All Four Prosecutors Resign In Disgust

trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.
You're's much deeper than that
They are on the right road but, turned on the wrong street

As far as the rest of your gibberish

Hillary had TOP SECRET emails they found bitch
Huma had her SoS emails stored in a folder labeled 'insurance'
stored on her laptop, found in the possession of her estranged husband
Monica Hanley said she mailed the laptop that was lost in the mail
with her SoS emails she uploaded to the laptop over the phone
from a email account that they were downloaded to...
The FBI found the laptop in her home

And don't even get me started about falsifying documents
to begin a fucking plot
"Not your president" Hillary Clinton saying that rule of law is in crisis.

Literal comedy

View attachment 306171
Yes. The SeaHag speaks.

We are no longer a nation of laws, since the clear evidence has proved that The President is above the law, and so are his friends:

Trial team quits Roger Stone case in dispute over sentence

Hearsay is not "clear evidence".

Nation of laws is finally starting to enforce its laws. I hope to see some firing squads.
This is what Nation of laws looks like.

It's different when the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it? I seem to recall a lot of gloating when Comey recommended no charges against Hillary.
How is that relevant to this situation?
Do I really have to explain it to you?
You cheered when Hillary, who flagrantly committed felonies, wasn't even prosecuted by Obama's Justice Dept. but are now crying about Stone, who had the book thrown at him, gets a lighter sentence. IOW, you're a hypocrite.
Did he get a lighter sentence? What was it?
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

You suspect that Trump will be voted out based on what? The 'stellar' cast of nominees that you on the left have come up with to challenge him? How the Democratic agenda 'resonates' with the American people? How badly the economy has done under Trump? How few jobs have been created under his economic policies? I hate to point out the obvious here, White but people are doing far better under Trump's leadership than they were under Barack Obama's. Why would they vote to put progressives back in power when it's very likely your agenda will bring back another recession and cost them their jobs once again?
i laugh every time y’all tout about the economy. The economy has performed the same under Trump as it did during the last few years of Obama. No significant difference, yet it was scorched earth under Obama and the best economy ever under trump. Which year did he get the 4-5% GDP. Remember how horrible it was that Obama never broke 3%?! Trump sure showed him! Well at least he got rid of the debt and deficit, right?! Haha

I love it when the left wants to give Barry credit for economic success that he had little to nothing to do with, Slade! The economy started coming back strong just as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid term election and no longer could ram job killing legislation like ObamaCare through Congress! Obama had nothing to do with the energy boom that drove job growth...he opposed fracking and Big Oil! He was the guy who told us all his plan was to make electricity much more expensive by closing down all the coal burning plants and passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Oh, he wasn't shy about taking credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production but that's laughable when you examine WHERE those increases took place! On lands that Barry controlled...production went down. On lands he didn't...production went up DRAMATICALLY!
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

You suspect that Trump will be voted out based on what? The 'stellar' cast of nominees that you on the left have come up with to challenge him? How the Democratic agenda 'resonates' with the American people? How badly the economy has done under Trump? How few jobs have been created under his economic policies? I hate to point out the obvious here, White but people are doing far better under Trump's leadership than they were under Barack Obama's. Why would they vote to put progressives back in power when it's very likely your agenda will bring back another recession and cost them their jobs once again?
i laugh every time y’all tout about the economy. The economy has performed the same under Trump as it did during the last few years of Obama. No significant difference, yet it was scorched earth under Obama and the best economy ever under trump. Which year did he get the 4-5% GDP. Remember how horrible it was that Obama never broke 3%?! Trump sure showed him! Well at least he got rid of the debt and deficit, right?! Haha

I love it when the left wants to give Barry credit for economic success that he had little to nothing to do with, Slade! The economy started coming back strong just as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid term election and no longer could ram job killing legislation like ObamaCare through Congress! Obama had nothing to do with the energy boom that drove job growth...he opposed fracking and Big Oil! He was the guy who told us all his plan was to make electricity much more expensive by closing down all the coal burning plants and passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Oh, he wasn't shy about taking credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production but that's laughable when you examine WHERE those increases took place! On lands that Barry controlled...production went down. On lands he didn't...production went up DRAMATICALLY!
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t see the irony!!! Haha, what a joke
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Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

