All Lives matter

How flipping dis·in·gen·u·ous and theatrical was that ? LOL.

All lives matters includes black live matter's Dufus. What part of that people don't understand is just amazing. Infact the title BLM would have been better as ALM instead, otherwise because it would have been saying that "hey we as black Americans matter too", that's right ALM means to include everyone as being American's based upon our unique character's, and not upon our skin colors. So if black's are feeling left out or disenfranchised, then the logo "All Lives Matter" would have worked just as well. Infact it would have been more supported by "ALL" American's without any bias or disillusions concerning it being about just black's, but about any American's suffering under what they felt were and still might be injustices against a class of people be it whatever color they might be.
blm needed this opportunism afforded by the Floyd fentanyl-eating fiasco. It had to reify itself in its search for solidarity against the symbol of the superego, the police. However, in a democracy, any attempt to reify something gets automatically subsumed by being forced to identify with the majority. An ego death that black racism cannot stand for because it has an agenda if it is to remain the supergo’s rival in a fight to the death for pure prestige. This reification: when it grasps it, it loses it. Intelligent Americans should know what to boycott and for how long.
The left needs a win no matter how they can get it. If you dont want to lose your country, you hate brown people. That's the extent if their "logic"
Yep, just like Biden's race baiting bullcrap where he said if you don't vote for me, then you ain't black. Can you believe that a president actually said that in America in 2020 ??? That right there should have turned most black's against him, but so many are just brainwashed that they thought that he was saying something good. Just like he said to the journalist about maybe him being a druggy or something, otherwise stereo typing him in his fit of rage for being questioned by him, where it was yet another eye opening moment.

Well they are stuck trying to use him to their maximum benefit, even if they gotta hold their nose while doing it. The more Biden opens his mouth, he just adds to the list of those who will use his idiocy to then bribe him along with his idiot cast of clowns in order to extort his position for power and gain. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharptons alledged reported favorite pass time back in the day.

White guilt will never be allowed to subside, even though in the seventies it was as close to uniting in America between the races than it ever was.

What happened ??
blm needed this opportunism afforded by the Floyd fentanyl-eating fiasco. It had to reify itself in its search for solidarity against the symbol of the superego, the police. However, in a democracy, any attempt to reify something gets automatically subsumed by being forced to identify with the majority. An ego death that black racism cannot stand for because it has an agenda if it is to remain the supergo’s rival in a fight to the death for pure prestige. This reification: when it grasps it, it loses it. Intelligent Americans should know what to boycott and for how long.
Agree that boycotts should only last the time length it takes to get the points across, but what we are seeing is a much broader movement that has alot more involved than the average American thinks there is, but they should see it now.

this school district bans the sign and is being taken to court. Good.
The reason it makes threat is because it reifies one race at the expense of all other races. ‘All liver matter’ is not a racist statement. black lives matter is a racist statement. Boycott black lives matter.
You consider skin color on par with religion?
People choose skin color?
chill out, have fun.

The reason it makes threat is because it reifies one race at the expense of all other races. ‘All liver matter’ is not a racist statement. black lives matter is a racist statement. Boycott black lives matter.
The slogan isn’t “ONLY Black Lives Matter.” Nor is it “Black Lives Matter more than others.”

When the Boston Marathon was bombed, social media profile pictures became “Boston strong!” Nobody said, “All cities are strong!”

When the Las Vegas shooting happened, people changed their profile, “Stand with Vegas.” Nobody said, “Well what about the people that got shot in my city!”

Have you ever seen someone counter a “breast cancer” post with “what about colon cancer?”

But for some reason, if someone says “Black lives matter” it turns into all-inclusive “all lives matter.
chill out, have fun.

The slogan isn’t “ONLY Black Lives Matter.” Nor is it “Black Lives Matter more than others.”

When the Boston Marathon was bombed, social media profile pictures became “Boston strong!” Nobody said, “All cities are strong!”

When the Las Vegas shooting happened, people changed their profile, “Stand with Vegas.” Nobody said, “Well what about the people that got shot in my city!”

Have you ever seen someone counter a “breast cancer” post with “what about colon cancer?”

But for some reason, if someone says “Black lives matter” it turns into all-inclusive “all lives matter.
You’re equating the irrelevance of skin color with the relevance of specific regions, culture, religion, personal choices and illnesses.

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