All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

An NGO representing Israel’s Arabic-speaking Christians wrote an open letter to the Israeli government on Tuesday, asking for additional protection from the Israeli authorities ahead of the Easter holiday over fears that churches could become targets for Islamic terrorists.

“We have learned from past terrorist attacks in neighboring countries lessons that Christians and their symbols were and still are a target for ISIS terrorists,” read the letter by the Jerusalemite Initiative, which was addressed to Internal Security Minister Omer Barlev and Defense Minister Benny Gantz.

The article closes with what appears to be a section partly copy/pasted from a previous related reportthat appeared in August 2021:

“The Leicester facility builds unmanned aerial vehicles that the protesters allege were used in the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

A ceasefire was agreed on 21 May between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, with both claiming victory.

It came after 11 days of fighting, which left at least 255 people dead.

It culminated in clashes at al-Aqsa, a holy site revered by both Muslims and Jews.

After warning Israel to withdraw, Hamas began firing rockets, triggering retaliatory air strikes.”

Obviously in the ten months that have passed since ‘Operation Guardian of the Walls’, BBC East Midlands has not bothered to confirm or refute that allegation from “the protesters” which it has repeatedly uncritically amplified.

Clearly the claim that the “11 days of fighting…culminated in clashes at al-Aqsa” is misleading given that (as is clear in the previous report from which that sentence is apparently taken) those pre-planned “clashes” took place before the commencement of the “11 days of fighting” (during which terrorist groups fired some 4,400 rockets at civilian targets in Israel).

Clearly too the writer of this report is insufficiently familiar with the BBC’s style guide entry concerning Temple Mount, with the result being that readers are inaccurately informed that “al Aqsa” is “revered by…Jews”.

(full article online)

The sole mention of the word terror in all those items came from the Israeli journalist interviewed by ‘Newshour’.

The BBC News website published a report on the evening of March 29thwhich was amended several times in the hours that followed as new details came to light.

The fifth version of that report – published on the morning after the attack – was headlined “Five killed in latest deadly attack in Israel” and, like the two subsequently published versions, it opened:

“Five people have been shot dead by a Palestinian gunman in a suburb of the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, in the third deadly attack of its kind in a week.” [emphasis added]

The phrase “of its kind” obviously does not relate to the location (the previous two attacks were not in the Tel Aviv area), the means of attack (the first incident was a combined stabbing and vehicular attack) or the identity of the perpetrator (the terrorists in the first two attacks were not “Palestinian”). Rather, that phrase actually means that three terror attacks have taken place in a week but – as usual and as it did in its reports on the incidents in Be’er Sheva and Hadera – the BBC avoids using that term to describe the politically motivated murders of Israelis.

And so once again readers of this report found the terrorist portrayed as a “Palestinian gunman”, a “gunman” and an “attacker” while the incident itself (and the previous ones) is uniformly described as an attack. As ever, the only mentions of the words terrorism and terror come in direct quotes from Israeli officials – in this case politicians.

(full article online)

When will people realize that none of this is about land? It’s not about peace. They don’t want to live peacefully with Jews. They want to MURDER Jews all over the world – in Israel and beyond. And the “Palestinians” and their supporters are not even trying to hide it. They are not even a little ashamed. Why else would people be okay marching through the streets of New York calling for the murder of an entire nation?

(full article online)


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