All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Jews kill in self defense? Killing thousands of women and children is terrorism, not self-defense. You people are a bunch of brainwashed creeps.

Self-defense is taking measures to eliminate the barrage of rockets launched by your Islamic terrorist heroes.

Why do you think acts of Islamic terrorism are an entitlement?
Oh, come on!
We need some Nazi comic relief.
During the last three Gaza wars, Israel released detailed statistics on the deaths, enumerating how many were civilian and how many terrorist, and its numbers of total killed tracked closely with the numbers provided by independent researchers (who typically undercounted the number of terrorists killed significantly.)

In addition, Israel would publish results of investigations in many specific examples of airstrikes describing exactly its intelligence, who was targeted and killed, and everything it did to ensure a minimum of civilian deaths and to adhere to international law.

In comparison, there is next to no transparency by British and US forces in their airstrike campaigns. The British insistence that they have no evidence they have killed a single civilian is risible:

(full article online)

Israel is shown to be far more transparent than the UK on civilian airstrike deaths ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
When is Nutandyahoo going to condemn Israel for all of the Palestinians it has killed?
In self defense? And most have been killed in self defense for the endless attacks since 1920.


One should never say one is sorry for protecting one's people, one's country from murderous invaders conquerors, who have expressed endlessly that they wish to see you all dead.

In the current century a huge outburst of anti-Semitism, part of which is directed against Israel, has developed. A number of documentaries have detailed many aspects of this anti-Semitism. They have contributed to a better understanding of who the perpetrators are, their motives and how they operate. This short overview presents the main ones.

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An overview of documentaries on anti-Semitism
The big lie in the op-ed, by War on Want (WoW) director Asad Rehman, in response to Israel’s decision to ban leaders from 20 pro-BDS groups from entering the country, that Israel is an apartheid state, shouldn’t drown out the ‘smaller’ lies, which begin in the opening paragraph, when readers are told that Israel’s “blacklist…bans 20 charities and human rights groups from entering the country…”.

However the groups banned, such as WoW, are not “human rights” organisations in any real sense of the term, but rather highly politicized radical anti-Israel pressure groups. Indeed, in 2016, the British government stopped funding WoW, a sponsor of ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ in the UK. The decision was reached following revelations that a speaker at a WoW event legitimised the lie that Israelis were harvesting dead Palestinians’ organs. At another WoW event, radical professor Steven Salaita justified Palestinians terror attacks against Israelis.

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Guardian provides platform for War on Want’s unbridled hate against the Jewish state
The part of Jerusalem that the Palestinians demand for their capital was under Arab control from 1948-1967. Jordan occupied the city and the West Bank for 19 years — and, curiously, the Palestinians never demanded an end to the “occupation” or the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. These demands only emerged when Israel — that is Jews — took control over the area. Palestinians have never been able to explain the nearly two-decade gap in their supposed longing for self-determination in the land that they speciously claim has been theirs since time immemorial.

Before advocating a redivision of Jerusalem, proponents should read the history of that period. Israel made western Jerusalem its capital; meanwhile, Jordan occupied the eastern section but did not move its capital there. Jordan violated the 1949 Armistice Agreement by denying Israelis access to the Western Wall and to the Mount of Olives. Worse, the Jewish Quarter in the Old City was razed, 58 synagogues were destroyed or desecrated, and thousands of tombstones in the Mount of Olives cemetery were destroyed to pave a road and build fences and latrines in Jordanian army camps.

Under Jordanian rule, Israeli Muslims were also not permitted to visit their Holy Places in East Jerusalem. Meanwhile, “Israeli Christians were subjected to various restrictions during their seasonal pilgrimages to their holy places,” according to longtime mayor Teddy Kollek. “Only limited numbers were grudgingly permitted to briefly visit the Old City and Bethlehem at Christmas and Easter.”

Jordan also passed laws restricting the opening of new Christian schools, giving Jordan control over the appointment of teachers, and requiring the teaching of the Koran. In 1965, Christian institutions were forbidden to acquire any land or rights in or near Jerusalem. In 1966, Christian schools were compelled to close on Fridays instead of Sundays. Because of these repressive policies, many Christians emigrated from Jerusalem. Their numbers declined from 25,000 in 1949, to fewer than 13,000 in June 1967.

The discriminatory laws adopted by Jordan were abolished by Israel after the city was reunited in 1967.

Would Palestinian policies in Jerusalem be any different than those of the Jordanians? Based on Palestinian words and deeds, there is reason for concern.

(full article online)

Will Palestinians Protect Freedom of Religion and Holy Places in Jerusalem?
The part of Jerusalem that the Palestinians demand for their capital was under Arab control from 1948-1967. Jordan occupied the city and the West Bank for 19 years — and, curiously, the Palestinians never demanded an end to the “occupation” or the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. These demands only emerged when Israel — that is Jews — took control over the area. Palestinians have never been able to explain the nearly two-decade gap in their supposed longing for self-determination in the land that they speciously claim has been theirs since time immemorial.

Before advocating a redivision of Jerusalem, proponents should read the history of that period. Israel made western Jerusalem its capital; meanwhile, Jordan occupied the eastern section but did not move its capital there. Jordan violated the 1949 Armistice Agreement by denying Israelis access to the Western Wall and to the Mount of Olives. Worse, the Jewish Quarter in the Old City was razed, 58 synagogues were destroyed or desecrated, and thousands of tombstones in the Mount of Olives cemetery were destroyed to pave a road and build fences and latrines in Jordanian army camps.

Under Jordanian rule, Israeli Muslims were also not permitted to visit their Holy Places in East Jerusalem. Meanwhile, “Israeli Christians were subjected to various restrictions during their seasonal pilgrimages to their holy places,” according to longtime mayor Teddy Kollek. “Only limited numbers were grudgingly permitted to briefly visit the Old City and Bethlehem at Christmas and Easter.”

Jordan also passed laws restricting the opening of new Christian schools, giving Jordan control over the appointment of teachers, and requiring the teaching of the Koran. In 1965, Christian institutions were forbidden to acquire any land or rights in or near Jerusalem. In 1966, Christian schools were compelled to close on Fridays instead of Sundays. Because of these repressive policies, many Christians emigrated from Jerusalem. Their numbers declined from 25,000 in 1949, to fewer than 13,000 in June 1967.

The discriminatory laws adopted by Jordan were abolished by Israel after the city was reunited in 1967.

Would Palestinian policies in Jerusalem be any different than those of the Jordanians? Based on Palestinian words and deeds, there is reason for concern.

(full article online)

Will Palestinians Protect Freedom of Religion and Holy Places in Jerusalem?

In all of the Middle East, only Israel supports & Protects freedom of religion in holy places of all faiths.
[ Shucks !!! There goes my budget :) ]

According to a report published back in February 2016, Israel has a significantly lower profile internationally than other countries of comparable size.

Data presented by Hanan Goder-Goldberger, the Foreign Ministry workers’ union chairman, found that countries that suffer none of the international condemnation faced by Israel invest more than we do in their foreign corps.

The Czech Republic, which is of comparable size and has a per capita GDP similar to Israel’s, had in 2006 123 missions abroad, 20 more than Israel. Greece and Norway also have more representatives.

Israel’s detractors are also better represented abroad.

Iran had 142 missions, Turkey had 233 delegations, and even the Palestinian Authority – which subsists primarily from handouts – had about the same international presence in 2016 as Israel does, with 101 missions.

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