All of Christ's worst modern enemies are on the left end of the political spectrum

where did Jesus advocate for tax cuts for rich people? I missed that part in the bible.

Where did Jesus ever say "Take money from the people who have more than you"?
Where did Jesus say "Engage in greed and envy, as a political ideology"?
For some reason the Constitution allows taxation by the feds...Hmmm and the feds have been taxing since day one of the government's existence.
It's still being taken by force.
There are no countries in existence that do not tax to exist.
Ours didn't for awhile.

State and federal inheritance taxes began after 1900, while the states (but not the federal government) began collecting sales taxes in the 1930s. The United States imposed income taxes briefly during the Civil War and the 1890s. In 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified, permanently legalizing an income tax.
It was done illegally when not enough politicians were in Washington to sign it, during Christmas, oh forget it you’ll never understand.

Income tax is unconstitutional.
Then, don't pay any.
I would have to have balls because I would go in front of a jury and we all know what idiots 90% of the citizens are here in America. No I won't take my chances. I'll pay taxes on my main job and don't you worry about my side business.

Supporting government programs, is not YOU feeding the hungry.

You supporting government programs, is you saying "I want other people to feed the hungry, car for the sick, shelter the homeless, love everyone".

Isn't that what you always say? You want the rich to pay more in tax. Not you yourself. If we advocated raising taxes on *YOU*, you would be here screaming about having to pay more tax, while the rich don't.

Right? Yes you know I'm right. You know if Trump said "lets raise taxes on everyone to pay for (insert all your crap here)", you and all those like you, would be having a melt down.

So this isn't about you giving a crap about the homeless, the hungry, or the sick. This is about greed and envy of people who are more wealthy than you.

How do I know this? Because religious people give more to charity than left-wingers. This is universally true.

We routinely show we care, by donating our own time, our own money, and our own efforts.

You people only ask for others care. Envy and greed, is not a substitute for care.

My parents take care of children that care of kids at children hospital, that are sent here for care because their socialized systems elsewhere in the world, can't help them. These kids are typically here alone, and my parents feed them, and spend time with them.

That is real charity. Not socialist "make others help" crap you people push.

Supporting government programs, is not YOU feeding the hungry.

You supporting government programs, is you saying "I want other people to feed the hungry, car for the sick, shelter the homeless, love everyone".

Isn't that what you always say? You want the rich to pay more in tax. Not you yourself. If we advocated raising taxes on *YOU*, you would be here screaming about having to pay more tax, while the rich don't.

Right? Yes you know I'm right. You know if Trump said "lets raise taxes on everyone to pay for (insert all your crap here)", you and all those like you, would be having a melt down.

So this isn't about you giving a crap about the homeless, the hungry, or the sick. This is about greed and envy of people who are more wealthy than you.

How do I know this? Because religious people give more to charity than left-wingers. This is universally true.

We routinely show we care, by donating our own time, our own money, and our own efforts.

You people only ask for others care. Envy and greed, is not a substitute for care.

My parents take care of children that care of kids at children hospital, that are sent here for care because their socialized systems elsewhere in the world, can't help them. These kids are typically here alone, and my parents feed them, and spend time with them.

That is real charity. Not socialist "make others help" crap you people push.

lol............................................... YOU have clue none about me, sweetheart. about what i do for others, nor how fortunate my life is that allows me to be able to do just that. so.......


Supporting government programs, is not YOU feeding the hungry.

You supporting government programs, is you saying "I want other people to feed the hungry, car for the sick, shelter the homeless, love everyone".

Isn't that what you always say? You want the rich to pay more in tax. Not you yourself. If we advocated raising taxes on *YOU*, you would be here screaming about having to pay more tax, while the rich don't.

Right? Yes you know I'm right. You know if Trump said "lets raise taxes on everyone to pay for (insert all your crap here)", you and all those like you, would be having a melt down.

So this isn't about you giving a crap about the homeless, the hungry, or the sick. This is about greed and envy of people who are more wealthy than you.

How do I know this? Because religious people give more to charity than left-wingers. This is universally true.

We routinely show we care, by donating our own time, our own money, and our own efforts.

You people only ask for others care. Envy and greed, is not a substitute for care.

My parents take care of children that care of kids at children hospital, that are sent here for care because their socialized systems elsewhere in the world, can't help them. These kids are typically here alone, and my parents feed them, and spend time with them.

That is real charity. Not socialist "make others help" crap you people push.

lol............................................... YOU have clue none about me, sweetheart. about what i do for others, nor how fortunate my life is that allows me to be able to do just that. so.......


