All five first ladies speak out against trump's child separation policy

Optics look bad for the Dems, who haven't lifted a finger to ease the situation. Dems have lost the election and the optics war.
It's Trump's policy! How does this make Democrats look bad? Trump could make this go away with a phone call! What's so hard to understand?

Unless you feel no it just as abhorrent as most Americans do and you feel some obligation to defend Trump.

He ain't infallible! This is his mistake and he should be a man and own it rather than blaming others and lying about the circumstance.

There is no mistake.
If another country separated families like Trump si doing, there would be cries of injustice! This is not America! This is not the way America behaves! Why does Trump and his supporters think this is a good policy for them?

Does one have to be a bully and abandon all his humanity and noble virtues to support Trump in this, or does that just make it more comfortable?

You have struck a Faustian bargain. Sell out your morality for what you think is politically winning. I wonder if it's worth it? All it costs is your soul, provided you had one before Trump came down the escalator and called Mexicans murderers, rapists and thieves.
-------------------------------------------------- its simply a practical action , no kids hurt , maybe some tears that they'll get over , then breakfast , lunch , then supper and a snack then bed time in a clean bed after watching tv or playing video games . These widdle mexican bambinos never had it so good and all in air conditioned and nice and clean facilities Nosmo . [feckin drama queens]
No one is saying the kids aren't getting adequate care. But you and all the other bullies are turning a blind eye to the emotional trauma that these kids may never get over. You preternatural ability to be a bully is astounding.

The callous core of the Republican Party finds new lows
Of all ex ladies Laura Bush should shut her mouth first ok?

I used to like her

but not anymore....she is guilty as hell too

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

ok Laura???
Laura Bush has always cared about people
Her work in Africa saved millions

Republicans? Not so much
Optics look bad for the Dems, who haven't lifted a finger to ease the situation. Dems have lost the election and the optics war.

The Dems have nothing to do with this policy and the voters know it. Trump owns this policy. He could stop it with a phone call.

There is no “optics war”. There is right and wrong and what Trump is doing is WRONG.
He's following the law. Like his predecessor, watshisname.
No law says you have to break up families

Au contraire. Children by law are not permitted to join their parents in detention.

$34,000 per year per child going to illegal upkeep. Why is that money not going to American citizens?

Family centers can easily be created

"Et tu, Brute" Ted Cruz now wants money to do just that. Give the money back to citizens through a tax cut, then later take it away and spend it on uninvited foreigners.

Americans citizens need to wake the fuck up.
Laura Bush is a slut! Thought I'd never say that, but she's playing politics because her family has been put on the trash heap of history.
Laura Bush voted for Hillary. Wanna guess who Michelle and the rest voted for?

Who someone voted for is irrelevant. The policy is WRONG. It’s immoral, cruel and wrong.

That we have to tell you this says that you are lacking in any kind of human decency.
Laura Bush voted for Hillary. Wanna guess who Michelle and the rest voted for?

Who someone voted for is irrelevant. The policy is WRONG. It’s immoral, cruel and wrong.

That we have to tell you this says that you are lacking in any kind of human decency.

You're not American. You're opinion in this matter is irrelevant.

I’m a human being. As a human being, a Christian, and a parent, my opinion sure as hell is relevent.
It does suck to have your kids ripped out of your arms (not really happening but that's ok, it's good media hype).

So maybe you shouldn't commit a crime with them and try to sneak them into our country. It's their parents putting them at risk. That's like blaming the cops for taking kids out of a home where they are cooking meth acting like the cops are ripping the kids out of the parents arms. The parents choose this path.

Can I ask liberals why they defend adults breaking laws rather than the adults enforcing them?
They don't care - honestly, like their Orange Overlord they lack the empathy gene and if they could get away with it, they'd march all Blacks, Muslims and Mexicans into the street to be shot.

Losing hope for people and for the country that I love Jim - Donnie Dark has got to go as in YESTERDAY
This detour into insanity is why no one takes you seriously

Are you denying my contention - or was this just a hit-n-run?
It's Trump's policy! How does this make Democrats look bad? Trump could make this go away with a phone call! What's so hard to understand?

Unless you feel no it just as abhorrent as most Americans do and you feel some obligation to defend Trump.

He ain't infallible! This is his mistake and he should be a man and own it rather than blaming others and lying about the circumstance.

There is no mistake.
If another country separated families like Trump si doing, there would be cries of injustice! This is not America! This is not the way America behaves! Why does Trump and his supporters think this is a good policy for them?

Does one have to be a bully and abandon all his humanity and noble virtues to support Trump in this, or does that just make it more comfortable?

You have struck a Faustian bargain. Sell out your morality for what you think is politically winning. I wonder if it's worth it? All it costs is your soul, provided you had one before Trump came down the escalator and called Mexicans murderers, rapists and thieves.
-------------------------------------------------- its simply a practical action , no kids hurt , maybe some tears that they'll get over , then breakfast , lunch , then supper and a snack then bed time in a clean bed after watching tv or playing video games . These widdle mexican bambinos never had it so good and all in air conditioned and nice and clean facilities Nosmo . [feckin drama queens]
No one is saying the kids aren't getting adequate care. But you and all the other bullies are turning a blind eye to the emotional trauma that these kids may never get over. You preternatural ability to be a bully is astounding.

The callous core of the Republican Party finds new lows
------------------------------------ mornin RWinger !!! i'm no republican , course i vote for The TRUMP no matter the party he runs under . That being said , i think that TRUMP is doing fine at this moment in time RWinger .
Now...immigrants from Norway or Yugoslavis are more to Donnie"s liking.....hhhmmmm....maybe the color of their skin has something to do with it....or their bra size....
How many of them are coming up through the Southern border?

My understanding is Norway is a pretty decent country. Why would they want to live here?

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