All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Then there is this.

"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Then there is this.

Yes, yes. You have posted that before. It appears to be another Pallywood Production Studios clip, edited for the benefit of those like you. Where is the footage that shows what was taking place before the recording was edited down to your cut and paste?
"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Then there is this.

Just for the sake of argument, let's say you are right (which you're not). Still, why only Israel? Why not Afghanistan, where girls are shot for going to school, or Saudi Arabia, where women cannot go anywhere without a male escort, or India, where girls are gang-raped? The fact that ONLY Israel is singled out in the whole world shows anti-Semitism.
"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Indeed, perhaps you would like to lecture your fellow lslamics in every Islamist majority nation regarding their treatment of non-islamics.

Indeed, tell us about the treatment of non-islamics in places such as your islamic paradise of Gaza'istan.
The stupidity of Wimborne-Idrissi

Wimborne-Idrissi pushes one stupid idea after another. The more I see her in action, the more I realise we are not dealing with the brightest bulb in the box. This is her answer to the first question about whether questioning Israel’s right to exist is antisemitic:

‘It is not, because Israel is not a person, you can only be racist against an individual‘

This comment is foolishness on steroids. She falls into this trap because she is ideologically desperate for antisemitism to be seen just like any other racism. It also clearly shows that Wimborne-Idrissi doesn’t have the first clue about antisemitism at all. How about these:

  • The Holocaust never happened
  • Rothschild bank should be destroyed because it controls the economy
  • Mossad did 9/11 and Charlie Hebdo and runs America
  • Israel steals babies organs and sells them to buy weapons to kill more Palestinian children
  • Palestinian babies are taken by Israel to make Matzoh
These all fail Wimborne-Idrissi’s racism test because they are not against an individual, yet they are all clearly antisemitic. The very essence of antisemitism (and why it differs so much from other racisms) is the ideal of a global power unit, fed by the deviant nature of the Jew, that controls the world from the shadows. The enemy of the antisemite is NOT AN INDIVIDUAL, but the Global Jew. It is entirely logical that in the eyes of the antisemite, Israel represents the ‘Elders’. This is how Hitler saw it (take note Ken Livingstone):

“They have no thought of building up a Jewish State in Palestine, so that they might perhaps inhabit it, but they only want a central organization of their international world cheating, endowed with prerogatives, withdrawn from the seizure of others: a refuge for convicted rascals and a high school for future rogues.” – Mein Kampf.

So according to Wimborne-Idrissi, the dislike that Hitler had for the Zionist enterprise, simply cannot be classed as antisemitic, because it is not directed towards an individual. Yes, she really is that stupid.

It is very simple:

If the comments above are antisemitic, and the person who promotes them rejects Israel’s right to exist because of the imagined nature of that state, then how is that rejection not antisemitism?

(full article online)

The BBC promote Soviet style antisemitism on 'Big Questions'
The conflict disappears

Coldicott didn’t mention Arab violence at all. In the 1948 conflict, he failed to state that the Arabs had rejected partition. He didn’t tell anyone that Arab violence broke out a day later. Forgot to mention that the neighbouring states declared war, promising that when the British left, the Jews will be swept into the sea. He didn’t mention that in May 1948, those nations invaded.

For the short period of time I was allowed the microphone, I brought up the irregular forces that had begun to enter British Palestine from Syria and Lebanon in January 1948. Forces that extracted a high price from Jewish attempts to reach Jewish towns and break Arab blockades. Tim shook his head, as if I was the problem.

(full article online)

ICAHD bring antisemitism into the Church. The story of the 'sick' Israelis
"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Indeed, perhaps you would like to lecture your fellow lslamics in every Islamist majority nation regarding their treatment of non-islamics.

Indeed, tell us about the treatment of non-islamics in places such as your islamic paradise of Gaza'istan.
Ha, Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel. Christians are better off under Hamas than under Israel.
"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Indeed, perhaps you would like to lecture your fellow lslamics in every Islamist majority nation regarding their treatment of non-islamics.

