All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

[ The Poor, Poor, Oppressed Arab Palestinians. They should get more donations from Qatar, EU and all others in order to rebuild another one its place, shouldn't they? They should always be rewarded for depopulating the world of Jews specifically, and then the Arabs who kill those Jews ]

[ Since Israel was rebuilt, Muslims insist in showing the truth about being related to the Jews since Abraham 's time. Heck of a way of honoring and respecting their "Patriarchs" by destroying their tombs and anything else related to Judaism......again.....and again.....and again......]

A group of some 100 Muslim rioters attacked Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) on Saturday night and caused massive damage to the building, a Jewish site of prayer.

After throwing rocks at the complex, the rioters set fire to the building, broke the grave marker, and destroyed property. The Palestinian Authority’s police subsequently turned the rioters away.

When Jewish worshippers enter the site, they are routinely attacked by Arab rioters. The entry into Shechem, under Palestinian Authority (PA) control, occurs several times a year, usually around Jewish holidays. The prayers take place only during the night and under heavy security provided by the Israeli forces.

(full article online)’s+Passover+Seder+will+be+Out+of+this+World%3B+Palestinians+Torch+Sacred+Biblical+Tomb%3B+Anti-Israel+Celeb+Blasted+for+Condemning+Terror+Attack&utm_campaign=20220410_m167373435_Israeli+Astronaut’s+Passover+Seder+will+be+Out+of+this+World%3B+Palestinians+Torch+Sacred+Biblical+Tomb%3B+Anti-Israel+Celeb+Blasted+for+Condemning+Terror+Attack&utm_term=more_btn_dark_jpg
The names of these organizations are not listed in the report on the meeting. All we see are how closely the UN works with unnamed Israel haters.

The report emphasizes how close the UN is to these organizations:

[T]he objective of the Committee's engagement with civil society was to harness their potential in the OPT, Israel and elsewhere to promote its mandate through strengthened cooperation, including joint activities and exchange of information.
Its mandate includes destroying the Jewish state via the "right to return."

These unnamed civil society organizations are heavily involved in making Sheikh Jarrah Judenrein. It also includes Orwellian lies:

Addressing the impact of the #Savesheikhjarrah campaign and local committees' activism, participants underlined the two layers of the Sheikh Jarrah issue. The first pertained to the neighbourhood itself, whereas another layer concerned the Old City of Jerusalem. Israel’s occupation here was characterized as “a story of resistance” that brought about new leaders and creative approaches to confront oppression. Furthermore, it was stressed that East Jerusalem belonged to everyone, and thatPalestinians had always been very keen to protect its religious and cultural diversity.
Really? The 19 years that Palestinians and Jordanians controlled the Old City, and current statements by Palestinian leaders that all of "Al Aqsa" belongs to them including the Western Wall, and that the Jewish Quarter's residents are illegal settlers, seems to indicate the exact opposite.

Any claims that the UN is non-partisan are quite easily disproven here.

But beyond that, there is a clear desire by the UN to keep the names of the NGOs it partners with a secret. (And they did this before Israel declared several "civil society organizations" terrorist, so that isn't the reason.)

People who care about transparency in the UN should be asking why this is. If organizations are important enough to help decide UN policy, shouldn't everyone know who they are?

(full article online)

Right to return does not apply to a Bedouin Arab whose Great Great Grandmother got off a camel and took a dump in the Gaza while in a caravan passin through
A March 17, 2022 article by Zeb Larson titled, “Tourism Gets a Refresh in the Hands of Activists Seeking to Decolonize the Industry,” promotes trips by a group called “Eyewitness Palestine.” The Eyewitness Palestine website prominently features a video that includes in text, “over the past 20 years, Eyewitness Palestine has taken 70 delegations to witness the injustices brought on by Israel’s settler colonialism and military occupation in occupied Palestine.” The video includes a former “delegate,” Lara Elborno, telling viewers,

You see apartheid, you see segregation in real time. You don’t need to open a book, and read about apartheid, you can go visit Palestine, it’s alive and well, apartheid and colonialism and ethnic cleansing and segregation are alive and well in occupied Palestine.
Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.
The website tells us that those who join its trip can expect to meetrepresentatives from anti-Israel NGOs such as B’Tselem, Adalah, Al Haq, Addameer, and Defense for Children International – Palestine. No organizations that would be likely to present an alternative point of view are listed.

