All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

A workshop!

Let me remind our readers that one of the worst examples I found in UNRWA online teaching materials of antisemitism was inside their curriculum on human rights! Meaning that UNRWA's own "human rights experts" were antisemitic.

How can an agency which has been shown to spread antisemitism time and time again be trusted to create an effective workshop that can eliminate it just by having antisemitic employees attend a couple of times?

The idea of a "workshop" to teach tolerance to employees of an agency which is committed to remain in existence until the Jewish state is destroyed (via "return") is a sick joke. And it proves that UNRWA has no real interest in addressing its real problem

(full article online)


This is the Jihadi filth
that directed the Sabarro suicide attack

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( What happened in Afghanistan is what would have happened in 1948 in Israel had the Jews not fought back. And worse. )

Both take rights away from women.

Both are viciously violent against their political opponents.

But when Hamas attacks Israeli civilians, we are told "armed resistance is legal under international law."

When Hamas says that women cannot travel without a male guardian the world shrugs.

When Hamas takes suspected "collaborators" out of prison and kills them publicly by dragging them along the street, Human Rights Watch pretends it was some rogue element and calls on Hamas to investigate - itself.

Everyone is outraged at the Taliban, but no one is outraged at Hamas. On the contrary - Hamas is considered far more legitimate a government than the Taliban.

There's no difference between them. But Hamas has one advantage: people hate Jews and therefore, people support Hamas over the Jewish state.

Everything else Hamas does - which is everything the Taliban does - can be swept under the rug so as not to diminish from people's hate of Israel.

(full article online)

Even though there is an UNRWA-run camp in Deraa, with thousands of Palestinians living there because they couldn't find a better place to go. They are suffering from having no food, no medical aid, and no water. UNRWA says that there are some 30,000 Palestinians in southern Syria, caught between Syrian forces, Russian influence and the Iranian desire to build a military zone there adjacent to Israel.

But the civilians of Daraa, and the Palestinians there, have a much bigger problem: Israel has nothing to do with this.

That's why the world ignores them. That's why 99% of articles from the region that mention "siege" or "collective punishment" or "ethnic cleansing" or "Palestinian suffering" aren't talking about Daraa.

The people of Daraa would trade places with Palestinians in Gaza in an instant. They would love to be in a place where they are warned to leave their houses before they are bombed or shot. They would love to be somewhere with hospitals and well-stocked supermarkets and malls. They would love to be under a "siege" where food, electronics and other goods are imported and exported.

Daraa, Syria is closer to Haifa than Gaza is. The hundreds of Western journalists in Israel could easily drive into Jordan and be on Daraa's footstep, they could interview refugees, they could publicize the crimes against humanity. NGOs could issue reports with details of individuals who suffered losses. The media could publish a count of the number of casualties on each side. They could have articles about Palestinians who are suffering under Syrian fire.

But that won't happen. And the only reason that Gaza gets the media and Daraa doesn't is because no one can blame Jews for the inhumane siege of Daraa.

(full article online)

The sixth paragraph of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states, "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

This has been used since 1967 to claim that Israeli settlements violate international law.

Back in 2012, I dug up all the preparatory notes - the Travaux Préparatoires - I could find for the Fourth Geneva Convention article 49 (then called Article 45) to see if the discussions of the article would shed light on the issue. My conclusion then was that the entire paragraph dealt with forcible transfers and deportations of civilians, and all the drafters were unanimous in saying that forcible transfer of people against their will was reprehensible. Given that Israelis who move to Judea and Samaria are doing that voluntarily, no one can claim that Israel is violating the Geneva Conventions.

However, the 1958 ICRC Commentary on the Conventions indicates that perhaps the sixth paragraph is anomalous inside the article and does not only refer to forced transfer:

(full article online)

Remember the articles from the 1990s and early 2000s that predicted a demographic bomb that would destroy Israel?

This front page article in the St. Petersburg (FL) Times from September 21, 2003 was typical:

Note the pull quote - the entire reason this woman wants lots of children is because she wants to ethnically cleanse Jews.

In that article, Israeli demographer Arnon soffer confidently predicted that by 2020, there were be 8.5 million Arabs in territories Israel controls, compared to 6.5 million Jews.

His predictions of the Arab population was only off by 1.5 million.

