All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.

What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!

I don't give a shit how blacks wants to call themselves. That's completely up to them. If they were asked...

But they were not asked. They didn't chose to be called African American. If you ask them, all they want to be called is - American. But, southern democrat racist whites, along with party demagogues who always think they know what's best of everyone selected the term to make blacks feeling good about themselves. You see, we do care about you.

Stop while you still have some modicum of dignity. You know nothing about how the term African American came about.

Esmeralda in previous post blasted on me for saying "there is no such thing as African American". For both of you, allow me to elaborate. You don't have to agree with me, and you probably wont, but at least you'll read opinion that differ from yours.
Oh, gosh, do I have to endure another post Columbian expert on race titles? You guys still call Native Americans Indians and they have never been anywhere near India. And when you discovered Columbus was wrong you kept calling any and all the indigenous populations Indians.
Africans brought here as slaves were given a plethora of pejorative names ranging from "Darkies, N*ggers, Spooks and savages or various animal types. Benevolent Whites decided on the Spanish word Negro which means Black. The origins of the term African American is not clear but it seems to have emerged from amidst Black personalities such such as Jesse Jackson and Malcolm X. where it blossomed in the Civil Rights Era as a tribute to the promise of equality.

To understand my point you'll need to read thru couple of parts first, without it, it won't make sense to you. What exactly is the purpose of saying, for example Italian American, or Asian American, or Irish American? Reinforcing the belief they they're not just Americans, but that they're something else. Or that they're something else first, and Americans second?

I believe that people born in United States ARE American first, and "nothing" second. With exception, only immigrants that accepted the US citizenship could claim that they're American first and "something" second. Heritage is just that - heritage. Saying that someone who never lived in Ireland is Irish American is nonsense and stupid. It's just as stupid as saying "African American" since large majority of blacks in US have have never been in Africa and have no desire to go to Africa and other than their skin color have no other connection to Africa.

You worry too much about trivial things that are entrenched in the American social landscape. Dictionaries and encyclopedias have included that term. Schoolbooks and media use the terms. The FBI statistics used proportionally to portray all Blacks as criminals depend on group identifications: Whites, Blacks Asians, Hispanics and "other." White Americans demand that divisiveness because many believe they are the true and only real Americans. And when they see that their majority is doing even slightly better than Blacks or Hispanics in any ctegory it makes them feel better about themselves.

Second, by tracing DNA, scientist proved that we all share African roots. Therefore, should whites be called caucasian African, or caucasian Americans? Why are they called simply "white" and not European Americans, or Scandinavian Americans? Even more damning is term "Muslim Americans". They're just Americans who happen to be Muslim. You don't see people saying "Christian Americans" or Jewis Americans. You hear Christians or Jews. So why do we need qualifying statements? The truth is - we don't.

Why do we need to know people's race... unless subconsciously, deep down, southern white democrats were feeling that American equals white. Everyone else is not American, but "something American". They could not accept that blacks, or Irish, or Asians, could be Americans just as they are. They had to label them... Yes, you're American, but you're black, so you're really African American, and you're ginger, so you're Irish American. Second grade people.

So tell me, how insisting on using "politically correct" term "African American" for blacks is not insanely racist and based on prejudice?

Actually, I agree with you here. Except I don't think southerners were the first to call Blacks African Americans.
Nor do I see innate racism in the term African American. I see more racism in the term "White." that term suggests purity and imparts an aura if superiority over the darker peoples of the earth. We can see it isn' an accurate description of European Caucasians because no one is truly White, figuratively or physically. Many "White " people are blacker than the darkest Africans. The id cards or drivers licenses of Black East Indians or Black Mexicans often have "White" or Caucasian" typed in the race block!

So you see. White men have bot been too successful at trying to pigeonhole people in racial categories. Race is a social construct invented by Europeans who made fair skin a"White race" and turned it into a tool of oppression and conquest. Then they made icons of the Jewish Christ and made him the beacon of Whiteness whereas any who could be converted were enslaved by the false god of Whiteness they had superimposed upon Jesus. Then came the soldiers to rape the land of the converted heathens.

As I thought and warn about it, you have no capability of listening and understanding.

I clearly said you can't understand last part if you don't account parts before that. But no, you chopped it into pieces to "prove me wrong" and you just disproved yourself. I got work to do, but I'll reply later more detailed.
The FBI statistics used proportionally to portray all Blacks as criminals depend on group identifications: Whites, Blacks Asians, Hispanics and "other." White Americans demand that divisiveness because many believe they are the true and only real Americans.
That's an idiotic lie that you can't begin to back up. Which is why you didn't even try. You have nothing but prejudice, stupidity, intolerance supported by smear mongering. You don't get to make stupid shit up and not get called on it. If that's what you need, go to HuffPo.

