All five first ladies speak out against trump's child separation policy

I pray for President Trump! he saved America:clap2:

and the rest of the planet too! :2up:

Thank you Donald Trump! GOD BLESS
No he didn't you foolish dupe. He has made us weaker than ever before and his policies endanger us. Iran will have nukes and Korea already has stronger ones and a better delivery system with their newest ICBM. They have tested a fusion bomb and an ICBM capable or reaching the USA since trump became President. He has lost allies and lost respect for America. He has laid bare America's weaknesses. And lets not ignore that he has surrendered to Russia in the cyber war.
The separation of kids and adults at the border only occurs because the adults break the law.

Blame the adults breaking the law, not the adults enforcing it.
I pray for President Trump! he saved America:clap2:

and the rest of the planet too! :2up:

Thank you Donald Trump! GOD BLESS
No he didn't you foolish dupe. He has made us weaker than ever before and his policies endanger us. Iran will have nukes and Korea already has stronger ones and a better delivery system with their newest ICBM. They have tested a fusion bomb and an ICBM capable or reaching the USA since trump became President. He has lost allies and lost respect for America. He has laid bare America's weaknesses. And lets not ignore that he has surrendered to Russia in the cyber war.

The development of the nuke by NK happened under Obama.

The development of the ICBM occurred under Obama.

Trump told him his country would cease to exist if he kept this up.

Trump has now met with him and personally shook his hand and started the process of denuclearization.

If KJU fails to do this, it will probably result in nuclear war between the two nations. Nobody wants that.
thousands of kids cry for their parents every day as they are left at daycare.....the bastards!
Only the first day. After the first day most of them see day care as a fun place to go play. Plus, there are lots of nice grandma types of mommy types to supervise them and care for them and they know mommy or daddy is coming to pick them up and take them home in a little while when they get done playing.
You don't know anything about taking kids to day care.
That's my point. They get over it.

Dems are using crying kids as a weapon to not secure our boarders.
I know, lets schedule a hearing and release them in our boarders. That's going to work out well.

They get over it because the figure out that mommy and daddy will return to take them home after the playtime fun. If mommy and daddy don't come back it is just one long nightmare for them.
Have you ever had experience with raising kids?
thousands of kids cry for their parents every day as they are left at daycare.....the bastards!
Only the first day. After the first day most of them see day care as a fun place to go play. Plus, there are lots of nice grandma types of mommy types to supervise them and care for them and they know mommy or daddy is coming to pick them up and take them home in a little while when they get done playing.
You don't know anything about taking kids to day care.
That's my point. They get over it.

Dems are using crying kids as a weapon to not secure our boarders.
I know, lets schedule a hearing and release them in our boarders. That's going to work out well.

They get over it because the figure out that mommy and daddy will return to take them home after the playtime fun. If mommy and daddy don't come back it is just one long nightmare for them.
Have you ever had experience with raising kids?

Perhaps mommy and daddy shouldn't try to sneak little Joey into our country if they don't want to risk losing custody of their child.

In this country, committing a crime with a child usually results in immediate removal of that child from the presence of that adult because of the crime of child endangerment or contributing to the delinquency of a juvi. Take your pick.
I pray for President Trump! he saved America:clap2:

and the rest of the planet too! :2up:

Thank you Donald Trump! GOD BLESS
No he didn't you foolish dupe. He has made us weaker than ever before and his policies endanger us. Iran will have nukes and Korea already has stronger ones and a better delivery system with their newest ICBM. They have tested a fusion bomb and an ICBM capable or reaching the USA since trump became President. He has lost allies and lost respect for America. He has laid bare America's weaknesses. And lets not ignore that he has surrendered to Russia in the cyber war.

The development of the nuke by NK happened under Obama.

The development of the ICBM occurred under Obama.

Trump told him his country would cease to exist if he kept this up.

Trump has now met with him and personally shook his hand and started the process of denuclearization.

If KJU fails to do this, it will probably result in nuclear war between the two nations. Nobody wants that.
Kim did not test and reveal his fusion bomb or his ICBM until Obama had left office and trump became President. He waited because he knew he could bait and play trump, which he did easily. All trump got was a handshake and some promises from a guy who lies almost as much as him.
thousands of kids cry for their parents every day as they are left at daycare.....the bastards!
Only the first day. After the first day most of them see day care as a fun place to go play. Plus, there are lots of nice grandma types of mommy types to supervise them and care for them and they know mommy or daddy is coming to pick them up and take them home in a little while when they get done playing.
You don't know anything about taking kids to day care.
That's my point. They get over it.

