All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The Eyewitness Palestine website prominently features a video that includes in text, “over the past 20 years, Eyewitness Palestine has taken 70 delegations to witness the injustices brought on by Israel’s settler colonialism and military occupation in occupied Palestine.” The video includes a former “delegate,” Lara Elborno, telling viewers,
Thanks for the link.

Head of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan, center, at the site of Joseph's Tomb in the West Bank during a rare daytime operation to renovate the site, April 13, 2022. (Roee Chedi/Samaria Regional Council)
Head of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan, center, at the site of Joseph's Tomb in the West Bank during a rare daytime operation to renovate the site, April 13, 2022. (Roee Chedi/Samaria Regional Council)

I went looking for old ads that mention "kosher for passover" from a century ago, and stumbled onto these two.

April 3, 1922:

March 28, 1923:

The ads themselves aren't remarkable. What is remarkable is the newspaper that they were published in: the Baltimore Evening Sun, a secular newspaper.

Jews were a bit less than 10% of the population of Baltimore in 1920, and lots of immigrants from Eastern Europe moved there.

There was at least one Jewish newspaper in the city at the time. Yet the advertisers thought that they would do better by advertising to the entire Baltimore community - even including Hebrew and Yiddish in their ads!

It seems to indicate a remarkable confidence in their Jewishness, with no fear of "what will the goyim think?" that seems to be the default position of most Jews today, of all levels of religiosity.

(And even then, the Jews were ahead of the progressive game in creating vegetarian meat substitutes!)

An 18-year-old Bedouin Arab from the Bedouin city of Rahat in southern Israel was arrested for questioning by Shabak (Israel Security Agency) on suspicion that he carried out security crimes inspired by the ISIS terror organization.

The suspect, named as Bashar al-Galawi, is an Israeli citizen.

His interrogation revealed that he was an intensive consumer of ISIS-affiliated material, and supported the organization's ideas and goals. Al-Galawi also contacted an ISIS operative from Syria for the purpose of asking for help in reaching the country in order to join the terror organization and fight in its ranks.

(full article online)

Haaretz interviewed a number of Gazans who escaped Gaza and are interned on the Greek island of Leros.

This one article says more about life in Gaza than the last 10,000 articles from the mainstream media combined. And that is not an exaggeration.


I am definitely not the only one who was arrested for ideas and for speaking out. Many demonstrators were arrested, and Hamas threatened them in order to prevent future actions. One time I was waiting for the release of a friend who had been arrested, and when he came out his face was swollen and bleeding. I barely recognized him.

Hamas doesn’t make do with thwarting demonstrations; they also prevent cultural events. They shut down parties and performances, they don’t allow concerts, and they spread the notion that artists are heretics. Oud players can perform in public areas, but if an audience gathers around them, that will cause a problem. For Hamas’ leaders, art is part of Western culture and has to be boycotted.

The prohibitions also relate to private life. Women have to wear a head covering when they go outside. There was a group of women who organized in the social media and demanded to be accepted as they are – but not long ago, a female journalist who was walking outside without a head covering was beaten by Hamas people and taken to the hospital. Of course, the sale of alcohol is forbidden, even to Christians who need it for religious rituals. They are compelled to make wine at home, secretly.
As a woman, life in Gaza was especially difficult for me. The oppression takes different forms. A married woman needs to get her husband’s approval to leave the house, and an unmarried woman can go out only if she is accompanied by a male relative. Traveling with a strange man is forbidden, so there are female taxi drivers only for women. Israel’s blockade hurts women in Gaza a lot because the exit permits are given mainly to men. Unemployment among women has increased, and so has domestic violence. In 2014 the daughter of neighbors was murdered, because she was said to be having sexual relations with a strange man. The doctors who examined the body found that she hadn’t lost her virginity.
When I grew up I had a car, so I worked as a taxi driver. After a few years Hamas seized the car. They said they would return it on condition I would work for their organization. They don’t leave citizens any other option: either join them or stay poor. When there is no work and no food, the only option for a better life – if you can call it that – is to join Hamas. The problem is that once you join, it is very hard to leave.

I have a good friend who understood when he was a teenager that he had no interest in women, but his parents forced him to marry one. He suffered a lot, and then Hamas found out about it and arrested him. You have to understand that Hamas has full control over the life of the individual. They have spies and police who walk around in the streets and impose order. For example, Hamas demands that couples show marriage documents. If an unmarried couple is out walking together and don’t have papers, the guy is arrested and the girl signs a commitment not to go out [in public] again with anyone.

