All Living thing should be berried when they become dead.

The veggie burgers aren't too bad, but not near as good as a porterhouse on the grill in the back yard,, smoked with poison ivy...
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I'm being cremated...I want as much of me as possible, especially the carbon to go back to the atmosphere...if possible, I would like to be cremated over a coal fire.
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I see you define your life by who you hate.

Hate is your domain...I don't hate anyone...even a stupid poser fake engineer f*ck like you. People like you don't make me are a great source of entertainment and food for thought (what makes people so gullible) (why would people lie so blatantly in pursuit of a political agenda) etc..etc...etc...

You guys hate...look at your bitterness...humorless, tight assed, old biddies...the lot of you.
You've called me a blatant liar, a poser, a fake and a humorless, tight-assed old biddy.

I'd hate to see how you treat people you really dislike.
You've called me a blatant liar, a poser, a fake and a humorless, tight-assed old biddy.

I'd hate to see how you treat people you really dislike. would. Fortunately, I don't really dislike anyone.
Then why do you insult me? Calling me a liar when we both know I have not lied is a reliable indication of dislike.
Then why do you insult me? Calling me a liar when we both know I have not lied is a reliable indication of dislike.

Of course you have lie all the time...the very claim that we both know you are not a liar is, in fact a lie. Calling you a liar does not mean I hate means that you are a liar...insult is in the eye of the perceive insult from my observation...that's your problem...not mine. Your hate and humorless bitterness are on display here every day. Just as correlation does not equal causation...observation of less than desirable traits does not equal either insult or hate.

You, on the other hand have hypothesized that it would be expedient for your side of the argument to have my side summarily executed...that is genuine hate and an undeniable fingerprint of a disturbed psyche.
This conversation has wandered off topic. A common problem when only one side has any objective justification. I'm done
This conversation has wandered off topic. A common problem when only one side has any objective justification. I'm done

Of course you are were done before you ever got started because you have no objective simply think that it would be expedient to kill of those who disagree with you because it is how your mind works....all of the great tyrants of history thought the same way as you...only difference is that they had the power to actually do it. Lucky you live in your parent's basement and are not a danger to anyone more than a few blocks from you.
And, if one bothers to post in a public forum, one should at least do a word check to see if the words one uses are the right ones. :confused:

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