All normal communication between US and Russia cut off

BTw what is our strategy in Syria.....we dont have one same as Iraq and Libya ....and Obama has admitted as much by not informing Congress of such
Putin is being an increasingly volatile megalomaniac and you people are blaming the USA? Fuck that Russian piece of shit trying to scare us into doing something stupid. Never thought I would see you people wanting to embark on a program of appeasement with Russia.
No if we didn't have a weak ass leader Putin wouldn't be doing this. This is why we need a Trump presidency. This is what happens when liberals are in charge. After 8 years of Bill Clinton we got 911.
Putin would be doing this no matter who was there because he is a megalomaniac with a God complex, Trump has already failed the test of leadership for saying he wants to be friendly with Putin after all he has done. Putin is doing things that deserve condemnation by the US if we are to be the standard of democracy and freedom in the world.
Democrats have little choice but war with Russia. War is necessary to deflect from the wikileaks revelations. Only war will protect democrat lies. Nothing but brute force will stop democrat support of isis and other middle eastern terrorists. Democrats see terrorism as essential in their war against white Christians.

Russia stands against obama and hillary. I hope that Russia can pull civilization out of the pit of democrat chaos.
tell me again what it was that Putin was doing to threaten the U.S?

Not the US, its sold out "leaders..."

Putin is the original "truther."
then considering the damage our so called leaders have done to this country, could we not consider Putin someone that is trying to save the U.S?
But still, what has Putin done to threaten our so called leaders
First right wingers deride Obama for being too "weak"......then they deride Obama for refusing to appease a KGB thug......
Hypocrisy much???
He couldn't work a deal, even sent Hillary with a reset button. Oh yeah and Obama proved to Putin he was a past when he drew the red line and whined about it when it was crossed.
Russian Ambassador to USA Confirms: All Normal Channels of Communication Between the US and Russia are Cut off

holy hell....I guess that reset really worked eh Hillary!? I hope Trump brings this up on Wednesday at the debate.

Amazing he was able to transmit the message to the US…with all channels of communication being cut off.
oh look, the little one doesnt understand what cutting off communication actually means
Isnt it adorable
could we not consider Putin someone that is trying to save the U.S?

I think Putin would rather deal with a straight US patriot like Reagan or Trump than a traitor starting wars against his military equipment clients like Syria and Iran.

Still, the man is telling the truth - 911 was a Zionist "inside job" and not one commercial passenger jet crashed that day. Global Warming is also a fraud. Hence, Putin is infinitely more honest than our Israeli owned "US" media...
BTW where is the press......shouldnt they be interested in something like this....can you imagine if Reagan had blithely declared an attack like this.....all hell would have broken loose
It's hard to tell what Reagan would have done since he was profoundly ignorant of the relatively primitive computer technology of his era, I am pretty sure he would issue ultimatums of massive retaliation and you would love him for it. He also would not be Russian sympathizer like so much of Trump crowd seems to be.
Please ...........Your talking point of us being sympathizers is just that....wasnt it Obama who told russians to be patient ,,,,after his last election he would have more leeway to cooperate
Obama has since found out that Putin is not someone a deal can be made with. Why do you people think Trump can hold him to any sort of agreement that will usher in some golden era of cooperation? The far right is wanting a program of appeasement with Russia, I find that astounding. Since the Crimean annexation Putin has been increasingly hostile and untrustworthy, he needs a US president that will stand by while he rebuilds the Soviet Union. Trump is his choice.

What? Obama could never even make deals with the republicans, he sucks at it. To Putin Obama his is little challenge.
So is Obama a little bitch or is he being needlessly provocative towards Russia? If Obama was so damned easy to dominate he would have long ago embarked on program of appeasement like your man wants to instead of standing up to them in their expansionist adventures in Ukraine and Syria.
See Obama can't play the race card with Putin. This is what happens when people don't care about it. See Trump doesn't worry about it, and he is going to kick Hillary's ass.
As long as Donald has their hackers working for him and undermining the elections…I guess we have enough communications with them for the RWNJs.
Your siggy flag makes every Viet Vet here see RED (ANGER) should reconsider using it on a US site.
It's just our National flag ;)

Believe me I know what it is and it's a slap in the face to every US soldier who served there. Please choose another signature.
Ok no problem with that ;)

Thank you. :) My siggy flag is the state flag for Arizona....

