All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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As we see, Knell’s ‘backgrounder’ made no mention whatsoever of Jordan’s nineteen-year occupation of parts of Jerusalem and the fact that the later Jordanian annexation was unrecognised by the international community.

Like all the BBC’s numerous reports, this ‘backgrounder’ too failed to note the inclusion of Jerusalem in the territory assigned by the League of Nations to the creation of a Jewish homeland. The belligerent British-backed Jordanian invasion and subsequent ethnic cleansing of Jews from districts including the Old City in 1948, together with the destruction of synagogues and cemeteries, was completely ignored, as was the fact that the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan specifically stated that the ceasefire lines were not borders. Israel’s warning to Jordan not to participate in the Six Day War was also eliminated from all the BBC’s accounts of events.

(full article online)

Reviewing the BBC’s presentation of Jerusalem history
As we see, Knell’s ‘backgrounder’ made no mention whatsoever of Jordan’s nineteen-year occupation of parts of Jerusalem and the fact that the later Jordanian annexation was unrecognised by the international community.

I have been telling Rocco that for years but he keeps claiming otherwise.

as was the fact that the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan specifically stated that the ceasefire lines were not borders.
So then, why does every map of Israel use those fake borders?

There is nothing fake about the territorial integrity of the land area and sovereignty established by Israel.

Grab your Koran and an AK-47. Attempt to crash those "fake borders". Let us know how that turns out.
As we see, Knell’s ‘backgrounder’ made no mention whatsoever of Jordan’s nineteen-year occupation of parts of Jerusalem and the fact that the later Jordanian annexation was unrecognised by the international community.

Like all the BBC’s numerous reports, this ‘backgrounder’ too failed to note the inclusion of Jerusalem in the territory assigned by the League of Nations to the creation of a Jewish homeland. The belligerent British-backed Jordanian invasion and subsequent ethnic cleansing of Jews from districts including the Old City in 1948, together with the destruction of synagogues and cemeteries, was completely ignored, as was the fact that the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan specifically stated that the ceasefire lines were not borders. Israel’s warning to Jordan not to participate in the Six Day War was also eliminated from all the BBC’s accounts of events.

(full article online)

Reviewing the BBC’s presentation of Jerusalem history
As we see, Knell’s ‘backgrounder’ made no mention whatsoever of Jordan’s nineteen-year occupation of parts of Jerusalem and the fact that the later Jordanian annexation was unrecognised by the international community.

I have been telling Rocco that for years but he keeps claiming otherwise.

as was the fact that the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan specifically stated that the ceasefire lines were not borders.
So then, why does every map of Israel use those fake borders?

There is nothing fake about the territorial integrity of the land area and sovereignty established by Israel.

Grab your Koran and an AK-47. Attempt to crash those "fake borders". Let us know how that turns out.
Typical dance.
As we see, Knell’s ‘backgrounder’ made no mention whatsoever of Jordan’s nineteen-year occupation of parts of Jerusalem and the fact that the later Jordanian annexation was unrecognised by the international community.

Like all the BBC’s numerous reports, this ‘backgrounder’ too failed to note the inclusion of Jerusalem in the territory assigned by the League of Nations to the creation of a Jewish homeland. The belligerent British-backed Jordanian invasion and subsequent ethnic cleansing of Jews from districts including the Old City in 1948, together with the destruction of synagogues and cemeteries, was completely ignored, as was the fact that the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan specifically stated that the ceasefire lines were not borders. Israel’s warning to Jordan not to participate in the Six Day War was also eliminated from all the BBC’s accounts of events.

(full article online)

Reviewing the BBC’s presentation of Jerusalem history
As we see, Knell’s ‘backgrounder’ made no mention whatsoever of Jordan’s nineteen-year occupation of parts of Jerusalem and the fact that the later Jordanian annexation was unrecognised by the international community.

I have been telling Rocco that for years but he keeps claiming otherwise.

as was the fact that the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan specifically stated that the ceasefire lines were not borders.
So then, why does every map of Israel use those fake borders?

There is nothing fake about the territorial integrity of the land area and sovereignty established by Israel.

Grab your Koran and an AK-47. Attempt to crash those "fake borders". Let us know how that turns out.
Typical dance.

Another of the pointless cut and paste cartoons you dump into threads when you're too befuddled to respond with a coherent comment.
All right. Contain your laughter, infidels.

The indispensable Memri has an article profiling another of the Death Cult Brigades that pop up in the alternate reality that is the Arab-Moslem psyche. The article is a good read while being a look into the gaping maw of the diseased Arab-Moslem mindset. Its replete with the expected pronouncements of arab-Islamist supremacy and pompous claims to victory over the reviled Jews. Its just funny when all of this stereotypical bluster comes from silly misfits in ski masks.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Establish 'Yasser Arafat' Military Base In Gaza, Announces: No One Will Take the Weapons Of Resistance From Us, Fatah Is True To The Path Of Armed Struggle

February 8, 2018
Special Dispatch
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Establish 'Yasser Arafat' Military Base In Gaza, Announces: No One Will Take the Weapons Of Resistance From Us, Fatah Is True To The Path Of Armed Struggle

On December 2, 2017, a faction named after "the martyr Nidal Al-'Amoudi"[1] within the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced the establishment of "The Martyr Yasser Arafat Base, the first Fatah movement military base in the Gaza Strip." According to the announcement, the base is intended for the training of fighters for the continuation "of the armed struggle."[2]

This faction of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades views itself as part of the Fatah movement in Gaza; however, it does not accept Fatah's current leadership, headed by Mahmoud 'Abbas, and instead supports his political rival Muhammad Dahlan.[3] It is possible that the establishment of this military base was intended to strengthen the military might and status of Muhammad Dahlan's supporters in the Gaza Strip.