Well then, tell me about you. I'll listen to anything you want to say about yourself.

Regardless, I think my points still stand. Perhaps they don't apply to you specifically, I don't know. But everything I said is generally dead on accurate.
I missed how Catholic Cardinals got to be at the left end of the spectrum.

Very simply. The Catholic Church has always been the church of poorer people. Now a little more so.

The Catholic church became a theocracy and ruled and reigned with an iron rod of terror.

Every heard of the Inquisitions and Jewish ghettos?

That is what happens when you mix the state with God, something Christ did NOT do but those who purport to serve him think is what they should do in order to help the poor like Leftists do.

Supporting government programs, is not YOU feeding the hungry.

You supporting government programs, is you saying "I want other people to feed the hungry, car for the sick, shelter the homeless, love everyone".

Isn't that what you always say? You want the rich to pay more in tax. Not you yourself. If we advocated raising taxes on *YOU*, you would be here screaming about having to pay more tax, while the rich don't.

Right? Yes you know I'm right. You know if Trump said "lets raise taxes on everyone to pay for (insert all your crap here)", you and all those like you, would be having a melt down.

So this isn't about you giving a crap about the homeless, the hungry, or the sick. This is about greed and envy of people who are more wealthy than you.

How do I know this? Because religious people give more to charity than left-wingers. This is universally true.

We routinely show we care, by donating our own time, our own money, and our own efforts.

You people only ask for others care. Envy and greed, is not a substitute for care.

My parents take care of children that care of kids at children hospital, that are sent here for care because their socialized systems elsewhere in the world, can't help them. These kids are typically here alone, and my parents feed them, and spend time with them.

That is real charity. Not socialist "make others help" crap you people push.

lol............................................... YOU have clue none about me, sweetheart. about what i do for others, nor how fortunate my life is that allows me to be able to do just that. so.......


Well then, tell me about you. I'll listen to anything you want to say about yourself.

Regardless, I think my points still stand. Perhaps they don't apply to you specifically, I don't know. But everything I said is generally dead on accurate.

i don't need to tell you jack shit. you automatically assumed something because of a post i made & i don't believe we have crossed paths b4 on this board. why? because of what you see & hear on the airwaves telling you to be fearful, hateful, & be ignorant. because you are ignorant, you generalize, & need to rag on those you believe are bleeding heart tree hugging liberals. personal responsibility is one thing - but to always look 'down' on those below you instead of looking up at those pissing on you, you will always blame those less fortunate than you & blame them for 'your' societies' problems.

i will tell you one thing though - i do spend an awful lot more on food than i can ever eat. why? because i make weekly trips to bring staples to our town hall's food pantry & right now - much is being spent buying groceries for our coast guard.

I recall a verse about a rich person and getting to heaven and an eye of a needle. Here comes the twisting.
The bottom line in America is some who call themselves Christian's worship the almighty dollar first and foremost. They are a travesty to the Christian religion.
That isn’t really true. Behaviors have changed.

Sure man is still broken, but as a whole mankind has improved.

Yes, we have. DESPITE religion, not because of it. The less religion we have, the better mankind becomes.
The Catholic church became a theocracy and ruled and reigned with an iron rod of terror.

Every heard of the Inquisitions and Jewish ghettos?

That is what happens when you mix the state with God, something Christ did NOT do but those who purport to serve him think is what they should do in order to help the poor like Leftists do.

That didn't start with the Catholic CHurch, it started with Constantine. What better way to get people to conform to a society based on slavery than by telling the slaves they'd get theirs in an afterlife?
That isn’t really true. Behaviors have changed.

Sure man is still broken, but as a whole mankind has improved.

Yes, we have. DESPITE religion, not because of it. The less religion we have, the better mankind becomes.
You have an overly idealized view of a path not taken, Joey.

Try comparing it to the brutality of atheistic regimes.
You have an overly idealized view of a path not taken, Joey.

Try comparing it to the brutality of atheistic regimes.

You mean countries that fought back against imperialism and domination?


No. Nations which were militant atheist regimes.

Okay, you see, when I look at it, what I usually see is a country that had been beset by either foriegn invasion of civil war for years... in short, brutal before the atheists ever got there...

This information has been deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".
No. Nations which were militant atheist regimes.

Okay, you see, when I look at it, what I usually see is a country that had been beset by either foriegn invasion of civil war for years... in short, brutal before the atheists ever got there...

This information has been deviously hidden from you in things called "Books".
There have been quite a few militant atheist regimes throughout history, Joey.

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