I have re examined my post closely, looking for the lie you think you saw. There is no lie there. That being the case I can only assume your vitriol laced rants spring from being butt hurt by the truth.
What does it matter to you what Blacks call themselves? It doesn't affect you in any way!

I don't give a shit how blacks wants to call themselves. That's completely up to them. If they were asked...

But they were not asked. They didn't chose to be called African American. If you ask them, all they want to be called is - American. But, southern democrat racist whites, along with party demagogues who always think they know what's best of everyone selected the term to make blacks feeling good about themselves. You see, we do care about you.

Stop while you still have some modicum of dignity. You know nothing about how the term African American came about.

Esmeralda in previous post blasted on me for saying "there is no such thing as African American". For both of you, allow me to elaborate. You don't have to agree with me, and you probably wont, but at least you'll read opinion that differ from yours.
Oh, gosh, do I have to endure another post Columbian expert on race titles? You guys still call Native Americans Indians and they have never been anywhere near India. And when you discovered Columbus was wrong you kept calling any and all the indigenous populations Indians.
Africans brought here as slaves were given a plethora of pejorative names ranging from "Darkies, N*ggers, Spooks and savages or various animal types. Benevolent Whites decided on the Spanish word Negro which means Black. The origins of the term African American is not clear but it seems to have emerged from amidst Black personalities such such as Jesse Jackson and Malcolm X. where it blossomed in the Civil Rights Era as a tribute to the promise of equality.

To understand my point you'll need to read thru couple of parts first, without it, it won't make sense to you. What exactly is the purpose of saying, for example Italian American, or Asian American, or Irish American? Reinforcing the belief they they're not just Americans, but that they're something else. Or that they're something else first, and Americans second?

I believe that people born in United States ARE American first, and "nothing" second. With exception, only immigrants that accepted the US citizenship could claim that they're American first and "something" second. Heritage is just that - heritage. Saying that someone who never lived in Ireland is Irish American is nonsense and stupid. It's just as stupid as saying "African American" since large majority of blacks in US have have never been in Africa and have no desire to go to Africa and other than their skin color have no other connection to Africa.

You worry too much about trivial things that are entrenched in the American social landscape. Dictionaries and encyclopedias have included that term. Schoolbooks and media use the terms. The FBI statistics used proportionally to portray all Blacks as criminals depend on group identifications: Whites, Blacks Asians, Hispanics and "other." White Americans demand that divisiveness because many believe they are the true and only real Americans. And when they see that their majority is doing even slightly better than Blacks or Hispanics in any ctegory it makes them feel better about themselves.

Second, by tracing DNA, scientist proved that we all share African roots. Therefore, should whites be called caucasian African, or caucasian Americans? Why are they called simply "white" and not European Americans, or Scandinavian Americans? Even more damning is term "Muslim Americans". They're just Americans who happen to be Muslim. You don't see people saying "Christian Americans" or Jewis Americans. You hear Christians or Jews. So why do we need qualifying statements? The truth is - we don't.

Why do we need to know people's race... unless subconsciously, deep down, southern white democrats were feeling that American equals white. Everyone else is not American, but "something American". They could not accept that blacks, or Irish, or Asians, could be Americans just as they are. They had to label them... Yes, you're American, but you're black, so you're really African American, and you're ginger, so you're Irish American. Second grade people.

So tell me, how insisting on using "politically correct" term "African American" for blacks is not insanely racist and based on prejudice?

Actually, I agree with you here. Except I don't think southerners were the first to call Blacks African Americans.
Nor do I see innate racism in the term African American. I see more racism in the term "White." that term suggests purity and imparts an aura if superiority over the darker peoples of the earth. We can see it isn' an accurate description of European Caucasians because no one is truly White, figuratively or physically. Many "White " people are blacker than the darkest Africans. The id cards or drivers licenses of Black East Indians or Black Mexicans often have "White" or Caucasian" typed in the race block!

So you see. White men have bot been too successful at trying to pigeonhole people in racial categories. Race is a social construct invented by Europeans who made fair skin a"White race" and turned it into a tool of oppression and conquest. Then they made icons of the Jewish Christ and made him the beacon of Whiteness whereas any who could be converted were enslaved by the false god of Whiteness they had superimposed upon Jesus. Then came the soldiers to rape the land of the converted heathens.

As I thought and warn about it, you have no capability of listening and understanding.

I clearly said you can't understand last part if you don't account parts before that. But no, you chopped it into pieces to "prove me wrong" and you just disproved yourself. I got work to do, but I'll reply later more detailed.

I wonder why a Caucasian thinks he knows more about naming Blacks or African Americans than they know about naming themselves. Your "masterpiece" sheds no new light on race identification nor does it reflect anything more profound than the realization that race is but a social construct. Any use of racial identifiers, no matter who uses them, is merely walking into a socially divisive trap invented by a German. "Race," has no real value except to those who want to establish a racial hierarchy with their "race" at the top tier.
Only a complete retard would think it was a PC label. Its a label to describe a particular subset of Black people in the us. The fact that you dont know that further proves you are a inbred moron.

