All five first ladies speak out against trump's child separation policy

It does suck to have your kids ripped out of your arms (not really happening but that's ok, it's good media hype).

So maybe you shouldn't commit a crime with them and try to sneak them into our country. It's their parents putting them at risk. That's like blaming the cops for taking kids out of a home where they are cooking meth acting like the cops are ripping the kids out of the parents arms. The parents choose this path.

Can I ask liberals why they defend adults breaking laws rather than the adults enforcing them?

It is really happening. The testimony of witnesses, lawyers and even the films the DHS released shows it’s happening.

The adults aren’t breaking laws. They’re trying to legally apply for asylum. The Administration is trying to block them from getting across the border to legally apply.

There is no way of the administration and their supporters to spin this to make it look any less heinous, cruel or wrong.
All five, eh? Are they confused? He didn't start it.
No, but he began a zero tolerance policy knowing full well what the consequences would be and John Kelly was admitting as early as March 2017 that they were considering it as a deterrent to crossing the border.

They had plenty of time--over a year--to get ready for the leap in numbers of illegals needing to be detained, and they knew a lot of them would be families with children. They didn't do any of that, apparently not because they're stupid but because they actually WISHED to make this a deterrent. All the "hostage" memes unfortunately apply; that is exactly what the administration is doing right now.
Laura Bush voted for Hillary. Wanna guess who Michelle and the rest voted for?

Who someone voted for is irrelevant. The policy is WRONG. It’s immoral, cruel and wrong.

That we have to tell you this says that you are lacking in any kind of human decency.

You're not American. You're opinion in this matter is irrelevant.

I’m a human being. As a human being, a Christian, and a parent, my opinion sure as hell is relevent.

It is really happening. The testimony of witnesses, lawyers and even the films the DHS released shows it’s happening.

The adults aren’t breaking laws. They’re trying to legally apply for asylum. The Administration is trying to block them from getting across the border to legally apply.

There is no way of the administration and their supporters to spin this to make it look any less heinous, cruel or wrong.

Showing up for "asylum" with a child that you have no relation to will get them taken away every time. That's how child traffickers do it.
Well where were all these first ladies in 2014 when Barry was POTUS??

Never heard a word from anyone about kids being ripped from their families.

Kick them all back across the border in a family unit. Let the Mexicans sort em out.
All five, eh? Are they confused? He didn't start it.
No, but he began a zero tolerance policy knowing full well what the consequences would be and John Kelly was admitting as early as March 2017 that they were considering it as a deterrent to crossing the border.

They had plenty of time--over a year--to get ready for the leap in numbers of illegals needing to be detained, and they knew a lot of them would be families with children. They didn't do any of that, apparently not because they're stupid but because they actually WISHED to make this a deterrent. All the "hostage" memes unfortunately apply; that is exactly what the administration is doing right now.
----------------------------------- and its a good thing just so the TRUMP keeps it up OldLady .
Laura Bush is a slut! Thought I'd never say that, but she's playing politics because her family has been put on the trash heap of history.
She knows an atrocity when she sees one

So does most of the world
Put the blame on the parents bringing them here without following proper procedure. We are not responsible nor guilty. The cruelty is democrats using the children as pawns for seeking power.
The adults aren’t breaking laws. They’re trying to legally apply for asylum. The Administration is trying to block them from getting across the border t
. Total bullshit spewing from your mouth.
They are not considered illegal if they come to our port of entry seeking asylum. Problem is thereis no room. They must wait in Mexico or their own country.
All 5 first ladies speak out against family-separation immigration policy

Even the one that held her nose and mated with the orange blimp has spoken out against the separation policy. The Dems are loving the optics for November....Thanks to the Orange Bastard!

YOUR POST IS A GAWD DAM LIE AS THEY ALL ARE.......... gawd are you that fkn retarded.

YOUR HERO CYKA is where this POLICEY beggan a.h.

Media rages at Trump for less severe, Obama-style policies
Laura Bush is a slut! Thought I'd never say that, but she's playing politics because her family has been put on the trash heap of history.
She knows an atrocity when she sees one

So does most of the world
Put the blame on the parents bringing them here without following proper procedure. We are not responsible nor guilty. The cruelty is democrats using the children as pawns for seeking power.

