All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The Bantustan System of Israeli apartheid | Salem Barahmeh | Abrasive Conversations​

Israel/ Jews cannot "colonize" their own ancient homeland. No indigenous people "colonize" their own ancient homeland.

Make me laugh some more.
What's with the Jew hatred thing? Did you run out of antisemite cards? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Post anything which does not show someone's hatred of Jews and Israel and I will change my tune.

So far, nothing but lies and a Zillion % of hatred for Jews learned from when you fell off your bed one day.
Ronen Bergman reports in the New York Times:

Two terrorist attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets in Buenos Aires in the 1990s that killed scores of people were carried out by a secret Hezbollah unit whose operatives, contrary to widespread claims, were not abetted knowingly by Argentine citizens or aided by Iran on the ground, according to an investigation by the Mossad, Israel’s secret service.

The internal Mossad study, the written findings of which were shared with The New York Times, provide a detailed account of how the attacks were planned — including how material for the explosives was smuggled into Argentina in shampoo bottles and chocolate boxes.

While Mossad stresses that Israeli intelligence still believes that Iran, a supporter of Hezbollah, approved and funded the attacks and supplied training and equipment, the findings counter longstanding assertions by Israel, Argentina and the United States that Tehran had an operational role on the ground. They also countered suspicions in Argentina that local officials and citizens there had been complicit.

In the first attack, which killed 29 people in 1992, the Israeli Embassy was blown up. The second, in 1994, targeted the headquarters of a Jewish community center, killing 86 people, including the bomber, in one of the deadliest anti-Semitic crimes since World War II.

Now, what should a human rights leader take out of this story, if anything?

Ken Roth, outgoing head of HRW, tweeted this:
Two 1990s attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets in Buenos Aires that killed scores "were carried out by a secret Hezbollah unit whose operatives, contrary to widespread claims, were not abetted knowingly by Argentine citizens or…Iran on the ground.”
The only part of the article he wants to share with his human rights community is to minimize Iran's culpability for the attack!

Even though everyone knows that Hezbollah does Iran's bidding. Even though Iran funded the bombings and bought the equipment.

In every other context, HRW (and Amnesty) always wants to maximize culpability for any human rights crime. But when it comes to attacks on Jews, HRW consistently tries to minimize the culpability of the attackers - as Roth claims that Hamas and Hezbollah aren't guilty of using human shields. They bend over backwards to find obtuse reasons to make Israel appear guilty of violating international laws but they act just as energetically to find Israel's enemies innocent, even when they are directly attacking civilians.

This is a consistent pattern. For these NGOs, human rights are paramount - but Jews are less than human.


High Court: State Can Revoke Citizenship from Terrorists

The High Court of Justice ruled that the citizenship of a terrorist who committed a terrorist act or espionage against the State of Israel can be revoked, a significant ruling that enables the state to enlarge its arsenal of penal actions against terrorists.

The High Court ruled Thursday that there is no constitutional flaw in the legal arrangement that makes it possible for the minister of interior to revoke the citizenship of those who committed an act of treason against the state, such as an act of terrorism or serious espionage, even if as a result of the denial of Israeli citizenship the terrorist remains stateless and without citizenship.


Read more -
Haaretz reports:

Researchers, led by Prof. David Weisburd, a Hebrew University of Jerusalem criminologist, conducted an intensive course for police officers in three cities in the United States (Houston, Tucson, and Cambridge, Massachusetts) based on a model known as “procedural justice.” Addressing the encounter between police and the citizenry, this concept focuses on making the interaction between them fair and dignified: Has the citizen been given the opportunity to voice his or her side, do the police show respect and project neutrality?...

At the conclusion of the course, the officers were assigned to high-crime areas and their work was monitored for nine months. The results exceeded all expectations.

After documenting hundreds of hours in the field, the research team concluded that the officers showed a clear tendency to listen more attentively to the people they interacted with and to treat them respectfully. Weisburd, a recipient of the Israel Prize for his research in crime and policing (in particular, he is identified with the idea of having police focus their patrolling efforts on “hot spots,” often specific streets, where crime is especially rampant), is visibly moved by the results.

“We changed the officers’ behavior,” he says. “There are hardly any studies that look at the impact of police behavior on the street. Second, it also changed their behavior in terms of law enforcement. We saw a decrease of 60 percent in arrests. It’s great!”

