. In this case educate about the black experience in America

I intend to visit
America is a big place. Plenty of room for Ame®icano and IceWeasy in the soon to be dumbasses of North America museum.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.
You ignored my question. What does it matter to YOU what Blacks call themselves?
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
Apparently it does. He's all broke up about it.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.

Hyphens define your Americanism, they do not replace it

You can be an elderly American, a rural American, a Texas American....It doesn't mean you are any less American
They seem to worry that it does....when others do it.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.
You ignored my question. What does it matter to YOU what Blacks call themselves?
You ignored my answer. What blacks call themselves is what we need to call them. It's changed at least three times in my life. And many aren't really black, mixed blood and not from Africa so calling someone what they aren't effects everyone with a functioning brain.

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