All five first ladies speak out against trump's child separation policy

Laura Bush is a slut! Thought I'd never say that, but she's playing politics because her family has been put on the trash heap of history.
She knows an atrocity when she sees one

So does most of the world
Put the blame on the parents bringing them here without following proper procedure. We are not responsible nor guilty. The cruelty is democrats using the children as pawns for seeking power.
Trying to get a better life for your family is not an atrocity

Taking children is
It does suck to have your kids ripped out of your arms (not really happening but that's ok, it's good media hype).

So maybe you shouldn't commit a crime with them and try to sneak them into our country. It's their parents putting them at risk. That's like blaming the cops for taking kids out of a home where they are cooking meth acting like the cops are ripping the kids out of the parents arms. The parents choose this path.

Can I ask liberals why they defend adults breaking laws rather than the adults enforcing them?
Their parents are trying to save them and give them a better life

Not exactly rape, murder and mayhem

If your idea of "giving them a better life" is to try to circumvent our nations laws, thus being criminals and law breakers, then they aren't starting out too well.

Bleeding heart liberals are morons. "Seeking a better life" does not make it ok to break the laws of our nation.
Documentation issue
Trying to get a better life for your family is not an atrocity

Taking children is

Trying to get a better life for your family is not an atrocity.

Breaking the law in order to do so is.

By your line of thinking, someone who robs a bank to feed their kids is perfectly justified. After all, they're seeking a better life for their kids. Damn the laws to do it, full speed ahead!
NRATV on Twitter

Laura Bush is a slut! Thought I'd never say that, but she's playing politics because her family has been put on the trash heap of history.
She knows an atrocity when she sees one

So does most of the world
Put the blame on the parents bringing them here without following proper procedure. We are not responsible nor guilty. The cruelty is democrats using the children as pawns for seeking power.
Trying to get a better life for your family is not an atrocity

Taking children is
Honorable people would try to make a better life for their families in their own countries.
It is really happening. The testimony of witnesses, lawyers and even the films the DHS released shows it’s happening.

The adults aren’t breaking laws. They’re trying to legally apply for asylum. The Administration is trying to block them from getting across the border to legally apply.

There is no way of the administration and their supporters to spin this to make it look any less heinous, cruel or wrong.

Showing up for "asylum" with a child that you have no relation to will get them taken away every time. That's how child traffickers do it.

Children are being taken away from their PARENTS, as proven by DNA tests the DHS are performing.

Stop pretending that’s not what’s happening. Over 2,000 in the past month and more every day.
It is really happening. The testimony of witnesses, lawyers and even the films the DHS released shows it’s happening.

The adults aren’t breaking laws. They’re trying to legally apply for asylum. The Administration is trying to block them from getting across the border to legally apply.

There is no way of the administration and their supporters to spin this to make it look any less heinous, cruel or wrong.

Showing up for "asylum" with a child that you have no relation to will get them taken away every time. That's how child traffickers do it.

Children are being taken away from their PARENTS, as proven by DNA tests the DHS are performing.

Stop pretending that’s not what’s happening. Over 2,000 in the past month and more every day.
Are you suggesting adults and children should be housed together? What could go wrong?
All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!

It’s not Trumps policy. You are just lying right from he start.

Trump has changed the charges for families crossing the border....even for asylum...are charged with a "criminal" offense. All other presidents....the ones who Putin didn't chose....charged them with a civil penalty. That forces the parents to be separated from children.

He then blames Democrats.......he is a modern day Hitler. Hitler also used laws at the beginning of his Regime.

And there are NO REPUBLICANS that have a pair to stand up to him.....there is a special place in Hell.....
All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!

The Dems and media accompices have loved every optic they faked for three years now. “We got him now” :)
Gold star mother? High school victims? DACA kids? Access Hollywood?
And they still haven’t learned that since they didn’t make Trump they can’t break him. That his base elected him specifically to close the border.
Every crocodile tear the Democrats shed makes a stronger Trump base. We expected the swamp to fight back. And the fight shows that Trump is doing the work of the American people. So long as the elites rail and rant we know we made the right decision.
How tone deaf can you be?
Resignation/impeachment. Someone with a soul as President.

You're too late, Obama is gone.

But he should still be impeached for his role in rigging the 2016 election. Corrupt little faggot that he is.
There was no rigging Ass holes voted for trump ...Plain and simple

You're not just stupid commie, you're ignorant.

Comey and the FBI got a little too cute in 2016. We all knew Trump would lose. They were preparing for the reaction to that. Let’s remember it was the Left that was concerned Trump supporters would shout “not my president” after Clinton broke through the glass ceiling. We weren’t prepared for the other impossible possibility. But here we are.