I'll relay to the other Vets here your kindness and desire to heal the wounds our countries have had in the past. :)
It's hard to tell what Reagan would have done since he was profoundly ignorant of the relatively primitive computer technology of his era, I am pretty sure he would issue ultimatums of massive retaliation and you would love him for it. He also would not be Russian sympathizer like so much of Trump crowd seems to be.
Please ...........Your talking point of us being sympathizers is just that....wasnt it Obama who told russians to be patient ,,,,after his last election he would have more leeway to cooperate
Obama has since found out that Putin is not someone a deal can be made with. Why do you people think Trump can hold him to any sort of agreement that will usher in some golden era of cooperation? The far right is wanting a program of appeasement with Russia, I find that astounding. Since the Crimean annexation Putin has been increasingly hostile and untrustworthy, he needs a US president that will stand by while he rebuilds the Soviet Union. Trump is his choice.

What? Obama could never even make deals with the republicans, he sucks at it. To Putin Obama his is little challenge.
So is Obama a little bitch or is he being needlessly provocative towards Russia? If Obama was so damned easy to dominate he would have long ago embarked on program of appeasement like your man wants to instead of standing up to them in their expansionist adventures in Ukraine and Syria.
See Obama can't play the race card with Putin. This is what happens when people don't care about it. See Trump doesn't worry about it, and he is going to kick Hillary's ass.

Glad to see you’re admitting HRC is going to be President.

The first step in getting clean is admitting you had a problem in supporting Trump.
Now you’ll have to denounce him. We’ll see if you have the courage to take the next step to recovery.
It's hard to tell what Reagan would have done since he was profoundly ignorant of the relatively primitive computer technology of his era, I am pretty sure he would issue ultimatums of massive retaliation and you would love him for it. He also would not be Russian sympathizer like so much of Trump crowd seems to be.
Please ...........Your talking point of us being sympathizers is just that....wasnt it Obama who told russians to be patient ,,,,after his last election he would have more leeway to cooperate
Obama has since found out that Putin is not someone a deal can be made with. Why do you people think Trump can hold him to any sort of agreement that will usher in some golden era of cooperation? The far right is wanting a program of appeasement with Russia, I find that astounding. Since the Crimean annexation Putin has been increasingly hostile and untrustworthy, he needs a US president that will stand by while he rebuilds the Soviet Union. Trump is his choice.

What? Obama could never even make deals with the republicans, he sucks at it. To Putin Obama his is little challenge.
So is Obama a little bitch or is he being needlessly provocative towards Russia? If Obama was so damned easy to dominate he would have long ago embarked on program of appeasement like your man wants to instead of standing up to them in their expansionist adventures in Ukraine and Syria.
See Obama can't play the race card with Putin. This is what happens when people don't care about it. See Trump doesn't worry about it, and he is going to kick Hillary's ass.

Good observation

That's all Obama knows, play the race card.
Democrats have little choice but war with Russia. War is necessary to deflect from the wikileaks revelations. Only war will protect democrat lies. Nothing but brute force will stop democrat support of isis and other middle eastern terrorists. Democrats see terrorism as essential in their war against white Christians.

Russia stands against obama and hillary. I hope that Russia can pull civilization out of the pit of democrat chaos.
Bullshit, Obama has our military, making us weak. If we had a leader Putin wouldn't be doing this.?
Russian Ambassador to USA Confirms: All Normal Channels of Communication Between the US and Russia are Cut off

holy hell....I guess that reset really worked eh Hillary!? I hope Trump brings this up on Wednesday at the debate.
I can't believe what a SUCKER you are, posting that propaganda link with RT (Russia Today, Putin's news agency) redirects to untrusted, digitally unsigned (i.e., untrusted, no reliable certificate authority) DNS servers.
Boy, does Putin own you! LOL.
Russian Ambassador to USA Confirms: All Normal Channels of Communication Between the US and Russia are Cut off

holy hell....I guess that reset really worked eh Hillary!? I hope Trump brings this up on Wednesday at the debate.
I can't believe what a SUCKER you are, posting that propaganda link with RT (Russia Today, Putin's news agency) redirects to untrusted, digitally unsigned (i.e., untrusted, no reliable certificate authority) DNS servers.
Boy, does Putin own you! LOL.
Sad when RT is more truthful than the media in the US!

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