When I look back and think about what I would have wanted most, I would have chosen to live in Israel and work there with my father in farming. He worked in Israel for decades as a farmer, when the border crossings were open.
The wars that Gaza went through left a lot of streets destroyed. The Hamas government talks about rehabilitation projects, and they get money for it, but the destruction remains. That’s of course not the situation with Hamas’ leaders, who always end up with renovated homes and new cars. Hamas declares victory, but in the meantime the children play in the rubble as though it were an amusement park. That’s how it is with us: The illusions we’re sold become part of life.
These people can speak without fear because they left Gaza. Reporters in Gaza cannot report freely, nor can Gazans speak to them freely.

Real journalists would do what they can to compensate for these shortfalls - mentioning Hamas censorship, for example. But unfortunately, this sort of story that actually illuminates how real life is in Gaza is exceedingly rare - because most journalists don't want to uncover or report the truth.

(full article online)

Palese, who’s described as a key backer of Independent candidate Allegra Spender in her race in the New South Wales district of Wentworth against incumbent Liberal MP – and former Ambassador to Israel – Dave Sharma, has indeed come under fire her comments about Israel. And, as Jews in Wentworth represent roughly 12% of the district’s population (2016 figures), the issue of Israel is expected to play more prominently than it does in most districts throughout the Commonwealth.

Her op-ed continues:

The Australian decided to define me based on three retweets (retweets!) that I posted. Two of them were over 10 years ago. I retweeted about the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign during this year’s Sydney festival because it was a campaign that cut through very quickly and was much discussed in the campaign world. I was not part of that campaign, nor did I call for people to boycott the festival. I went to a festival event myself.
So, is Palese telling the truth when she says she not anti-Israel?

First, according to the Australian Jewish News, Palese didn’t merely retweet “about” the Sydney Festival boycott movement, but re-tweeted a tweet by Sydney Festival boycott organiser Fahad Ali praising artists who had withdrawn in support of BDS. (Note also that Fahad Ali isn’t merely a pro-BDS activist, but someone who demonises Zionism as intrinsically racist, and once tweeted approvingly of antisemitic comments by Mohammed el-Kurd.)

Palese also tweeted this – in 2018, not “over 10 years ago” – accusing Israel, presumably in the context of Hamas organised violent riots on Israel’s border a few days earlier, of “killing unarmed children” whilst condemning her country’s “shocking support” for the Jewish state.

(full article online)

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,
Palese, who’s described as a key backer of Independent candidate Allegra Spender in her race in the New South Wales district of Wentworth against incumbent Liberal MP – and former Ambassador to Israel – Dave Sharma, has indeed come under fire her comments about Israel.
"(Note also that Fahad Ali isn’t merely a pro-BDS activist, but someone who demonises Zionism as intrinsically racist, and once tweeted approvingly of antisemitic comments by Mohammed el-Kurd.)"
Palese also tweeted this – in 2018, not “over 10 years ago” – accusing Israel, presumably in the context of Hamas organised violent riots on Israel’s border a few days earlier, of “killing unarmed children” whilst condemning her country’s “shocking support” for the Jewish state.

General Assembly Pages 83-84
A:RES:3379 (XXX) Determination.png

Register General Assembly Page 39

This is one of those "very strange" outcomes of the UN General Assembly. At one point (1975), the UN General Assembly determines that: "Zionism" = "Racism." THEN some 16 years later, while deep into the discussion of the application of the Convention on the Elimination of Racism, a contradiction in the interpretation of the convention leads to an epiphany, that culminates in A/RES/46/86 (1991): "Zionism" ≠ "Racism." This lead to the revocation of the decision making that equivalency.

Political Candidates are notoriously poor in "fact-checking." And even today, I run into people who still make that equivocation; three decades later. I tend to think that Israel has mounted a very poor defense on that subject. Israel (IMO) should let the fools make the mistake and then asked in to discuss the intent of A/RES/46/86. Watch them back-peddle.

Similarly, the tagging of Israel as a colonial power when the determination has been made consistently over the last last half-century that Israel is NOT considered a Colonial Power in terms of the Middle East and the territory formerly under the Mandate. Yet, there are some that still attempt to imply that Israel is a colonial power as applied to by A/RES/1514 (XV).

And is should be remembered, that people with diplomatic experience (like being an Ambassador or Minister Counselor) are comfortable at being a "puppet" - whereas those who are leaders and independent in thought make their own universe.


