All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.

White people weren't "slaves" in the normal sense, they were actually indentured servants, meaning that they would work for (usually) 7 years for someone in exchange for passage to America.

Indentured servants eventually became free when their contract was up. Slaves didn't become free until they were planted in the ground.

Sounds like something pretty close to slavery to me.

Indentured servitude has a time limit. Slavery doesn't. How does that continue to elude you?
Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?

Seriously...where do you assholes come from?

We celebrate black history, it is long overdue and is a vital record of what they went through in helping create America

Save your white history and white slavery bullshit for your next Aryan nation meeting
Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.

White people weren't "slaves" in the normal sense, they were actually indentured servants, meaning that they would work for (usually) 7 years for someone in exchange for passage to America.

Indentured servants eventually became free when their contract was up. Slaves didn't become free until they were planted in the ground.

Sounds like something pretty close to slavery to me.
Not even close...blacks were in chattel slavery which means they had the legal standing of animals
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

"We"? Who told you that YOU represent all white people? Or that you are intelligent or civilized?

I represent the people who use common sense and logic, not the ones that live on emotionalism and foolish politically correct talk like you always throw up. The white race is the most intelligent race on earth. Everything that you see and use in your grandma's basement was pretty much invented by white people. Hey, you are just going to have to live with that. I do. :banana:
And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

"We"? Who told you that YOU represent all white people? Or that you are intelligent or civilized?

I represent the people who use common sense and logic, not the ones that live on emotionalism and foolish politically correct talk like you always throw up. The white race is the most intelligent race on earth. Everything that you see and use in your grandma's basement was pretty much invented by white people. Hey, you are just going to have to live with that. I do. :banana:

Really? It was the Ethiopians that invented steel, and it was the Arabs that came up with the concept of zero.

Go ahead..............tell me again how much smarter whites are than everyone else.

Wanna talk about the Chinese and their inventions of things like gunpowder, repeating crossbows and earthquake detectors?
White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?

Seriously...where do you assholes come from?

We celebrate black history, it is long overdue and is a vital record of what they went through in helping create America

Save your white history and white slavery bullshit for your next Aryan nation meeting

I asked you a simple question and that was why isn't there a "White History Month"? Should be simple enough for an intelligent person to answer and debate? But what do I get from you instead? An insult. You are typical of those unkatore types? When confronted with a simple question, you prefer to attack and insult instead of answering the question.

I wish that there were more Aryan meetings going on. Gawd only knows we need more because there are way to many anti-white meetings going on instead. Your tribe is making sure of that. Btw, David Duke says hi. :badgrin:
And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

"We"? Who told you that YOU represent all white people? Or that you are intelligent or civilized?

I represent the people who use common sense and logic, not the ones that live on emotionalism and foolish politically correct talk like you always throw up. The white race is the most intelligent race on earth. Everything that you see and use in your grandma's basement was pretty much invented by white people. Hey, you are just going to have to live with that. I do. :banana:

My must really eat at your white supremacy to have them actually build a museum celibrating the history and accomplishments of another race

It must have really driven you nuts when Obama was elected
The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?

Seriously...where do you assholes come from?

We celebrate black history, it is long overdue and is a vital record of what they went through in helping create America

Save your white history and white slavery bullshit for your next Aryan nation meeting

I asked you a simple question and that was why isn't there a "White History Month"? Should be simple enough for an intelligent person to answer and debate? But what do I get from you instead? An insult. You are typical of those unkatore types? When confronted with a simple question, you prefer to attack and insult instead of answering the question.

I wish that there were more Aryan meetings going on. Gawd only knows we need more because there are way to many anti-white meetings going on instead. Your tribe is making sure of that. Btw, David Duke says hi. :badgrin:

Ever consider that we really don't need a white history month? There are days in almost every month that honor white people. President's Day? Celebrates white men. Christmas? Celebrates a white man, same with Easter.

Why exactly would we need a white history month? BTW................St. Patrick's Day? A celebration for the Irish (whites).

I'm sure I could come up with many others if I thought about it...............
The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?

Seriously...where do you assholes come from?

We celebrate black history, it is long overdue and is a vital record of what they went through in helping create America

Save your white history and white slavery bullshit for your next Aryan nation meeting

I asked you a simple question and that was why isn't there a "White History Month"? Should be simple enough for an intelligent person to answer and debate? But what do I get from you instead? An insult. You are typical of those unkatore types? When confronted with a simple question, you prefer to attack and insult instead of answering the question.

