All should vote in this poll, and read the synopsis

Amy Klobuchar

  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Mayor Pete

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Liz Warren

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
1. Both conservatives and Democrats should take this poll kind of seriously. YOU are a conservative, and all of the sudden Trump for whatever reason can NOT run, and nobody from the GOP steps in. Therefore, you understand that the winner of the Democratic primaries is 95% assured to win the Presidency. Who are you voting for?

2. Why is this so important? Because unlike the far ends of the spectrum, many of us believe that the difference in the moderate wings of the GOP and Democrats are not significantly different. We do have moderates who are more like each other, then the far out wings of their respective party's. When you look at many threads on here, the intent is to paint the other side to radical, so vote for your own WINGERS as they are better than the other sides.

3. Believe it or not, INDEPENDENTS aren't into WINGING on either side. For the most part, unless they think things have gone to far one way or the other, they are voting in the center; and many say that is WRONG! Many believe that the center is just along for the ride, but that is NOT true...……….they want continuity, they want stability, they want left alone.

4. Now then, with this poll, the 1st reaction from the GOP would probably be-------->Nobody from the GOP, I am staying home!

No you wouldn't, for if you did, you are no better than the Left! If your choice is a TRUE Socialist/Marxist against a moderate and you did NOT vote, you let your children down! Therefore, I WOULD NOT VOTE IS NOT AN OPTION! You are better than that!

5. The key to this poll is NOT who the Democrats would want, or accept, but which of these people are LEAST likely to destroy America, and who/whom you would be willing to push in if you had to! We hear about the mighty Bernie, lol. Is he the most likely to win on the Democratic side? Can he steal GOP votes, because that is what he has to do to win! Can he get a large plurality of Democrats behind him?

In closing, let me say that what this will really point out is--------------->who probably can NOT win in a general election! Somebody has got to take some votes from the other side, it is pure math! We know Trump has some, so in the REAL world, that is good!

But if Trump isn't/wasn't there, by telling people who YOU would have to VOTE for; not support mind you, you either proving, or disproving the case that the far Left is wrong, all wrong, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!

Of course, maybe you would turn into a Bernie Bro or Lizzy Biatch proving my contention totally wrong! But, I don't think so! America is center/right, no matter what these people want to tell you. So vote, and show them!

Thnx for the time you took to vote, and remember, do vote whatever your political persuasion in the primaries, and November!
The ice age will happen in hell before I ever vote for a democrat!
uh. . . what about Pence Prime?

We are concentrating on Democrats! The idea is to show the Left that their people are NOT viable, because lets be honest-------------->if Trump was not there, which GOPer who is even a never Trumper, would vote for Bernie?

It is about who is actually electable, and who is not!
The ice age will happen in hell before I ever vote for a democrat!

You know what, lol. Maybe I should have posed the question------------->would you vote for Pierre Delecto or Bernie, maybe would have gotten a better response.

Pierre is a dumpster fire. Bernie is BERN America down! Does that make the choice more stark?
uh. . . what about Pence Prime?

We are concentrating on Democrats! The idea is to show the Left that their people are NOT viable, because lets be honest-------------->if Trump was not there, which GOPer who is even a never Trumper, would vote for Bernie?

It is about who is actually electable, and who is not!

I once said that all the Dems had to do is present a Ham Sandwich to defeat rump. How's I know they would take me literally.

I vote for none of the above. Then again, I won't vote for either rump or pence. Each one for a different reason. Now, if the Dems were to present a Pastrami on Rye I might go for it.
uh. . . what about Pence Prime?

We are concentrating on Democrats! The idea is to show the Left that their people are NOT viable, because lets be honest-------------->if Trump was not there, which GOPer who is even a never Trumper, would vote for Bernie?

It is about who is actually electable, and who is not!


Folks don't have thoughts for themselves, and who is allowed into the parties to run is manipulated and mandated.

TPTB have already decided on this outcome. Events are being manipulated beyond even your imagination. . . . so it is a moot exercise.

