All Confederate leaders and soldiers will be wiped off American history

I have a feeling that this attempt to erase history will backfire. I am not a big Confederacy fan, but I feel that the left should be opposed no matter what they try to ban and get rid of:

Like Christmas trees.

Or baby Jesus in the manger.

Or the Ten Commandments.

Liberals hate Western civilization and want to ban everything from the past and establish new holidays and displays.

For example, I drove through Vancouver last week and saw an entire section of the city dedicated to Gay Pride. They even had a rainbow colored crosswalk.
No one is erasing history, it has just been long enough that we no longer have to honor the dishonor of secession. The Union long ago decided to allow the states to honor all those who had fought and survived on the confederate side and that they had been humiliated enough. They are all now dead and their descendents have done nothing that deserves honor concerning that flag, some even went so far as to make it a symbol of racism. History has not been erased it's just time for southerners to finally come to terms with it.
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The war was fought, and the South surrendered because the Union had more men, more cannons, more factories to make cannons,

The war was not about slavery, because the the majority of men who fought on both sides did not think it was about slavery.

The problem was that the South saw its power in Congress diminish, so that they felt they had no reason to stay in a Union that no longer cared about their interests.
Nobody wants to erase the Confederacy. We want to make sure everyone is shitting on the memory of those pro-slavery fanatics for many centuries.

And we're succeeding. Hence WIldcard's meltdown. Soon, dressing up as a Confederate soldier will earn a person the same reaction as dressing up like a Nazi soldier.
You're evil and deranged.
I would remind people of the old saying those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. If you start whitewashing everything from the nations history that is ugly, upsetting, or offensive to some over time it becomes like it never happened and people no longer learn from it not a good thing.
In 1994, during the Clinton administration, the U.S. postal service issued a series of commemorative Civil War stamps including single stamp portraits of Confederate generals Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Joe Johnston and Robert E. Lee. Is the federal government so bi-polar that they forgot that U.S. postage stamps featured Confederate generals barely two decades ago? When is the Hussein administration going to order the book/C.D./ video burning of all references to the stars and bars including the Dukes of Hazzard? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

They Confederacy will be wiped out of history in the same way that Stalin wiped out of history Communists who fell out of favor.

This is what tyrannical governments do.

The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

That's because when it comes to the idiot liberals and progressives, no matter what they deem offensive they expect others to follow suit and just go along with it. :cuckoo:
The South lost the war. (In case you did not know) What state right did the South lose besides the right to determine if slavery would be legal in their state.
Your silence answers my question wc
They will go to the bookstores, libraries, and homes to confiscate all literature that favors the South.

They will start with Gone with the Wind, which will never be put in theaters again.
The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

They Confederacy will be wiped out of history in the same way that Stalin wiped out of history Communists who fell out of favor.

This is what tyrannical governments do.
Nope. But fun post.
Your footer is basically an admission that what I have said is true. How ironic that you would put proof of your lies, immediately below the lie itself.
In 1994, during the Clinton administration, the U.S. postal service issued a series of commemorative Civil War stamps including single stamp portraits of Confederate generals Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Joe Johnston and Robert E. Lee. Is the federal government so bi-polar that they forgot that U.S. postage stamps featured Confederate generals barely two decades ago? When is the Hussein administration going to order the book/C.D./ video burning of all references to the stars and bars including the Dukes of Hazzard? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
So now you are saying everything the US government does is right?
The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

They Confederacy will be wiped out of history in the same way that Stalin wiped out of history Communists who fell out of favor.

This is what tyrannical governments do.

The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

That's because when it comes to the idiot liberals and progressives, no matter what they deem offensive they expect others to follow suit and just go along with it. :cuckoo:
The South lost the war. (In case you did not know) What state right did the South lose besides the right to determine if slavery would be legal in their state.

The South lost the war.
No shit Einstein!

The primary cause of the Civil War was states' rights. The South felt that it was being dominated by the North, and sought to protect their rights to self-government. That is what the south lost in terms of right's.
Nobody is whitewashing history.....except maybe the jerk offs who are selecting textbooks in Texas.

Liberals want this flag...and all things related to the losers of the war between the states....firmly placed where they belong. In our past. For all to study and remember. Not to revere.
The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

They Confederacy will be wiped out of history in the same way that Stalin wiped out of history Communists who fell out of favor.

This is what tyrannical governments do.

