All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.


Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?

Maybe pointless to you but not to me. Sometimes one must say it over and over again until what is being said sinks in. Your zionist buddies do thet with their control of the main scream.

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?

Maybe pointless to you but not to me. Sometimes one must say it over and over again until what is being said sinks in.....

And sometimes it's just OCD.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out .........Think before you speak.

I represent the people who use common sense and logic, not the ones that live on emotionalism and foolish politically correct talk like you always throw up. The white race is the most intelligent race on earth. Everything that you see and use in your grandma's basement was pretty much invented by white people. Hey, you are just going to have to live with that. I do. :banana:

Really? It was the Ethiopians that invented steel, and it was the Arabs that came up with the concept of zero.

Go ahead..............tell me again how much smarter whites are than everyone else.

Wanna talk about the Chinese and their inventions of things like gunpowder, repeating crossbows and earthquake detectors?

Seeing that you appear to think that you know so much about inventions why don't you now start listing off some white inventions? There are a hell of a lot to list. The problem with politically correct emotional fools like you is that white people should only be seen as racists and bigots and Nazis, not be seen for their way more accomplishments that the white people have contributed to the world. I never see white people running en masse to non-white countries like we see so many non-whites running to white countries.

There must be a good reason for that, uhmm? Over to you.

Never said anything against whites, just said that they aren't the only ones who are smart, because there are many inventions and concepts over the years (many of which are important to the whole of mankind) that were thought up by people who weren't white.

You said whites were the smartest race on earth. I showed you where other races came up with important inventions and ideas. Nothing bad was said against whites.

That's just your bigotry showing again.

By the way..............I'm white. My ancestry is Norwegian, German, Scottish, English and French.

Lets just say that just about everything in your house that you see and use today is pretty much a white man's invention. A way lot more than what any non-whites ever invented. Would we have vehicles for all kinds of transportation that we use, trains included or planes that fly in the sky or all the appliances that you use in your house or the TV, radio or computer that you are using right now if it were not for good old whitey? White people have a lot to be proud of. But thanks to the anti-white establishment and their controlled puppet media out there, whites are purposely being pushed aside, and they are pretty much told that they have nothing to be proud about. Well, screw that. We have a lot to be proud of, and it is time for white people to start to show their pride in who they are and what they have accomplished and contributed to the world.

Ever consider the fact that those white folks wouldn't be able to come up with even a fourth of those inventions without the invention of steel, or the concept of zero?

The concept of zero is one of the things that makes your computer operate. It also helps to expand mathematics quite a bit. much of your car is made of steel?

When you said that the Ethiopians were the ones that invented steel is not true. There were many cultures throughout history that invented various types of steel overtime. If the Ethiopians were that smart as you like to make them appear to be, then why are they still living pretty much back in the stone age? Why did they not invent the car or the airplane for instance if they are so smart as you say? Or did they get the idea from some other culture and ended up producing some sort of inferior steel for their own use. From my understanding there are many types of steels out there. No one knows for sure where the invention of steel came about. So, the Chinese came up with

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?
Every day, I wake up and thank God we dropped atomic bombs on Japan .....

No, you don't.

Dripping poop? Cool description and name for you. :badgrin:
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out .........Think before you speak.


Are you and rightwinger playing a tag team here?
Really? It was the Ethiopians that invented steel, and it was the Arabs that came up with the concept of zero.

Go ahead..............tell me again how much smarter whites are than everyone else.

Wanna talk about the Chinese and their inventions of things like gunpowder, repeating crossbows and earthquake detectors?

Seeing that you appear to think that you know so much about inventions why don't you now start listing off some white inventions? There are a hell of a lot to list. The problem with politically correct emotional fools like you is that white people should only be seen as racists and bigots and Nazis, not be seen for their way more accomplishments that the white people have contributed to the world. I never see white people running en masse to non-white countries like we see so many non-whites running to white countries.

There must be a good reason for that, uhmm? Over to you.

Never said anything against whites, just said that they aren't the only ones who are smart, because there are many inventions and concepts over the years (many of which are important to the whole of mankind) that were thought up by people who weren't white.

You said whites were the smartest race on earth. I showed you where other races came up with important inventions and ideas. Nothing bad was said against whites.

That's just your bigotry showing again.

By the way..............I'm white. My ancestry is Norwegian, German, Scottish, English and French.