The Arab population growth has been steadily slowing over the years, and their birthrate has plummeted. While the Palestinian Arab and Israeli Arab birthrates per thousand used to be more than double that of Jews in Israel in 2001, they are now much closer to parity.

(full article online)

In 2016, in the New York Times, Boehm wrote that Zionism is "a political agenda rooted in the denial of liberal politics." He clearly opposed Zionism, saying that having a nation that defines itself as Jewish is a violation of a liberal standard he made up: that liberal countries must have American-style separation of church and state. Otherwise, Boehm asserts, Zionists are hypocrites.
Opposition to the Palestinians’ “right of return” is a matter of consensus among left and right Zionists because also liberal Zionists insist that Israel has the right to ensure that Jews constitute the ethnic majority in their country. But if you reject Zionism because you reject the double standard, organizations such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee or the Jewish Federations of North America would denounce you as anti-Semitic.
Boehm clearly rejects Zionism because of this false double standard - one that he that he defined. but that has no basis in reality.

Now he suddenly pretends to embrace Zionism - to make a faux-Zionist argument that a Jewish state must be replaced with a "binational" state with a Muslim majority that will limit Jewish rights!

This guy is a philosopher, but his logic consistently falls far short of the intellectual rigor of real philosophy.

Not surprisingly, Boehm is also an "as-a-Jew." He wrote another article where he cherry-picked Biblical sources out of context to assert, bizarrely, that Jews who consider Jerusalem to be a central component of Judaism are in fact akin to idol-worshippers.

He asserts this insane theory, which couldn't withstand the arguments of a fourth grade cheder student, "as a Jew."

This sham philosopher creates his Jewish persona to argue against Judaism just as he creates a Zionist persona to argue against Zionism. If his arguments had merit, he wouldn't need to resort to redefining himself as a "As-a". The argument from authority (argumentum ab auctoritate) is a basic logical fallacy - and in this case it is argument from false authority, since Boehm is clearly not an authority on either Zionism nor on Judaism but he claims such authority as implicit in his arguments.

(full article online)

The article describes "crude'', cheaply made copies of someone else's product. That kinda' defines the theme of Pally society.

AZZUN, West Bank – In the predawn hours, 150 Israeli troops, including masked special forces operatives, arrived in this Palestinian town in armoured personnel carriers and hardened jeeps to hunt for guns and gun makers. They found one of each. The operation was deemed a success.

The raid in Azzun was part of an aggressive campaign by Israel to rid the occupied West Bank of guns — specifically a crude kind of do-it-yourself, handmade submachine gun known on the Palestinian street as the “Carlo,” after the Swedish model, the Carl Gustav m/45, developed in the last years of the Second World War.
In May, as Israel defended itself from yet another onslaught of missiles fired from Gaza, thousands of academics wrote and signed statements of solidarity with Palestinian Arabs.

Along with the usual professions of contempt for the “colonial-settler” Jewish state came another staple of anti-Israel propaganda – claims that Israel deliberately targets Palestinian children.

But Palestinian Arab children do deserve our sympathies. Instead of cynically weaponizing their suffering to attack Jews, those who genuinely care about Palestinian children should sign statements of solidarity that accurately highlight both the suffering they have endured and the causes of theirs suffering. Since there are no such statements around, I wrote one:


“In Solidarity with Palestinian Children”

We, the signatories below, decry and denounce the cynical and systemic abuse of Palestinian children by the adults who have turned them into soldiers in their war against the state of Israel. We say enough of this child abuse.

We mourn that Palestinian children have for decades been groomed to perform as warriors by their elders: sent out to throw rocks at Israeli soldiers in the first Intifada, recruited as suicide bombers in the second Intifada, and forced to dig tunnels from Gaza into Israel today. Hamas officials admit that 160 children died recently doing the grisly work.

Some estimates suggest that over 20% of Palestinian children are malnourished today, this in spite of untold billions of dollars given to Palestinian leaders since 1948, a number that grew substantially after the Oslo Accords.

We know that Hamas diverts millions of dollars of Gaza’s aid every year to building tunnels and rockets, and the PA spends millions on salaries for imprisoned terrorists and pensions for the families of suicide bombers.

(Full article and petition online)


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