All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

(Fascinating. Arabs are the only people on the planet who seem to consider themselves coming from various areas in the world, and from two different continents. Take a good look at the map and see all the different places where Arabs are apparently "Indigenous" from, as it is the only thing that the phrase "Where Do Arabs Come From" can possibly mean )

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While the article notes that “the Shabans say Mohammed was injured by a missile fired by the Israelis,” immediately thereafter it contains the modifier, “although AFP could not independently verify it.”

Enter Human Rights Watch (HRW) — admittedly, no great promoter of Israeli military actions (see here and here) — whose August 12 report titled, “Palestinian Rockets in May Killed Civilians in Israel, Gaza” began thus:

Palestinian armed groups’ rocket and mortar attacks during the May 2021 fighting in the Gaza Strip, which killed and injured civilians in Israel and Gaza, violated the laws of war and amount to war crimes.”
Among those injured? Apparently, Mohammed Shaban:

( Muslim learned hatred for Jews continues as they move from the Middle East to Europe and other parts of the world. It not not only Israel they are taught to hate, it is all Jews, anywhere they live )

In two separate videos, a man wearing the same headress and green-brown coat is seen punching a Jewish boy on a bicycle and then hitting a 64-year-old-man in the Stamford Hill neighborhood on Wednesday.

(full article online)

Today, Human Rights Watch issued yet another anti-Israel report that is long on accusations and very short on facts.

Between May 11 and 15, Israeli forces attacked the Hanadi, al-Jawhara, al-Shorouk, and al-Jalaa towers in the densely populated al-Rimal neighborhood. In each case, the Israeli military warned tenants of impending attacks, allowing for their evacuation. Three buildings were immediately leveled while the fourth, al-Jawhara, sustained extensive damage and is slated to be demolished. Israeli authorities contend that Palestinian armed groups were using the towers for military purposes, but have provided no evidence to support those allegations.

“The apparently unlawful Israeli strikes on four high-rise towers in Gaza City caused serious, lasting harm for countless Palestinians who lived, worked, shopped, or benefitted from businesses based there,” said Richard Weir, crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The Israeli military should publicly produce the evidence that it says it relied on to carry out these attacks.”

Note the sequence in the quote: the strikes are "apparently unlawful" but they admit that they don't have any evidence for that.

There are only two alternatives: either the IDF had intelligence indicating that these buildings were valid military targets, or they just decided to go through a highly complex plan involving warning hundreds of people, ensuring not one remained in the buildings, and dropping precision bombs that would not allow the buildings to topple onto civilian buildings nearby - for no military reason.

Human Rights Watch chooses to believe scenario B, because it is in their DNA to assume Israeli Jews are monsters who destroy buildings for fun.

The entire report is a big "we dunno" shrug, followed by how awful these attacks were to the businesses and residents there. Interviewing people who are frightened to say anything against the dictatorship that can put them in prison for no reason is considered "research." The entire report is filled with irrelevant facts meant to make HRW researchers appear smart but there is nothing behind it. So we read things like

(full article online)

The statement from the Secretary General of the Arab League said that the arson was a "deliberate and orchestrated crime from the highest level of the Israeli Occupation authorities." It "comes In the context of a systematic and ongoing occupation policy and plans targeting the Holy Mosque and Christian and Islamic sacred places." It goes on to list various imagined Israeli crimes in Jerusalem, including "desecration of Al-Aqsa and attempts to destroy its structure" even today.

Interestingly, Arab attackers who store weapons and rocks in the Al Aqsa mosque are never said to desecrate the holy site. Furthermore, if Israel wanted to build the Third Temple, Al Aqsa wouldn't be the target - the Dome of the Rock would be.

I could not find any similar statements from the Arab League on the anniversary for the past two years. It seems likely that the Palestinian delegation drafted this absurd statement to remain relevant and top-of-mind for the Arab world when interest in the Palestinian issue is waning - and pretending Al Aqsa is in danger is the biggest stick the Palestinians have, a direct continuation of the methods of the Nazi-collaborating Mufti of Jerusalem.

It is a disappointing, however, that the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco continue to allow these lies to be spouted by the Arab League in their name.

