All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Another article from Jordanian outlet Jo24, but it mirrors what Palestinian media is saying:

An observer of the Zionist (Israeli) media and the statements of Israeli officials concludes that the Israeli public is terrified, and the Israeli is afraid of going out to the streets and shopping in the markets or malls, after the Palestinian resistance achieved great success in three guerrilla operations in the heart of Tel Aviv and in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948.
Today, the Palestinian people and their resistance, with the support of the Axis of Resistance, are capable alone,while abandoned by the Arabs, to confront Israel and restore their usurped right that was stolen 70 years ago.

These articles are telling the Palestinians that terrorism will cause the Jews to flee Israel and leave it open for them to simply take it over. They use as evidence that Israel is mobilizing troops to keep the peace.

The idea is a fantasy. Jews aren't leaving their homeland. But this fantasy of Palestinian victory created by fatal terror attacks fuels the next wave of attacks. Every dead Israeli and the adoration that follows gives others the desire to emulate the terrorists.

These articles don't create the incitement by themselves. They are an accurate representation of how Palestinians think. The terror attacks themselves, the videos of dead Israelis and of Palestinians with guns in the middle of Jewish population centers, drive more to want to become terrorists. The veneration of the murderers, and the absolute lack of criticism for them in Palestinian, Jordanian and Egyptian media encourages the next wave of attacks.

The attacks aren't prompted by Israel's response - they are prompted by Palestinian adoration of the original murders. It is a self-sustaining cycle. Israeli reactions are trying to stop that cycle, not prolong it.

(full article online)

Here are stories of Israeli and Emirati cooperation from only the past seven days. all from the Emirates News Agency:

- The "Negev Summit" in Israel
- The UAE hosted the International Security Alliancewhich included the interior ministers of UAE, France, Italy, the UK, Morocco, Spain, Israel, Senegal, Singapore, and Slovakia
- The UAE and Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in maritime transport
- The UAE and Israel agreed on a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)
- The signatories of the Abraham Accords held a football match at the Dubai Expo along with famous soccer players from dozens of other countries
- The UAE and Israel signed an MoU for mutual recognition of driving licenses between the two
- The UAE, United States and Israel held the inaugural meeting of the Trilateral Religious Coexistence Working Group in Dubai

This is a dizzying array of initiatives and cooperation, mostly being done under the radar with little news coverage.

Because normalization is normal. What's abnormal is the insistence by some holdover bigoted states, whose human rights records are invariably poor, pretending that it is beneath them to interact with Israel - because they are so moral.

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency monitors Israeli media for incitement, much as Israeli NGOs monitor Palestinian media for incitement.

Their examples are a bit weirder, though.

In their latest edition, here's their first example:

Maariv newspaper published an inciting article by the lawyer and writer Nadav Hatsani, claiming: “On Tuesday evening, with the news of the identity of the terrorist who carried out the operation in Bnei Brak, Atta Abu Rumaila, Secretary General of the Fatah movement in Jenin, published a message of joy and a declaration of responsibility, in the name of movement in the city.
"The president's men continued to build incentives to carry out the next terrorist operations. Mahmoud al-Habbash, the first judge of the Palestinian Authority and an advisor to Abu Mazen, warned in recent days that 'Israel is planning crimes against Al-Aqsa Mosque during the month of Ramadan.' The Palestinian Minister of Religions Affairs Hazem Abu Bakr claimed this week that Israel is trying to Judaize Jerusalem and is committing crimes against Al-Aqsa and the Ibrahimi Mosque. All this according to the constant analysis of the Palestinian Authority who finds justification for terrorism against Israel."
None of this is inaccurate - but apparently reporting the truth about Palestinian incitement is, in fact, incitement itself.

However, the Hamas terror organization said in one of its latest statements that it “welcomes the month of jihad and Shahada,” and Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Nahala also said that the terrorist who carried out the attack in Bnei Brak and murdered five people combined the obligation of fasting during Ramadan with the obligation of jihad.

Nahala is probably aware that his remarks tying Ramdan and jihad have a long history and are backed by widespread Muslim religious thought.