Democratic morons don't have the brain to think with logic.

example : IF a parent from the US took their kid and left that kid lets say at a fkn MALL to shop why the leftist are all ready to call CPS for child abuse.

Example 2. If a US parent took their kid to the border of Canada and left them there, these same hypocritical c...ts would call CPS for child abuse.....

These pathetic loons using the kids for their political addictions are LOSING ON EVERY TURN these assholes try to use.

" Save the children is getting real fkn old and nobody gives a chit any more because their hypocirtical ways are beyond stomach turning.
We Trump supporters and decent Americans all will fix this immigration problem once and for all. We are going to give Trump his 60+ Senators and keep the House. Then proper legislation will be enacted and this problem will be solved.
It does suck to have your kids ripped out of your arms (not really happening but that's ok, it's good media hype).

So maybe you shouldn't commit a crime with them and try to sneak them into our country. It's their parents putting them at risk. That's like blaming the cops for taking kids out of a home where they are cooking meth acting like the cops are ripping the kids out of the parents arms. The parents choose this path.

Can I ask liberals why they defend adults breaking laws rather than the adults enforcing them?
Their parents are trying to save them and give them a better life

Not exactly rape, murder and mayhem
It does suck to have your kids ripped out of your arms (not really happening but that's ok, it's good media hype).

So maybe you shouldn't commit a crime with them and try to sneak them into our country. It's their parents putting them at risk. That's like blaming the cops for taking kids out of a home where they are cooking meth acting like the cops are ripping the kids out of the parents arms. The parents choose this path.

Can I ask liberals why they defend adults breaking laws rather than the adults enforcing them?
Their parents are trying to save them and give them a better life

Not exactly rape, murder and mayhem
------------------------------ SAVE the widdle third worlder at my American kids expense and Americans get to pay for it with their money and by getting a fecked up diverse society to live in eh RWinger ??
It does suck to have your kids ripped out of your arms (not really happening but that's ok, it's good media hype).

So maybe you shouldn't commit a crime with them and try to sneak them into our country. It's their parents putting them at risk. That's like blaming the cops for taking kids out of a home where they are cooking meth acting like the cops are ripping the kids out of the parents arms. The parents choose this path.

Can I ask liberals why they defend adults breaking laws rather than the adults enforcing them?
Their parents are trying to save them and give them a better life

Not exactly rape, murder and mayhem

Then you've totally missed their journey to the borders, " raped" murdered these are kids who LEFT their parents long before hitting the US borders as the fake as. usual MSM tells it.

The kids were seperated from their parents all alone they make their way now that is FKN CHILD ABUSE.
Angelo Ray Gomez on Twitter

It does suck to have your kids ripped out of your arms (not really happening but that's ok, it's good media hype).

So maybe you shouldn't commit a crime with them and try to sneak them into our country. It's their parents putting them at risk. That's like blaming the cops for taking kids out of a home where they are cooking meth acting like the cops are ripping the kids out of the parents arms. The parents choose this path.

Can I ask liberals why they defend adults breaking laws rather than the adults enforcing them?
Their parents are trying to save them and give them a better life

Not exactly rape, murder and mayhem
Their parents knowingly put them under the control of the cartels, who do rape, murder, and cause mayhem.
It does suck to have your kids ripped out of your arms (not really happening but that's ok, it's good media hype).

So maybe you shouldn't commit a crime with them and try to sneak them into our country. It's their parents putting them at risk. That's like blaming the cops for taking kids out of a home where they are cooking meth acting like the cops are ripping the kids out of the parents arms. The parents choose this path.

Can I ask liberals why they defend adults breaking laws rather than the adults enforcing them?
Their parents are trying to save them and give them a better life

Not exactly rape, murder and mayhem

If your idea of "giving them a better life" is to try to circumvent our nations laws, thus being criminals and law breakers, then they aren't starting out too well.

Bleeding heart liberals are morons. "Seeking a better life" does not make it ok to break the laws of our nation.

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