All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.

Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, .
Congratulations. You have just managed to parade your racist attitude .... on TWO LEVELS! Care to try for three?
That's a fact, not racism. African nations are poorly managed and many live in squalor. There's nothing stopping people from leaving is there?
Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, .
Congratulations. You have just managed to parade your racist attitude .... on TWO LEVELS! Care to try for three?

I see you still think you can play semantics without proving yourself stupid. Can you prove Eldridge Cleaver was a racist?
Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, .
Congratulations. You have just managed to parade your racist attitude .... on TWO LEVELS! Care to try for three?
That's a fact, not racism. African nations are poorly managed and many live in squalor. There's nothing stopping people from leaving is there?

No there isn't, and we know all these 'progressives' and fake 'liberals' who cry about leaving never choose black or brown countries to flee to, they choose New Zealand instead. Most Muslim 'refugees' race for the white countries, most latinos, most Africans, etc. Isn't that pretty odd, all of them racing to such awful Christian infested racist hellholes like Europe and the U.S.? Sounds like a bunch of gimps are full of shit, doesn't it?
Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, .
Congratulations. You have just managed to parade your racist attitude .... on TWO LEVELS! Care to try for three?

I see you still think you can play semantics without proving yourself stupid. Can you prove Eldridge Cleaver was a racist?
Eldridge Cleaver's dog can see that your previous reply was racist .... to the bone. You can impress the boys and girls in the high school parking lot (during recess) with your short-cut cliches and catch-phrases but it cuts no ice with me. The problem you are having is that you don't understand what those cliches mean ..... I do.
Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, .
Congratulations. You have just managed to parade your racist attitude .... on TWO LEVELS! Care to try for three?

I see you still think you can play semantics without proving yourself stupid. Can you prove Eldridge Cleaver was a racist?
Eldridge Cleaver's dog can see that your previous reply was racist .... to the bone. You can impress the boys and girls in the high school parking lot (during recess) with your short-cut cliches and catch-phrases but it cuts no ice with me. The problem you are having is that you don't understand what those cliches mean ..... I do.
In other words you'll put words in people's mouths to make your case. That's what all leftists do. They are NOT liberal or progressive, they lie even to themselves about what they are. They are leftists. Big government, over bearing, micro-managing, intolerant and prejudiced leftists.
Eldridge Cleaver's dog can see that your previous reply was racist .... to the bone. .

Yes, we know your level of 'intellect' is about in the range of his dog. We also note you never answer questions, just post strings of fallacies and distortions of what others say, trying to fake it. You have nothing here either. Are you trying to imitate that bozo in the CDZ who thinks he's fooling anybody? Bad role model for you pseudo-intellectual fashion victims. I can recommend some texts on logical and discussions for you to study, if you want to up your game, but be forewarned they require attention spans and real intellectual capabilities, so very likely you wouldn't be able to make it through them.

And I'll add your progressive and faux liberal heroes also prefer Canada as well as New Zealand to run to, again never any of these countries that have true 'Diversity'. Why is that, again? Right, they're more racist than any Republican when it comes to their own personal preferences.
Most American blacks wouldn't be be caught dead moving to Africa. Like Eldridge Cleaver, they know it sucks; they would move to another white country, .
Congratulations. You have just managed to parade your racist attitude .... on TWO LEVELS! Care to try for three?

I see you still think you can play semantics without proving yourself stupid. Can you prove Eldridge Cleaver was a racist?
Eldridge Cleaver's dog can see that your previous reply was racist .... to the bone. You can impress the boys and girls in the high school parking lot (during recess) with your short-cut cliches and catch-phrases but it cuts no ice with me. The problem you are having is that you don't understand what those cliches mean ..... I do.

lol ... I bet you think Bill Clinton was successful at playing the 'what the meaning of 'is' is' game. He failed, and you're far worse at it. Fooled you, though.

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?
Yes, we know your level of 'intellect' is about in the range of his dog. We also note you never answer questions, just post strings of fallacies and distortions of what others say, trying to fake it. You have nothing here either. Are you trying to imitate that bozo in the CDZ who thinks he's fooling anybody? Bad role model for you pseudo-intellectual fashion victims. I can recommend some texts on logical and discussions for you to study, if you want to up your game, but be forewarned they require attention spans and real intellectual capabilities, so very likely you wouldn't be able to make it through them.

And I'll add your progressive and faux liberal heroes also prefer Canada as well as New Zealand to run to, again never any of these countries that have true 'Diversity'. Why is that, again? Right, they're more racist than any Republican when it comes to their own personal preferences.
You're a glutton for your own 'wordy' cliche and catch-phrasing ignorance.

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?
Every day, I wake up and thank God we dropped atomic bombs on Japan and the only thing I wish is that we dropped more.

Here is a fact everyone about the zipper head pervert....

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.
A race specific museum seems a little weird since we are post racial. Why build a museum specialized to one race? Why not just expand the current Smithsonian and be all inclusive of all races? Something seems a little off kilter here.
It is a museum dedicated to a major segment of our society. It also includes quite a bit of information on the white race

Why would that offend you?

Maybe getting a little tired of hearing how horrible whites are, maybe.
Straighten up your act and that will change. You and your ancestors are responsible for some of the worst atrocities known to mankind.

His ancestors invented rap music?
No. River dancing.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?
Obviously your white boy logic has confused you. I call myself Black, African American, and Melanin God. Not all Blacks are African american you dummy. some are (Whatever country) american.
Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

There is no such thing as African American. That term is invented to satisfy leftist PC police and even that term is wrong since is implying that every black is African American. Hint: it's not.

I don't know why some blacks are insisting on being called African Americans. What's wrong with being just American? To satisfy the PC police, should whites insist on being called European Americans?

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!
You have to understand the psychology of inbred white guys such as ameericano. They have to feel as if they are dictating things to people. It comes from their inferiority complex driven feelings of not mattering. It angers them when they are ignored. So he says there is no such thing as an African american. However, we know thats his illiterate reality and laugh at him.

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

I was waiting for a Trump voter to object to this museum.

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

I was waiting for a Trump voter to object to this museum.

Trump demands a museum documenting the plight of orange people
Anyone can propose a museum, memorial or monument be established on Federal property in Washington, DC. They are normally privately funded and take years of dedicated work to establish and implement. They have to be guided through a long line of approvals, including congress controlled approvals. Hence, whether a museum is given a prominent location on or near the Mall in the nation's Capitol is dependent on fundraising and lobbying efforts of those proposing the project. Even National War Memorials with massive support from the public take years to establish.

There are ample opportunities for people or groups who oppose the establishment of these memorials or museums to voice objections and prevent them from being established. Those who object after the memorial or museum is finally built are just whiners who could not organize or put in the necessary work to prevent the memorial or museum from being established. Sore losers so to speak.
Notice how the pathetic cliches of the left still do not and will never acknowledge the true history of THE BLACKS in this country?

The left are so pathetic.

I notice too how they agree that it really is not a museum about black history and that it is mainly about ALL blacks being victims of whitey museum.

Higlighted by that ugly looking structure that resembles a slave ship.

Lol at the pathetic patronizing racist left. They are so stupid. Especially that asian dripping poop pervert.

Rightwinger is just dumb.

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?
Every day, I wake up and thank God we dropped atomic bombs on Japan .....

No, you don't.

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