All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.

It is a museum dedicated to a major segment of our society. It also includes quite a bit of information on the white race Why would that offend you?

The Bonzo crew (on this forum) must be experiencing weeks of sleepless nights now that you are contributing to this particular thread. They're forever on about “Leftists!” and “Liberals!” and “Socialists!” and bleeding heart, white-guilt “knee-ga lovers” being to blame for all of their missed opportunities and perpetual under-achievements. Yet here you are …….. praising the museum … with a name like “Rightwinger!” I am enjoying this very much.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.
You ignored my question. What does it matter to YOU what Blacks call themselves?
You ignored my answer. What blacks call themselves is what we need to call them. It's changed at least three times in my life. And many aren't really black, mixed blood and not from Africa so calling someone what they aren't effects everyone with a functioning brain.
Your answer was a deflection from my question and you are still avoiding answering it. I suspect you call Blacks every derogatory name you can in private and you probably have no contact with them in your daily life. Black or African American are acceptable terms if you want to be polite. Colored was a name used by liberals in the early 20th Century and Blacks liked that better than the other White coined terms such as Negro or N*gger. Black and African American originated in the Black lexicon. Now that you have been educated I hope to see a blank space where your next post would have been.
The purpose of a museum is not to be "fair" to everyone and represent all races, sexes, nationalities, states or occupations
You mean like the Van Gogh Museum lacking any information on the history on the automobile and the trombone.

Its like opening up a museum on the history of farming and conservatives whining....Not fair, I am a plumber....why don't I get a museum?
There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.
You ignored my question. What does it matter to YOU what Blacks call themselves?
You ignored my answer. What blacks call themselves is what we need to call them. It's changed at least three times in my life. And many aren't really black, mixed blood and not from Africa so calling someone what they aren't effects everyone with a functioning brain.
Your answer was a deflection from my question and you are still avoiding answering it. I suspect you call Blacks every derogatory name you can in private and you probably have no contact with them in your daily life. Black or African American are acceptable terms if you want to be polite. Colored was a name used by liberals in the early 20th Century and Blacks liked that better than the other White coined terms such as Negro or N*gger. Black and African American originated in the Black lexicon. Now that you have been educated I hope to see a blank space where your next post would have been.
I answered your idiotic question, I can't understand it for you. You suspect I call blacks every derogatory name? Fuck you, you slimy dog turd sucking puss filled piece of shit. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a waste of human flesh.
What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.
You ignored my question. What does it matter to YOU what Blacks call themselves?
You ignored my answer. What blacks call themselves is what we need to call them. It's changed at least three times in my life. And many aren't really black, mixed blood and not from Africa so calling someone what they aren't effects everyone with a functioning brain.
Your answer was a deflection from my question and you are still avoiding answering it. I suspect you call Blacks every derogatory name you can in private and you probably have no contact with them in your daily life. Black or African American are acceptable terms if you want to be polite. Colored was a name used by liberals in the early 20th Century and Blacks liked that better than the other White coined terms such as Negro or N*gger. Black and African American originated in the Black lexicon. Now that you have been educated I hope to see a blank space where your next post would have been.
I answered your idiotic question, I can't understand it for you. You suspect I call blacks every derogatory name? Fuck you, you slimy dog turd sucking puss filled piece of shit. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a waste of human flesh.
"tsk, "tsk" You certainly have shown the world what YOU ARE with that post. Nothing I can say would top the vile ad hominem attacks that define you That won't affect your narrow world view but you might be more fun to talk too when you do cool off. Another RW idiot is reduced to an angry pile of shit.
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It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.
You ignored my question. What does it matter to YOU what Blacks call themselves?
You ignored my answer. What blacks call themselves is what we need to call them. It's changed at least three times in my life. And many aren't really black, mixed blood and not from Africa so calling someone what they aren't effects everyone with a functioning brain.
Your answer was a deflection from my question and you are still avoiding answering it. I suspect you call Blacks every derogatory name you can in private and you probably have no contact with them in your daily life. Black or African American are acceptable terms if you want to be polite. Colored was a name used by liberals in the early 20th Century and Blacks liked that better than the other White coined terms such as Negro or N*gger. Black and African American originated in the Black lexicon. Now that you have been educated I hope to see a blank space where your next post would have been.
I answered your idiotic question, I can't understand it for you. You suspect I call blacks every derogatory name? Fuck you, you slimy dog turd sucking puss filled piece of shit. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a waste of human flesh.
"tsk, "tsk" You certainly have shown the world what YOU ARE with that post. Nothing I can say would top the vile ad hominem attacks that define you That won't affect your narrow world view but you might be more fun to talk too when you do. cool off Another RW idiot is reduced to an angry pile of shit.
You attacked me you calling me a racist you turd sucking low life piece of shit. After saying I didn't answer your question, when it wasn't even directed at me, and wasn't the answer you wanted so you say it didn't exit.