In the history of Islam, Ramadan is considered a month in which the Muslims have had great and significant victories over the Persians, Mongols, Crusaders and Jews.

The great battles and victories of the Muslims that took place during Ramadan include the Battle of Badr in 624, which turned Islam into a state entity, as well as the conquest of Mecca in 630, which put an end to paganism in the Arabian Peninsula.

The Muslim invasion of Andalusia in 713, as well as the victory of Saladin al-Ayoubi over the Crusaders in 1187, took place during Ramadan.

The Battle of Ein Jalot in the Harod Valley in northern Israel, during which the Mongols lost to the Muslims, also took place during Ramadan in 1260.

The Yom Kippur War took place during Ramadan in 1973.

In recent years, extremist Muslim clerics have often underscored the connection between fasting, one of the five foundations of Islam, and jihad. They stated that “he who can stand the test of fasting can also stand the test of jihad,” and added that Allah examines his believers who meet the challenge of fasting before choosing them to meet the challenges of jihad.

The Islamic Jihad in Gaza has issued guidelines to shorten the sermons in the mosques and also address the duty of solidarity with the families of the “martyrs” (terrorists) and the wounded (during terror attacks), and also stated that “this is the month of jihad and sacrifice, victories and conquests.”

Islam has five basic elements: prayer, charity, Shahada (testimony), pilgrimage to Mecca, and fasting, but extremist Islamic sources have argued for many years that fasting is a stage of preparation for jihad because it prepares the soul for the Creator.

(full article online)

Even in the wider context of conflict, Younis’s work heading the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights makes him a high-profile target, he says. For the past 30 years, he has been campaigning to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine, while advocating for reparations for those whose lives have already been lost. In recent years, the death threats and accusations of antisemitism levelled against Younis and his colleagues have grown in number. “The truth is expensive,” he says sadly. “If you go for the truth, you have to be ready to pay the consequences.”
First, contrary to the journalists’s claim, Gaza is of course not occupied. Further, any real human rights activist in Gaza would be campaigning against Hamas’s authoritarian rule in the Palestinian territory.

Additionally, the suggestion that, because of his campaigning to end “the occupation”, Younis is getting death threats from Israelis/Israeli officials, or that he in any way represents a “high-profile target” for an Israeli attack, would be laughable, except that countless Guardian readers no doubt accept his fanciful narrative at face value.

In fact, the Guardian fails to reveal that though Youni’s group, Al-Mezan Centre for Human Rights, claims to promote human rights, its board members, officials and employees, NGO Monitor has documented, “include members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Hamas”, both designated as terrorist organisations by the US and the EU.

In October 2016, Younis himself led a meeting which included representatives from several terror groups, including Hamas and PFLP.

Board members, officials and employees of the NGO also speak frequently at PFLP events, with some posting material on their social media accounts promoting terror and using antisemitic imagery. One Facebook post by top Al-Mezan official Hussein Hammad on October 22, 2015, during the Stabbing Intifada, showed a caricature of a Jew looking behind his back in fear of a stabbing attack (snapshot below).

(full article online)

Major General Ghasan Alyan, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Sunday congratulated the Palestinian Arab public on the occasion of the start of Ramadan.

In his remarks, General Alyan said that "the security reality requires us to examine what steps we can take on the occasion of Ramadan. Security and stability are the keys to our ability to allow entry into Israel for visits and prayers."

Alyan addressed the Palestinian Arabs in Arabic and said, "Ramadan Kareem to the residents of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. I would like to congratulate you on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan. May it be a month of family, happy and calm."

"The last two weeks have been difficult and challenging. After a long period of peace and security stability, we have once again realized that there are those who want to sabotage it no matter what the cost. I know the vast majority of you choose life, choose family, routine and are not partners to extremism and violence. But we will not allow terrorism to raise its head and we will not allow extremists to disrupt life in Israel," he continued.

"We will work so that everyone can celebrate the holidays with their families happily and safely - Jews, Muslims and Christians," stated Alyan.

"On behalf of me and the IDF, I wish you and your family members a blessed Ramadan, health, contentment and peace," he concluded.

