All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Remember how the Arab world was going to explode after the US said it would move its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem?

From Ammon News:
Jordan has allocated 1.5 million dinars (around $2.1 million) in the 2018 national budget for a gas pipeline linking the Hashemite Kingdom with Israel. According to Al-Ghad newspaper on Sunday, the cost of the joint Jordanian-Israeli project is expected to rise to 3 million dinars ($4.2 million) in 2019, and to 6 million dinars ($8.5 million) by 2020. The pipeline will pass over the Sheikh Hussein border crossing, 90 km from Amman.

(full article online)

Despite anti-Israel rhetoric, Jordan still plans gas pipeline to Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
No one seems to know how many Israelis still have Moroccan citizenship, and certainly no one knows how many live beyond the Green Line. About 250,000 Moroccan Jews have emigrated to Israel since 1948.

Simon Sacra, Secretary General of the Federation of Moroccan Jews in France, defended the right of Moroccan Jews to preserve their Moroccan nationality wherever they may be, whether inside Israeli settlements or in other areas.

"Despite the passage of about 70 years, Moroccans in Israel still love Morocco and the King, defend his interests and visit him annually to celebrate their holidays and theit common historical coexistence."

(full article online)

Morocco to consider withdrawing citizenship from Jews in "Israeli settlements" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ There is a Peace treaty with Egypt, but "normalization" of not allowed by some Muslims. Now, where could these Muslims have learned the things they said.... ]

Ibrahim was giving a lecture on Egypt-Israeli relations.


Egyptian sociologist Saad Eddin Ibrahim (YouTube screenshot)

“This stinking researcher came here to speak about normalization with Israel,” another student, who was not named, told Ynet. “He thinks he’s talking to little children. We are not willing to hear him because he’s telling us lies. It’s obvious he received instructions on what to say.

(full article online)

Arab Israeli students heckle Egypt lecturer for ‘normalization’ with Israel
The UN resolution means that changes made to Jerusalem by all foreign occupiers, invaders, imperialists, and colonialists since the Jews made it their capital over 3000 years ago, have no legal effect, are null and void and must be rescinded.

(full article online)

The UN got it right for a change
The Palestine Information Center is a front for an internationally recognized terror group. It is Hamas. Too bad this little piece of information wasn't considered important for Greenwald.
Last March, Facebook briefly shut down the Facebook page of the political party, Fatah, followed by millions, “because of an old photo posted of former leader Yasser Arafat holding a rifle.”Greenwald doesn't give the source for his quote. Do you want to know why? Because it was a lie spouted by Fatah itself!

Fatah's Facebook page publishes direct incitement to kill Israelis and Jews, as I've documented here and Palestinian Media Watch has literally hundreds of examples. An old photo of Arafat with a rifle is not considered offensive by PMW, by Israeli officials or by anyone. This, however, is:

A real journalist would know this. An anti-Israel propagandist like Greenwald would know this too - and purposefully hide that information from his readers.

(full article online)

Glenn Greenwald's fact-free criticism of Israeli policy towards incitement on social media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestine Information Center is a front for an internationally recognized terror group. It is Hamas. Too bad this little piece of information wasn't considered important for Greenwald.
Last March, Facebook briefly shut down the Facebook page of the political party, Fatah, followed by millions, “because of an old photo posted of former leader Yasser Arafat holding a rifle.”Greenwald doesn't give the source for his quote. Do you want to know why? Because it was a lie spouted by Fatah itself!

Fatah's Facebook page publishes direct incitement to kill Israelis and Jews, as I've documented here and Palestinian Media Watch has literally hundreds of examples. An old photo of Arafat with a rifle is not considered offensive by PMW, by Israeli officials or by anyone. This, however, is:

A real journalist would know this. An anti-Israel propagandist like Greenwald would know this too - and purposefully hide that information from his readers.

(full article online)

Glenn Greenwald's fact-free criticism of Israeli policy towards incitement on social media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You post one sour grapes article after another. Where do you find all of this crap?
The Palestine Information Center is a front for an internationally recognized terror group. It is Hamas. Too bad this little piece of information wasn't considered important for Greenwald.
Last March, Facebook briefly shut down the Facebook page of the political party, Fatah, followed by millions, “because of an old photo posted of former leader Yasser Arafat holding a rifle.”Greenwald doesn't give the source for his quote. Do you want to know why? Because it was a lie spouted by Fatah itself!