Indeed, tell us about the treatment of non-islamics in places such as your islamic paradise of Gaza'istan.
Ha, Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel. Christians are better off under Hamas than under Israel.
Number of Jews in Gaza?
Number of Christians wanting to go live in Gaza?
"Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says.

"This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country."

The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were:
New Zealand
South Korea

The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year.Israel is safer than the US - and Western European countries - for women.

(full article online)

Sorry, anti-Israel women's studies professors: Israel is safer for women than the US and most of Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Indeed, perhaps you would like to lecture your fellow lslamics in every Islamist majority nation regarding their treatment of non-islamics.

Indeed, tell us about the treatment of non-islamics in places such as your islamic paradise of Gaza'istan.
Ha, Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel. Christians are better off under Hamas than under Israel.
Number of Jews in Gaza?
Number of Christians wanting to go live in Gaza?
There are Jews in Gaza all of the time. Some ISM members are Jews. There were Jews on the Free Gaza boats. Rabbis have visited there. Code Pink has been there several times. The convoys had Jews. Amira Hass used to live there but Israel will not allow her to go back. When Norman Finkelstein was in a delegation to Gaza he looked around and said jokingly: "Is anyone here not a Jew?"

Number of Jews attacked? - 0

B-b-but last year the U.N. singled out Israel as the ONLY country in the whole world that abuses women!
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Indeed, perhaps you would like to lecture your fellow lslamics in every Islamist majority nation regarding their treatment of non-islamics.

Indeed, tell us about the treatment of non-islamics in places such as your islamic paradise of Gaza'istan.
Ha, Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel. Christians are better off under Hamas than under Israel.
Number of Jews in Gaza?
Number of Christians wanting to go live in Gaza?
There are Jews in Gaza all of the time. Some ISM members are Jews. There were Jews on the Free Gaza boats. Rabbis have visited there. Code Pink has been there several times. The convoys had Jews. Amira Hass used to live there but Israel will not allow her to go back. When Norman Finkelstein was in a delegation to Gaza he looked around and said jokingly: "Is anyone here not a Jew?"

Number of Jews attacked? - 0


You know what I meant.

Jews who LIVE in Gaza.

Don't worry, the moment those Jews who want to "Free Palestine" are of no more use to Hamas and others, they will be done with, just as that Italian who came to Gaza and was killed by one of the terror groups.

All Fools like you.
Perhaps they were thinking about the number of women who have had their homes bombed or bulldozed. Or how many who have had their husbands arrested or sons killed. along with other things.

Indeed, perhaps you would like to lecture your fellow lslamics in every Islamist majority nation regarding their treatment of non-islamics.

Indeed, tell us about the treatment of non-islamics in places such as your islamic paradise of Gaza'istan.
Ha, Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel. Christians are better off under Hamas than under Israel.
Number of Jews in Gaza?
Number of Christians wanting to go live in Gaza?
There are Jews in Gaza all of the time. Some ISM members are Jews. There were Jews on the Free Gaza boats. Rabbis have visited there. Code Pink has been there several times. The convoys had Jews. Amira Hass used to live there but Israel will not allow her to go back. When Norman Finkelstein was in a delegation to Gaza he looked around and said jokingly: "Is anyone here not a Jew?"

Number of Jews attacked? - 0


You know what I meant.

Jews who LIVE in Gaza.

Don't worry, the moment those Jews who want to "Free Palestine" are of no more use to Hamas and others, they will be done with, just as that Italian who came to Gaza and was killed by one of the terror groups.

All Fools like you.

There have been no Jews living in Gaza since Israel attacked Palestine in 1948.
Indeed, perhaps you would like to lecture your fellow lslamics in every Islamist majority nation regarding their treatment of non-islamics.

Indeed, tell us about the treatment of non-islamics in places such as your islamic paradise of Gaza'istan.
Ha, Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel. Christians are better off under Hamas than under Israel.
Number of Jews in Gaza?
Number of Christians wanting to go live in Gaza?
There are Jews in Gaza all of the time. Some ISM members are Jews. There were Jews on the Free Gaza boats. Rabbis have visited there. Code Pink has been there several times. The convoys had Jews. Amira Hass used to live there but Israel will not allow her to go back. When Norman Finkelstein was in a delegation to Gaza he looked around and said jokingly: "Is anyone here not a Jew?"