Are you hearing yourself?

"It's a label..."

What "particular subset" you're talking about? Name it.
Not really important since what you think isnt really of concern to me.

If is not important, why mention?

Or is that you're just blabbering something you heard elsewhere, but have no idea how to explain.
Its not important what you think.

I didnt mean its not important what African American means to me.

It's not important what "African American" means to you. You're African, first and foremost.
Of course its important what African American means to me. Its not important what you think it means to me though.

I agree that I am African first and foremost.
The FBI statistics used proportionally to portray all Blacks as criminals depend on group identifications: Whites, Blacks Asians, Hispanics and "other." White Americans demand that divisiveness because many believe they are the true and only real Americans.
That's an idiotic lie that you can't begin to back up. Which is why you didn't even try. You have nothing but prejudice, stupidity, intolerance supported by smear mongering. You don't get to make stupid shit up and not get called on it. If that's what you need, go to HuffPo.

I have re examined my post closely, looking for the lie you think you saw. There is no lie there. That being the case I can only assume your vitriol laced rants spring from being butt hurt by the truth.
My mouth watering ass isn't the issue here, you lied and said the FBI stats were used to portray blacks as criminals.
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Why would they after 200 years?

Why wouldn't the unhappy ones leave? Are they afraid New Zealand won't let them in? Or is it just that they don't want to live anywhere else but countries with enough white people to take care of them?

Hey DO realize that African Americans came from Africa, right? That's why they call themselves African American. They came from Africa and are currently Americans.

You also realize that New Zealand is NOWHERE EVEN F---KING CLOSE TO AFRICA!

And furthermore, the native population of New Zealand isn't Africans, it's Maori.

Either one is American or he/she is not. What is with this I am African American, German American, Chinese American or Italian American? Again, you either are American or you are not. Short, sweet, and simple.
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?
Are you hearing yourself?

"It's a label..."

What "particular subset" you're talking about? Name it.
Not really important since what you think isnt really of concern to me.

If is not important, why mention?

Or is that you're just blabbering something you heard elsewhere, but have no idea how to explain.
Its not important what you think.

I didnt mean its not important what African American means to me.

It's not important what "African American" means to you. You're African, first and foremost.
Of course its important what African American means to me. Its not important what you think it means to me though.

I agree that I am African first and foremost.

So, just where is Africa America on the map? Just curious.
And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?

Maybe pointless to you but not to me. Sometimes one must say it over and over again until what is being said sinks in. Your zionist buddies do thet with their control of the main scream media. And you are a prime example of that. You keep believing what they want you to believe and you keep repeating what they want you to repeat. It is just that you can't get it right.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Just wait until old whitey becomes a minority. Then the negros will have a field day with old whitey, and they won't be able to do anything about it and fight back when that day comes. But old whitey doesn't appear to care what happens to themselves or their race anyway. Matter of fact they are helping themselves to become a minority. What fools.

I wonder what certain 'people' imagine that they get out of posting empty, pointless, racist nonsense over and over everyday? Once you've established that you are frightened of anyone in any way superficially different from yourself to the slightest degree, why belabor the point?
Every day, I wake up and thank God we dropped atomic bombs on Japan and the only thing I wish is that we dropped more.

Here is a fact everyone about the zipper head pervert....

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

Ooooo, good one. I like that description for unky dory. Dripping poop sounds so him. :badgrin:
They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.

White people weren't "slaves" in the normal sense, they were actually indentured servants, meaning that they would work for (usually) 7 years for someone in exchange for passage to America.

Indentured servants eventually became free when their contract was up. Slaves didn't become free until they were planted in the ground.
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

"We"? Who told you that YOU represent all white people? Or that you are intelligent or civilized?
And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.
Why do these threads celebrating black culture and accomplishments always draw the racists?

But...but...<sob>....whites were slaves too

Why is there a Black History Month but never a White History Month. Sounds pretty much racist to me when the founders of North America are never recognized for their contributions in the building up of N.A. All that you see and use in your basement today is pretty much a white mans invention. Instead of getting some praise for something, all white people seem to get is called a racist when one points out something like this. Go cry me a river somewhere else will you?
And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes...ecspecially when they get to serve their white masters

White people are serving white masters also. So, what's your point?

The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

Check out the internet where you will find out many instances of where white people were kept as slaves. Think before you speak.

White people weren't "slaves" in the normal sense, they were actually indentured servants, meaning that they would work for (usually) 7 years for someone in exchange for passage to America.

Indentured servants eventually became free when their contract was up. Slaves didn't become free until they were planted in the ground.

Sounds like something pretty close to slavery to me.

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