All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ Another attack on Jews....because it is about Israeli occupation,
or is it what usually has happened with Muslims towards Jews for the past 1400 years? ]

Among a flurry of messages and voice notes circulating around the Iranian Jewish communities in Los Angeles, New York City, and elsewhere, a long comment written in Persian has gone viral. The comment begins by referencing the ancient roots of the Iranian Jewish community, dating back to the times of Ezra the Scribe. It notes that though the Jewish community in Iran has suffered insult under the Islamic Republic, and notes that an attack on a synagogue or religious place is unprecedented under the Islamic regime. The letter concludes by calling for everyone to fast on Thursday [the Fast of 10 Tevet] in honor of the desecrated Torah scrolls and is signed “Farzad, Los Angeles.”

(full article online)

After Vandalism Attack in Iranian Synagogue, Reports of Jews Arrested
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has a startling and consistent history of anti-Semitism, despite its founding and reputation as an “independent, neutral organization.” Although mandated to eschew taking sides in international and internal armed conflicts and to protect victims of those conflicts — including wounded soldiers, prisoners of war, refugees and civilians — ICRC anti-Semitism emerged prior to World War II, broadened to encompass anti-Israelism after creation of the Jewish state and has continued ever since.

  • In the 1940s, it failed to intercede on behalf of Jewish Holocaust victims and was complicit with the Vatican’s protection of Nazi war criminals and collaborators.
  • Its modern-day expression of anti-Jewish sentiment was manifested in an initial refusal to accept the symbol of Israel’s own emergency aid organization, the Magen David Adom, while welcoming the Red Crescent of Muslim countries.
  • It provided solicitous aid to Arab-Palestinian terrorists whose homes were destroyed by the Israel Defense Forces in reprisal for and to prevent deadly attacks against Israel.
  • The ICRC also supported and glorified terrorism in a tree-planting ceremony honoring imprisoned Islamic terrorists who were guilty of murdering Jews.
  • It has unfairly singled out Israel as an “illegal occupier” and has falsely labeled Israel guilty of an apocryphal “Jenin massacre.” In addition to these actions, the ICRC has failed to condemn Hamas’ use of human shields and has not recognized Israel’s right to self-defense. Instead,
  • it has demonstrated a complete lack of sensitivity for the plight of Israeli civilians as perennial victims of rocket attacks and suicide bombings.
  • Remarkably, the ICRC — arbiters of the humanitarian standards of war by dint of their stewardship of the Geneva Conventions — recently instituted new policies prohibiting return fire upon civilian-inhabited areas. In effect, it empowered terrorists to fight worry-free amongst the general population.
Given this recent history, the organization’s reputation as a purveyor of “neutral humanitarianism” rings hollow.

In his latest book, Humanitarians at War: The Red Cross in the Shadow of the Holocaust (Oxford University Press, 2017), Gerald Steinacher examines how the ICRC failed to uphold its ideal of neutral humanitarian during World War II and after and instead pursued anti-Semitism.

(full article online)

How the International Red Cross failed the Jews
He sums it up with a stunning indictment of Arab hate:

We curse #Israel although Israel is Jacob, the prophet of God, peace be upon him.
We curse the State of Israel , which is the land of prophets.
We curse the Jews , who are the people of the book and neighbors of the Prophet ...
We abhor the star of Prophet Dawood [David] peace be upon him
And we then claim that we are Muslims, the people of mercy And tolerance!

(full article online)

Kuwaiti writer calls on peace with Israel and Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Islamic Waqf, who run the Al Aqsa Mosque and other Muslim buildings on the Temple Mount, issued a mournful press release:
The head of the Islamic Waqf and Al-Aqsa Mosque Department, Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib, said that the infiltration by the Jewish extremists of Al-Aqsa Mosque in 2017 recorded the highest number of violators. The total number of extremists who stormed the mosque is about 25,630, in a clear desecration of the sanctity of the mosque.

Sheikh al-Khatib confirmed that the numbers are increasing under the rulings issued by the Jewish rabbis who incite the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque and with Israeli government support for these intruders. Over 25,000 - an improvement!

But just to keep things in proportion, there are more Muslims at the holy site every Friday.

(full article online)

Waqf publishes good news: Record numbers of Jews visited Temple Mount in 2017 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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