All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Qatari textbooks are “slowly” making progress towards eliminating antisemitism and other problematic material, according to a new report by Israeli education watchdog IMPACT-se.

Released on Thursday, the review of Qatari textbooks from 2021-2022 found that officials in the Gulf state have removed antisemitic content describing Jews as treacherous, immoral, and responsible for Germany’s loss in World War I.

The group praised the removal of an entire 11th grade social studies textbook that said the Nazi Party ascended to power in Weimar Germany because Jews were “manipulating financial markets.” Another textbook was stripped of the false conspiracy theory that “the Jews” were responsible for a 1969 arson attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

On the subject of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the report found that a “anti-Israel nationalist narrative” remains in Qatari educational materials, and that violence against Israel continues to be legitimized. Recent efforts to normalize relations between Israel and Arab states is opposed.

Still, IMPACT-se found a “diminished tone of hostility” towards Israel, and a marked absence of open support for the Hamas terror group, of which the Qatari government is a key backer. Lessons about Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin have been purged, along with descriptions of “martyred” Palestinian terrorists and positive portrayals of rocket attacks on Israeli citizens.

(full article online)

USAID is the US government's humanitarian aid arm. It has worked with Palestinians on various projects.

In 2020, Congress allocated $250 million over five years through the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act (MEPPA) "to advance peaceful co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians to enable a sustainable two-state solution."

Most of MEPPA funds are funneled through USAID:
The funds allocated to USAID will be guided by a fifteen-member Advisory Board with twelve members appointed by Congress in addition to a chair and two international members appointed by the USAID Administrator. The Board is tasked "to consult with, provide information to, and advise USAID and other U.S. Government agencies" on the efficacy of programming and partnership options to ensure the advancement of the goals of the Partnership for Peace Fund. Members are selected from diverse backgrounds, and their collaboration is governed by the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).
This Advisory Board held its first meeting in April, and it appears that it is interested in building institutions for Palestinians where they can supposedly work together with Israelis.

But they intend to build these institutions in Area C, which is under Israeli control, even though some 95% of Palestinians live in Areas A and B.

Thetranscript of their initial meeting in April included this:
Hiba Husseini: The other recommendation I would make is an Area C. Area C can be utilized both for the private sector, which I propose that we develop a logistics and distribution center, for example, in Area C. These distribution centers require large space and employ large number of people and create a lot of IT-related systems. So, I think logistics, distribution centers in Area C to serve the West Bank would be a very innovative idea and would bring the two sides -- the two businesses and create the integration that some of my colleagues have spoken about.
Another Area C project I envisage is the youth -- joint youth education in -- like IT incubation in Area C. So, take cool kids during the summer breaks and then create more advanced programs, maybe even leading to an IT university of sort or IT training center. We need the skills. And Israel has the skill, so I think jointly kids can start learning from the high school level moving forward...

George Salem (Chair):...I took pride to take careful notes of what everyone had to say. I would add, you know, the idea articulated by Ms. Husseini about expansion of programs for businesses in Area C is one I think that could be really fruitfully explored, as well as IT training, and perhaps even establishing a university there, as well as tourism.

You can be sure that when they are talking about these initiatives, the hundreds of thousands of Jews who live in Area C are meant to be excluded. Which means that this is a means to help Palestinianstake over parts of Area C - much asthe EU has done over the past decades.

To pass muster with USAID, these programs are supposed to be officially joint Israeli-Palestinian initiatives, but if Palestinians are meant to reap the benefits, why not place them where the Palestinians mostly live?

MEPPA has two goals: economic development of the Palestinian private sector and "person to person" peacebuilding programs. Building a Palestinian high tech university on Israeli-controlled lands is not either of these - it is a land grab. Even if some of the instructors are Israelis.

Husseini and Salem are both Palestinian. They know exactly what they are doing.

The advisory board's recommendations are non-binding, and some members seem to be staunch Zionists including Sander Gerber of AIPAC and the Republican Jewish Coalition. Hopefully any agenda that undermines Israel, like the Area C proposals here, will be quashed before any damage can be done.

Traditional pro-Israel organizations are celebrating victory in another battle against J Street as former Prince George’s County state’s attorney Glenn Ivey defeated former Rep. Donna Edwards for the Democratic nomination for Maryland’s 4th Congressional District.

Ivey won with 51.2% of the primary vote to Edwards’s 35.1%, with former Maryland House of Delegates member Angela Angel coming in third with 6%.

“We are proud to have helped pro-Israel progressive Democrat Glenn Ivey defeat his anti-Israel opponent,” AIPAC tweeted on Wednesday. “Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics.”

(full article online)

US President Joe Biden asked Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for his cooperation as he looks to leverage the Abraham Accords normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab states to advance measures that benefit the Palestinians, a senior administration official told The Times of Israel.

The PA until now has balked at requests to join multilateral initiatives that team up Israel with its new Arab allies, arguing that the Abraham Accords are an attempt to bypass the Palestinian issue.

Abbas did not commit to changing his tune during his meeting with Biden in Bethlehem earlier this month, where the request was made, and his office has yet to get back to the White House on whether it is willing to get on board, the senior US official said Thursday.

(full article online)

USAID is the US government's humanitarian aid arm. It has worked with Palestinians on various projects.

In 2020, Congress allocated $250 million over five years through the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act (MEPPA) "to advance peaceful co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians to enable a sustainable two-state solution."

Most of MEPPA funds are funneled through USAID:

This Advisory Board held its first meeting in April, and it appears that it is interested in building institutions for Palestinians where they can supposedly work together with Israelis.

But they intend to build these institutions in Area C, which is under Israeli control, even though some 95% of Palestinians live in Areas A and B.

Thetranscript of their initial meeting in April included this:

You can be sure that when they are talking about these initiatives, the hundreds of thousands of Jews who live in Area C are meant to be excluded. Which means that this is a means to help Palestinianstake over parts of Area C - much asthe EU has done over the past decades.

To pass muster with USAID, these programs are supposed to be officially joint Israeli-Palestinian initiatives, but if Palestinians are meant to reap the benefits, why not place them where the Palestinians mostly live?

MEPPA has two goals: economic development of the Palestinian private sector and "person to person" peacebuilding programs. Building a Palestinian high tech university on Israeli-controlled lands is not either of these - it is a land grab. Even if some of the instructors are Israelis.

Husseini and Salem are both Palestinian. They know exactly what they are doing.

The advisory board's recommendations are non-binding, and some members seem to be staunch Zionists including Sander Gerber of AIPAC and the Republican Jewish Coalition. Hopefully any agenda that undermines Israel, like the Area C proposals here, will be quashed before any damage can be done.

Whart is the problem with building the facility on Palestinian land?
Whart is the problem with building the facility on Palestinian land?
None of Israel and Transjordan or Gaza was ever "Palestinian land"

Area C is under Israel control. Only 5% of Arabs live there.

NOT Palestinian Land, not now or ever.
Do you mean in the reservations/bantustans?
You are always mistaking Israel for the USA and South Africa.

Very uneducated and misinformed and vile against anything to do with Jewish rights to their own ancestral homeland.
You are always mistaking Israel for the USA and South Africa.

Very uneducated and misinformed and vile against anything to do with Jewish rights to their own ancestral homeland.

The Bantustan System of Israeli apartheid | Salem Barahmeh | Abrasive Conversations​


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