You come here and insult people then claim the moral high ground? I'm keeping an eye on you turd boy. You declared war on me so it's game on.
You ignored my question. What does it matter to YOU what Blacks call themselves?
You ignored my answer. What blacks call themselves is what we need to call them. It's changed at least three times in my life. And many aren't really black, mixed blood and not from Africa so calling someone what they aren't effects everyone with a functioning brain.
Your answer was a deflection from my question and you are still avoiding answering it. I suspect you call Blacks every derogatory name you can in private and you probably have no contact with them in your daily life. Black or African American are acceptable terms if you want to be polite. Colored was a name used by liberals in the early 20th Century and Blacks liked that better than the other White coined terms such as Negro or N*gger. Black and African American originated in the Black lexicon. Now that you have been educated I hope to see a blank space where your next post would have been.
I answered your idiotic question, I can't understand it for you. You suspect I call blacks every derogatory name? Fuck you, you slimy dog turd sucking puss filled piece of shit. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a waste of human flesh.
"tsk, "tsk" You certainly have shown the world what YOU ARE with that post. Nothing I can say would top the vile ad hominem attacks that define you That won't affect your narrow world view but you might be more fun to talk too when you do. cool off Another RW idiot is reduced to an angry pile of shit.
You attacked me you calling me a racist you turd sucking low life piece of shit. After saying I didn't answer your question, when it wasn't even directed at me, and wasn't the answer you wanted so you say it didn't exit.

You come here and insult people then claim the moral high ground? I'm keeping an eye on you turd boy. You declared war on me so it's game on.
If my question wasn't directed at you why the hell did you respond to it? You jumped into the water but it was too damn hot..and you can't swim when weighed down with facts. :lol:
You ignored my answer. What blacks call themselves is what we need to call them. It's changed at least three times in my life. And many aren't really black, mixed blood and not from Africa so calling someone what they aren't effects everyone with a functioning brain.
Your answer was a deflection from my question and you are still avoiding answering it. I suspect you call Blacks every derogatory name you can in private and you probably have no contact with them in your daily life. Black or African American are acceptable terms if you want to be polite. Colored was a name used by liberals in the early 20th Century and Blacks liked that better than the other White coined terms such as Negro or N*gger. Black and African American originated in the Black lexicon. Now that you have been educated I hope to see a blank space where your next post would have been.
I answered your idiotic question, I can't understand it for you. You suspect I call blacks every derogatory name? Fuck you, you slimy dog turd sucking puss filled piece of shit. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a waste of human flesh.
"tsk, "tsk" You certainly have shown the world what YOU ARE with that post. Nothing I can say would top the vile ad hominem attacks that define you That won't affect your narrow world view but you might be more fun to talk too when you do. cool off Another RW idiot is reduced to an angry pile of shit.
You attacked me you calling me a racist you turd sucking low life piece of shit. After saying I didn't answer your question, when it wasn't even directed at me, and wasn't the answer you wanted so you say it didn't exit.

