All Lives Matter Protest Planned


Note the location and time. See you there!
while advocating violence against others......btw go listen or read the statement of the child of Baton Rouge dead...then feel very small

Why? I don't get reading assignments from you? What's the point?
Point is he towers above you race hustlers........... not surprised nobody put it up....rather inconvenient for the haters

That's like, your opinion man. Go read Manson he towers above you in integrity shit for brains.
I rest my case

Note the location and time. See you there!
while advocating violence against others......btw go listen or read the statement of the child of Baton Rouge dead...then feel very small

Why? I don't get reading assignments from you? What's the point?
Point is he towers above you race hustlers........... not surprised nobody put it up....rather inconvenient for the haters

That's like, your opinion man. Go read Manson he towers above you in integrity shit for brains.
I rest my case

Me too!:eusa_clap:
And more of the stupid arrives:

You Won't BELIEVE BLM's List Of Demands - And This One BIG ONE

The nitwit Black Lives Matter cadre up in Minneapolis spent Wednesday morning blocking traffic during rush hour on Interstate 35W. They chanted things like “No Justice, No Police, No Racist Police” and “Black Lives Matter Here.”

This tactic of blocking traffic can have disastrous consequences. A child almost died when they couldn’t get to a hospital in Memphis because a group of protestors blocked the way, BizPacReview is reporting.

But that doesn’t matter to these folks. They’re determined to disrupt daily life, no matter what happens."

BTW, the US does not negotiate with criminals.

So like after you posted OMG you won't believe their demands. You proceed to go OMG My commute! OMG how annoying!

And never listed one of the (OMG) Demands...?
I can't believe their blocking traffic over something so minor as being afraid of the public servants taking your freedom or life. I mean, drop it already gosh!
Blm should take it a step further, I mean if they want change man up, n quit running those peter suckers. The problem is blacks today lack leadership, when women are raising men to many decisions are based on emotion. So instead of being a group of men who fight back they go n block traffic. N for all of u bitching bout the rallies interfering with commutes, u have a gas pedal use it.
Here is a news report of those caring BLM members. they want to heal the public soooooo much. Yep right here is their behavior.

WATCH: BLM Protesters Block Roads... Motorists Take BRUTAL Action

"But of more concern is the fact that these protests have hindered emergency workers from tending to injured or sick people, and there has been at least one instance of these demonstrations preventing a child from getting to the hospital.

Furthermore, blocking a roadway is a crime under several state laws — including Tennessee where, despite the law, police officers were told to stand down and allow the protesters to block motorists from crossing the Hernando-Desoto Bridge in Memphis for several hours in the extreme heat, according to Fox News.

The recent deaths of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota were certainly tragedies for their families and communities, but groups such as Black Lives Matter have jumped to the conclusion that the police officers who were responsible for those deaths were in the wrong and racially motivated.

The truth is that investigations into those deaths are ongoing, but even if the police officers in those instances were incriminated, it wouldn’t give license to activists to prevent innocent people from going to work or school. And in certainly doesn’t make it ok to block emergency responders from tending to the sick or injured."
I have never been to a city that did not have alternate routes from any given Point A to Point B that could be used INSTEAD of a highway. I commuted into a city for 13 years where at least twice daily the interstate was a parking lot just due to heavy traffic and maybe someone with a flat tire. It's part of living in a city. If you know there's going to be a protest, choose your route accordingly. It seems some people would like BLM to protest in places where they can ignore it. BLM plans to be heard, whether you personally want to hear them or not.
Why? Who gave them that right? Show me
And more of the stupid arrives:

You Won't BELIEVE BLM's List Of Demands - And This One BIG ONE

The nitwit Black Lives Matter cadre up in Minneapolis spent Wednesday morning blocking traffic during rush hour on Interstate 35W. They chanted things like “No Justice, No Police, No Racist Police” and “Black Lives Matter Here.”

This tactic of blocking traffic can have disastrous consequences. A child almost died when they couldn’t get to a hospital in Memphis because a group of protestors blocked the way, BizPacReview is reporting.

But that doesn’t matter to these folks. They’re determined to disrupt daily life, no matter what happens."

BTW, the US does not negotiate with criminals.

So like after you posted OMG you won't believe their demands. You proceed to go OMG My commute! OMG how annoying!

And never listed one of the (OMG) Demands...?
I posted the link, you afraid to read? They want to eliminate cops
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I can't believe their blocking traffic over something so minor as being afraid of the public servants taking your freedom or life. I mean, drop it already gosh!
Right? Those people didn't do anything, right?

Cops did, why fk up every one but the ones you're mad at? Stupid

I'd assume they would want support, not anger. Hmmmmmmmm

The. Fact you can't figure that out doesn't surprise me

Note the location and time. See you there!