In addition, not only did surveys conducted in the areas where the officers were stationed find that the public harbored a more positive attitude toward the police, there was also a 14-percent decline in crime incidents in these areas. Says Weisburd: “Sometimes you can eat the cake and leave it whole, too.”

This is of course the exact opposite of what the Israel-haters have been claiming - that Israelis have been teaching US cops how to beat Black people, or whatever they are claiming lately under the "Deadly Exchange" libel.

Which means that the Israel haters who claim that they want US police to act with more empathy towards the people they serve should want all police to be trained by these Israelis.

And they never will - because, as with all confirmed Jew-haters, every other cause they claim to support is subordinate to their desire to demean and delegitimize Jews and the Jewish state.

After the 1973 Yom Kippur War, a team of 50 American experts arrived in Israel, collecting information that benefited the U.S. military and American industry, bolstering the defense of Europe in the face of Soviet threats.

The December 1969 “Operation Rooster 53” highlighted Israel’s unique intelligence and battle tactic capabilities, which were shared with the U.S. An Israeli commando unit snatched an advanced Soviet P-12 radar system, which was stationed throughout the world, from Egypt. The Soviet radar was studied by Israel and transferred to the U.S., as were additional Soviet military systems, enhancing the capabilities of U.S. intelligence, special operations forces and defense industries.

According to the late Sen. Daniel Inouye, who served as chairman of the Appropriations and Intelligence Committees, the value of the Soviet radar to U.S. defense industries and armed forces was around $3 billion. He added that the scope of intelligence Israel shared with the United States exceeded the intelligence shared by all the NATO countries combined.

In 1966 and 1989, Israel acquired MIG-21 and MIG-23 Soviet combat planes through defecting Iraqi and Syrian pilots. The planes were shared with the United States, impacting the global balance of power and enhancing the performance of the U.S. Air Force and aerospace industries.

In 1970, Israel showed its pro-U.S. posture by deterring an invasion of U.S. ally Jordan. By bolstering its military presence on the Golan Heights, Israel forced pro-Soviet Syrian forces to stop their invasion. Thus, Israel spared America either the loss of an Arab ally or the need to get involved militarily in an intra-Arab war while it was bogged down in Southeast Asia.

Moreover, the toppling of the pro-U.S. Jordanian regime would have threatened the existence of the pro-U.S. oil-producing regimes in the neighboring Persian Gulf. Therefore, Israel spared the U.S. a major economic and national security blow, and denied the USSR a notable victory.

The lessons of the July 4, 1976 Entebbe operation, which underscored Israel as a role model of pro-active, daring and innovative counter-terrorism, were shared with U.S. intelligence and special forces.

The 1981 Israeli destruction of Iraq’s nuclear reactor—in defiance of fierce U.S. opposition—spared the U.S. the potential devastation of a nuclear confrontation during the 1991 Gulf War. In effect, it saved the pro-U.S. Arab oil-producing regimes from the jaws of Saddam Hussein.

In the October 1982 “Operation Mole Cricket 19,” Israel’s Air Force destroyed 29 Soviet surface-to-air missile batteries operated by Syria, which were perceived to be impregnable. It was the first time that a Western-equipped air force destroyed a Soviet-built surface-to-air missile network. In the biggest air battle since the Korean War, the Israeli Air Force downed 82 Soviet MIG combat planes without a single loss. Game-changing Israeli battle tactics, including jamming technologies, were shared with the U.S. armed forces, bolstering America’s military edge over the USSR.

The 2007 Israeli destruction of the Syria-North Korea-Iran nuclear reactor spared the region and the globe a potential nuclearized civil war in Syria.

In 2022, against a background of highly vulnerable pro-U.S. Arab regimes, the growing vacillation of Europe and the intensifying threat of anti-U.S. Sunni and Shia terrorism, Israel stands out as “the largest U.S. aircraft carrier,” which does not require a single American soldier on board. This spares America the need to deploy additional aircraft carriers and ground divisions to the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

Today, Israel’s posture of deterrence plays a key role in preventing the collapse of the pro-U.S. Arab regimes and the dominance of Iran’s Shia ayatollahs and Sunni terrorism. This is crucial to global trade, the war on terrorism and the U.S.-Russia-China balance of power.