If there were no Trump? The landscape would look totally different, and the propaganda would be deployed in a totally different way.

Most folks do not have their own thoughts about anything, they only believe what the media tell them to believe, and think how the events are orchestrated to make them think.

For instance. . . . most folks probably think it is all just a coincidence that the Iowa caucus was this week, and the judgement on Impeachment, and the SOTU were ALL this week.

They rushed impeachment, then it was slowed walked?

Nah. . . . everything is staged, it is all an act. Just as everything would be staged to make folks think this way, or that way if Trump were not on the scene.
1. Both conservatives and Democrats should take this poll kind of seriously. YOU are a conservative, and all of the sudden Trump for whatever reason can NOT run, and nobody from the GOP steps in. Therefore, you understand that the winner of the Democratic primaries is 95% assured to win the Presidency. Who are you voting for?

2. Why is this so important? Because unlike the far ends of the spectrum, many of us believe that the difference in the moderate wings of the GOP and Democrats are not significantly different. We do have moderates who are more like each other, then the far out wings of their respective party's. When you look at many threads on here, the intent is to paint the other side to radical, so vote for your own WINGERS as they are better than the other sides.

3. Believe it or not, INDEPENDENTS aren't into WINGING on either side. For the most part, unless they think things have gone to far one way or the other, they are voting in the center; and many say that is WRONG! Many believe that the center is just along for the ride, but that is NOT true...……….they want continuity, they want stability, they want left alone.

4. Now then, with this poll, the 1st reaction from the GOP would probably be-------->Nobody from the GOP, I am staying home!

No you wouldn't, for if you did, you are no better than the Left! If your choice is a TRUE Socialist/Marxist against a moderate and you did NOT vote, you let your children down! Therefore, I WOULD NOT VOTE IS NOT AN OPTION! You are better than that!

5. The key to this poll is NOT who the Democrats would want, or accept, but which of these people are LEAST likely to destroy America, and who/whom you would be willing to push in if you had to! We hear about the mighty Bernie, lol. Is he the most likely to win on the Democratic side? Can he steal GOP votes, because that is what he has to do to win! Can he get a large plurality of Democrats behind him?

In closing, let me say that what this will really point out is--------------->who probably can NOT win in a general election! Somebody has got to take some votes from the other side, it is pure math! We know Trump has some, so in the REAL world, that is good!

But if Trump isn't/wasn't there, by telling people who YOU would have to VOTE for; not support mind you, you either proving, or disproving the case that the far Left is wrong, all wrong, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!

Of course, maybe you would turn into a Bernie Bro or Lizzy Biatch proving my contention totally wrong! But, I don't think so! America is center/right, no matter what these people want to tell you. So vote, and show them!

Thnx for the time you took to vote, and remember, do vote whatever your political persuasion in the primaries, and November!
No thanks it's a stupid so therefore useless poll and a waste of time for all but idiots.
I'll grow a penis on my forehead before I vote democrat again.
1. Both conservatives and Democrats should take this poll kind of seriously. YOU are a conservative, and all of the sudden Trump for whatever reason can NOT run, and nobody from the GOP steps in. Therefore, you understand that the winner of the Democratic primaries is 95% assured to win the Presidency. Who are you voting for?

2. Why is this so important? Because unlike the far ends of the spectrum, many of us believe that the difference in the moderate wings of the GOP and Democrats are not significantly different. We do have moderates who are more like each other, then the far out wings of their respective party's. When you look at many threads on here, the intent is to paint the other side to radical, so vote for your own WINGERS as they are better than the other sides.

3. Believe it or not, INDEPENDENTS aren't into WINGING on either side. For the most part, unless they think things have gone to far one way or the other, they are voting in the center; and many say that is WRONG! Many believe that the center is just along for the ride, but that is NOT true...……….they want continuity, they want stability, they want left alone.

4. Now then, with this poll, the 1st reaction from the GOP would probably be-------->Nobody from the GOP, I am staying home!