Lets just say that just about everything in your house that you see and use today is pretty much a white man's invention. A way lot more than what any non-whites ever invented. Would we have vehicles for all kinds of transportation that we use, trains included or planes that fly in the sky or all the appliances that you use in your house or the TV, radio or computer that you are using right now if it were not for good old whitey? White people have a lot to be proud of. But thanks to the anti-white establishment and their controlled puppet media out there, whites are purposely being pushed aside, and they are pretty much told that they have nothing to be proud about. Well, screw that. We have a lot to be proud of, and it is time for white people to start to show their pride in who they are and what they have accomplished and contributed to the world.

Ever consider the fact that those white folks wouldn't be able to come up with even a fourth of those inventions without the invention of steel, or the concept of zero?

The concept of zero is one of the things that makes your computer operate. It also helps to expand mathematics quite a bit. much of your car is made of steel?

When you said that the Ethiopians were the ones that invented steel is not true. There were many cultures throughout history that invented various types of steel overtime. If the Ethiopians were that smart as you like to make them appear to be, then why are they still living pretty much back in the stone age? Why did they not invent the car or the airplane for instance if they are so smart as you say? Or did they get the idea from some other culture and ended up producing some sort of inferior steel for their own use. From my understanding there are many types of steels out there. No one knows for sure where the invention of steel came about. So, the Chinese came up with

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?
Every day, I wake up and thank God we dropped atomic bombs on Japan .....

No, you don't.

Dripping poop? Cool description and name for you. :badgrin:

Actually, at one time Ethiopia had a pretty decent culture going. But, like many other cultures over the years, they went into decline and now have ended up where they are now.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Our history is a great one. The way blacks, women, and natives were treated is only relevant if you are a white male hating racist.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Our history is a great one. The way blacks, women, and natives were treated is only relevant if you are a white male hating racist.
No, it is part of the total story of America
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Well, that is convenient. You want to just ignore the slave trade that brought the slaves here. Slavery, is your favorite fucking topic and of course you want to ignore it. Hence, your fucking one sided patronizing ignorance. Ass.

Also, you should know that most if not all slaves brought here, were in fact slaves already. They were not KIDNAPPED BY WHITES.

Ahhhhh, but you keep on with your patronizing shit.

All while ignoring WHO freed them, WHO desegregated the schools, WHO signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, WHO signed MLK Day as an official holiday, WHO does NOT patronize them for votes, WHO does not give them false promises for votes, WHO does not make a living by keeping and promoting their grievances.

You, and every last piece of shit like you are ignorant fucking pawns, who present half baked bullshit and yell in your fucking echo chambers. ALL while you help enslave their minds by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

You pieces of shit.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities

Black Africans were kidnapping other black Africans for the slave trade. The ships that brought them over were owned by Jews. When it comes to talking about slavery in America, it is only old whitey who gets all the fame and blame for the history of black slavery in America. White people can never be portrayed as doing anything right or good for man kind. Yes, the white man was involved with the slave trade but everyone seems to over look the fact that it was the white man in the end who got rid of and abolished slavery. But we won't mention that little tid bit. Old whitey then might get some credit for doing something good for a change. Shocking.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Well, that is convenient. You want to just ignore the slave trade that brought the slaves here. Slavery, is your favorite fucking topic and of course you want to ignore it. Hence, your fucking one sided patronizing ignorance. Ass.

Also, you should know that most if not all slaves brought here, were in fact slaves already. They were not KIDNAPPED BY WHITES.

Ahhhhh, but you keep on with your patronizing shit.

All while ignoring WHO freed them, WHO desegregated the schools, WHO signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, WHO signed MLK Day as an official holiday, WHO does NOT patronize them for votes, WHO does not give them false promises for votes, WHO does not make a living by keeping and promoting their grievances.

You, and every last piece of shit like you are ignorant fucking pawns, who present half baked bullshit and yell in your fucking echo chambers. ALL while you help enslave their minds by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

You pieces of shit.

Who desegregated the schools? The Democrats.

Who signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? LBJ, a Democrat.

Yeah...........Reagan FINALLY signed legislation for MLK day, but he was against it until he was pressured guessed it................DEMOCRATS. seems like Trump and the GOP have done a lot of patronizing and sucking up to the black people trying to get their votes. Only problem is, they know when they are being used.