(full article online)

(Where are the Palestinian riots and bombings towards Egypt for closing its borders? )

In the past week, Israel has helped arrange for Qatari funds to go directly to Gazans. It has allowed, for the first time since the war, imports of cement and steel to humanitarian recipients. It has allowed laptops and mobile phones.

In response, Hamas sponsored a riot that included shootings and more incendiary balloons that are igniting fires in the south of Israel.

Israel-haters always blame Israel for Palestinian violence. So how do they explain more Palestinian violence in direct response to Israel easing conditions?

Egypt has given its own answer. Egypt, which had been working hard to the cease fire between Israel and Hamas and negotiating to avoid a follow-up war, was incensed at Hamas' violent riots on Saturday. Even though the Rafah crossing to Egypt was scheduled to be open today, Egypt announced last night that it would be closed, and sources say it is in response to Hamas' provocations.

The funny part is, when Egypt responds to Hamas terror, no one cares. If Israel would respond by reducing imports or adjusting the fishing zone, the "human rights" NGOs would be screaming.

As the expression goes, if there were no double standards towards Israel, there would be no standards at all.

(Where are the Palestinian riots and bombings towards Egypt for closing its borders? )

In the past week, Israel has helped arrange for Qatari funds to go directly to Gazans. It has allowed, for the first time since the war, imports of cement and steel to humanitarian recipients. It has allowed laptops and mobile phones.

In response, Hamas sponsored a riot that included shootings and more incendiary balloons that are igniting fires in the south of Israel.

Israel-haters always blame Israel for Palestinian violence. So how do they explain more Palestinian violence in direct response to Israel easing conditions?

Egypt has given its own answer. Egypt, which had been working hard to the cease fire between Israel and Hamas and negotiating to avoid a follow-up war, was incensed at Hamas' violent riots on Saturday. Even though the Rafah crossing to Egypt was scheduled to be open today, Egypt announced last night that it would be closed, and sources say it is in response to Hamas' provocations.

The funny part is, when Egypt responds to Hamas terror, no one cares. If Israel would respond by reducing imports or adjusting the fishing zone, the "human rights" NGOs would be screaming.

As the expression goes, if there were no double standards towards Israel, there would be no standards at all.

Any violence to Egypt?
The tenor of the article is that the Israeli government has recently changed the status quo and there is a danger of this exploding into a religious war.

But buried in the middle of the article is this:
The policy began to change during the tenure of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, who led coalitions of right-wing and religious parties. Rabbi Glick said that the police began to allow him and his allies to pray on the mount more openly five years ago.
And as this Los Angeles Times article from 2012 shows, Jews were more or less openly praying longer ago than that.

A simple, ancient ritual is threatening the delicate security balance atop Jerusalem's most sacred plaza: Jews are praying.

On most days, dozens — sometimes hundreds — of Jewish worshipers ascend to the disputed 36-acre platform that Muslims venerate as Al Aqsa mosque and Jews revere as the Temple Mount with an Israeli police escort to protect them and a Muslim security guard to monitor their movements.

Then, they recite a quick prayer, sometimes quietly to themselves, other times out loud.

Jews praying on the Temple Mount is not a secret. We've been doing it for years. Arab media obsessively covers it with angry headlines about "settlers performing Talmudic rituals." Videos of worshipers are easily available. I myself prayed with a minyan (quorum) two years ago. No one asked me not to take pictures or not to write about it.

The prayers occur at the perimeter on the east side of the Mount, a spot Muslims typically don't visit.

And despite the articles warning of imminent violence erupting, nothing has happened - even though this has been going on for years. There are no clashes, no shouts, no "Allah Akhbar" chants. It is a daily event, observed by the Islamic Waqf.

In other words, organized Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount has become the status quo.

The only thing that can cause violence is articles like this one that interview Muslim leaders and put them in a position where they have to escalate tensions to keep their "honor." In that sense, warning of potential violence has the potential of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. In fact, this is the second NYT article on prayer on the Temple Mount this summer - the first one also gave dire warnings:

Bassam Abu Labda, a veteran Waqf official in Jerusalem, described the situation as “very dangerous,” adding, “The government is giving cover to the extremists.”

“Every day we have people making movements, performing prayers, lying on the ground and dancing,” Mr. Abu Labda said.