Major General Ghasan Alyan, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Sunday congratulated the Palestinian Arab public on the occasion of the start of Ramadan.

In his remarks, General Alyan said that "the security reality requires us to examine what steps we can take on the occasion of Ramadan. Security and stability are the keys to our ability to allow entry into Israel for visits and prayers."

Alyan addressed the Palestinian Arabs in Arabic and said, "Ramadan Kareem to the residents of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. I would like to congratulate you on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan. May it be a month of family, happy and calm."

"The last two weeks have been difficult and challenging. After a long period of peace and security stability, we have once again realized that there are those who want to sabotage it no matter what the cost. I know the vast majority of you choose life, choose family, routine and are not partners to extremism and violence. But we will not allow terrorism to raise its head and we will not allow extremists to disrupt life in Israel," he continued.

"We will work so that everyone can celebrate the holidays with their families happily and safely - Jews, Muslims and Christians," stated Alyan.

"On behalf of me and the IDF, I wish you and your family members a blessed Ramadan, health, contentment and peace," he concluded.

"On behalf of me and the IDF, I wish you and your family members a blessed Ramadan, health, contentment and peace," he concluded.
While listing all of the homes he is planning to bulldoze.
While listing all of the homes he is planning to bulldoze.
They say imitation is the best flattery.

Got to speak in the language
of the 'religion of peace'...

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The Mirror News (Los Angeles), June 1, 1953, published a peace offer from Israel's foreign minister that I had never seen before:

Moshe Sharett, Foreign Minister, told this writer in an exclusive interview, that his government is willing to make a compromise arrangement with the Arabs.
Some of the concessions include minor rectifications of existing frontiers; financial aid in re-settling Palestine refugees in Arab lands; and possibly the creation of a free zone in the port of Haifa to assist Jordan, which has no outlet to the Mediterranean.
Israel, in turn, would expect the Arabs to resettle Palestinian refugees, which they largely refuse to do thus far; eliminate border incidents; lift the economic boycott; and offer free use of the Suez Canal and Red Sea for Israeli shipping.

Sharett repeated the offer in September, 1954 while speaking to US News and World Report.

See how unreasonable Israel was? Adjusted 1949 armistice lines and a port for Jordan in exchange for... real peace.

The Mirror News (Los Angeles), June 1, 1953, published a peace offer from Israel's foreign minister that I had never seen before:

Sharett repeated the offer in September, 1954 while speaking to US News and World Report.

See how unreasonable Israel was? Adjusted 1949 armistice lines and a port for Jordan in exchange for... real peace.

Israel gets to keep everything it has stolen.

Such a deal. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Israel gets to keep everything it has stolen.

Such a deal. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Arab supremacists merely blame others for losing domination over the Levant,
as they still continue robbing the entire Middle East and North Africa...


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[ Let us make it clear what the Arabs/Muslims, who live under the signing of the Oslo Accords, are saying:
“Our war is with the Jews”. ]

Three weeks prior to the Bnei Brak attack, and other attacks in which a total of 11 people were murdered in one week, an official in Abbas’ Fatah Movement called on Palestinians to continue terror - and to use 15-year-olds:


Fatah Revolutionary Council member Abd Al-Ilah Atteereh: “We have no choice but to strengthen the resistance with what Allah will provide us with. When you see a 15-year-old Palestinian child carrying a rock or another tool or a knife, know that this cause continues in the blood of our people, and that it is inherited.”
[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, March 7, 2022]

Fatah Jenin Branch Secretary Ata Abu Rmeileh:“It is clear that in this [arrest] operation that the occupation carried out, it wants to take revenge for what happened in Tal Al-Rabia (i.e., shooting attack in Bnei Brak), the operation of heroic Diya Hamarsheh (i.e., terrorist, murdered 5). The occupation wants to take revenge. The occupation’s morale is at a low. They are attempting to raise the morale by carrying out additional crimes against our Palestinian people.”
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, March 31, 2022]
Two days before the murderous attack, the same Fatah official stated that “Our war is with the Jews”:

(full article online)


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