All I know is......

And if Trumpy really wants to make America great again, he should suggest legislation to eliminate taxes from IRA withdrawals for us seniors.
We need more and higher taxes, not less of them.

Go ahead lib, lead by example voluntarily make a contribution to the Federal government you can do that each tax year.
Gonna join me shytestain?

We all knew you wouldn't, you libwits are all for higher taxes so long as you are not the one paying them.
Better to tax than run up the debt as Republicans prefer to do
And if Trumpy really wants to make America great again, he should suggest legislation to eliminate taxes from IRA withdrawals for us seniors.
We need more and higher taxes, not less of them.

Go ahead lib, lead by example voluntarily make a contribution to the Federal government you can do that each tax year.
Gonna join me shytestain?

We all knew you wouldn't, you libwits are all for higher taxes so long as you are not the one paying them.
Better to tax than run up the debt as Republicans prefer to do

Why don't the moochers get a job and pay their fair share.
Amazingly, RWs are very critical of ACA allowing families bring allowed to stick together and keep their kids on the family insurance until age 26.

Always amusing the way Progressives define words by what they need the word to mean instead of the actual meaning.

For instance, they believe someone sixteen is a mature adult when it comes to voting. At the same time, in order to keep a "child" on their parent's health insurance, 26 is still an immature child. Go figure!
How are you going to reduce our national debt, Einstein?

Reduce taxes in order to increase the revenues with increased business comes an increase in our GDP and puts more people bak to work.
Its all about Trump these days, Hillary is but a diversion for your kind to change the subject. But you won't

Where did anyone mention Hillary Clinton above? Except for you of course.
read your post, asshole
Eh, lots of unnecessary govt spending and you want to give them more? I don't think so

You're probably right about the unnecessary spending, but you don't think taxes really go to the government do you? They go through the government, but they go to us, and what we need.
Eh, lots of unnecessary govt spending and you want to give them more? I don't think so

You're probably right about the unnecessary spending, but you don't think taxes really go to the government do you? They go through the government, but they go to us, and what we need.

"Free shit is what we need."
Eh, lots of unnecessary govt spending and you want to give them more? I don't think so

You're probably right about the unnecessary spending, but you don't think taxes really go to the government do you? They go through the government, but they go to us, and what we need.

"Free shit is what we need."

It's what got Trump here he is. without all those grants, tax abatements, and other tax breaks, he would have had to pay his fair share, and he wouldn't have been able to hang on to all that inherited money through all his terrible business decisions.
Billions upon billions could be saved by making the defense department more efficient and more transparent.

The same can be said about welfare, Social Security, and every other government program.

Obviously you are young and or do not work, SS is earned.

You must be old, stupid and senile, SS is not earned, it is taken from the young. Consuming the young...
I have paid into the S/S fund since leaving college. Of course it is earned
How old are you?

Old enough to remember 90% tax brackets on the well off.

Is that what you consider "Great Again"?
I asked how old you are. lol
How old are you?

Old enough to remember 90% tax brackets on the well off.

Is that what you consider "Great Again"?
So you remember tax brackets from 70 years ago, when you were a baby or child at best?

The top tax bracket in 1960 was 91%.

You know, back in the day when America was Great.
No one seems to be able to do it or...cares enough to do it. I do believe the largest increase in the national debt occurred during the last 8 years

Not to interfere with YOUR ignorance and the 2 other nitwits who gave you "stars" for your imbecility.......the facts are

Obama increased the debt by 67% (given the unemployment rate of 700,000 per month, the 2 unpaid wars and Medicare Disadvantage, that is pretty darn good.)

Whereas, our beloved GWB increased the debt by 101%.......mostly with the trickle down tax scam.

To further help you nitwits..101 is BIGGER than 67.
You're welcome
How old are you?

Old enough to remember 90% tax brackets on the well off.

Is that what you consider "Great Again"?
I asked how old you are. lol
How old are you?

Old enough to remember 90% tax brackets on the well off.

Is that what you consider "Great Again"?
So you remember tax brackets from 70 years ago, when you were a baby or child at best?

The top tax bracket in 1960 was 91%.

You know, back in the day when America was Great.
We got along quite well with those tax brackets
How old are you?

Old enough to remember 90% tax brackets on the well off.

Is that what you consider "Great Again"?
I asked how old you are. lol
How old are you?

Old enough to remember 90% tax brackets on the well off.

Is that what you consider "Great Again"?
So you remember tax brackets from 70 years ago, when you were a baby or child at best?

The top tax bracket in 1960 was 91%.

You know, back in the day when America was Great.
We got along quite well with those tax brackets

Yes, we did.
How old are you?

Old enough to remember 90% tax brackets on the well off.

Is that what you consider "Great Again"?
I asked how old you are. lol
How old are you?

Old enough to remember 90% tax brackets on the well off.

Is that what you consider "Great Again"?
So you remember tax brackets from 70 years ago, when you were a baby or child at best?

The top tax bracket in 1960 was 91%.

You know, back in the day when America was Great.
We got along quite well with those tax brackets

Yes, we did.
People reinvested in their businesses instead of taking big profits out.

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