No you wouldn't, for if you did, you are no better than the Left! If your choice is a TRUE Socialist/Marxist against a moderate and you did NOT vote, you let your children down! Therefore, I WOULD NOT VOTE IS NOT AN OPTION! You are better than that!

5. The key to this poll is NOT who the Democrats would want, or accept, but which of these people are LEAST likely to destroy America, and who/whom you would be willing to push in if you had to! We hear about the mighty Bernie, lol. Is he the most likely to win on the Democratic side? Can he steal GOP votes, because that is what he has to do to win! Can he get a large plurality of Democrats behind him?

In closing, let me say that what this will really point out is--------------->who probably can NOT win in a general election! Somebody has got to take some votes from the other side, it is pure math! We know Trump has some, so in the REAL world, that is good!

But if Trump isn't/wasn't there, by telling people who YOU would have to VOTE for; not support mind you, you either proving, or disproving the case that the far Left is wrong, all wrong, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!

Of course, maybe you would turn into a Bernie Bro or Lizzy Biatch proving my contention totally wrong! But, I don't think so! America is center/right, no matter what these people want to tell you. So vote, and show them!

Thnx for the time you took to vote, and remember, do vote whatever your political persuasion in the primaries, and November!
No thanks it's a stupid so therefore useless poll and a waste of time for all but idiots.

Nobody forced you! If your stance is----------------->the Dems suck so why do it, so beit.

If your stance is---------------------------------------------> GOP sucks, and I don't have a choice as a dem, so be that to!

Somebody is going to win, and unless Doomberg pops in, it is going to be one of these 4 people or Trump. You can complain all you want, but that is just a fact!
1. Both conservatives and Democrats should take this poll kind of seriously. YOU are a conservative, and all of the sudden Trump for whatever reason can NOT run, and nobody from the GOP steps in. Therefore, you understand that the winner of the Democratic primaries is 95% assured to win the Presidency. Who are you voting for?

2. Why is this so important? Because unlike the far ends of the spectrum, many of us believe that the difference in the moderate wings of the GOP and Democrats are not significantly different. We do have moderates who are more like each other, then the far out wings of their respective party's. When you look at many threads on here, the intent is to paint the other side to radical, so vote for your own WINGERS as they are better than the other sides.

3. Believe it or not, INDEPENDENTS aren't into WINGING on either side. For the most part, unless they think things have gone to far one way or the other, they are voting in the center; and many say that is WRONG! Many believe that the center is just along for the ride, but that is NOT true...……….they want continuity, they want stability, they want left alone.

4. Now then, with this poll, the 1st reaction from the GOP would probably be-------->Nobody from the GOP, I am staying home!

No you wouldn't, for if you did, you are no better than the Left! If your choice is a TRUE Socialist/Marxist against a moderate and you did NOT vote, you let your children down! Therefore, I WOULD NOT VOTE IS NOT AN OPTION! You are better than that!

5. The key to this poll is NOT who the Democrats would want, or accept, but which of these people are LEAST likely to destroy America, and who/whom you would be willing to push in if you had to! We hear about the mighty Bernie, lol. Is he the most likely to win on the Democratic side? Can he steal GOP votes, because that is what he has to do to win! Can he get a large plurality of Democrats behind him?

In closing, let me say that what this will really point out is--------------->who probably can NOT win in a general election! Somebody has got to take some votes from the other side, it is pure math! We know Trump has some, so in the REAL world, that is good!

But if Trump isn't/wasn't there, by telling people who YOU would have to VOTE for; not support mind you, you either proving, or disproving the case that the far Left is wrong, all wrong, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!

Of course, maybe you would turn into a Bernie Bro or Lizzy Biatch proving my contention totally wrong! But, I don't think so! America is center/right, no matter what these people want to tell you. So vote, and show them!

Thnx for the time you took to vote, and remember, do vote whatever your political persuasion in the primaries, and November!
No thanks it's a stupid so therefore useless poll and a waste of time for all but idiots.

Nobody forced you! If your stance is----------------->the Dems suck so why do it, so beit.