Yet, the taxpayer funded Smithsonian magazine promotes these trips:

Eyewitness Palestine takes visitors to the occupied territories to help them learn more about the conditions facing Palestinians and to meet with both Palestinian and Israeli peacemakers. Founded in 2001, the educational program began as an outgrowth of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, an interfaith peace and justice organization in the U.S. Eyewitness Palestine is leading three delegations this year, dealing with conditions faced by Palestinian farmers, race and class, and more.

Prior to listing Eyewitness Palestine among other recommended “solidarity tourism” travel companies, Larson’s article also includes an insidious comparison of Israel and South Africa: “Solidarity tourism grew out of both the rise of mass tourism in the mid-20th century, which has grown to be a trillion-dollar industry, and the rise of transnational activism. Groups like the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker activist group, and other religious organizations sent study-abroad trips to places like South Africa and Israel beginning in the 1950s.”

In South Africa, two of the apartheid laws, the Population Registration Act and the Group Areas Act, were passed in 1950. Israel at that time was newly reborn country with scant resources struggling to absorb unprecedented numbers of immigrants, including Holocaust survivors as well as many Mizrachi and Sephardic Jewish refugees from Arab lands; putting the two countries in the same category is ludicrous.

Larson also discusses the work of Jennifer Kelly, a sociologist at University of California, Santa Cruz, who “studies solidarity tourism in the context of the contested lands of Gaza and the West Bank.” Kelly uses the term solidarity tourism, Larson quotes, “‘as an umbrella term for a lot of different forms of tourism: decolonial tourism, critical tourism, or political tourism. … It’s really crucial to understand that tourism facilitates colonialism and replicates colonial state practice.’” Of course, Kelly and Larson have it backwards – it is Jews who are indigenous to the land of Israel, and the re-establishment of a Jewish state in the land after 2000 years of exile was a successful act of decolonization.

The Smithsonian magazine is a face of the Smithsonian Institution, the purpose of which is to “enrich the lives of the American people,” and the Board of Regents of which includes the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, the Vice President of the US, and six members of Congress. It should not promote a tour group that spreads falsehoods about Israel, our democratic ally and the world’s only Jewish state, and incites anti-Israel hostilities in the US.

(full article online)

Notably, AFP fails to give any information about the identity of the people killed on Israel’s side, calling them only “14 people.” It fails to point out the most salient information: all were innocent civilians targeted in terror attacks or security forces who died trying to halt those deadly attacks.

Instead, the news agency provides a false symmetry, concealing the glaring asymmetry which defines this latest round of violence, and each round before this one: Palestinian and Arab violence target Israelis engaged in life routines. Palestinian assailants die carrying out their murderous attacks, and also while clashing with troops carrying out operations to arrest terror suspects.

(full article online)

The Associated Press was the latest major news agency to publish a headline obscuring Palestinian violence. Yesterday’s headline originally concealed a Palestinian firebombing attack, along with other violence, stating: “Israel troops kill Palestinian in West Bank, 4th in past day.” In particular, Mohammad Ali Ghneim, the Palestinian in question, was throwing a firebomb at an Israeli vehicle when troops killed him.

Thus, he was an assailant, not a victim, and yet AP’s headline inverted this basic fact.

In at least two out of the three other cases, the other Palestinian casualties were also assailants.