I wish that there were more Aryan meetings going on. Gawd only knows we need more because there are way to many anti-white meetings going on instead. Your tribe is making sure of that. Btw, David Duke says hi. :badgrin:

Because it really wasn't needed was it?
Yet it's great to have a month recognizing the achievements and struggle of Blacks in America. The civil rights movement was the greatest Patriotic movement in our country since its founding. In fact, blacks in the 50s and 60s had a greater reason to revolt than our founding fathers
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

"We"? Who told you that YOU represent all white people? Or that you are intelligent or civilized?

I represent the people who use common sense and logic, not the ones that live on emotionalism and foolish politically correct talk like you always throw up. The white race is the most intelligent race on earth. Everything that you see and use in your grandma's basement was pretty much invented by white people. Hey, you are just going to have to live with that. I do. :banana:

Really? It was the Ethiopians that invented steel, and it was the Arabs that came up with the concept of zero.

Go ahead..............tell me again how much smarter whites are than everyone else.

Wanna talk about the Chinese and their inventions of things like gunpowder, repeating crossbows and earthquake detectors?

Seeing that you appear to think that you know so much about inventions why don't you now start listing off some white inventions? There are a hell of a lot to list. The problem with politically correct emotional fools like you is that white people should only be seen as racists and bigots and Nazis, not be seen for their way more accomplishments that the white people have contributed to the world. I never see white people running en masse to non-white countries like we see so many non-whites running to white countries.

There must be a good reason for that, uhmm? Over to you.
Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?

Seriously...where do you assholes come from?

We celebrate black history, it is long overdue and is a vital record of what they went through in helping create America

Save your white history and white slavery bullshit for your next Aryan nation meeting

I asked you a simple question and that was why isn't there a "White History Month"? Should be simple enough for an intelligent person to answer and debate? But what do I get from you instead? An insult. You are typical of those unkatore types? When confronted with a simple question, you prefer to attack and insult instead of answering the question.

I wish that there were more Aryan meetings going on. Gawd only knows we need more because there are way to many anti-white meetings going on instead. Your tribe is making sure of that. Btw, David Duke says hi. :badgrin:

Ever consider that we really don't need a white history month? There are days in almost every month that honor white people. President's Day? Celebrates white men. Christmas? Celebrates a white man, same with Easter.

Why exactly would we need a white history month? BTW................St. Patrick's Day? A celebration for the Irish (whites).

I'm sure I could come up with many others if I thought about it...............
Jesus is a white man?

What a loser.
They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

"We"? Who told you that YOU represent all white people? Or that you are intelligent or civilized?

I represent the people who use common sense and logic, not the ones that live on emotionalism and foolish politically correct talk like you always throw up. The white race is the most intelligent race on earth. Everything that you see and use in your grandma's basement was pretty much invented by white people. Hey, you are just going to have to live with that. I do. :banana:

Really? It was the Ethiopians that invented steel, and it was the Arabs that came up with the concept of zero.

Go ahead..............tell me again how much smarter whites are than everyone else.

Wanna talk about the Chinese and their inventions of things like gunpowder, repeating crossbows and earthquake detectors?

Seeing that you appear to think that you know so much about inventions why don't you now start listing off some white inventions? There are a hell of a lot to list. The problem with politically correct emotional fools like you is that white people should only be seen as racists and bigots and Nazis, not be seen for their way more accomplishments that the white people have contributed to the world. I never see white people running en masse to non-white countries like we see so many non-whites running to white countries.

There must be a good reason for that, uhmm? Over to you.

Never said anything against whites, just said that they aren't the only ones who are smart, because there are many inventions and concepts over the years (many of which are important to the whole of mankind) that were thought up by people who weren't white.

You said whites were the smartest race on earth. I showed you where other races came up with important inventions and ideas. Nothing bad was said against whites.

That's just your bigotry showing again.

By the way..............I'm white. My ancestry is Norwegian, German, Scottish, English and French.
Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?

Seriously...where do you assholes come from?

