All It Takes Is Heart, In This Case A Very BIG Heart!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
This family ends up with an unexpected pet for life. Some people just don't know how to quit let alone lose & in this case ALL involved win thanks to pure grit determination to give it their best shot. It's folks like these in the below video that give me hope in humanity.

We are lucky in my AO on injured critters like that.....You can take them up to the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (they run the national zoo) and if it's possible they can be fixed they will give it a shot.

This past Spring someone took a snapping turtle that had been ran over and even though they could not save it they harvested the eggs inside and incubated them till they hatched and turned them loose in the creek that runs by the place.

They usually return everything to the wild but I understand there are quite a few "pets" up there. ;)

It was also the site of a WW-2 POW camp for German and Italian POWs.


In Virginia keeping a pet deer or other wild animal is frowned upon by the "bunny police" and they will come and get it if they find out about it.
We are lucky in my AO on injured critters like that.....You can take them up to the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (they run the national zoo) and if it's possible they can be fixed they will give it a shot.

This past Spring someone took a snapping turtle that had been ran over and even though they could not save it they harvested the eggs inside and incubated them till they hatched and turned them loose in the creek that runs by the place.

They usually return everything to the wild but I understand there are quite a few "pets" up there. ;)

It was also the site of a WW-2 POW camp for German and Italian POWs.


In Virginia keeping a pet deer or other wild animal is frowned upon by the "bunny police" and they will come and get it if they find out about it.
Saved the eggs like ALRIGHT! I back 'most' folks/organizations that 'truly' benefit humanity & wildlife. Back in 1966 through 68' we had wild(semi wild?) Columbian Black-Tailed deer(free roaming) on our 45 acre plot of land(small family farm) in the Willamette Valley area of Oregon. I think the previous owners had somewhat domesticated them as within a few months or so of our arrival the herd were ever more becoming our "yard deer", PAYDAY's, Fritos & sliced pears proved irresistible to these lil banditos!

We did not let any of them become a house deer & it would never have occurred to us to let them in our home as we had never heard of the term "House Deer"(I don't think the term existed way back then). It was during this short tenure on the before mentioned acreage that I experienced that both domestic & so called 'wild' life are not quite the 'dumb' animals they are made out to be by much of humanity. For sure horses, deer & goats are MUCH more intelligent than given credit for, & possess unique communication skills especially as the bond between 'them' & a person deepens in intensity. Those fawns were only a couple/three months old when we spied them @ play(imagine pinballs/bumpers!) in our yard & I can truthfully tell you that the term "pissing ones drawers from laughter" does happen!

"In Virginia keeping a pet deer..."

I will not opine on the below vids but it is obvious that several of these so called wildlife agencies are having to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get employees hired @ all levels within these wildlife bureaucracies. The state does NOT own the American constituencies wildlife but rather they are hired by the American constituencies hard earned tax dollars to provide quality wildlife management through proper stewardship so BOTH wildlife & humanity can enjoy their existence. Kansas in my book landed a 0000/F- for a grade along with several other states wildlife agencies.

To be fair I must admit that the three wildlife agents sent to exterminate Faline were just following orders as any dedicated government employee would do. From what I have seen in pictures of Faline she looked of proper weight & excellent in health. The problem in my opinion is two part; an outdated(incompetent) wildlife system/employees @ least in some of our state level agencies, & also that the deer are running out of food in certain areas of our USA so are now living in built up residential neighborhoods(e.g. N/W area of Spokane/Spo-Can). & thus have become neighborhood pets by necessity. We had the Black-Tailed deer herd clear back in the mid to late 60's literally eating out of our hands. Deer have been pets of mankind @ least back to the king Solomon era & maybe(?) clear back to the Akkadian empire(no recorded history exists before the Akkadian empire on planet earth).

The Dove = peace. The Deer is the ONLY wild animal on the face of the earth that has earned every one of mankind's eight highest valued attributes; Devotion, Gentleness, Intuition, Unconditional Love, Spiritual Awareness, Innocence, Peace & Grace.

Wow like what a beautiful Mule doe, so much like a scaled up Black-Tailed doe!

Hopefully positive changes can be made but with g'ment agencies this is most often not the case due to power & control issues.

Below we have a White-Tailed doe that started out badly but hit the freaking jack pot!!! She's the only deer that ever received a message from the International Space Station!!! No joke like read the link below!

There are peon deer & then there are royalty deer that have it all, including the servants!


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