Yeah...............Lincoln was a Republican, and he did free the slaves, which is why they voted for Republicans for quite a while after that, but because of what LBJ did with the Civil Rights and Voting Acts, because they were Democrats, it's why the black vote shifted to the Democrats in the 60's.

Read up on history sometime, it might teach you something.
Seeing that you appear to think that you know so much about inventions why don't you now start listing off some white inventions? There are a hell of a lot to list. The problem with politically correct emotional fools like you is that white people should only be seen as racists and bigots and Nazis, not be seen for their way more accomplishments that the white people have contributed to the world. I never see white people running en masse to non-white countries like we see so many non-whites running to white countries.

There must be a good reason for that, uhmm? Over to you.

Never said anything against whites, just said that they aren't the only ones who are smart, because there are many inventions and concepts over the years (many of which are important to the whole of mankind) that were thought up by people who weren't white.

You said whites were the smartest race on earth. I showed you where other races came up with important inventions and ideas. Nothing bad was said against whites.

That's just your bigotry showing again.

By the way..............I'm white. My ancestry is Norwegian, German, Scottish, English and French.

Lets just say that just about everything in your house that you see and use today is pretty much a white man's invention. A way lot more than what any non-whites ever invented. Would we have vehicles for all kinds of transportation that we use, trains included or planes that fly in the sky or all the appliances that you use in your house or the TV, radio or computer that you are using right now if it were not for good old whitey? White people have a lot to be proud of. But thanks to the anti-white establishment and their controlled puppet media out there, whites are purposely being pushed aside, and they are pretty much told that they have nothing to be proud about. Well, screw that. We have a lot to be proud of, and it is time for white people to start to show their pride in who they are and what they have accomplished and contributed to the world.

Ever consider the fact that those white folks wouldn't be able to come up with even a fourth of those inventions without the invention of steel, or the concept of zero?

The concept of zero is one of the things that makes your computer operate. It also helps to expand mathematics quite a bit. much of your car is made of steel?

When you said that the Ethiopians were the ones that invented steel is not true. There were many cultures throughout history that invented various types of steel overtime. If the Ethiopians were that smart as you like to make them appear to be, then why are they still living pretty much back in the stone age? Why did they not invent the car or the airplane for instance if they are so smart as you say? Or did they get the idea from some other culture and ended up producing some sort of inferior steel for their own use. From my understanding there are many types of steels out there. No one knows for sure where the invention of steel came about. So, the Chinese came up with
Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?
Every day, I wake up and thank God we dropped atomic bombs on Japan .....

No, you don't.

Dripping poop? Cool description and name for you. :badgrin:

Actually, at one time Ethiopia had a pretty decent culture going. But, like many other cultures over the years, they went into decline and now have ended up where they are now.

Yup, at the bottom of the ladder. Black Africans will never get beyond where they started from since time began because they do not have the intellect to do so. Every where one prettey much goes in any country dominated by Blacks shows nothing but dictatorships and poverty and wars among each other. They are not capable of entering the modern world without the help of other races of people. In America there are black ghettoes every where. Why? Because they prefer to remain in poverty rather than build up their cities where they live. White people do, so what is wrong with black people doing the same. Why do they always just sit around and wait for old whitey to show up and get things going? Take this as racism if you want too but this appears to be the facts. When Haiti had that earthquake many years ago, it took old whitey to go in there and try to help clean the mess up. And still today, Haiti is in a mess. Why? I think that anyone with an ounce of brains knows why. The people living there are pretty much useless in trying to help themselves. Blacks may cry and whine all the time about how hard done by they are by old whitey but if things are that bad for them in America well there is always Africa to go too. But something tells me that will not happen because they already know that could end up being a bigger problem for them. It is safer to be in America.
All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Well, that is convenient. You want to just ignore the slave trade that brought the slaves here. Slavery, is your favorite fucking topic and of course you want to ignore it. Hence, your fucking one sided patronizing ignorance. Ass.

Also, you should know that most if not all slaves brought here, were in fact slaves already. They were not KIDNAPPED BY WHITES.

Ahhhhh, but you keep on with your patronizing shit.

All while ignoring WHO freed them, WHO desegregated the schools, WHO signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, WHO signed MLK Day as an official holiday, WHO does NOT patronize them for votes, WHO does not give them false promises for votes, WHO does not make a living by keeping and promoting their grievances.

You, and every last piece of shit like you are ignorant fucking pawns, who present half baked bullshit and yell in your fucking echo chambers. ALL while you help enslave their minds by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

You pieces of shit.

