All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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‘My Son Was a Victim of a UN Ceasefire,’ Mother of Fallen IDF Soldier Tells Security Council Session on Israelis Abducted by Hamas in Gaza
End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.
‘My Son Was a Victim of a UN Ceasefire,’ Mother of Fallen IDF Soldier Tells Security Council Session on Israelis Abducted by Hamas in Gaza
End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.
End the Arab Muslim occupation and allow the right of return of Jews to their lands in Gaza, Judea, Samaria and TransJordan.

Return to the indigenous people, descendants of Rabbi Hillel and his people, what belongs to their people.

And no, it is not any Arab who calls themselves since 1964....a Palestinian.

Arabs are from Arabia
Jews, as well as Rabbi Hillel, are from Judea.

‘My Son Was a Victim of a UN Ceasefire,’ Mother of Fallen IDF Soldier Tells Security Council Session on Israelis Abducted by Hamas in Gaza
End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.
End the Arab Muslim occupation and allow the right of return of Jews to their lands in Gaza, Judea, Samaria and TransJordan.

Return to the indigenous people, descendants of Rabbi Hillel and his people, what belongs to their people.

And no, it is not any Arab who calls themselves since 1964....a Palestinian.

Arabs are from Arabia
Jews, as well as Rabbi Hillel, are from Judea.

End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.
‘My Son Was a Victim of a UN Ceasefire,’ Mother of Fallen IDF Soldier Tells Security Council Session on Israelis Abducted by Hamas in Gaza
End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.
End the Arab Muslim occupation and allow the right of return of Jews to their lands in Gaza, Judea, Samaria and TransJordan.

Return to the indigenous people, descendants of Rabbi Hillel and his people, what belongs to their people.

And no, it is not any Arab who calls themselves since 1964....a Palestinian.

Arabs are from Arabia
Jews, as well as Rabbi Hillel, are from Judea.

End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.
Vide above post, you broken Jihadist record, you...... :)
Vide above post, you broken Jihadist record, you...... :)
The post above, much like your childish name calling is silly.

End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.
Vide above post, you broken Jihadist record, you...... :)
The post above, much like your childish name calling is silly.

End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.

Typical Louie’ism. Spam the board with repetitive cut and paste nonsense.

It’s comical that you Arabs-Moslems would call for kuffar style elections. How are those working out for you in Gaza’ istan?
Vide above post, you broken Jihadist record, you...... :)
The post above, much like your childish name calling is silly.

End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.

Typical Louie’ism. Spam the board with repetitive cut and paste nonsense.

It’s comical that you Arabs-Moslems would call for kuffar style elections. How are those working out for you in Gaza’ istan?
I am sure that the Palestinians and the world would have no objection to having international observers throughout the entire process.
So, you support right of return for Jews In Gaza’istan?
I support the right as specified in international law. If they were expelled from Gaza, then they and their children have that right from my understanding.
Vide above post, you broken Jihadist record, you...... :)
The post above, much like your childish name calling is silly.

End the occupation, allow for right of return, free and fair elections and problem solved.

Typical Louie’ism. Spam the board with repetitive cut and paste nonsense.

It’s comical that you Arabs-Moslems would call for kuffar style elections. How are those working out for you in Gaza’ istan?
I am sure that the Palestinians and the world would have no objection to having international observers throughout the entire process.

I am sure you are not the politburo mouthpiece for what the world wants.
“Today, regardless of our political beliefs, we gather to show that as Muslims in Malaysia we are united in opposing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” Mr. Najib said Friday.

"There are 1.6 billion Muslims,” Mr. Najib said at the Malaysian rally, to vigorous applause. “There are only 13 million Jews. It does not make sense if 1.6 billion lose to the Jews. If we don’t unite, we will be looked down upon.”That is honor./shame in a perfect little nutshell. It shows that the issue isn't Israel or Jerusalem or Palestinians - it is Muslims losing to the Jews.

And the prime minister's political opponents are even more antisemitic:

(full article online)

Malaysian rally proves that "pro-Palestinian" and antisemitism are two sides of the same coin ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ By all means, keep repeating to yourselves that it is about Israel.....and not about Jews.....]

London Police are searching for a truck driver with a Caribbean accent who shouted anti-Semitic slurs at a Jewish motorist.

The incident occurred on Friday afternoon in London's predominately Jewish Stamford Hill neighborhood, when the truck driver shouted, "Hitler was a great man, he knew what he was doing" at a neighborhood resident.

"You think you own the world? You don’t own the world. This is Stamford Hill, it’s not Israel," the truck driver added.

(full article online)

'Hitler was a great man, he knew what he was doing'
The United Nations General Assembly resolution criticizing President Donald Trump’s sovereign right to recognize Israel’s capital, violates at least three articles of the United Nations Charter, and is not within the power of the UN General Assembly to address, for the following reasons:

(1) UN Charter Article 2 (7) prohibits the United Nations from dealing with matters within the sovereign domestic jurisdiction of the United States. Article 2(7) states: “Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.”

President Trump’s recognition power – his decision to recognize Israel’s capital Jerusalem – is a matter within the domestic jurisdiction of the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court confirmed this in Zivotofsky v. Kerry, 576 U.S. __, 135 U.S. 2076 (2015), saying: “The text and structure of the Constitution grant the President the power to recognize foreign nations and governments.” Thus, the United Nations is prohibited from criticizing the United States’ sovereign right to confer recognition.

(2) If, despite the foregoing and item (3) below, the United Nations nonetheless is authorized to deal with this matter, UN Charter Article 12 prohibits the UN General Assembly from dealing with it, because according to UN Security Council Resolution 2334(2016), the matter is still before the UN Security Council, which has not requested that the UN General Assembly take action or make recommendations.

(full article online)

Mort Klein: UN Had No Legal Right to Vote on Resolution Condemning Trump Recognizing Israel’s Capital
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