Fatah's Facebook page publishes direct incitement to kill Israelis and Jews, as I've documented here and Palestinian Media Watch has literally hundreds of examples. An old photo of Arafat with a rifle is not considered offensive by PMW, by Israeli officials or by anyone. This, however, is:

A real journalist would know this. An anti-Israel propagandist like Greenwald would know this too - and purposefully hide that information from his readers.

(full article online)

Glenn Greenwald's fact-free criticism of Israeli policy towards incitement on social media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You post one sour grapes article after another. Where do you find all of this crap?
With intelligent, knowledgeable, caring, non lazy, resourceful, accomplished, well read people, who know many languages and can read Arabic, Farsi and many other languages.

The absolute opposite of you. :)
The Palestine Information Center is a front for an internationally recognized terror group. It is Hamas. Too bad this little piece of information wasn't considered important for Greenwald.
Last March, Facebook briefly shut down the Facebook page of the political party, Fatah, followed by millions, “because of an old photo posted of former leader Yasser Arafat holding a rifle.”Greenwald doesn't give the source for his quote. Do you want to know why? Because it was a lie spouted by Fatah itself!

Fatah's Facebook page publishes direct incitement to kill Israelis and Jews, as I've documented here and Palestinian Media Watch has literally hundreds of examples. An old photo of Arafat with a rifle is not considered offensive by PMW, by Israeli officials or by anyone. This, however, is:

A real journalist would know this. An anti-Israel propagandist like Greenwald would know this too - and purposefully hide that information from his readers.

(full article online)

Glenn Greenwald's fact-free criticism of Israeli policy towards incitement on social media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You post one sour grapes article after another. Where do you find all of this crap?
With intelligent, knowledgeable, caring, non lazy, resourceful, accomplished, well read people, who know many languages and can read Arabic, Farsi and many other languages.

The absolute opposite of you. :)
Being that resourceful, why do you only post Israeli propaganda sites?
The Palestine Information Center is a front for an internationally recognized terror group. It is Hamas. Too bad this little piece of information wasn't considered important for Greenwald.
Last March, Facebook briefly shut down the Facebook page of the political party, Fatah, followed by millions, “because of an old photo posted of former leader Yasser Arafat holding a rifle.”Greenwald doesn't give the source for his quote. Do you want to know why? Because it was a lie spouted by Fatah itself!

Fatah's Facebook page publishes direct incitement to kill Israelis and Jews, as I've documented here and Palestinian Media Watch has literally hundreds of examples. An old photo of Arafat with a rifle is not considered offensive by PMW, by Israeli officials or by anyone. This, however, is:

A real journalist would know this. An anti-Israel propagandist like Greenwald would know this too - and purposefully hide that information from his readers.

(full article online)

Glenn Greenwald's fact-free criticism of Israeli policy towards incitement on social media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You post one sour grapes article after another. Where do you find all of this crap?
With intelligent, knowledgeable, caring, non lazy, resourceful, accomplished, well read people, who know many languages and can read Arabic, Farsi and many other languages.

The absolute opposite of you. :)
Being that resourceful, why do you only post Israeli propaganda sites?
Gosh, isn't it obvious????

The anti Israel/anti Jews sites are full of murdering poison against Jews. All incitement, no truths or half baked ones.

When you find that one of your sources is actually telling the whole truth and not trying to destroy Israel and murder all the Jews....where could they have gotten such an idea in the last century? .......
let us know.

Unfortunately I do not have one hundred years to wait for you to figure this simple truth out.

Want to play that sources game again?
The Palestine Information Center is a front for an internationally recognized terror group. It is Hamas. Too bad this little piece of information wasn't considered important for Greenwald.
Last March, Facebook briefly shut down the Facebook page of the political party, Fatah, followed by millions, “because of an old photo posted of former leader Yasser Arafat holding a rifle.”Greenwald doesn't give the source for his quote. Do you want to know why? Because it was a lie spouted by Fatah itself!