If your stance is---------------------------------------------> GOP sucks, and I don't have a choice as a dem, so be that to!

Somebody is going to win, and unless Doomberg pops in, it is going to be one of these 4 people or Trump. You can complain all you want, but that is just a fact!
No one likes Mr. Burns err Bloomberg either.
Or hypothetical fantasies for that matter.
1. Both conservatives and Democrats should take this poll kind of seriously. YOU are a conservative, and all of the sudden Trump for whatever reason can NOT run, and nobody from the GOP steps in. Therefore, you understand that the winner of the Democratic primaries is 95% assured to win the Presidency. Who are you voting for?

2. Why is this so important? Because unlike the far ends of the spectrum, many of us believe that the difference in the moderate wings of the GOP and Democrats are not significantly different. We do have moderates who are more like each other, then the far out wings of their respective party's. When you look at many threads on here, the intent is to paint the other side to radical, so vote for your own WINGERS as they are better than the other sides.

3. Believe it or not, INDEPENDENTS aren't into WINGING on either side. For the most part, unless they think things have gone to far one way or the other, they are voting in the center; and many say that is WRONG! Many believe that the center is just along for the ride, but that is NOT true...……….they want continuity, they want stability, they want left alone.

4. Now then, with this poll, the 1st reaction from the GOP would probably be-------->Nobody from the GOP, I am staying home!

No you wouldn't, for if you did, you are no better than the Left! If your choice is a TRUE Socialist/Marxist against a moderate and you did NOT vote, you let your children down! Therefore, I WOULD NOT VOTE IS NOT AN OPTION! You are better than that!

5. The key to this poll is NOT who the Democrats would want, or accept, but which of these people are LEAST likely to destroy America, and who/whom you would be willing to push in if you had to! We hear about the mighty Bernie, lol. Is he the most likely to win on the Democratic side? Can he steal GOP votes, because that is what he has to do to win! Can he get a large plurality of Democrats behind him?

In closing, let me say that what this will really point out is--------------->who probably can NOT win in a general election! Somebody has got to take some votes from the other side, it is pure math! We know Trump has some, so in the REAL world, that is good!

But if Trump isn't/wasn't there, by telling people who YOU would have to VOTE for; not support mind you, you either proving, or disproving the case that the far Left is wrong, all wrong, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!

Of course, maybe you would turn into a Bernie Bro or Lizzy Biatch proving my contention totally wrong! But, I don't think so! America is center/right, no matter what these people want to tell you. So vote, and show them!

Thnx for the time you took to vote, and remember, do vote whatever your political persuasion in the primaries, and November!
No thanks it's a stupid so therefore useless poll and a waste of time for all but idiots.

Nobody forced you! If your stance is----------------->the Dems suck so why do it, so beit.

If your stance is---------------------------------------------> GOP sucks, and I don't have a choice as a dem, so be that to!

Somebody is going to win, and unless Doomberg pops in, it is going to be one of these 4 people or Trump. You can complain all you want, but that is just a fact!
No one likes Mr. Burns err Bloomberg either.
Or hypothetical fantasies for that matter.

You know what TOT---------->While this poll is young, I expected the Bernie Bros to jump right in here and defend their Communist/Socialist hero.

I actually believed we would have at least 10 votes for Bernie, lol.

Maybe they finally realized that the only thing that the "Bern" had a high probability of lighting on fire was his own hair, lol!

Well, so it is written, so let it be done! Even the bros can't come to the support of Bernie and make the case, so it explains why he can only get 25% of 130,000 votes. He knows he is a phony, I and you know he is a phony, and most important of all...…...his supporters which are few and far between I guess, know he is a phony too!
The ice age will happen in hell before I ever vote for a democrat!

So, no offense, but you would allow them to elect Bernie? I don't believe it from you!

The irony is that he would vote Bernie because Bernie is not a democrat.
Then why is he participating in the democrat debates Sis?

It’s convenient. He can’t get any attention as an independent. He needs the Dem machine .

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