All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

[ Let us make it clear what the Arabs/Muslims, who live under the signing of the Oslo Accords, are saying:
“Our war is with the Jews”. ]

Three weeks prior to the Bnei Brak attack, and other attacks in which a total of 11 people were murdered in one week, an official in Abbas’ Fatah Movement called on Palestinians to continue terror - and to use 15-year-olds:


Two days before the murderous attack, the same Fatah official stated that “Our war is with the Jews”:

(full article online)

"Family dispute" between rival Arab clans in Tuba Zangria

A serious indictment was filed yesterday against a resident of the village of Tuba Zangria in the Galilee, who violently assaulted another resident with whom he was in conflict. The assailant was not satisfied with the act of assault, but made sure that everything was documented, which of course helped to incriminate him and send him to prison.

"Family dispute" between rival Arab clans in Tuba Zangria

A serious indictment was filed yesterday against a resident of the village of Tuba Zangria in the Galilee, who violently assaulted another resident with whom he was in conflict. The assailant was not satisfied with the act of assault, but made sure that everything was documented, which of course helped to incriminate him and send him to prison.

The bond of Arab clan rivalry - "family dispute" in Rahat

The United Arab Emirates today (Tuesday) sentenced Fida Kiwan,
an Israeli Arab resident of Haifa, to death, after she was caught
with half a kilogram of cocaine.

Kiwan is remembered by Haifa residents from the Azad Cafe on Hillel Street, which she ran and was one of its owners. Sergeant Major Raviv Roth arrived at the Azad restaurant on Hillel Street in Haifa during February 2010, but the hostess did not allow him to enter the place because he was wearing an IDF uniform.

The incident, which was exposed on mynet, caused a public outcry, and shortly afterwards it became clear that the restaurant did not have a business license - and it closed.

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[ What Pro Palestinians do not ever want to hear. But true all over Islam. Doesn't Israel have Peace Treaty with Jordan? Why are its citizens inciting against Israel? ]

After I published the chart yesterday showing how Amnesty International mentioned Israel more often in its annual report than any other nation, I decided to look at previous reports and see if this is a long-standing pattern.

It is.

Except for the height of the Syrian civil war, Israel has been the most mentioned country in every Amnesty report since at least 2011. (The 2019 report was divided by region, but Israel still ended up with far more mentions than any other state in the Middle East then as well.)

Anyone who thinks that Israel is the biggest violator of human rights on the planet is an idiot and/or an antisemite. The truth is the opposite - Israel cares about human rights in a difficult situation more than any country in remotely comparable circumstances.

But Amnesty International pushes this lie, consistently, year in and year out.

In the aggregate, it is even worse: Amnesty spends more time and effort trying to find things to accuse Israel of than anyone else. More than states that execute gays. More than states that incarcerate minority groups.

Any pretense of objectivity by Amnesty is proven to be a lie by this chart. The organization has an agenda to target Israel, an agenda that has culminated in its ridiculous charge of apartheid.

It is all here in black and white.

I found this quote from Abba Eban yesterday, in a 1954 op-ed (same Indianapolis Star page as the Egyptian president I quoted earlier):

This is exactly right. The only reason Jordan and Egypt signed peace treaties with Israel is because they realized that Israel cannot be destroyed, and therefore it was in their interest to make the best of the situation.

But Palestinian media (as well as, unfortunately, Jordanian media) keeps publishing the idea that Israel is on the ropes, that the Jews are frightened, that terror attacks will force the Jews to leave. They love republishing Haaretz op-eds that forecast a horrible future for Israel. They pretend that the early bigotry against Mizrahi Jews still exists and will rip apart Israeli society.

Terror leaders parrot these same ideas in their speeches, that Israel is a paper tiger, that it can easily be defeated with rockets or stabbings.

It is that fantasy that stops peace.

For decades, the Palestinian leadership has been waiting, under the illusion that the UN or the ICC will swoop in and declare Israel to be null and void, presumably thinking the Jews will simply go so the Palestinians can move in to their houses.

So they have no incentive to compromise, because they believe they are only months away from victory. This is what they teach their kids.

Most Arab nations accept, explicitly or tacitly, Israel's existence. The Palestinians still haven't.

Abba Eban's 1954 words apply to them, today.

[. Jordan......aka Transjordan.....aka. Mandate for Palestine....aka......78% of the Jewish homeland given to the Hashemites in 1922.
It is now, "The Pure Land of Jordan".....because the Hashemites ethnically cleansed the land of its Jews ]

The term "Jew cooties" was created by Meryl Yourish in 2005 to describe how Arabs and Muslims would treat anything remotely associated with Jews or Israel as dangerous and infectious. (Ironically, her first example - of Dubai rejecting Israeli medical equipment - no longer applies.)

The Observer General of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, Abdul Hamid Al-Thneibat, just issued a statement saying that "the Islamic movement will carry out its duty and play its role in confronting normalization with the Zionist entity and containing its repercussions, and immunizing our Jordanian people and the peoples of the nation from being penetrated by its thought, awareness and culture."

Thneibat bitterly complained, "During the past months, we have rushed into projects of normalization with the occupation through the water and electricity exchange agreement, and a number of leaders of the occupying entity have desecrated the pure land of Jordan."

The Muslim Brotherhood of Jordan is really afraid of infection by Jewish thoughts, Jewish culture and anyone treating Israeli Jews as human beings.