Following CAMERA’s communication with AP, the news agency yesterday amended the headline to acknowledge the firebombing. The relatively improved headline states: “Israel troops kill 4th Palestinian after firebombing.”

While the amended headline does note the firebombing, it still fails to make clear that the slain Palestinian was the perpetrator of that attack. In other words, Ghneim was killed because he was an assailant; he was not an innocent bystander, or worse — an innocent whom the Israeli troops targeted with no justification.

None of the above attacks received any coverage on the BBC News website.


On March 22nd four civilians were murdered and two civilians were wounded in a stabbing and vehicular attack in Be’er Sheva. The BBC News website’s report on that attack does not identify the victims.

The same report briefly alludes to “a spate of stabbings by Palestinians of Israelis in recent weeks” and “the third attack of its kind since Saturday” without providing any details.

On March 27th two members of the security forces were killed and five people wounded in a shooting attack in Hadera which was reported by the BBC News website.

On March 29th four civilians and one policeman were murdered and ten people were wounded in a shooting attack in Bnei Brak which was coveredon the BBC News website.

A stabbing attack which took place in Gush Etzion on the last day of the month was mentioned in a report on a different topic.

In conclusion, visitors to the BBC News website throughout March saw coverage of three fatal terror attacks (which were not described as such in the BBC’s own words) and just one of the larger number of non-fatal attacks. In the first quarter of 2022, the BBC News website reported 0.97% of the terror attacks which actually took place and all of the fatalities.

Related Articles:

(full article online)

Representative Ahmed Al-Qatawneh accused the government of selling vegetables to the Israeli market, which, he claimed, decreased local availability. He said that the government is expanding its relations with Israel and threatening Jordan's sovereignty, asking, "Is it reasonable for the Jordanian government to export vegetables to Israel, in light of a global food crisis due to Corona and in light of the Russian-Ukrainian war?"

The Jordanian Minister of Agriculture pointed out that exports to Israel are only about 10% of total Jordanian vegetable production and exports. Israel currently gets 1,300 tons per month out of 12,500 tons exported outside the kingdom. Jordanian farmers produce about 150,000 tons a month of vegetables during the winter, and far more in the summer. Jordanians consume about 80% of the crop, with the rest being exported to other countries. Obviously Jordanian farmers benefit from exporting their crops to Israel.

When Qatawneh made the same accusations in January, the Jordan Valley Farmers Union strongly criticized him.

In other words, the MP's complaints aren't motivated by any interest in what is best for Jordan or its farmers and are pure hate for Israel.

In short, antisemitism.

Israel signed an agreement with Jordan last year to increase its imports of Jordanian vegetables to make up for the shortfall in local production by Israeli farmers who observe Shmitta, the Biblical sabbatical year for farmers.

(full article online)


In an environment in which terror against Israel and Israelis is promoted, encouraged, and even rewarded - all on a daily basis - "it wasn't surprising to see the plethora of Palestinian announcements praising the terror attack in Tel Aviv on April 7, in which 3 Israelis were murdered and many others were injured.

Among those praising the attack were Fatah and its terror wing the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), and the Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF), all of whom are members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

While Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas heads both Fatah and the PLO, but could not be seen by the international community as staying silent, he issued a mealy-mouthed condemnation in which he said that “killing Palestinian and Israeli civilians will only lead to an additional deterioration of the situation.” [WAFA, official PA news agency, April 8, 2022; official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 9, 2022]

But while Abbas was “condemning” the murders, all the organizations he heads were busy glorifying it.

(full article online)

Violence in the West Bank - in 1966.

Well, well, well.

Palestinian Arabs rioted against Jordan - but not because the West Bank was "occupied."

They weren't clamoring for independence or freedom.

They wanted Jordan to allow them to freely enter (pre-1967) Israel with guns so they could kill Jews with impunity.

Jordan didn't like the idea too much, and they treated the Palestinians worse than Israel does now. Four Palestinians ended up being killed in anti-Jordan riots.


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