Fatah's Facebook page publishes direct incitement to kill Israelis and Jews, as I've documented here and Palestinian Media Watch has literally hundreds of examples. An old photo of Arafat with a rifle is not considered offensive by PMW, by Israeli officials or by anyone. This, however, is:

A real journalist would know this. An anti-Israel propagandist like Greenwald would know this too - and purposefully hide that information from his readers.

(full article online)

Glenn Greenwald's fact-free criticism of Israeli policy towards incitement on social media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You post one sour grapes article after another. Where do you find all of this crap?
With intelligent, knowledgeable, caring, non lazy, resourceful, accomplished, well read people, who know many languages and can read Arabic, Farsi and many other languages.

The absolute opposite of you. :)
Being that resourceful, why do you only post Israeli propaganda sites?

Because like all these Israel paid shills ,they have to resort to lies when they are backed up against the wall and cornered with nowhere to run when threads expose their lies is why so they resort to this proaganda BS threAd.LOL
The Palestine Information Center is a front for an internationally recognized terror group. It is Hamas. Too bad this little piece of information wasn't considered important for Greenwald.
Last March, Facebook briefly shut down the Facebook page of the political party, Fatah, followed by millions, “because of an old photo posted of former leader Yasser Arafat holding a rifle.”Greenwald doesn't give the source for his quote. Do you want to know why? Because it was a lie spouted by Fatah itself!

Fatah's Facebook page publishes direct incitement to kill Israelis and Jews, as I've documented here and Palestinian Media Watch has literally hundreds of examples. An old photo of Arafat with a rifle is not considered offensive by PMW, by Israeli officials or by anyone. This, however, is:

A real journalist would know this. An anti-Israel propagandist like Greenwald would know this too - and purposefully hide that information from his readers.

(full article online)

Glenn Greenwald's fact-free criticism of Israeli policy towards incitement on social media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You post one sour grapes article after another. Where do you find all of this crap?
With intelligent, knowledgeable, caring, non lazy, resourceful, accomplished, well read people, who know many languages and can read Arabic, Farsi and many other languages.

The absolute opposite of you. :)
Being that resourceful, why do you only post Israeli propaganda sites?

Because like all these Israel paid shills ,they have to resort to lies when they are backed up against the wall and cornered with nowhere to run when threads expose their lies is why so they resort to this proaganda BS threAd.LOL

I would very much like to get paid for posting here. Can you tell me how to apply? Sixties Fan, are you getting paid for posting? If anyone should get paid by someone, it is Tinmore with his thousands of posts. Perhaps some oil-rich sheikhdom, like Qatar, is paying him.
The Palestine Information Center is a front for an internationally recognized terror group. It is Hamas. Too bad this little piece of information wasn't considered important for Greenwald.
Last March, Facebook briefly shut down the Facebook page of the political party, Fatah, followed by millions, “because of an old photo posted of former leader Yasser Arafat holding a rifle.”Greenwald doesn't give the source for his quote. Do you want to know why? Because it was a lie spouted by Fatah itself!

Fatah's Facebook page publishes direct incitement to kill Israelis and Jews, as I've documented here and Palestinian Media Watch has literally hundreds of examples. An old photo of Arafat with a rifle is not considered offensive by PMW, by Israeli officials or by anyone. This, however, is:

A real journalist would know this. An anti-Israel propagandist like Greenwald would know this too - and purposefully hide that information from his readers.

(full article online)

Glenn Greenwald's fact-free criticism of Israeli policy towards incitement on social media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You post one sour grapes article after another. Where do you find all of this crap?
With intelligent, knowledgeable, caring, non lazy, resourceful, accomplished, well read people, who know many languages and can read Arabic, Farsi and many other languages.

The absolute opposite of you. :)
Being that resourceful, why do you only post Israeli propaganda sites?

Because like all these Israel paid shills ,they have to resort to lies when they are backed up against the wall and cornered with nowhere to run when threads expose their lies is why so they resort to this proaganda BS threAd.LOL
When have you EVER seen me or any other pro Israel person RUUUUNNNN from anything any one of you said?

When are you EVER going to bother to read, research and then discuss anything posted on this or other threads?

Let us guess......and we are not waiting :)
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