All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

In a piece titled After Israel attacks, sidelined Palestinian issue reemerges, The Associated Press (AP), a global news service with 1,300 clients, reports:

Three deadly attacks in Israel in a week are raising questions over Israel’s approach to its conflict with the Palestinians, after years of efforts to sideline the issue and focus instead on other regional priorities.”
AP writer Tia Goldenberg is suggesting that Israel is at least indirectly at fault for the Palestinian terror campaign that has resulted in eleven fatalities in just over a week, reportedly the deadliest wave of violence since 2006.

The piece goes on to note several recent political developments that pertain to the Jewish state: the historic gathering in the Negev Desert, the new Israeli government’s ideological diversity, security measures that were implemented by Jerusalem vis-à-vis the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ condemnation of Tuesday night’s shooting in the central city of Bnei Brak.

AP proceeds to opine on the cumulative effect of these developments:

There are no signs that [Israeli prime minister] Bennett is prepared to address the deeper issues fueling the conflict.
Israel has long sidelined Abbas, branding him an unacceptable partner for peace talks.
Israel has shifted its priorities to containing archenemy Iran and building regional Arab alliances.”
Goldenberg subtly weaves together facts with opinions to imply that Israeli citizens are somehow reaping the whirlwind of their government’s bad decisions and misguided policies.

It is an impression that is belied by reality.

(full article online )

Israel and the United Arab Emirates have concluded negotiations for a free trade agreement, Israel’s Economy Ministry and the UAE foreign trade minister said on Friday, after formally establishing ties in 2020.

The trade agreement includes 95% of traded products, which will be customs free, immediately or gradually, including food, agriculture and cosmetic products, as well as medical equipment and medicine, the Israeli Economy Ministry said in a statement.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A six-month window during which Israelis were able to visit Iran, Syria, Yemen and other nations that normally won’t let them in, ended Thursday with the closure of Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Some 20 million people visited the event in person, with another 150 million touring the country pavilions and other exhibits virtually.

(full article online)

The French film director Claude Lanzmann, celebrated for his documentary “Shoah”, once remarked that in order to encourage Arab schoolchildren to sympathize with Jews, he would highlight how during the Holocaust the Imam of the Grand Mosque of Paris helped save Jews from Nazi deportations. This modus operandi is quite ubiquitous and is also reflected in Jewish efforts to showcase Muslim righteousness during the Holocaust in predominantly Islamic Albania, Bosnia and Tunisia. Analogous efforts have also sought to highlight how Jewish life in Muslim lands was historically better than Jewish life in Christian lands.

In my opinion, these efforts are necessary in order to dispel the prejudice popular among quite a few Jews that Arabs and Muslims are irremediably vicious anti-Semites. Such efforts, directed toward Muslims do not serve the cause of Jewish-Muslim reconciliation, but actually add to the amount of resentment and hostility in the Muslim camp.

These efforts are often orchestrated by Ashkenazi Jews who conflate Christian antisemitism with Islamic antisemitism. Christian European antisemitism is nevertheless fundamentally different from Arab Islamic antisemitism. Christian antisemitism is ontological: The Jew by virtue of rejecting Christ as his savior is implicitly complicit in the death of God’s son. Islamic antisemitism is hierarchical: As long as the Jew is subordinate and docile toward Islam, the Jew is actually an asset to the prestige and truth of the Prophet’s message.

That is the reason antisemitism in Islamic lands reached historically Christian proportions only once Zionism proved to the world that Jews were better than Muslims at fighting and ruling. Since Islamic pride hinges on Muslim political and military power, defeat at the hands of Jews, the model dhimmis during over one thousand years, provoked an existential crisis in the Ummah: The Jew, in order to defeat Muslims on the battlefield, must have conjured diabolical forces. Hence, the contemporary myth popular in the Islamic world, that Jews are an all-powerful cabal bent on destroying Islam.

For this reason, when Muslims are reminded about the Golden Age of Judeo-Islamic harmony in Andalusia, the hospitality extended by Ottoman rulers to Jews fleeing from the Spanish Inquisition and more recently, Muslim rescue efforts during the Holocaust, they easily read history as follows: “Look at the Jews, after all the kindness we extended to them throughout the centuries, they repaid us Muslims with the Nakba and the occupation of Jerusalem. What a thankless lot!”

To avert this reaction, any Jewish-Muslim attitude must mention the dark sides of Jewish life under Islam: Starting with the massacre of Khaybar and culminating in the Farhud of 1941 which heralded the end of thousands of years of peaceful Jewish life in Iraq. It is only once these tragic chapters are read that Muslims can understand that Zionism was not just legitimized by European Christian antisemitism, but also by the injustices and abuses that the Ummah heaped on its Jewish subjects, including the complicity of Palestine’s supreme leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini, with Hitler’s plans to destroy the Jewish people.

Who's telling the truth?

Well, here's Islamic Jihad's "martyr poster" for the three:

Islamic Jihad doesn't deny that they were terrorists, or that they were on the way to an attack. In fact, the head of Islamic Jihad bragged that the three managed to injured Israeli soldiers, so he admits there was a gunbattle that his side most certainly lost.

So this means that the Palestinian Authority chooses the side of the terrorists over Israel.

Which tells you everything you need to know about the "moderate" PA.

(full article online)

The motion was proposed by the left-leaning Renew Europe Party and supported by the centrist European People's Party. It demands that the Palestinian Authority be “closely scrutinized” and that the curriculum be modified “expeditiously.”

The EU “deplores that problematic and hateful material in Palestinian school textbooks has still not been removed and is concerned about the continued failure to act effectively against hate speech and violence in school textbooks and especially in the newly created study cards,” the motion reads.

The EU "requests, therefore, the Commission to closely scrutinize that the Palestinian Authority and relevant experts modify the curriculum expeditiously,” it says.

“This new resolution received bipartisan support: left-leaning parliament members are as concerned about the Palestinian Authority teaching hate as their right-leaning colleagues," IMPACT-se CEO Marcus Sheff said. "Meanwhile, a funding freeze worth hundreds of millions of euros is in place because of the textbooks.

“The issue is being discussed by EU member state ministers and the EU Commission president," he said. "But the Palestinian Authority leadership remains unshakable in its belief that teaching to follow in the footsteps of a terrorist like Dalal al-Mughrabi is worth the pain. That’s a terrible decision.”

Deliberations on continued funding suspension and conditionality of EU funding to the PA have now reached EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and its College of Commissioners.

(full article online)

Last week was the twenty-second literary conference for the West and Central Delta Cultural Region of Egypt.

This year, the conference was entitled “Soft Forces in Literary Discourse and Literature in the Region as a Model.”

About 25 people attended this tiny, regional conference.

But at the end of the conference, the world was treated to the official statement and recommendations of the literati in the West and Central Delta Cultural Region of Egypt.

As the news items breathlessly noted:

The most important recommendations, which were delivered by the poet Ahmed Shalabi, Secretary-General of the Conference, in the presence of the great poet Masoud Shoman and Ahmed Darwish, President of the Territory, were as follows: not to normalize with the Zionist entity in form and content...
Yes, that was the number one recommendation, among about five given.

Even with Israel becoming more and more accepted in the region, and even with more public acceptance by Egypt in recent years, being anti-Israel is still the top priority in brainwashed Egyptians' heads.

Including, or especially, the intellectuals.


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