All Lives Matter Protest Planned

As usual you post your typical bullshit because you believe that those like me are mocking the Black Lives Matter movement...

Tell me are Black lives more important than Asian, Hispanic or Native American lives?

Well of course you will say no but be really honest and admit the only lives you care about are those that will be voting for Hillary Clinton this November and the rest can go fuck off.

I mean you are known for your racist opinion for blacks that are not Democratic Party voters, so their lives do not matter to you, so let be factual even Black Lives do not matter to you and what your # should be is:


Black Lives Matter came about in reaction to the public perception that black lives do not matter


Thanks for the information and the education and still the kunt of a OP'er is trying to tell everyone that believe every life matter is a joke to him.

Also my bet the kunt of a op'er has never marched a day in their pathetic excuse of a life and mocks people writing on internet forums and yet the worthless piece of white trash is here writing on a internet forum, so maybe the kunt should go do some good in the community for once in their life...

Actually, the reply "all lives matter" is condescending and irrelevant

Blacks are trying to be included in "All lives matter"
O'Malley booed after saying 'All lives matter' at liberal event

Rightfully so

He should have known better

He should have played to the crowd, instead of stating his belief?

Will butt hurts so bad. Hurry, someone please offend his delicate sensibilities so his victim act isnt all for naught

Still bored

Ask Closed Caption about his opinion of Stacey Dash, USSC Judge Thomas or Former Secretary of State Condi Rice and watch how Closed Caption tosses them under the boss because their black lives do not matter at all...

I mean Stacey Dash is nothing but an Oreo, right Closed Caption?
BLM wants respect, doesn't feel they have to give any respect, they feel tearing down cities and businesses are gains moving forward in getting more respect. If you want respect, why continue to act like you don't want any. Hypocrites.
rightwinger, I agree it is funny that you feel your BLM is deserved of anything.

Note the location and time. See you there!

As usual you post your typical bullshit because you believe that those like me are mocking the Black Lives Matter movement...

Tell me are Black lives more important than Asian, Hispanic or Native American lives?

Well of course you will say no but be really honest and admit the only lives you care about are those that will be voting for Hillary Clinton this November and the rest can go fuck off.

I mean you are known for your racist opinion for blacks that are not Democratic Party voters, so their lives do not matter to you, so let be factual even Black Lives do not matter to you and what your # should be is:


Black Lives Matter came about in reaction to the public perception that black lives do not matter


Thanks for the information and the education and still the kunt of a OP'er is trying to tell everyone that believe every life matter is a joke to him.

Also my bet the kunt of a op'er has never marched a day in their pathetic excuse of a life and mocks people writing on internet forums and yet the worthless piece of white trash is here writing on a internet forum, so maybe the kunt should go do some good in the community for once in their life...

Actually, the reply "all lives matter" is condescending and irrelevant

Blacks are trying to be included in "All lives matter"

Not according to ClosedCaption.

Note the location and time. See you there!

Let's see. A group that says it's protesting in order to reduce violence uses violence and lawbreaking tactics to get their point across.

When one takes place, you wouldn't have the guts to show up.
it is merely evidence that the BLM does not believe in ALM or BLM or anything other than BLM and the violence against everyone else is their staple.

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