Daniel Seidemann, a longtime advocate for a shared Jerusalem, said there has been “a de facto erosion of the status quo going on for years,” with Temple Mount activists testing the boundaries, first by moving their lips in silent prayer, then whispering and swaying and now gathering in groups.
Look at that awful progression!

(full article online)

It's always Israel's fault.

For the third straight day, Egypt has closed the Rafah crossing, stranding thousands of people on both sides who want to cross the border. Egypt also closed the Salah a-Din Gate from where some truckloads of goods are sent.

Egypt's sudden closure is largely assumed to be an expression of anger over Hamas organizing violent protests at a time when Egypt has been putting its own reputation on the line to bring down tensions between Israel and Gaza.

Gisha, the Israeli NGO that monitors movement from and to Gaza, is upset over this - but they don't blame Egypt.

On the first day of the closure, they wrote, "The closure of Rafah compounds severe movement restrictions imposed by Israel, leaving Gaza residents with even fewer options to travel for medical, professional, educational, or personal needs."

And in its conclusion, they don't call on Egypt to lift the restrictions - but Israel: "Given its ongoing effective control over Gaza, which amounts to occupation, Israel is obligated to protect human rights and facilitate normal life in the Strip to the greatest extent possible. This includes facilitating access abroad, particularly given Egypt’s closing of Rafah Crossing."

This NGO doesn't even call for Egypt to lift the restrictions. Even though Israel cannot do anything to help people who want to go to or return from Egypt, Gisha is programmed to make everything Israel's fault and Israel's responsibility.

(full article online)

A Lebanese military tribunal has sentenced a Lebanese-Australian doctor in absentia to ten years in prison for being a "traitor," ABC News Australia reported.

His crime - helping Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon seek medical treatment in Israel.

"I was informed by my brother that a journalist close to Hezbollah in Lebanon made an announcement that the Lebanese military tribunal sentenced me to 10 years' imprisonment for being a collaborator and a traitor with the enemy," Dr. Jamal Rifi told ABC News.

According to Dr. Rifi, the conviction is related to his work with Project Rozana, a Nongovernmental Organization which provides medical training to Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon and facilitates the transfer of Palestinian Arab patients to Israeli hospitals.

(full article online)

A literature course comparing the Gaza Strip to the Auschwitz extermination camp has been cancelled by the University of Santiago of de Compostela in Galicia, Spain, a leading pro-Israel group said Tuesday.

Titled “Auschwitz/Gaza: A Testing Ground for Comparative Literature,” the class was scheduled to be taught by Professor César Domínguez this fall, according to the Action and Communication on the Middle East (ACOM) organization, a Spanish pro-Israel advocacy group that had previously criticized the course.

“The iconography and main theme of the program established, and not by coincidence, a correspondence between Gaza, an area controlled by Hamas, a jihadist organization that subjects its population to a regime of terror, and the Auschwitz extermination camp,” ACOM said in a statement.

“We celebrate that the University has rectified, eliminating from its academic offer a course designed only from the utmost clumsiness, fierce sectarianism, and a shameless sense of impunity, a true enormity that trivializes the Holocaust, even awarding academic credits for it,” the group said.

(full article online)

More than 479,000 refugees are registered with UNRWA in Lebanon. About 45 percent of them live in the country’s 12 refugee camps.
The implication is that 55% of them live among the Lebanese, outside of the camps.

But Lebanon doesn't allow any Palestinians to live outside the camps! 100% of the Palestinians in Lebanon live in camps. Where are the other 55%?

UNRWA doesn't want you to know that they have left Lebanon altogether. Because UNRWA wants to tell the world that it should be funded for 479,000 "refugees," not less than half that amount.

UNRWA does this consciously. In a recent article on Lebanon's woes, UNRWA writes, "UNRWA remains the main provider of basic services, such as health, education and camp improvement to over 210,000 Palestine refugees present in Lebanon. These include about 28,000 Palestine refugees from Syria."

In fact, when you subtract the Syrian refugees, actual UNRWA recipients are less than 40% of the "refugees" registered in Lebanon.

If anyone of Palestinian descent needs aid, the ones remaining in Lebanon do. Lebanon has literal apartheid laws aimed at keeping them landless, stateless, jobless and incarcerated in camps they can't easily leave.

(full article online)


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