We celebrate black history, it is long overdue and is a vital record of what they went through in helping create America

Save your white history and white slavery bullshit for your next Aryan nation meeting

I asked you a simple question and that was why isn't there a "White History Month"? Should be simple enough for an intelligent person to answer and debate? But what do I get from you instead? An insult. You are typical of those unkatore types? When confronted with a simple question, you prefer to attack and insult instead of answering the question.

I wish that there were more Aryan meetings going on. Gawd only knows we need more because there are way to many anti-white meetings going on instead. Your tribe is making sure of that. Btw, David Duke says hi. :badgrin:

Ever consider that we really don't need a white history month? There are days in almost every month that honor white people. President's Day? Celebrates white men. Christmas? Celebrates a white man, same with Easter.

Why exactly would we need a white history month? BTW................St. Patrick's Day? A celebration for the Irish (whites).

I'm sure I could come up with many others if I thought about it...............

You are not getting the drift here. I said that if we can declare a Black History Month for Blacks, then why can't we declare a White History Month for whites? Celebrating a holiday is not really celebrating white people and the contributions that white people have contributed. Where is the word "WHITE" mentioned in those holidays? Get it now?
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?

Seriously...where do you assholes come from?

We celebrate black history, it is long overdue and is a vital record of what they went through in helping create America

Save your white history and white slavery bullshit for your next Aryan nation meeting

I asked you a simple question and that was why isn't there a "White History Month"? Should be simple enough for an intelligent person to answer and debate? But what do I get from you instead? An insult. You are typical of those unkatore types? When confronted with a simple question, you prefer to attack and insult instead of answering the question.

I wish that there were more Aryan meetings going on. Gawd only knows we need more because there are way to many anti-white meetings going on instead. Your tribe is making sure of that. Btw, David Duke says hi. :badgrin:

Ever consider that we really don't need a white history month? There are days in almost every month that honor white people. President's Day? Celebrates white men. Christmas? Celebrates a white man, same with Easter.

Why exactly would we need a white history month? BTW................St. Patrick's Day? A celebration for the Irish (whites).

I'm sure I could come up with many others if I thought about it...............

You are not getting the drift here. I said that if we can declare a Black History Month for Blacks, then why can't we declare a White History Month for whites? Celebrating a holiday is not really celebrating white people and the contributions that white people have contributed. Where is the word "WHITE" mentioned in those holidays? Get it now?

Can you provide a reasonable justification for a white history month? All of the history we teach is pretty much white history.

One of the reasons there is a black history month is because black people, and their positive influences in society aren't mentioned that much.
And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

"We"? Who told you that YOU represent all white people? Or that you are intelligent or civilized?

I represent the people who use common sense and logic, not the ones that live on emotionalism and foolish politically correct talk like you always throw up. The white race is the most intelligent race on earth. Everything that you see and use in your grandma's basement was pretty much invented by white people. Hey, you are just going to have to live with that. I do. :banana:

Really? It was the Ethiopians that invented steel, and it was the Arabs that came up with the concept of zero.

Go ahead..............tell me again how much smarter whites are than everyone else.

Wanna talk about the Chinese and their inventions of things like gunpowder, repeating crossbows and earthquake detectors?

Seeing that you appear to think that you know so much about inventions why don't you now start listing off some white inventions? There are a hell of a lot to list. The problem with politically correct emotional fools like you is that white people should only be seen as racists and bigots and Nazis, not be seen for their way more accomplishments that the white people have contributed to the world. I never see white people running en masse to non-white countries like we see so many non-whites running to white countries.

There must be a good reason for that, uhmm? Over to you.

Never said anything against whites, just said that they aren't the only ones who are smart, because there are many inventions and concepts over the years (many of which are important to the whole of mankind) that were thought up by people who weren't white.

You said whites were the smartest race on earth. I showed you where other races came up with important inventions and ideas. Nothing bad was said against whites.

That's just your bigotry showing again.

By the way..............I'm white. My ancestry is Norwegian, German, Scottish, English and French.

Lets just say that just about everything in your house that you see and use today is pretty much a white man's invention. A way lot more than what any non-whites ever invented. Would we have vehicles for all kinds of transportation that we use, trains included or planes that fly in the sky or all the appliances that you use in your house or the TV, radio or computer that you are using right now if it were not for good old whitey? White people have a lot to be proud of. But thanks to the anti-white establishment and their controlled puppet media out there, whites are purposely being pushed aside, and they are pretty much told that they have nothing to be proud about. Well, screw that. We have a lot to be proud of, and it is time for white people to start to show their pride in who they are and what they have accomplished and contributed to the world.
Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?