Number of Jews attacked? - 0


You know what I meant.

Jews who LIVE in Gaza.

Don't worry, the moment those Jews who want to "Free Palestine" are of no more use to Hamas and others, they will be done with, just as that Italian who came to Gaza and was killed by one of the terror groups.

All Fools like you.

There have been no Jews living in Gaza since Israel attacked Palestine in 1948.

Fool !!!

There have not been any Jews living in Gaza since 1920 after the first Arab riots on Jews, when the British "saved" the Jews from being attacked.

They were never allowed to return to their homes and lands until AFTER 1967, when the Arabs tried to get more land which belonged to the Jews and Israel.

FOOL !!!!

PS: Jewish People always lived in Gaza since the Philistines (not related to the Palestinian Arabs ) were defeated by King David. Until 1920 when England had them expelled "for their own good".

You really are a FOOL.
Ha, Jews are safer in Gaza than in Israel. Christians are better off under Hamas than under Israel.
Number of Jews in Gaza?
Number of Christians wanting to go live in Gaza?
There are Jews in Gaza all of the time. Some ISM members are Jews. There were Jews on the Free Gaza boats. Rabbis have visited there. Code Pink has been there several times. The convoys had Jews. Amira Hass used to live there but Israel will not allow her to go back. When Norman Finkelstein was in a delegation to Gaza he looked around and said jokingly: "Is anyone here not a Jew?"

Number of Jews attacked? - 0


You know what I meant.

Jews who LIVE in Gaza.

Don't worry, the moment those Jews who want to "Free Palestine" are of no more use to Hamas and others, they will be done with, just as that Italian who came to Gaza and was killed by one of the terror groups.

All Fools like you.

There have been no Jews living in Gaza since Israel attacked Palestine in 1948.

Fool !!!

There have not been any Jews living in Gaza since 1920 after the first Arab riots on Jews, when the British "saved" the Jews from being attacked.

They were never allowed to return to their homes and lands until AFTER 1967, when the Arabs tried to get more land which belonged to the Jews and Israel.

FOOL !!!!

PS: Jewish People always lived in Gaza since the Philistines (not related to the Palestinian Arabs ) were defeated by King David. Until 1920 when England had them expelled "for their own good".

You really are a FOOL.

Whatever, the attack on Palestine began before 1948.
Number of Jews in Gaza?
Number of Christians wanting to go live in Gaza?
There are Jews in Gaza all of the time. Some ISM members are Jews. There were Jews on the Free Gaza boats. Rabbis have visited there. Code Pink has been there several times. The convoys had Jews. Amira Hass used to live there but Israel will not allow her to go back. When Norman Finkelstein was in a delegation to Gaza he looked around and said jokingly: "Is anyone here not a Jew?"

Number of Jews attacked? - 0


You know what I meant.

Jews who LIVE in Gaza.

Don't worry, the moment those Jews who want to "Free Palestine" are of no more use to Hamas and others, they will be done with, just as that Italian who came to Gaza and was killed by one of the terror groups.

All Fools like you.

There have been no Jews living in Gaza since Israel attacked Palestine in 1948.

Fool !!!

There have not been any Jews living in Gaza since 1920 after the first Arab riots on Jews, when the British "saved" the Jews from being attacked.

They were never allowed to return to their homes and lands until AFTER 1967, when the Arabs tried to get more land which belonged to the Jews and Israel.

FOOL !!!!

PS: Jewish People always lived in Gaza since the Philistines (not related to the Palestinian Arabs ) were defeated by King David. Until 1920 when England had them expelled "for their own good".

You really are a FOOL.

Whatever, the attack on Palestine began before 1948.

FOOL, when are you going to stop with your discredited beliefs.

You are telling us NON History.

Try history for a change.

There are Jews in Gaza all of the time. Some ISM members are Jews. There were Jews on the Free Gaza boats. Rabbis have visited there. Code Pink has been there several times. The convoys had Jews. Amira Hass used to live there but Israel will not allow her to go back. When Norman Finkelstein was in a delegation to Gaza he looked around and said jokingly: "Is anyone here not a Jew?"