Who desegregated the schools? The Democrats.

Who signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? LBJ, a Democrat.

Yeah...........Reagan FINALLY signed legislation for MLK day, but he was against it until he was pressured guessed it................DEMOCRATS. seems like Trump and the GOP have done a lot of patronizing and sucking up to the black people trying to get their votes. Only problem is, they know when they are being used.

Yeah...............Lincoln was a Republican, and he did free the slaves, which is why they voted for Republicans for quite a while after that, but because of what LBJ did with the Civil Rights and Voting Acts, because they were Democrats, it's why the black vote shifted to the Democrats in the 60's.

Read up on history sometime, it might teach you something.
You are full of shit.
Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Well, that is convenient. You want to just ignore the slave trade that brought the slaves here. Slavery, is your favorite fucking topic and of course you want to ignore it. Hence, your fucking one sided patronizing ignorance. Ass.

Also, you should know that most if not all slaves brought here, were in fact slaves already. They were not KIDNAPPED BY WHITES.

Ahhhhh, but you keep on with your patronizing shit.

All while ignoring WHO freed them, WHO desegregated the schools, WHO signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, WHO signed MLK Day as an official holiday, WHO does NOT patronize them for votes, WHO does not give them false promises for votes, WHO does not make a living by keeping and promoting their grievances.

You, and every last piece of shit like you are ignorant fucking pawns, who present half baked bullshit and yell in your fucking echo chambers. ALL while you help enslave their minds by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

You pieces of shit.

Who desegregated the schools? The Democrats.

Who signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? LBJ, a Democrat.

Yeah...........Reagan FINALLY signed legislation for MLK day, but he was against it until he was pressured guessed it................DEMOCRATS. seems like Trump and the GOP have done a lot of patronizing and sucking up to the black people trying to get their votes. Only problem is, they know when they are being used.

Yeah...............Lincoln was a Republican, and he did free the slaves, which is why they voted for Republicans for quite a while after that, but because of what LBJ did with the Civil Rights and Voting Acts, because they were Democrats, it's why the black vote shifted to the Democrats in the 60's.

Read up on history sometime, it might teach you something.
You are full of shit.

Prove me wrong then....................I have links that I can post to back up my claims.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Well, that is convenient. You want to just ignore the slave trade that brought the slaves here. Slavery, is your favorite fucking topic and of course you want to ignore it. Hence, your fucking one sided patronizing ignorance. Ass.

Also, you should know that most if not all slaves brought here, were in fact slaves already. They were not KIDNAPPED BY WHITES.

Ahhhhh, but you keep on with your patronizing shit.

All while ignoring WHO freed them, WHO desegregated the schools, WHO signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, WHO signed MLK Day as an official holiday, WHO does NOT patronize them for votes, WHO does not give them false promises for votes, WHO does not make a living by keeping and promoting their grievances.

You, and every last piece of shit like you are ignorant fucking pawns, who present half baked bullshit and yell in your fucking echo chambers. ALL while you help enslave their minds by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

You pieces of shit.

The slave trade ended around 1800 and African slaves were banned. We are responsible for what we did as the United States. Though Europe was critical to the import of slaves from Africa, they abandoned slavery in the 1830s.
It was the United States that was among the last civilized country to abandon slavery. It was the United States who would not give up slavery without a fight. It was the United States that needed 600,000 dead to purge itself of slavery
It was the United States that insisted on second class citizenship for blacks
That is why we needed a museum on the National Mall
All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Well, that is convenient. You want to just ignore the slave trade that brought the slaves here. Slavery, is your favorite fucking topic and of course you want to ignore it. Hence, your fucking one sided patronizing ignorance. Ass.

Also, you should know that most if not all slaves brought here, were in fact slaves already. They were not KIDNAPPED BY WHITES.

Ahhhhh, but you keep on with your patronizing shit.

All while ignoring WHO freed them, WHO desegregated the schools, WHO signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, WHO signed MLK Day as an official holiday, WHO does NOT patronize them for votes, WHO does not give them false promises for votes, WHO does not make a living by keeping and promoting their grievances.

You, and every last piece of shit like you are ignorant fucking pawns, who present half baked bullshit and yell in your fucking echo chambers. ALL while you help enslave their minds by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

You pieces of shit.

Who desegregated the schools? The Democrats.