You come here and insult people then claim the moral high ground? I'm keeping an eye on you turd boy. You declared war on me so it's game on.
If my question wasn't directed at you why the hell did you respond to it? You jumped into the water but it was too damn hot..and you can't swim when weighed down with facts. :lol:
You posted it in a public forum, asshole and I did answer it. You are too stupid to talk to adults and your baby talk won't work on me. You are the one with the questions and have no facts but juvenile smugness. That isn't you winning, that's you trying to look smart. If you were you would need to try to bluff your way around it.

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
It does matter. If you are a hyphenated American you are something else first. We all come from somewhere else, even the natives migrated once upon a time.

African American really makes no sense since most were born here and those from Africa are from America. Black doesn't even really makes sense because many are mixed. obama is black because he's half white. Makes no sense.

We won't move beyond racism until liberalism is defeated.
You ignored my question. What does it matter to YOU what Blacks call themselves?
You ignored my answer. What blacks call themselves is what we need to call them. It's changed at least three times in my life. And many aren't really black, mixed blood and not from Africa so calling someone what they aren't effects everyone with a functioning brain.
Your answer was a deflection from my question and you are still avoiding answering it. I suspect you call Blacks every derogatory name you can in private and you probably have no contact with them in your daily life. Black or African American are acceptable terms if you want to be polite. Colored was a name used by liberals in the early 20th Century and Blacks liked that better than the other White coined terms such as Negro or N*gger. Black and African American originated in the Black lexicon. Now that you have been educated I hope to see a blank space where your next post would have been.
I answered your idiotic question, I can't understand it for you. You suspect I call blacks every derogatory name? Fuck you, you slimy dog turd sucking puss filled piece of shit. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a waste of human flesh.
Hmmmmm....he struck a nerve there.
Your answer was a deflection from my question and you are still avoiding answering it. I suspect you call Blacks every derogatory name you can in private and you probably have no contact with them in your daily life. Black or African American are acceptable terms if you want to be polite. Colored was a name used by liberals in the early 20th Century and Blacks liked that better than the other White coined terms such as Negro or N*gger. Black and African American originated in the Black lexicon. Now that you have been educated I hope to see a blank space where your next post would have been.
I answered your idiotic question, I can't understand it for you. You suspect I call blacks every derogatory name? Fuck you, you slimy dog turd sucking puss filled piece of shit. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a waste of human flesh.
"tsk, "tsk" You certainly have shown the world what YOU ARE with that post. Nothing I can say would top the vile ad hominem attacks that define you That won't affect your narrow world view but you might be more fun to talk too when you do. cool off Another RW idiot is reduced to an angry pile of shit.
You attacked me you calling me a racist you turd sucking low life piece of shit. After saying I didn't answer your question, when it wasn't even directed at me, and wasn't the answer you wanted so you say it didn't exit.

You come here and insult people then claim the moral high ground? I'm keeping an eye on you turd boy. You declared war on me so it's game on.
If my question wasn't directed at you why the hell did you respond to it? You jumped into the water but it was too damn hot..and you can't swim when weighed down with facts. :lol:
You posted it in a public forum, asshole and I did answer it. You are too stupid to talk to adults and your baby talk won't work on me. You are the one with the questions and have no facts but juvenile smugness. That isn't you winning, that's you trying to look smart. If you were you would need to try to bluff your way around it.

Wow! you are wayyy out there fellas…. I'll just wait until you cool off…. Go on..slink off somewhere and lick yer wounds….
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Why would they after 200 years?

Why wouldn't the unhappy ones leave? Are they afraid New Zealand won't let them in? Or is it just that they don't want to live anywhere else but countries with enough white people to take care of them?

Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

If you ever read the news, and can remember reading it for more than few minutes, you would understand the reference to New Zealand, dumbass.

Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, like their Supreme Court Justice will if Trump is elected. You're a fricking moron, so you have these Emily Letella Moments probably every 10 minutes. Go huff on your bong again and post some more idiotic gibberish.