You suspect that Trump will be voted out based on what? The 'stellar' cast of nominees that you on the left have come up with to challenge him? How the Democratic agenda 'resonates' with the American people? How badly the economy has done under Trump? How few jobs have been created under his economic policies? I hate to point out the obvious here, White but people are doing far better under Trump's leadership than they were under Barack Obama's. Why would they vote to put progressives back in power when it's very likely your agenda will bring back another recession and cost them their jobs once again?
i laugh every time y’all tout about the economy. The economy has performed the same under Trump as it did during the last few years of Obama. No significant difference, yet it was scorched earth under Obama and the best economy ever under trump. Which year did he get the 4-5% GDP. Remember how horrible it was that Obama never broke 3%?! Trump sure showed him! Well at least he got rid of the debt and deficit, right?! Haha

I love it when the left wants to give Barry credit for economic success that he had little to nothing to do with, Slade! The economy started coming back strong just as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid term election and no longer could ram job killing legislation like ObamaCare through Congress! Obama had nothing to do with the energy boom that drove job growth...he opposed fracking and Big Oil! He was the guy who told us all his plan was to make electricity much more expensive by closing down all the coal burning plants and passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Oh, he wasn't shy about taking credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production but that's laughable when you examine WHERE those increases took place! On lands that Barry controlled...production went down. On lands he didn't...production went up DRAMATICALLY!
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t seem the irony!!! Haha, what a joke

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

You suspect that Trump will be voted out based on what? The 'stellar' cast of nominees that you on the left have come up with to challenge him? How the Democratic agenda 'resonates' with the American people? How badly the economy has done under Trump? How few jobs have been created under his economic policies? I hate to point out the obvious here, White but people are doing far better under Trump's leadership than they were under Barack Obama's. Why would they vote to put progressives back in power when it's very likely your agenda will bring back another recession and cost them their jobs once again?
i laugh every time y’all tout about the economy. The economy has performed the same under Trump as it did during the last few years of Obama. No significant difference, yet it was scorched earth under Obama and the best economy ever under trump. Which year did he get the 4-5% GDP. Remember how horrible it was that Obama never broke 3%?! Trump sure showed him! Well at least he got rid of the debt and deficit, right?! Haha

I love it when the left wants to give Barry credit for economic success that he had little to nothing to do with, Slade! The economy started coming back strong just as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid term election and no longer could ram job killing legislation like ObamaCare through Congress! Obama had nothing to do with the energy boom that drove job growth...he opposed fracking and Big Oil! He was the guy who told us all his plan was to make electricity much more expensive by closing down all the coal burning plants and passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Oh, he wasn't shy about taking credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production but that's laughable when you examine WHERE those increases took place! On lands that Barry controlled...production went down. On lands he didn't...production went up DRAMATICALLY!
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t seem the irony!!! Haha, what a joke

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!

I'd like to add... When Barry would lose at tic tac toe, he would claim that he gave everything he had, and played well and he deserved victory, therefore he was a winner. :D
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

You suspect that Trump will be voted out based on what? The 'stellar' cast of nominees that you on the left have come up with to challenge him? How the Democratic agenda 'resonates' with the American people? How badly the economy has done under Trump? How few jobs have been created under his economic policies? I hate to point out the obvious here, White but people are doing far better under Trump's leadership than they were under Barack Obama's. Why would they vote to put progressives back in power when it's very likely your agenda will bring back another recession and cost them their jobs once again?
i laugh every time y’all tout about the economy. The economy has performed the same under Trump as it did during the last few years of Obama. No significant difference, yet it was scorched earth under Obama and the best economy ever under trump. Which year did he get the 4-5% GDP. Remember how horrible it was that Obama never broke 3%?! Trump sure showed him! Well at least he got rid of the debt and deficit, right?! Haha