Number of Jews attacked? - 0


You know what I meant.

Jews who LIVE in Gaza.

Don't worry, the moment those Jews who want to "Free Palestine" are of no more use to Hamas and others, they will be done with, just as that Italian who came to Gaza and was killed by one of the terror groups.

All Fools like you.

There have been no Jews living in Gaza since Israel attacked Palestine in 1948.

Fool !!!

There have not been any Jews living in Gaza since 1920 after the first Arab riots on Jews, when the British "saved" the Jews from being attacked.

They were never allowed to return to their homes and lands until AFTER 1967, when the Arabs tried to get more land which belonged to the Jews and Israel.

FOOL !!!!

PS: Jewish People always lived in Gaza since the Philistines (not related to the Palestinian Arabs ) were defeated by King David. Until 1920 when England had them expelled "for their own good".

You really are a FOOL.

Whatever, the attack on Palestine began before 1948.

FOOL, when are you going to stop with your discredited beliefs.

You are telling us NON History.

Try history for a change.


Look at real history. (Not that bullshit Israeli crap.) The Zionists went to Palestine to shove the natives aside and pig the place for themselves.

You know what I meant.

Jews who LIVE in Gaza.

Don't worry, the moment those Jews who want to "Free Palestine" are of no more use to Hamas and others, they will be done with, just as that Italian who came to Gaza and was killed by one of the terror groups.

All Fools like you.
There have been no Jews living in Gaza since Israel attacked Palestine in 1948.
Fool !!!

There have not been any Jews living in Gaza since 1920 after the first Arab riots on Jews, when the British "saved" the Jews from being attacked.

They were never allowed to return to their homes and lands until AFTER 1967, when the Arabs tried to get more land which belonged to the Jews and Israel.

FOOL !!!!

PS: Jewish People always lived in Gaza since the Philistines (not related to the Palestinian Arabs ) were defeated by King David. Until 1920 when England had them expelled "for their own good".

You really are a FOOL.
Whatever, the attack on Palestine began before 1948.
FOOL, when are you going to stop with your discredited beliefs.

You are telling us NON History.

Try history for a change.

Look at real history. (Not that bullshit Israeli crap.) The Zionists went to Palestine to shove the natives aside and pig the place for themselves.
The Jews ARE, and always have been the indigenous NATIVE people of the Land of Israel.

As a "Christian" you do know that .

Because if the Jews are not the Indigenous people of the Land, than neither was Jesus, and there is no Christianity for you to follow.

When you can stop being hateful towards Jesus' own people, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, will find yourself and stop wanting to give Jesus' land to his enemies, who want to see all of his people dead.

You do not love Arabs, or Muslims or even any other Christians.

You simply HATE JEWS !!!!

There have been no Jews living in Gaza since Israel attacked Palestine in 1948.
Fool !!!

There have not been any Jews living in Gaza since 1920 after the first Arab riots on Jews, when the British "saved" the Jews from being attacked.

They were never allowed to return to their homes and lands until AFTER 1967, when the Arabs tried to get more land which belonged to the Jews and Israel.

FOOL !!!!

PS: Jewish People always lived in Gaza since the Philistines (not related to the Palestinian Arabs ) were defeated by King David. Until 1920 when England had them expelled "for their own good".

You really are a FOOL.
Whatever, the attack on Palestine began before 1948.
FOOL, when are you going to stop with your discredited beliefs.

You are telling us NON History.

Try history for a change.

Look at real history. (Not that bullshit Israeli crap.) The Zionists went to Palestine to shove the natives aside and pig the place for themselves.
The Jews ARE, and always have been the indigenous NATIVE people of the Land of Israel.

As a "Christian" you do know that .

Because if the Jews are not the Indigenous people of the Land, than neither was Jesus, and there is no Christianity for you to follow.

When you can stop being hateful towards Jesus' own people, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, will find yourself and stop wanting to give Jesus' land to his enemies, who want to see all of his people dead.

You do not love Arabs, or Muslims or even any other Christians.

You simply HATE JEWS !!!!

So many Israeli talking points. :poop:
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