Seriously...where do you assholes come from?

We celebrate black history, it is long overdue and is a vital record of what they went through in helping create America

Save your white history and white slavery bullshit for your next Aryan nation meeting

I asked you a simple question and that was why isn't there a "White History Month"? Should be simple enough for an intelligent person to answer and debate? But what do I get from you instead? An insult. You are typical of those unkatore types? When confronted with a simple question, you prefer to attack and insult instead of answering the question.

I wish that there were more Aryan meetings going on. Gawd only knows we need more because there are way to many anti-white meetings going on instead. Your tribe is making sure of that. Btw, David Duke says hi. :badgrin:

Ever consider that we really don't need a white history month? There are days in almost every month that honor white people. President's Day? Celebrates white men. Christmas? Celebrates a white man, same with Easter.

Why exactly would we need a white history month? BTW................St. Patrick's Day? A celebration for the Irish (whites).

I'm sure I could come up with many others if I thought about it...............

You are not getting the drift here. I said that if we can declare a Black History Month for Blacks, then why can't we declare a White History Month for whites? Celebrating a holiday is not really celebrating white people and the contributions that white people have contributed. Where is the word "WHITE" mentioned in those holidays? Get it now?

Can you provide a reasonable justification for a white history month? All of the history we teach is pretty much white history.

One of the reasons there is a black history month is because black people, and their positive influences in society aren't mentioned that much.

What positive influences have blacks contributed and not mentioned in our society anyway? Over to you.
"We"? Who told you that YOU represent all white people? Or that you are intelligent or civilized?

I represent the people who use common sense and logic, not the ones that live on emotionalism and foolish politically correct talk like you always throw up. The white race is the most intelligent race on earth. Everything that you see and use in your grandma's basement was pretty much invented by white people. Hey, you are just going to have to live with that. I do. :banana:

Really? It was the Ethiopians that invented steel, and it was the Arabs that came up with the concept of zero.

Go ahead..............tell me again how much smarter whites are than everyone else.

Wanna talk about the Chinese and their inventions of things like gunpowder, repeating crossbows and earthquake detectors?

Seeing that you appear to think that you know so much about inventions why don't you now start listing off some white inventions? There are a hell of a lot to list. The problem with politically correct emotional fools like you is that white people should only be seen as racists and bigots and Nazis, not be seen for their way more accomplishments that the white people have contributed to the world. I never see white people running en masse to non-white countries like we see so many non-whites running to white countries.

There must be a good reason for that, uhmm? Over to you.

Never said anything against whites, just said that they aren't the only ones who are smart, because there are many inventions and concepts over the years (many of which are important to the whole of mankind) that were thought up by people who weren't white.

You said whites were the smartest race on earth. I showed you where other races came up with important inventions and ideas. Nothing bad was said against whites.

That's just your bigotry showing again.

By the way..............I'm white. My ancestry is Norwegian, German, Scottish, English and French.

Lets just say that just about everything in your house that you see and use today is pretty much a white man's invention. A way lot more than what any non-whites ever invented. Would we have vehicles for all kinds of transportation that we use, trains included or planes that fly in the sky or all the appliances that you use in your house or the TV, radio or computer that you are using right now if it were not for good old whitey? White people have a lot to be proud of. But thanks to the anti-white establishment and their controlled puppet media out there, whites are purposely being pushed aside, and they are pretty much told that they have nothing to be proud about. Well, screw that. We have a lot to be proud of, and it is time for white people to start to show their pride in who they are and what they have accomplished and contributed to the world.

Ever consider the fact that those white folks wouldn't be able to come up with even a fourth of those inventions without the invention of steel, or the concept of zero?

The concept of zero is one of the things that makes your computer operate. It also helps to expand mathematics quite a bit. much of your car is made of steel?
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.
Imagine a group of people that rose from the legal status of animals, to second class citizenship to President of the United States

Well worthy of their own museum

All I am saying is that the white people also deserve a museum for what they have done good for mankind. It needs to be pointed out not hidden away.

Ever been to the Smithsonian museums? I have, and can tell you that the majority of the people who are featured in them are white.


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