Who signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? LBJ, a Democrat.

Yeah...........Reagan FINALLY signed legislation for MLK day, but he was against it until he was pressured guessed it................DEMOCRATS. seems like Trump and the GOP have done a lot of patronizing and sucking up to the black people trying to get their votes. Only problem is, they know when they are being used.

Yeah...............Lincoln was a Republican, and he did free the slaves, which is why they voted for Republicans for quite a while after that, but because of what LBJ did with the Civil Rights and Voting Acts, because they were Democrats, it's why the black vote shifted to the Democrats in the 60's.

Read up on history sometime, it might teach you something.

The Democrats are the ones who are fooling the black people. As Trump has said many times, the Democrats have been in power for eight years with a black President and the blacks are no better off today then they were ten years ago. Black people have a better chance with the Republicans then they ever will with the Democrats. A vote for Democrats is a vote for more bullchit for them. It is up to them to wake up and vote for Trump, and not Hitlery, as some people have called her.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities

Black Africans were kidnapping other black Africans for the slave trade. The ships that brought them over were owned by Jews. When it comes to talking about slavery in America, it is only old whitey who gets all the fame and blame for the history of black slavery in America. White people can never be portrayed as doing anything right or good for man kind. Yes, the white man was involved with the slave trade but everyone seems to over look the fact that it was the white man in the end who got rid of and abolished slavery. But we won't mention that little tid bit. Old whitey then might get some credit for doing something good for a change. Shocking.
Which has nothing to do with the actions of the United States
Whitey in the UNITED STATES gets the blame because we not only tolerated a despised institution but we gained great profit from it
It took American whites 600,000 dead to purge slavery
Even then, we could only offer second class citizenship

It is all covered in the museum
Well let's look at that

As you are well aware, white society represented over 80% of the population for 300 years. They are a major part of the American story. White males are also the ones who got to write the story. Events such as Black History Month, Women's History, Celebrations of Native Americans get to expand the story to include those who were brushed aside by our society.
Oh, so you want to discuss the history of slavery in Africa? All lies right? That is it. Right? You think the white Europeans showed up with nets on the continent of Africa and just "kidnapped" blacks? You think the muslims did not have a slave trade for 700 (Trans Sahara) years before the Europeans got involved?

You are an ignorant patronizing brainwashed racist piece of shit. Nothing more.
No, I want to talk about the history of OUR country, not Africa
We are responsible for our own actions in how we treated blacks, Indians, women and minorities
Well, that is convenient. You want to just ignore the slave trade that brought the slaves here. Slavery, is your favorite fucking topic and of course you want to ignore it. Hence, your fucking one sided patronizing ignorance. Ass.

Also, you should know that most if not all slaves brought here, were in fact slaves already. They were not KIDNAPPED BY WHITES.

Ahhhhh, but you keep on with your patronizing shit.

All while ignoring WHO freed them, WHO desegregated the schools, WHO signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, WHO signed MLK Day as an official holiday, WHO does NOT patronize them for votes, WHO does not give them false promises for votes, WHO does not make a living by keeping and promoting their grievances.

You, and every last piece of shit like you are ignorant fucking pawns, who present half baked bullshit and yell in your fucking echo chambers. ALL while you help enslave their minds by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

You pieces of shit.

Who desegregated the schools? The Democrats.

Who signed and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? LBJ, a Democrat.

Yeah...........Reagan FINALLY signed legislation for MLK day, but he was against it until he was pressured guessed it................DEMOCRATS. seems like Trump and the GOP have done a lot of patronizing and sucking up to the black people trying to get their votes. Only problem is, they know when they are being used.

Yeah...............Lincoln was a Republican, and he did free the slaves, which is why they voted for Republicans for quite a while after that, but because of what LBJ did with the Civil Rights and Voting Acts, because they were Democrats, it's why the black vote shifted to the Democrats in the 60's.

Read up on history sometime, it might teach you something.

The Democrats are the ones who are fooling the black people. As Trump has said many times, the Democrats have been in power for eight years with a black President and the blacks are no better off today then they were ten years ago. Black people have a better chance with the Republicans then they ever will with the Democrats. A vote for Democrats is a vote for more bullchit for them. It is up to them to wake up and vote for Trump, and not Hitlery, as some people have called her.
But blacks ARE much better off

Black unemployment has dropped 6 percent under Obama.

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