To paraphrase Mead’s observation: Israel’s posture of deterrence is not growing stronger due to the recent peace accords with Arab countries. Arab countries concluded peace accords with Israel due to the fact that Israel’s posture of deterrence is growing stronger.

(full article online)

There are three crossings between Israel and Jordan.

The main one is the King Hussein Bridge (Allenby Bridge) over the Jordan, in the central part of the country. The southern one is the Wadi Araba crossing where Jordanian workers can cross to work in Eilat.

The northernmost one is the Sheikh Hussein Bridge, near Beit She'an, from (Green Line) Israel directly into Jordan.

As such, Jerusalem Arabs - who are allowed to travel throughout Israel even if they are not citizens - should be allowed to travel through Israel to enter Jordan and return through that bridge, and avoid the huge delays and expenses at the King Hussein bridge. (Expediting travel from Jordan to Israel could cost some $650 for a family of five.)

Israel has said that they can use any route to Jordan.

But Jordan is not allowing them to.

Representatives of Jerusalem Arabs wrote a formal letterto the Jordanian government asking why this is, since in the past they were able to use that crossing.

I don't know why Jordan is not allowing this. It might have something to do with an idea that it would somehow be "normalization" to allow what they consider Palestinians to pass directly through an Israeli checkpoint. Or maybe it is to keep the cash flow from the "VIP" expenses to reduce the long wait times at the main crossing.

Either way, Jordan is making life more difficult for the very same Jerusalem Arabs they claim to support.

And either way, a story about how Arabs make other Arab lives difficult - especially when Israel is happy to help - is not one that the mainstream media is interested in covering.

France24 Arabic Jerusalem correspondent Laila Odeh has a history of biased coverage of Israel and Israeli affairs. Among other issues, the journalist in the service of the French public broadcaster misleadingly referred to nonviolent Jews who visited Jerusalem’s Temple Mount / Noble Sanctuary as “settlers storming the al-Aqsa Mosque” and also labeled Israel’s internationally recognized territory “occupied” and “the 1948 territories.”

More recently, earlier this month she speculated about the investigation into the bullet which allegedly killed Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh:

Israeli officials have confirmed, both by a military statement and in the Israeli press, that the Israeli military or the Israelis took part in the process of inspecting the bullet which the PA handed over to the Americans; that the process of ballistic inspection was unable to determine the party responsible for Shireen Abu Akleh’s death; and even on the matter of the weapon from which the bullet was fired, it was not determined what was the weapon, which actually fired the bullet. That is to say, this could be a preliminary attempt to dissipate the affair and to avoid holding any of the parties liable, the Israeli side in particular.
Of course, the Shireen Abu Akleh affair today has taken a greater dimension, perhaps, within the attempt to wriggle Israel out of assuming responsibility [for its actions], but with overt American support this time. [Translation by CAMERA Arabic. Emphases added.]
There is zero evidence that an American-Israeli cover-up has ever taken place. Odeh’s injection of unsubstantiated speculations therefore amounts to unprofessional editorializing completely at odds with the journalistic standards incumbent upon the tax-funded French broadcaster.


In recent years, Irish people have been referring to Trócaire charity as a political organization, funding highly politicized and problematic NGOs active in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.​

(full article online)

France24 Arabic Jerusalem correspondent Laila Odeh has a history of biased coverage of Israel and Israeli affairs. Among other issues, the journalist in the service of the French public broadcaster misleadingly referred to nonviolent Jews who visited Jerusalem’s Temple Mount / Noble Sanctuary as “settlers storming the al-Aqsa Mosque” and also labeled Israel’s internationally recognized territory “occupied” and “the 1948 territories.”

More recently, earlier this month she speculated about the investigation into the bullet which allegedly killed Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh:

There is zero evidence that an American-Israeli cover-up has ever taken place. Odeh’s injection of unsubstantiated speculations therefore amounts to unprofessional editorializing completely at odds with the journalistic standards incumbent upon the tax-funded French broadcaster.

also labeled Israel’s internationally recognized territory “occupied” and “the 1948 territories.”
That is common for Palestinians. I haven't seen anything showing that not to be true.
[ Muslims in Jordan who do not remember that Jordan and Israel signed a Peace Treaty]

The Islamic Action Front, the Jordanian political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, has warned of the "danger" of allowing hundreds of Jordanian youth to work in Eilat.

