Hillary constantly lies and has lied all her life.

Thanks for giving mr the opportunity to post videos proving it.

There are more videos and post and fact checks on Trump lying than there are of anyone else in history

As a Trumpeteer You should be embarrassed to bring up
There are more videos and post and fact checks on Trump lying than there are of anyone else in history

As a Trumpeteer You should be embarrassed to bring up
You undoubtedly are right. The liberal new media hates Trump and goes out of their way to point out every misstatement, exaggeration and lie. They don’t do that to people like Hillary, Biden or Obama because the liberal news media works for the Democrats.

However at one time Joe Biden wasn’t the liberal media favorite politician and the media did point out Joe’s lying.

Now the New York Post is not part of the liberal media so it does point out Joe’s lying.

Of course the far right media does list Joe’s lies.

The Washington Post which is not conservative has fact checked Joe Biden and finally just gave up.

No wonder you people have worked so hard to eliminate free press.

Believing that Trump actually told “30k lies” is mammoth stupidity by people so easily duped.
Really ? Spouted dozen per setting.
You undoubtedly are right. The liberal new media hates Trump and goes out of their way to point out every misstatement, exaggeration and lie. They don’t do that to people like Hillary, Biden or Obama because the liberal news media works for the Democrats.

However at one time Joe Biden wasn’t the liberal media favorite politician and the media did point out Joe’s lying.

Now the New York Post is not part of the liberal media so it does point out Joe’s lying.

Of course the far right media does list Joe’s lies.

The Washington Post which is not conservative has fact checked Joe Biden and finally just gave up.

So it is great to point out that Trump lies but boring to point out that Joe Biden has lied his entire career.

You appear to be a partisan hypocrite with a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Oh please

Trump is in a league of his own on lying

Be honest
Oh please

Trump is in a league of his own on lying

Be honest
First, thank you for the opportunity to show other posters how often Joe Biden lies because today the liberal media tends to ignore that fact.

How about you be honest for a change. Joe Biden makes Trump look like an amateur at lying.

Did you ever hear Trump say he drove an 18 wheeler?

Biden also said his wife was killed by a drunk.

Biden claimed to have walked in the civil rights movement in Selma. ‘

Biden lied about his education.

Plus the amazing thing about Joe is he keeps repeating his lies even though he has been caught lying. That takes balls. Here is just one example

Really ? Spouted dozen per setting.

Perfect example. It’s hilarious that you idiots want to call hyperbole/exaggeration a “lie”.

When someone says, “nobody knows” if doesn’t literally mean nobody, you fucking clown. Just like when someone says, “I’ve told you a thousands times” doesn’t literally mean they said it a thousand times.

You people have been so thoroughly defeated by Trump that you have to make outrageous claims. He lives in your head rent-free and it is fucking glorious.
Then, forgive me but You’re delusional
It amazes me how the left denies all reality.

“Someone with a penis and testicles is a ‘real’ woman”

“Global Warming will kill us all by 2014”

“When George Soros went on national television and called working for the Nazis ‘the greatest time of my life’, he didn’t really do that”

I guess when one commits themselves to extremist and irrational position, denying reality is their only option.
Folks, note how many times pathological liar Dante Reawakened denied reality.

Here he is lying in post #554
That bs? lol

You’re a tool

Start here George Soros - Wikipedia

Then stay after class

Here he is lying in post #561:
Not true. Get a lobotomy willya

And here he is in post #579:
Fact checks show this to be not true


George Soros was very open about working for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. That’s not the problem. The problem is he called it “the best time of his life”. And here is indisputable proof that Dante Reawakened is a typical left-wing liar, denying all reality and spreading disinformation 24x7:

Perfect example. It’s hilarious that you idiots want to call hyperbole/exaggeration a “lie”.
Get real, it IS A LIE. next time you say EVERY ONE agrees with you when really fewer then half do, it’s a fking lie. Maybe consulting a dictionary before you exaggerated would be worth while.
You people have been so thoroughly defeated by Trump that you have to make outrageous claims.
Really ? He only lives in our head because nearly half of the people who voted for him think he’s still president……and his minions in congress are trying to set up key battle ground states to overturn the next election.

Covid is still in our heads because it’s a disease we still have to deal with, just like Trump and his delusional white supremest followers.
Get real, it IS A LIE. next time you say EVERY ONE agrees with you when really fewer then half do, it’s a fking lie.
No snowflake, the term “everyone” in that context is literally hyperbole and there isn’t a single person (including yourself) who doesn’t know it. The fact that you have to declare that as an actual “lie” is testament to how you on the left have been thoroughly defeated.
Maybe consulting a dictionary before you exaggerated would be worth while.
Bwahahaha!! You just admitted it was “exaggeration” and not a “lie” :lmao:
He only lives in our head because nearly half of the people who voted for him think he’s still president……
☝️ admits that Trump still lives in their heads rent-free 24x7

(A very rare moment of honesty from the left)
Not sure what Newsweek article you are talking about....there is an article from The Hill that highlights how Clinton allowed Russian spies close, and how the Russian had spies in the DNC donor class

Clinton didn't "allow" Russians to get close. Unlike Donald Trump, who kept his Russian recruits on staff as long as possible, Clinton fired them when the FBI warned her about them. That's also true of Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Swalwell.

So now you’re admitting that what struth said was 100% true after first denying it?!? :laugh:

There were email discussions on the part of the DNC of "stopping Bernie" in the same way there were discussions about stopping Donald Trump from winning the Republican nomination, and for the same reason - both were attempting to co-opt a mainstream party financing and machinery to finance their campaigns. but neither were really members of the party they hoped to lead. The Clinton campaign's response to those emails was that such measures would not be taken.

Republicans, OTOH, were discussing measures to keep Trump from the nomination, even after the Convention started. Why is it that members of the Trump Cult never bring up all of the people who have fled the party since Trump took over the Republican Party, or all of the ways that former Republicans worked to get rid of him?

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