It's obvious you've never been to Israel because you'd see many Arab doctors, nurses, University students, etc. Israel proper is more industrialized. There are more Arab farmers in the West Bank.

I think what's unique about the picture is that the woman is volunteering for a Jewish organization.

It's obvious you've never been to Israel because you'd see many Arab doctors, nurses, University students, etc. Israel proper is more industrialized. There are more Arab farmers in the West Bank.

I think what's unique about the picture is that the woman is volunteering for a Jewish organization.
You are ducking the question.

It's obvious you've never been to Israel because you'd see many Arab doctors, nurses, University students, etc. Israel proper is more industrialized. There are more Arab farmers in the West Bank.

I think what's unique about the picture is that the woman is volunteering for a Jewish organization.
You are ducking the question.
You are lazy as you continue to not care to do any research on the issue you are bringing up.


It's obvious you've never been to Israel because you'd see many Arab doctors, nurses, University students, etc. Israel proper is more industrialized. There are more Arab farmers in the West Bank.

I think what's unique about the picture is that the woman is volunteering for a Jewish organization.
You are ducking the question.

I don't know about factory owners or real-estate developers. They aren't visible to the naked eye. But I knew Arab doctors and nurses treated my grandmother in Haifa, because of their names and the way they dress. And I saw farmers herding sheep on the West Bank, and knew they were Arabs because of the way they dress.

It's obvious you've never been to Israel because you'd see many Arab doctors, nurses, University students, etc. Israel proper is more industrialized. There are more Arab farmers in the West Bank.

I think what's unique about the picture is that the woman is volunteering for a Jewish organization.
You are ducking the question.

Where are the Jewish factory owners, farmers, real estate developers, etc. in your Islamist paradise of Gaza’istan?

It's obvious you've never been to Israel because you'd see many Arab doctors, nurses, University students, etc. Israel proper is more industrialized. There are more Arab farmers in the West Bank.

I think what's unique about the picture is that the woman is volunteering for a Jewish organization.
You are ducking the question.

Where are the Jewish factory owners, farmers, real estate developers, etc. in your Islamist paradise of Gaza’istan?
Is deflection part of your hasbara training?

It's obvious you've never been to Israel because you'd see many Arab doctors, nurses, University students, etc. Israel proper is more industrialized. There are more Arab farmers in the West Bank.

I think what's unique about the picture is that the woman is volunteering for a Jewish organization.
You are ducking the question.

Where are the Jewish factory owners, farmers, real estate developers, etc. in your Islamist paradise of Gaza’istan?
Is deflection part of your hasbara training?

I’m just a bit amused that you’re unable to defend a single one of your statements.
From the Facebook page of Columbia University Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature Hamid Dabashi:

"The Woman’s March has now emerged as a major movement in the US and of course the Zionists have deeply infiltrated it the way they infiltrated the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and sought to twist it to the advantage of Israel —"

I once posted a full page ad by the Black Americans to Support Israel Committee, which was signed by hundreds of prominent African-Americans in support of Israel from Hank Aaron to Andrew Young.

According to Dabashi, they were all duped by Zionists. Which means that Dabashi doesn't think that African Americans are smart enough to think for themselves.

Yes, that is racism.

" Scarlet Johansson is a violent Zionist deeply committed to the systemic theft of Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland— she appears on commercials selling Israeli products made on the stolen and occupied Palestinians lands — her appearance on Women’s March rallies deeply compromises the moral authority of the movement —"
"Scarlet Johansson is a violent Zionist"?

Hate to break it to you, Hamid, but movies aren't real life.

(full article online)

Irony alert: Columbia professor says women's movement being hijacked by Zionists -and urges Ahed Tamimi posters at every event ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Under a system set up after Israel's 2014 counterrorism Operation Protective Edge, reconstruction materials are delivered to Gaza through an Israeli-controlled border crossing. The Palestinian Authority coordinates the projects, Israeli security officials approve the entry of materials and the UN monitors the deliveries to make sure they are not diverted by militants.

Over the years, Al-Emadi said he has developed a cordial relationship with the Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai.

"You can say it's good," he told AP, stressing the motives were pragmatic. "To help the people of Gaza, this is our only target and aim," he said.

His comments on Israel are interesting, given that Qatar and Israel have no formal diplomatic relations.

(full article online)

Qatari official: Without Israel's help, nothing happens in Gaza
This video of Arab citizens of Israel applauding and hugging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is extremely telling. While the mass media tries to portray Israel as an “apartheid” country, where Arab/Muslim citizens are discriminated against, and worse, the reality of Israel is very, very different.

As Netanyahu says in this video:

“We are partners in taking care of all Israeli citizens. Working to ensure that Israel is safe, secure and unified for the benefit of all Israeli citizens. With G-d’s help and with our help”

(full article and video online)

The day Arab citizens got up to applaud and hug Bibi Netanyahu
This video of Arab citizens of Israel applauding and hugging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is extremely telling. While the mass media tries to portray Israel as an “apartheid” country, where Arab/Muslim citizens are discriminated against, and worse, the reality of Israel is very, very different.

As Netanyahu says in this video:

“We are partners in taking care of all Israeli citizens. Working to ensure that Israel is safe, secure and unified for the benefit of all Israeli citizens. With G-d’s help and with our help”

(full article and video online)

The day Arab citizens got up to applaud and hug Bibi Netanyahu

Good points. Let us consider how many Palestinian/Israeli citizens have opted to leave Israel to go live in some Arab country.
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