They said that this normalization somehow poses a threat to Jordanian national security.

The issued a statement that "rejects the attempts of the Zionist entity to infiltrate Jordanian society and pass the normalization approach by exploiting the youth's need for work and money."

As far as I can tell, the IAF is worried that Jordanians working in Israel will see Jews as something other than monsters. They warn about "the security risks of Jordanian youth working with the occupation and trying to influence themto serve its goals."

The poor, misguided youth of Jordan apparently can be easily influenced to become more Zionist by merely working for and getting paid by Jews under good working conditions and higher salaries than they can get in Jordan.

The statement ended affirming that "the Zionist entity will remain the nation's number one enemy."

On July 23, City TV Montreal broadcast a segment by OMNI reporter Farah Mustapha about how Palestinian brothers in a band called Le Trio Joubran are touring Canada and were performing in Montreal.

According to Mustapha, “They say they play to honour the struggles and oppression of their people through music.”

The OMNI reporter then quoted one of the brothers, Samir Joubran, saying: “My message is giving love, hope, we are still hoping that we can get the freedom to live in a free country without occupation.

Though the brothers regard themselves as Palestinians, this report notes that they are from Nazareth, an Israeli city which makes them, drum roll please… Arab-Israelis. The musicians, according to this report, claim they travel the world to tell people about the Palestinian cause. Meanwhile, City TV’s report refers to the non-existent state of “Palestine,” despite the fact that the Palestinians haven’t been granted statehood yet.

(full article online)

Do your homework.
To this day you have learned nothing about the subject.
Sure, the people within a defined territory can declare statehood and get the protection of a state. It is up to other states to recognize them or not but other states cannot determine if they are or not.

Palestine is a state. They need to start acting like one.
Sure, the people within a defined territory can declare statehood and get the protection of a state. It is up to other states to recognize them or not but other states cannot determine if they are or not.

Palestine is a state. They need to start acting like one.

Pallys act like what one expects from those occupying islamic terrorist enclaves.

Pally'land is a state?


This should not prompt you to trot ot your Zebra or cut and paste all the usual, bogus and discredited "Treaty of Lausanne invented the Magical Kingdom of Pal'istan", nonsense.
A United Nations human-rights investigator spoke of the Jewish lobby and the overuse of antisemitism in a wide-ranging interview with the Mondoweiss website that was published on Monday. He questioned Israel’s membership in the 193-nation global body.

“We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by – whether it is the Jewish lobby or specific NGOs,” said Indian human-rights expert Miloon Kothari.

He is one of three members of the “UN Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel,” which was created last year and is tasked with issuing reports twice a year.

COI members have said, including to The Jerusalem Post in June, they eventually intend to examine the question of apartheid as it relates to Israel.

“We will get to the apartheid question at some point in the future,” Kothari said. “We will be looking at discrimination in general, you know, from the river to the sea.”

He accused Israel of disregarding intentional human-rights law and UN resolutions, including snubbing the COI by refusing to cooperate with it and banning it from visiting.

'I would go as far as to raise the question of why are they [Israel] are even a member of the UN"
Miloon Kothari

(full article online)

A referendum on a new constitution for Tunisia was said to have easily passed, and this has now officially ended the hopes of the Arab Spring, as it has demolished all democratic reforms and has given its president sweeping, dictatorial powers.

It also calls for the destruction of Israel.

In the preamble, it says:

We, the Tunisian people, reaffirm our belonging to the Arab nation and our keenness to adhere to the human dimensions of the Islamic religion. ...We adhere to international legitimacy and support the legitimate rights of peoples who, according to this legitimacy, have the right to decide their own destiny, the first of which is the right of the Palestinian people to their stolen land and the establishment of their state on it after its liberation, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
This isn't referring to "occupied territories," rather it is saying that Tunisia supports Palestinian claims to all of Israel, which they consider "stolen land."

I am not aware of any other constitution that urges the destruction of another nation.

However, Palestinians and their supporters are disappointed - because they had urged the President of Tunisia to also include a clause that would make normalization with Israel illegal and he didn't.


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