All Lives Matter

You are a liar and no longer worth my time.

You're the one twisting my words around and you have the right to call me a liar? Well, at least we can agree on one thing. You are no longer worth my time either so see ya.
Well, I will give you one thing. Saying all lives matter might be criticizing BLM, but it isn't saying what you claim it is towards black people.

Shame on me? What have I ever done? This is what your heroic group has done.

Dear Potterhead2021
Is it fair to blame all Christians for what Klans have done as a Christ Identity denomination?

Is it fair to blame all MAGA supporters for what some extreme QAnon people did to vandalize the Capitol and contribute to chaos that got people killed?

The Golden Rule applies.

If we do not like being blamed as a group for the wrongs committed by others,
how is it ethical to blame a person because other people did wrong things?

Where is the Due Process to prove who did the wrongs, before judging or punishing?

Without proof, shouldn't we treat others as we want to be treated until we are proven to have done the wrongs being blamed on a group?
Let the record show that I've been asking for evidence to support not all BLM members are violent terrorists and so far my request has gone ignored. Simply put because thus far there has been no evidence and case closed. (No offense or anything.)
Do you mean that you're a part of BLM? Oh and if that's true I would like some proof please. Otherwise I just consider it hogwash and I'm sure that others in this thread would say the same.
It's the riots and the looting that have been the exception to the rule. Most BLM marches and demonstrations have been peaceful. DOJ says over 90%. They don't get a lot of play in the media (too boring I guess) and on social media. You've been fed a steady diet of the bad stuff and you've gotten a twisted idea of what BLM is all about. Crowds can get carried away and some bad people can use a crowd for their own criminal purposes--like Jan 6.

Through the persistent, steady crowds demonstrating against police brutality, they actually got officials' attention for once and some changes have been made in a lot of police departments in large cities. People are listening, and that's a good thing.
It's the riots and the looting that have been the exception to the rule. Most BLM marches and demonstrations have been peaceful. DOJ says over 90%. They don't get a lot of play in the media (too boring I guess) and on social media. You've been fed a steady diet of the bad stuff and you've gotten a twisted idea of what BLM is all about. Crowds can get carried away and some bad people can use a crowd for their own criminal purposes--like Jan 6.

Through the persistent, steady crowds demonstrating against police brutality, they actually got officials' attention for once and some changes have been made in a lot of police departments in large cities. People are listening, and that's a good thing.
I have to wonder if a right-leaning political/social group had 90% peaceful demonstrations and just a few instances here and there of burning down cities, looting, attacking defenseless old ladies, shooting police officers would you be so gracious in your assessment.

Actually, never mind. I don't have to wonder (and neither does anyone else).

Leftist hypocrites like you are entirely lacking in any kind of self-awareness.
I have to wonder if a right-leaning political/social group had 90% peaceful demonstrations and just a few instances here and there of burning down cities, looting, attacking defenseless old ladies, shooting police officers would you be so gracious in your assessment.

Actually, never mind. I don't have to wonder (and neither does anyone else).

Leftist hypocrites like you are entirely lacking in any kind of self-awareness.
Love being damned for an imaginary scenario you made up. Great work, Mr. Self Aware!
So, if "SOME Blacks are criminals" we should stop the whole civil rights movement, ignore the constitution etc?

Because some BLM people, or people claiming to be BLM, are going around causing violence, we should ignore the whole thing?

Remember what happened when Kaepernick knelt before NFL games. You know what they said "This isn't the place for this". Any old excuse to get them to stop. So they realized these people weren't going to listen. NOW THEY LISTEN because they went and got people's attention.

You can't have it both ways.
^ YES we are saying the same things
Exactly. Respect for DUE PROCESS
Don't collectively blame:
ALL police
ALL White people as racist or Blacks as thugs
ALL Trump supporters
etc etc

Exactly! frigidweirdo
All this collective blame by group think
needs to stop because nobody likes being blamed this way as a group!
I have to wonder if a right-leaning political/social group had 90% peaceful demonstrations and just a few instances here and there of burning down cities, looting, attacking defenseless old ladies, shooting police officers would you be so gracious in your assessment.

Actually, never mind. I don't have to wonder (and neither does anyone else).

Leftist hypocrites like you are entirely lacking in any kind of self-awareness.
Problem is not % but media visibility
1. Even if 2% of the people have the solution, that IS enough to establish it. Einstein was only 1 person, but the right ideas prevail over wrong answers.
% are also very tiny with LGBT interests, but that is ENOUGH to demand equal inclusion with the other 95-99%

2. The problem is NEGATIVE garbage gets spread in the media. The Violent riots and Crazy looking protesters.

With Jan 6, everyone targeted the painted Shaman with mental heath issues. But the majority of marchers were normal law abiding peaceful people, not vandals.

Do you notice how the poster people for movements are always the most controversial, not the clean cut victims of corruption?

Gary Graham, Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, and now George Floyd had negative history and backgrounds.

The media hype didn't focus on nice peaceful people shot by police.

In real life Unkotare
The peaceful effective people solving these problems are TOO BUSY doing the work to protest "what isn't done right"

We don't see peacemakers in the media in the Middle East. We only see the attacks and terrorists shown in the media.

So whatever solutions it takes, even if only 1-5% of the people solving their own problems directly, we don't see good news in the media. Only bad problems that sell....
It's the riots and the looting that have been the exception to the rule. Most BLM marches and demonstrations have been peaceful.

You know I like you, but I have still yet to see these claims proven.

Exactly! frigidweirdo
All this collective blame by group think
needs to stop because nobody likes being blamed this way as a group!

I actually don't care what the liberal leftists say about us Trump supporters because I let it go in one ear and out the other. I like you as well, but people really need to stop being snowflakes and grow a thicker skin.
You know I like you, but I have still yet to see these claims proven.

I actually don't care what the liberal leftists say about us Trump supporters because I let it go in one ear and out the other. I like you as well, but people really need to stop being snowflakes and grow a thicker skin.
Dear Potterhead2021
Not asking you to believe THAT side before proof.

But asking to remain NEUTRAL and not assume blame for "everyone collectively associated with BLM"
until proof of THAT either, for each person being blamed.

People are so biased, that even before we see proof, we will LEAN toward that assumption.

And this bias is enough to cause the mess you see, where you wish people had "thicker skin."

You can SAY you do not care if "people collectively view all Trump supporters" as negative.

But this affects public policy. People excluding and dismissing "conservative" input, beliefs and interests
means making policy decisions that disparage and discriminate because those sides are NOT respected equally.

The bias affects not only what we see in the media,
but decisions by party and by govt leaders who project the same biases.

What WE can do is prevent ourselves from harboring or projecting the biases
on OUR side of the fence.

Then we can see more clearly how to correct the rest.

If we don't "remove the BEAM from our own eyes first"
then we cannot see clearly to help our neighbors do the same!
Saying BLM isn't all violent is like saying some of Hitler's followers were complete angels. People would laugh you right out of the country if you were to say that in public.

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