It is reminiscent of Nazi antisemitic propaganda that compared Jews to lice that spread typhus. Which is, after all, the same thinking behind BDS to begin with - to treat everything "Israeli" as contaminated and not to be touched.

Not surprisingly, the group - which insists that it is non-violent - applauds Palestinians murdering Jews.

(full article online)

Palestinians in Lebanon are affected by Lebanon's economic meltdown more than others, because as non-citizens they are not eligible for Lebanese social safety net services.

UNRWA decided to help a little planning a payment of $50 to every Palestinian "refugee" in Lebanon under 18 years old at the end of April.

However, the payments will not be made available to children of Palestinian mothers and Lebanese fathers, because they are full Lebanese citizens and the payments are specifically for stateless Palestinians.

The parents who want the $50 are angry. They prompted a "refugee rights" NGO to demand that they get these payments as well, even though their children are Lebanese citizens.

The NGO claims that by only giving funds to children of Palestinian fathers and not mothers, UNRWA is engaging in discrimination against women. Which is really funny, because if they care about refugee rights, they should be complaining about Lebanese law that only gives citizenship to children of Lebanese fathers and not Lebanese mothers!

Apparently, being considered a refugee isn't so bad when it comes with a $50 bonus.

Incidentally, the children who are Lebanese citizens are still eligible for UNRWA schooling and medical care, meaning UNRWA is paying benefits for people who aren't even refugees by their own definition.

Just like their counterparts at Roya TV and al-Jadeed, Vice Arabia reporters regularly refer to Israel in general, not just to the military authorities controlling the occupied territories, as “the Israeli occupation” or “the occupation state,” and delegitimize the country by placing scare quotes around “Israel.” In addition, interviewees consistently espouse a very narrow set of anti-Israel opinions and refer to the country as “the Israeli enemy,” “the Israeli imperialism,” “the occupied Palestinian interior” (here here), as well as the all-time favorite: “the Zionist entity.” Anti-Israel pundits enjoy a pass from Vice hosts who fail to challenge them. Op-eds by Vice Arabia journalists regularly espouse the same hostile anti-Israel worldview.

Vice Arabia’s clear bias is also evident in its references to Israel’s internationally-recognized territory inside the 1949 ceasefire lines as “the occupied interior,” “the 1948 occupied territories” (here and here) or “the 48 territories.” Its reporters regularly claim that internationally-recognized Israeli territory is currently under “more than seventy years of occupation.” They also vilify Jewish communities inside internationally-recognized Israeli territory as “settlements” and their residents as “settlers.

Moreover, Vice Arabia mislabels Israeli localities (of Jewish, Arab or mixed heritage) inside Israel’s internationally-recognized boundaries, including the Galilee, the Negev, Haifa, Caesarea, Lod, Beit She’an and others, as “Palestinian” and falsely places them in “Palestine” (here and here) or “the Palestinian interior” (here, here, here and here). Vice Arabia also uncritically featured maps which erase Israel from existence, whitewashing Palestinian self-determination efforts which seek to replace Israel as opposed to coexist alongside it.

In a particularly striking case, a June 7. 2021 Vice Arabia Op-Ed by Adam Haj Yahya began (“Jerusalem, Gaza, the [West] Bank and the Interior – How did all Palestinians unite to combat imperialism and displacement”):

(full article online)

In addition to those contributors – Noga Tarnopolski, Linda Robinson and Steven Cook – listeners heard interviews with three people hardly renowned for their commitment to telling ‘the real story’ behind Middle East events.

The first of those interviews came at 17:38:

Marshall: “OK, before we discuss what this new alliance between Israel and the Arab states might be able to do to counter Iran, let’s get a perspective from Tehran itself. Dr Seyed Mohammad Marandi is chair of American studies at the University of Tehran. What’s been the reaction, I asked him, in Iran to the coming together of Israel and these Arab states?”

As we all too frequently have cause to note on these pages, BBC editorial guidelines concerning ‘contributors’ affiliations’ state:

“We should not automatically assume that contributors from other organisations (such as academics, journalists, researchers and representatives of charities and think-tanks) are unbiased. Appropriate information about their affiliations, funding and particular viewpoints should be made available to the audience, when relevant to the context.”

Nevertheless, Marshall made no effort to inform listeners that beyond his quasi-neutral academic title, Mohammad Marandi is a long-time Iranian regime loyalist and propagandist who has been described by the BBC in the past as having “close ties to the government in Tehran”. Despite the clear relevance to this particular interview, Marshall failed to clarify to BBC audiences around the world that the claims they were about to hear came from a man correctly described only two months ago by the BBC as “media advisor to Iran’s nuclear negotiation team”.

(full article online)

Vice Arabia’s clear bias is also evident in its references to Israel’s internationally-recognized territory inside the 1949 ceasefire lines as “the occupied interior,” “the 1948 occupied territories” (here and here) or “the 48 territories.” Its reporters regularly claim that internationally-recognized Israeli territory is currently under “more than seventy years of occupation.” They also vilify Jewish communities inside internationally-recognized Israeli territory as “settlements” and their residents as “settlers.
Hmm, maybe they know something you don't.

I have never seen anybody prove that not to be true.
Hmm, maybe they know something you don't.

I have never seen anybody prove that not to be true.
It's been proven not to be true. See? That was easy.

The simple question is, "what sovereign Arab lands were / are occupied"?

I'm sure I know something you don't.

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