All Leftists Are Hypocrites

They ran companies. You know, capitalism.

They didn’t make $70M working for the government their entire lives.
All of the people you listed run/ran companies. But your voting record redistributes wealth to them and away from everyone else regardless of how they came by their money, so not sure why you are pretending to care.
What a dumbfuck!!!
Yeah. You should have left that part out.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You got duped by lies. That is what happens when you ingest news that tells you what you want to hear instead of the truth.

It cost Fox 745 million to lie to you.
Excellent, a sore-loser crying thread.

Seeing such threads is always good news. We can measure how desperate the Trump cult losers are by how many such threads they create.
Notice you didn’t deny any of the points made showing Leftist hypocrisy. Worse, you can’t provide any facts to back up the contrary.
So many fascist sore-loser tears flowing here.

So delicous. Nomnomnomnomnom. They nourish the souls of patriots.

Mor plz.
The only losers are the Democrats because they lost credibility. As for fascism, look no further than your dear leaders who wanted the country to maintain shutdown during COVID while the liberal elite went about their business with private salon appointments and dinner parties. That’s fascism… “do as I say, not as I do”.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $43M on security while giving millions to defund the police groups.

Ben and Jerry’s calls for everyone to give their land back to the Indians, yet all of their mansions and businesses remain firmly in the hands of whites.

Kerry, Obama, Gore Biden, et al tell you that you must pay higher taxes and make sacrifices while they buy beachfront mansions and fly private jets.

Democrats bitch about ‘the rich’ while conducting insider trading, taking every tax break they can, and adding more to their multimillions.

Democrats scream about racism while demanding they be allowed to hand out or deny perks based upon skin color.

Democrats say kids are safe while conducting protests demanding they be allowed to sexually mutilate children.

Democrats claim they are the party of science but can’t even define what a woman is.

During the pandemic Democrats demanded you surrender your civil rights while they went to parties, hair salons, went on vacations, failed to wear masks, etc.

Democrats in Congress blasted SCOTUS for saying Congress has the power for spending. Yeah, try to figure that one out.

The list goes on and on.

Sounds like you all have class envy.

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