I love it when the left wants to give Barry credit for economic success that he had little to nothing to do with, Slade! The economy started coming back strong just as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid term election and no longer could ram job killing legislation like ObamaCare through Congress! Obama had nothing to do with the energy boom that drove job growth...he opposed fracking and Big Oil! He was the guy who told us all his plan was to make electricity much more expensive by closing down all the coal burning plants and passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Oh, he wasn't shy about taking credit for the increase in oil and natural gas production but that's laughable when you examine WHERE those increases took place! On lands that Barry controlled...production went down. On lands he didn't...production went up DRAMATICALLY!
Oh yes, I’ve heard those lines too. Regardless of who you credit for the economy the 3% and deficit lines were both major points of critique for Obama, they were promises by Trump to turn around, they haven’t improved under Trump, yet he is being credited for the greatest economy ever. And you don’t seem the irony!!! Haha, what a joke

I look at more than just the end numbers, Slade! I look at one President who's working with almost a zero interest rate from the Fed for the longest time in US history compared to another that has had to absorb 5 rate increases since he was elected. I look at one President who allowed our international competitors to run roughshod over us and compare that President with one that took a principled stand against those same competitors...hit them with tariffs...and got them to stop screwing us so badly. I look at one President who understands what induces hiring and growth by the Private Sector and one who never could figure out why he couldn't get investors to risk their capital! Trump plays chess with the economy...Obama used to lose at tic tack toe!
oh come on... trump has been working with rates between .39% and 2.16% averaging closer to 1%. Your other points are just subjective observations. You’ve glosses right over my point to try and focus on this crap. Come on man. I’m not making a case that Trump has destroyed the economy. I’m just saying he is full of shit when it comes to the economic talking points.

best scenario would be to get Trump out of the White House. Get the Reps in control of the house and Dems in control of the senate.
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

I can't agree with you more.

This judge was not happy with him in the first place. The reason she slapped a gag order on him is because he threatened her on his instagram with a crosshairs on her.

He has threatened at least 2 people involved in this case and one of them is the judge.

There's absolutely no way that judge is going to pay any attention to trump and his corrupt DOJ.

Judge tightens gag order on Roger Stone over threatening Instagram post
Thanks, I had forgotten about the rifle crosshair pic of the judge.


stone belongs in prison.

The flagrant corruption from trump and his DOJ is down right disgusting.

While the whole time trump and his followers scream about Biden.
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

You must have missed the part where Slow Joe boasted about his wrongdoing.

"The relevant portion of the speech is transcribed below."

"I remember going over and convincing our team, others, to convince that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t."

"So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."

Watch Biden Brag About Bribing Ukraine To Fire Investigator Of Son's Biz
It's different when the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it? I seem to recall a lot of gloating when Comey recommended no charges against Hillary.
How is that relevant to this situation?
Do I really have to explain it to you?
You cheered when Hillary, who flagrantly committed felonies, wasn't even prosecuted by Obama's Justice Dept. but are now crying about Stone, who had the book thrown at him, gets a lighter sentence. IOW, you're a hypocrite.
Did he get a lighter sentence? What was it?
Pay attention!
It's different when the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it? I seem to recall a lot of gloating when Comey recommended no charges against Hillary.
How is that relevant to this situation?
Do I really have to explain it to you?
You cheered when Hillary, who flagrantly committed felonies, wasn't even prosecuted by Obama's Justice Dept. but are now crying about Stone, who had the book thrown at him, gets a lighter sentence. IOW, you're a hypocrite.
Did he get a lighter sentence? What was it?
Pay attention!
I am... are you?

what was the sentence you we’re talking about?
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation
hahhahahahahhahhaha -I LOVE IT!!!
this is justice for all the crap that's been going on
dang you beat me to it.
The op as no idea what justice is.
James Wolfe democrat got 2 months for leaking classified docs. to the press.
And stone gets 9 years for bloviating.
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

Lying under oath and tampering with a witness? those were some of the same charges against Bill Clinton. How many years did he get? Well it's worth punishment. The Democrats are being excessive.

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