Another asinine thread from a Leftie.

Intelligent people know it's a given that all lives matter. We don't have to rally. Only racists and cry baby haters make it an issue.

Note the location and time. See you there!

Another asinine thread from a Leftie.

Intelligent people know it's a given that all lives matter. We don't have to rally. Only racists and cry baby haters make it an issue.

If intelligent people know that all lives matter then explain that to the idiots who think BLM means other lives don't matter
BLM wants respect, doesn't feel they have to give any respect, they feel tearing down cities and businesses are gains moving forward in getting more respect. If you want respect, why continue to act like you don't want any. Hypocrites.

Please show any evidence that BLM as an organization in any way endorses rioting, looting or violence.
Why do they do it?

What's their name fool? It's self evident.

One would think that is someone were to refute the actions of an organization that they may actually know something about the organization before opening their mouth.
And more of the stupid arrives:

You Won't BELIEVE BLM's List Of Demands - And This One BIG ONE

The nitwit Black Lives Matter cadre up in Minneapolis spent Wednesday morning blocking traffic during rush hour on Interstate 35W. They chanted things like “No Justice, No Police, No Racist Police” and “Black Lives Matter Here.”

This tactic of blocking traffic can have disastrous consequences. A child almost died when they couldn’t get to a hospital in Memphis because a group of protestors blocked the way, BizPacReview is reporting.

But that doesn’t matter to these folks. They’re determined to disrupt daily life, no matter what happens."

BTW, the US does not negotiate with criminals.

So like after you posted OMG you won't believe their demands. You proceed to go OMG My commute! OMG how annoying!

And never listed one of the (OMG) Demands...?
I posted the link, you afraid to read? They want to eliminate cops[/QUOTE,]

Eliminate as in murder? Nice of you to be so conveniently ambiguous about it.
They are simply calling for the dismantling of a department they feel is broken.

No one is advocating murder here.[/QUOTE
BLM wants respect, doesn't feel they have to give any respect, they feel tearing down cities and businesses are gains moving forward in getting more respect. If you want respect, why continue to act like you don't want any. Hypocrites.

Please show any evidence that BLM as an organization in any way endorses rioting, looting or violence.
Why do they do it?

What's their name fool? It's self evident.

One would think that is someone were to refute the actions of an organization that they may actually know something about the organization before opening their mouth.
Would figure if someone wanted respect, one would demonstrate to the world what assholes they are by destroying their own neighborhood. LOL
And more of the stupid arrives:

You Won't BELIEVE BLM's List Of Demands - And This One BIG ONE

The nitwit Black Lives Matter cadre up in Minneapolis spent Wednesday morning blocking traffic during rush hour on Interstate 35W. They chanted things like “No Justice, No Police, No Racist Police” and “Black Lives Matter Here.”

This tactic of blocking traffic can have disastrous consequences. A child almost died when they couldn’t get to a hospital in Memphis because a group of protestors blocked the way, BizPacReview is reporting.

But that doesn’t matter to these folks. They’re determined to disrupt daily life, no matter what happens."

BTW, the US does not negotiate with criminals.

So like after you posted OMG you won't believe their demands. You proceed to go OMG My commute! OMG how annoying!

And never listed one of the (OMG) Demands...?
I posted the link, you afraid to read? They want to eliminate cops[/QUOTE,]

Eliminate as in murder? Nice of you to be so conveniently ambiguous about it.
They are simply calling for the dismantling of a department they feel is broken.

No one is advocating murder here.[/QUOTE
Dude, you should learn to use the quotes
And more of the stupid arrives:

You Won't BELIEVE BLM's List Of Demands - And This One BIG ONE

The nitwit Black Lives Matter cadre up in Minneapolis spent Wednesday morning blocking traffic during rush hour on Interstate 35W. They chanted things like “No Justice, No Police, No Racist Police” and “Black Lives Matter Here.”

This tactic of blocking traffic can have disastrous consequences. A child almost died when they couldn’t get to a hospital in Memphis because a group of protestors blocked the way, BizPacReview is reporting.

But that doesn’t matter to these folks. They’re determined to disrupt daily life, no matter what happens."

BTW, the US does not negotiate with criminals.

So like after you posted OMG you won't believe their demands. You proceed to go OMG My commute! OMG how annoying!

And never listed one of the (OMG) Demands...?
I posted the link, you afraid to read? They want to eliminate cops[/QUOTE,]

Eliminate as in murder? Nice of you to be so conveniently ambiguous about it.
They are simply calling for the dismantling of a department they feel is broken.

No one is advocating murder here.[/QUOTE
Dude, you should learn to use the quotes

I did it twice and that's the way it came out so get over it.

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