All Lives Matter

Do you believe that BIPOC folks are treated unfairly in this country?

Some are some aren't. No point really in arguing which is greater, but we do have laws regarding unfair treatment with respect to discriminators listed in the 14th Amendment.

I have never done any harm to anyone yet you call me a nazi.
We have had several BLM rallies in my state. Not once has there been any violence. None. Are they nazis too?
Chance are you live in a red state where law and order are preserved and public safety and security are a top priority, as it should be. Nobody has a problem with protests about anything, including BLM. But when bottles start flying and fires are set and the looting begins, that ain't a protest, it's a riot. And THAT is reminiscent of the Nazis back in the day.
I'd say if you don't know what a fascist is, or where/how to get factual coverage on stuff like race issues, you probably don't belong on a political message board.

Unless you're just trolling, sea lioning for fun.
Do you see folks, this "trailer park hag" hasn't first clue that in point of fact, she, and her fellow trash, along with their political party, are fascists, she has no idea what fascism is, or how it works, and whats more there is no point in even the attempt to educate "sweetie-pie" to the reality, she'd deny the sunrise & sunset if MSNBC told her to do so!
Non violent BLM is an oxymoron
Since you won’t answer my question and since you believe all people of color are violent animals, guess what? You get nothing colonizer.

Don't twist my words around, I said nothing of the sort,.. and for the record BLM is mostly made of white people from what I've seen at least. It's just like if you have been charged for a crime and you don't have any evidence to support that you're innocent and you swear that you still are. You would be laughed right out of the courtroom and into a jail cell. (Not saying that you have committed any crimes, I was just giving you an example.)
Why is it such an offensive thing to say that? It's not saying everybody else except black people's lives matter, it's saying that all lives matter including the blacks.
Marxist-socialist agendas are like that because Marx was racist, and the term ‘black lives matter’ reifies one race at the expense of all the others, That’s why it’s a racist statement, and not a statement of American democracy where reifications such as that get, or should get, immediately subsumed. All lives matter is not a racist statement, it is a pro-life statement.

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