Comey used his office and the FBI to attempt to create a safe landing for President Hillary Clinton. There would be no allegations that the FBI had held back on damaging information about Carlos Danger and his possession of thousands of Clinton’s emails. They’d get out in front of it. She was going to win anyway — until she didn’t.

Comey released his information about Weiner’s laptop for one main reason: to protect the future Clinton administration. We had a hint of this before. Now we can see it is blatantly true. It’s a disgraceful misuse of his office. The only solace we can take is that karma and irony are alive and well. And Trump’s election has exposed Comey’s perfidy.}

Comey's FBI Was Protecting The Presumed Clinton Presidency

The FSB, on the behest of the Obama administration rigged the 2016 election. They rigged it to provided legitimacy to the corrupt Clinton camp, simply because they never considered that they could lose.

Because the simply truth is that the FSB was part of the Clinton election team.
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thousands of kids cry for their parents every day as they are left at daycare.....the bastards!
Only the first day. After the first day most of them see day care as a fun place to go play. Plus, there are lots of nice grandma types of mommy types to supervise them and care for them and they know mommy or daddy is coming to pick them up and take them home in a little while when they get done playing.
You don't know anything about taking kids to day care.
That's my point. They get over it.

Dems are using crying kids as a weapon to not secure our boarders.
I know, lets schedule a hearing and release them in our boarders. That's going to work out well.

They get over it because the figure out that mommy and daddy will return to take them home after the playtime fun. If mommy and daddy don't come back it is just one long nightmare for them.
Have you ever had experience with raising kids?

If mommy and daddy don't engage in crimes. mommy and daddy don't go to jail.

You lying Stalinist pigs sure don't give a shit about the kids of the Americans you so bitterly hate, who are separated from parents incarcerated for crimes.

Fact is you democrat piles of shit hate Americans, you ONLY care about illegals. (and only because they are destructive to this nation you hate.)
I pray for President Trump! he saved America:clap2:

and the rest of the planet too! :2up:

Thank you Donald Trump! GOD BLESS
I pray too That he doesnt live another day

No need to go there.

Removal from office one way or the other will suffice. It will be fun to watch the pivot the righties on the board make once the cancer is in remission though…

Why not? At least he is open and honest about his hatred for America and his desire to destroy the nation.

This is war. You Communists fucks seek to put an end to this nation. IF we normals don't put you down HARD, America is done. The ONLY way to save America, to preserve the great experiment in self-rules is to utterly defeat you. I think it's going to involve shooting and a lot of dead people. But you don't get to win. You don't get to recreate the USSR or the Khmer Rouge killing fields, which is EXACTLY what you seek and what you clearly push now.

We will do what it takes to defend the nation and the Constitution from you. I suspect that what it will take is deadly force. It is 100% certain that if you Bolsheviks win, we're all going to death camps. Just listen to the vile demagoguery of the Communist media and the lying scum democrat thugs and it is undeniable, given the depth of hatred you have for America and the American people.

UNREAL! MSNBC Host Joe Scarborough Claims ILLEGAL Immigration Officials Are Nazi's... "Marching Children to Showers"
Resignation/impeachment. Someone with a soul as President.

You're too late, Obama is gone.

But he should still be impeached for his role in rigging the 2016 election. Corrupt little faggot that he is.

Yeah....Putin helped Obama rig the election so trump could idiot....trump is heartless sum....

No, Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, et al. rigged the 2016 election.

Are you illiterate?
Democrats can get mad all they want. DHS is simply enforcing the law and adhering to protocols that existed long before President Trump was ever in office.

They should help reform immigration laws if they really care.

It doesn’t really matter what former First Ladies think.

Melania Trump hasn’t suggested that DHS stop doing it’s job, from what I have gathered.
All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!

It’s not Trumps policy. You are just lying right from he start.

Trump has changed the charges for families crossing the border....even for asylum...are charged with a "criminal" offense. All other presidents....the ones who Putin didn't chose....charged them with a civil penalty. That forces the parents to be separated from children.

He then blames Democrats.......he is a modern day Hitler. Hitler also used laws at the beginning of his Regime.

And there are NO REPUBLICANS that have a pair to stand up to him.....there is a special place in Hell.....

All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!

It’s not Trumps policy. You are just lying right from he start.

Trump has changed the charges for families crossing the border....even for asylum...are charged with a "criminal" offense. All other presidents....the ones who Putin didn't chose....charged them with a civil penalty. That forces the parents to be separated from children.

He then blames Democrats.......he is a modern day Hitler. Hitler also used laws at the beginning of his Regime.

And there are NO REPUBLICANS that have a pair to stand up to him.....there is a special place in Hell.....

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So your king suddenly decides he CAN do it with an EO....

Birds Fly
Fish Swims
trump lies
Not enough to say this is not who we are We have to prove it through our policies and VOTES

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