Most Respectfully,
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is unique among conservative think tanks whose emphasis is on public policy and institutional reform in that it sees its role as that of a battle tank, geared to fight a war that many still don’t recognize. For 27 years, since its founding in 1988, the Center has been warning that the political left has declared war on America and its constitutional system, and is willing to collaborate with America’s enemies abroad and criminals at home to bring America down. For most of those years the Center was a voice crying in the wilderness with few willing to recognize the threat from the enemy within, a fifth column force that was steadily expanding its influence within the Democratic Party. With the election of a lifetime radical to the White House in 2008, the perceptions of conservatives began to change. But the Center remains unique as an organization dedicated to the war and to developing strategies to win it.

They along with other US far right organisations were funding Tommy Robinson and trying to get him to get a decent size far right going in England. The Middle East Forum being another. I am not aware of them succeeding.

University of Haifa and the Bahrain-based King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding to launch a partnership that will promote tolerance and coexistence in the Middle East, marking the third MOU that the Israeli university has reached with institutions in the Arab world following the landmark Abraham Accords.
Under the new agreement, University of Haifa and the King Hamad Global Centre will operate special development programs to promote coexistence between Jews and Arabs as well as educational programs to cultivate leadership among younger generations.

“Tolerance and pluralism are the qualities that characterize the campus of University of Haifa, and we are proud and excited about this historic cooperation with Bahrain for the benefit of all the people in the region,” said University of Haifa President Prof. Ron Robin.

(full article online )


It also proves that Zionism isn't "racism" or "ethnic cleansing." Zionism is simply an expression of the age-old desire to resurrect the Jewish nation in historic Jewish land. Redefining it as racism is itself antisemitic.

Besides that, in comparison, you will not find a similar longing or desire or love of Jerusalem or the Land of Israel in any other culture or religion. The Arab interest in Jerusalem has always been the desire to take it away from Jews, not a desire for the city itself. When Arabs controlled Jerusalem, they showed very little interest in the city.

The modern antisemites know this intuitively. They try to separate Jerusalem from Judaism. They want the Old City to become exclusively Palestinian, and call it "occupied" as if anything a Jew does there is illegal. Palestinians especially understand that if they win Jerusalem, Israel loses its heart - it becomes like any other secular nation. Jerusalem is what makes Israel special.

They want to take Jerusalem away from Jews. We won't let them.

So, yes, the only thing you need to answer the modern antisemites is
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All too often, the anti-Israel narratives at the United Nations run directly against the reality on the ground. Around the same time Palestinian rioters were attacking the Jewish holy site of Joseph’s Tomb, the UN’s latest anti-Israel inquiry was willingly lending its ear to someone who had just a week earlier used a pair of events to claim the Muslim holy site of al-Aqsa Mosque was in danger.

On April 9, just a few days before Passover, Palestinian rioters attacked and severely damaged the Jewish holy site of Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus. This isn’t the only attack on Joseph’s Tomb. On September 26, 1996, a Palestinian mob attacked and firebombed the same site, killing six Israelis. Attacks in 2000 and 2011 each led to the death of an Israeli. Multiple firebombing attacks occurred in 2015, in 2016 a Molotov cocktail was thrown at Jewish worshippers at the site, and on August 31, 2016, another shooting attack wounded an Israeli.

The deadly September 1996 attack is particularly relevant. It had been incited by claims that a “tunnel” being dug at the Temple Mount was threatening al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. As Charles Krauthammer wrote in TIME Magazine a couple weeks later:

“[D]uring the ‘tunnel’ riots of two weeks ago, there were incidents of murder and sacrilege. One occurred in Nablus, an Arab town under P.L.O. control. There is in Nablus a Jewish religious site, Joseph’s Tomb. Under the P.L.O.-Israeli peace accords, it remained a tiny enclave peopled by devout Jews and, for protection, a few Israeli soldiers. On Sept. 26, it was attacked by a Palestinian mob throwing firebombs. Six Israelis were killed. Many prayer books were burned.”
Despite the fact that the “tunnel” was, in fact, just the opening of an additional entrance to an already existing archaeological excavation under the Western Wall (a Jewish holy site) that did not threaten any Islamic holy sites, actors such as the Arab League and the UN added fuel to the fire by legitimizing and broadcasting the “al-Aqsa is in danger” myth. Nary a word was spared for the deadly attack by Palestinians on the Jewish holy places of Nablus that did occur, and which was incited by the libel spewed by the Palestinians, Arab League, and the UN.

Fast forward to 2022. On March 26, an Arab Israeli by the name of Mohammed Barakeh, chairman of the “High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel,” spoke at a pair of “Land Day” events held in Gaza and the Negev. At one of these events, speakers “called for the continuation of ‘armed resistance.’” Notable among the other speakers was a senior figure from the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Khaled al-Batash. According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, al-Batash told the crowd that he:

(full article online)


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