The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

That's because when it comes to the idiot liberals and progressives, no matter what they deem offensive they expect others to follow suit and just go along with it. :cuckoo:
The South lost the war. (In case you did not know) What state right did the South lose besides the right to determine if slavery would be legal in their state.

The South lost the war.
No shit Einstein!

The primary cause of the Civil War was states' rights. The South felt that it was being dominated by the North, and sought to protect their rights to self-government. That is what the south lost in terms of right's.

Nope. Revisionist history.
The South lost everything after the Civil War. They lost an entire generation of young men. They lost their dignity as carpet baggers swept in from the North and took advantage of the federal occupation of the South.

Now you begrudge them their history, and their right to mourn their fallen heroes.

I am not pro-South or pro-slavery.

But I think the liberals have finally gone too far, and it's time to resist them any way we can.

If Obama wanted to create the domestic terror threat, well he's just added fuel to the fire.
The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

They Confederacy will be wiped out of history in the same way that Stalin wiped out of history Communists who fell out of favor.

This is what tyrannical governments do.

They can try, but it's not going to work. My Great-Great Grandmother's 15 year-old brother went MIA after joining the Confederacy to fight the Yankee invaders.

I'm not about to forget him. In fact, twice a year I put on my Confederate grey wool and go take part in re-enactment battles in two different Civil War re-enactments. I do this in memory of him.
I have a feeling that this attempt to erase history will backfire. I am not a big Confederacy fan, but I feel that the left should be opposed no matter what they try to ban and get rid of:

Like Christmas trees.

Or baby Jesus in the manger.

Or the Ten Commandments.

Liberals hate Western civilization and want to ban everything from the past and establish new holidays and displays.

For example, I drove through Vancouver last week and saw an entire section of the city dedicated to Gay Pride. They even had a rainbow colored crosswalk.
baby Jesus in the manger.

more than half the world doesn't grovel to your man god

You can have all your baby jebus's or jebus on two sticks but NOT on government property
This is why I don't like liberals. They show disrespect to Jesus and don't even care how obnoxious they are in doing so.
They show disrespect to Jesus

More then half the world doesn't grovel to your man god
The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

They Confederacy will be wiped out of history in the same way that Stalin wiped out of history Communists who fell out of favor.

This is what tyrannical governments do.

They can try, but it's not going to work. My Great-Great Grandmother's 15 year-old brother went MIA after joining the Confederacy to fight the Yankee invaders.

I'm not about to forget him. In fact, twice a year I put on my Confederate grey wool and go take part in re-enactment battles in two different Civil War re-enactments. I do this in memory of him.

You can still do that dumbshit. Nobody is stopping you.
The problem here is the left wants an all-powerful state, and in order to achieve that, they must destroy anything that stands in the way of total domination of every person, down to where he can live, where he works, and how many children he is allowed to have (if any).
The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

They Confederacy will be wiped out of history in the same way that Stalin wiped out of history Communists who fell out of favor.

This is what tyrannical governments do.

The attack on the Confederate flag is going full steam.

That's because when it comes to the idiot liberals and progressives, no matter what they deem offensive they expect others to follow suit and just go along with it. :cuckoo:
The South lost the war. (In case you did not know) What state right did the South lose besides the right to determine if slavery would be legal in their state.

The South lost the war.

No shit Einstein!

The primary cause of the Civil War was states' rights. The South felt that it was being dominated by the North, and sought to protect their rights to self-government. That is what the south lost in terms of right's.

More cracker revisionist bunk

the traitorous vermin said outright it was about slavery

"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It has been so even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well, that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day. The errors of the past generation still clung to many as late as twenty years ago. Those at the North, who still cling to these errors, with a zeal above knowledge, we justly denominate fanatics. All fanaticism springs from an aberration of the mind from a defect in reasoning. It is a species of insanity. One of the most striking characteristics of insanity, in many instances, is forming correct conclusions from fancied or erroneous premises; so with the anti-slavery fanatics. Their conclusions are right if their premises were. They assume that the negro is equal, and hence conclude that he is entitled to equal privileges and rights with the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be logical and just but their premise being wrong, their whole argument fails. I recollect once of having heard a gentleman from one of the northern States, of great power and ability, announce in the House of Representatives, with imposing effect, that we of the South would be compelled, ultimately, to yield upon this subject of slavery, that it was as impossible to war successfully against a principle in politics, as it was in physics or mechanics."

Corner Stone Speech Teaching American History
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