Not a single one of of the famous gimps who cried all about how they were moving to other countries if the evil racist Trump were elected cited any African or South American country.
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The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Why would they after 200 years?

Why wouldn't the unhappy ones leave? Are they afraid New Zealand won't let them in? Or is it just that they don't want to live anywhere else but countries with enough white people to take care of them?

Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

If you ever read the news, and can remember reading it for more than few minutes, you would understand the reference to New Zealand, dumbass.

Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, like their Supreme Court Justice will if Trump is elected. You're a fricking moron, so you have these Emily Letella Moments probably every 10 minutes. Go huff on your bong again and post some more idiotic gibberish.

Blacks helped build THIS country

Why should they go to another one?
And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Why would they after 200 years?

Why wouldn't the unhappy ones leave? Are they afraid New Zealand won't let them in? Or is it just that they don't want to live anywhere else but countries with enough white people to take care of them?

Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

If you ever read the news, and can remember reading it for more than few minutes, you would understand the reference to New Zealand, dumbass.

Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, like their Supreme Court Justice will if Trump is elected. You're a fricking moron, so you have these Emily Letella Moments probably every 10 minutes. Go huff on your bong again and post some more idiotic gibberish.

Blacks helped build THIS country

Why should they go to another one?

Right, and some 3,000 Chinese built all the railroads, too. We've all heard that meme before. I know most fake 'leftists' think that's a big 'talking point', but if they really believe that then they would be crying out for the Irish to get reparations first, and this topic would be about an Irish museum, not a black museum.
I answered your idiotic question, I can't understand it for you. You suspect I call blacks every derogatory name? Fuck you, you slimy dog turd sucking puss filled piece of shit. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a waste of human flesh.
"tsk, "tsk" You certainly have shown the world what YOU ARE with that post. Nothing I can say would top the vile ad hominem attacks that define you That won't affect your narrow world view but you might be more fun to talk too when you do. cool off Another RW idiot is reduced to an angry pile of shit.
You attacked me you calling me a racist you turd sucking low life piece of shit. After saying I didn't answer your question, when it wasn't even directed at me, and wasn't the answer you wanted so you say it didn't exit.

You come here and insult people then claim the moral high ground? I'm keeping an eye on you turd boy. You declared war on me so it's game on.
If my question wasn't directed at you why the hell did you respond to it? You jumped into the water but it was too damn hot..and you can't swim when weighed down with facts. :lol:
You posted it in a public forum, asshole and I did answer it. You are too stupid to talk to adults and your baby talk won't work on me. You are the one with the questions and have no facts but juvenile smugness. That isn't you winning, that's you trying to look smart. If you were you would need to try to bluff your way around it.

Wow! you are wayyy out there fellas…. I'll just wait until you cool off…. Go on..slink off somewhere and lick yer wounds….
Come back when you grow some peach fuzz boy. You have nothing to contribute.
Why would they after 200 years?

Why wouldn't the unhappy ones leave? Are they afraid New Zealand won't let them in? Or is it just that they don't want to live anywhere else but countries with enough white people to take care of them?

Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

If you ever read the news, and can remember reading it for more than few minutes, you would understand the reference to New Zealand, dumbass.

Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, like their Supreme Court Justice will if Trump is elected. You're a fricking moron, so you have these Emily Letella Moments probably every 10 minutes. Go huff on your bong again and post some more idiotic gibberish.

Blacks helped build THIS country

Why should they go to another one?

Right, and some 3,000 Chinese built all the railroads, too. We've all heard that meme before. I know most fake 'leftists' think that's a big 'talking point', but if they really believe that then they would be crying out for the Irish to get reparations first, and this topic would be about an Irish museum, not a black museum.

Nobody is objecting to an Irish museum

Why don't you get the financing together to build one?

I would like to visit
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An overwhelming number of reviews of the new museum have been favorable. It should be one of the better additions to the National Mall. Tickets are hard to find
Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, .
Congratulations. You have just managed to parade your racist attitude .... on TWO LEVELS! Care to try for three?

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