Dems are using crying kids as a weapon to not secure our boarders.
I know, lets schedule a hearing and release them in our boarders. That's going to work out well.

They get over it because the figure out that mommy and daddy will return to take them home after the playtime fun. If mommy and daddy don't come back it is just one long nightmare for them.
Have you ever had experience with raising kids?

Perhaps mommy and daddy shouldn't try to sneak little Joey into our country if they don't want to risk losing custody of their child.

In this country, committing a crime with a child usually results in immediate removal of that child from the presence of that adult because of the crime of child endangerment or contributing to the delinquency of a juvi. Take your pick.

The focus of attention is on the refugees from Central America who didn't sneak at all. Their movement through Mexico on the way to the US border was well publicized. Many of them went to manned border crossings and asked border guards to allow them to apply for asylum.

The law is not on your side. That is why you must continuously lies about the facts of this issue.
Where was this outrage and crying babies when Obama was splitting up families? Funny how it is suddenly a problem now.
Obama didn't split up families. You are just telling the same old lie over and over hoping people will believe it if you tell it enough.
Where was this outrage and crying babies when Obama was splitting up families? Funny how it is suddenly a problem now.
Obama didn't split up families. You are just telling the same old lie over and over hoping people will believe it if you tell it enough.

So child protective services was shut down for eight years?
No, the border was flooded with unaccompanied children. Todays controversy is about accompanied children. Children who came here with their parents and have been separated from them. The issue is about separating children from their parents.
Where was this outrage and crying babies when Obama was splitting up families? Funny how it is suddenly a problem now.
Obama didn't split up families. You are just telling the same old lie over and over hoping people will believe it if you tell it enough.

So child protective services was shut down for eight years?
No, the border was flooded with unaccompanied children. Todays controversy is about accompanied children. Children who came here with their parents and have been separated from them. The issue is about separating children from their parents.

“The issue is about separating children from their parents”.

Uhhh, that’s exactly what child protective services does to American citizens. Why are illegals suddenly exempt from this? Bringing a child across the border illegally in the middle of the desert puts the life of the child at risk. The (illegal) parents should be charged with reckless endangerment and child abuse in addition to violating our border and immigration laws.
Where was this outrage and crying babies when Obama was splitting up families? Funny how it is suddenly a problem now.
Obama didn't split up families. You are just telling the same old lie over and over hoping people will believe it if you tell it enough.

Yes, he did.

Barack Obama Separated Kids From Parents at the Border Too -

Repeating lies do not make them truths.
No he didn't and a right wing Obama bashing bloggers opinion piece doesn't help promote the lie you are so desperate to continue spreading. There are at least two threads on the subject. Go over there and ramble on with your nonsense.
All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!
You lie. That's really NOT what she said.
All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!
You lie. That's really NOT what she said.
All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!
You lie. That's really NOT what she said.

What does the word "hate" mean in your racist world..--

Melania Trump 'hates' her husband's immigration policy of separating families at borders
The Left is so fucking disingenuous. It's not Trumps's policy, it's the law.
All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!
I don't give a flying-fuck what the swamp creature former first fisted ladies said.
It's clear this is simply another fraud being perpetrated by the media and the Democrats.
Somewhere deep inside you must have recognized this Trump policy as unnecessary trauma to children. And yet you spring to his defense without those moral qualms.

It must ultimately be sickening to defend the indefensible. To celebrate cruelty to children and to abandon American virtues like compassion and simple human respect. I hope it's worth it, this Faustian bargain you've made with Trump. It only costs you your soul.
And where have we heard this BULLSHIT argument before????

Whistle passed the graveyard. You know this is morally, ethically and in terms of simple humanity the wrong thing to do.

I pity you for selling out with such ignorant gusto.
Yeah....we hate black people, we want to make sure guns are out there killing kids, or whatever.
Just another example of Congress refusing to do their jobs.

The fact still remains: Democrats and some of their Republican friends created this problem on purpose. Now they're trying to use it against Trump.
Optics look bad for the Dems, who haven't lifted a finger to ease the situation. Dems have lost the election and the optics war.

The Dems have nothing to do with this policy and the voters know it. Trump owns this policy. He could stop it with a phone call.

There is no “optics war”. There is right and wrong and what Trump is doing is WRONG.
He's following the law. Like his predecessor, watshisname.
No law says you have to break up families

Au contraire. Children by law are not permitted to join their parents in detention.

$34,000 per year per child going to illegal upkeep. Why is that money not going to American citizens?

Family centers can easily be created

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