All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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When your islamic terrorist heroes use civilian infrastructure to commit acts of Islamic terrorism, there is no entitlement to safe haven there.

Not surprisingly, you applaud such cowardice on the part of your heroes.
Oh my, more terrorist cards.

You are on a roll. :clap::clap::clap:

You are doing what you usually do: retreating to silly slogans.
Not that anyone should be surprised, but in typical fashion, the Arabs-Moslems parading around as "Pal'istanians" are threatening violence and mayhem unless their demands are met. It seems the Great Satan© is reacting with a dismissive hand-wave to such cheap threats.

What is also notable is the lack of interest from other Islamist nations toward getting involved in any gee-had for by the benefit of "Pal'istanians". The great hue and cry by the Hamas terrorists is met with a deafening silence by the Islamist world.

Trump's decision on Jerusalem 'racist & hateful,' intifada should escalate – Hamas to RT

All the Arab and Muslim people should support Palestinians in their "blessed intifada" against Israel, an official Hamas spokesman has told RT. The resistance should last until Washington's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli capital is "dropped."
The U.N. "apartheid" document was written by two AMERICANS. Doncha just love it?

Richard Falk has always been anti-Israel. I am aware of him.
I do not know much about Virginia Tiley, but she does seem to prefer the "One State Solution", where the Arabs will be in the majority......again.
I have only seen one article from Virginia Tilley.

Whose Coup, Exactly?

Having sacked Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and dissolved his democratically-elected government, Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has now installed Salam Fayyad as the new Prime Minister, to the clear delight of the West.

An international community worried by the ‘coup’ accusation might endorse the Fayyad government as the seemingly correct position. But the ‘coup’ claim stumbles over a basic problem — that Abbas’s appointing a new prime minister was itself entirely illegal. The new ‘emergency government’ is illegal, too. According to the Basic Law of Palestine (as amended in 2003), which serves as the constitution of the PA, Abbas can do neither of these things. Nor can the new ‘emergency government’ claim any democratic mandate. This means that Abbas and the Fayyad government are ruling by decree, outside the framework of the Basic Law. So on what basis is that government supposed to govern — and on what basis are foreign governments supposed to deal with it?

According to the Basic Law, Abbas has violated a whole stream of Articles as well as the spirit of its checks and balances, which were designed during the Arafat era partly to limit the power of the presidency. With full US and Israel support (if not their insistence), Abbas has baldly trashed numerous provisions of the Basic Law, including:...

Whose Coup, Exactly?

I'm not clear on what you're whining is about. Are you reeling in shock and dismay because Islamist terrorists aren't abiding by the law?

How shocking.
The U.N. "apartheid" document was written by two AMERICANS. Doncha just love it?

Richard Falk has always been anti-Israel. I am aware of him.
I do not know much about Virginia Tiley, but she does seem to prefer the "One State Solution", where the Arabs will be in the majority......again.
I have only seen one article from Virginia Tilley.

Whose Coup, Exactly?

Having sacked Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and dissolved his democratically-elected government, Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has now installed Salam Fayyad as the new Prime Minister, to the clear delight of the West.

An international community worried by the ‘coup’ accusation might endorse the Fayyad government as the seemingly correct position. But the ‘coup’ claim stumbles over a basic problem — that Abbas’s appointing a new prime minister was itself entirely illegal. The new ‘emergency government’ is illegal, too. According to the Basic Law of Palestine (as amended in 2003), which serves as the constitution of the PA, Abbas can do neither of these things. Nor can the new ‘emergency government’ claim any democratic mandate. This means that Abbas and the Fayyad government are ruling by decree, outside the framework of the Basic Law. So on what basis is that government supposed to govern — and on what basis are foreign governments supposed to deal with it?

According to the Basic Law, Abbas has violated a whole stream of Articles as well as the spirit of its checks and balances, which were designed during the Arafat era partly to limit the power of the presidency. With full US and Israel support (if not their insistence), Abbas has baldly trashed numerous provisions of the Basic Law, including:...

Whose Coup, Exactly?

I'm not clear on what you're whining is about. Are you reeling in shock and dismay because Islamist terrorists aren't abiding by the law?

How shocking.
Your response has nothing to do with my post.

More proof that we need a stupid post button.
The U.N. "apartheid" document was written by two AMERICANS. Doncha just love it?

Richard Falk has always been anti-Israel. I am aware of him.
I do not know much about Virginia Tiley, but she does seem to prefer the "One State Solution", where the Arabs will be in the majority......again.
I have only seen one article from Virginia Tilley.

Whose Coup, Exactly?

Having sacked Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and dissolved his democratically-elected government, Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has now installed Salam Fayyad as the new Prime Minister, to the clear delight of the West.

An international community worried by the ‘coup’ accusation might endorse the Fayyad government as the seemingly correct position. But the ‘coup’ claim stumbles over a basic problem — that Abbas’s appointing a new prime minister was itself entirely illegal. The new ‘emergency government’ is illegal, too. According to the Basic Law of Palestine (as amended in 2003), which serves as the constitution of the PA, Abbas can do neither of these things. Nor can the new ‘emergency government’ claim any democratic mandate. This means that Abbas and the Fayyad government are ruling by decree, outside the framework of the Basic Law. So on what basis is that government supposed to govern — and on what basis are foreign governments supposed to deal with it?

According to the Basic Law, Abbas has violated a whole stream of Articles as well as the spirit of its checks and balances, which were designed during the Arafat era partly to limit the power of the presidency. With full US and Israel support (if not their insistence), Abbas has baldly trashed numerous provisions of the Basic Law, including:...

Whose Coup, Exactly?

I'm not clear on what you're whining is about. Are you reeling in shock and dismay because Islamist terrorists aren't abiding by the law?

How shocking.
Your response has nothing to do with my post.

More proof that we need a stupid post button.

More of tired, worn out bits of spam.
The style guide of prominent neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer has been leaked to the media, revealing how the website works to disseminate anti-Semitic and racist ideology to the masses.

The 17-page document obtained by the Huffington Post shows that Daily Stormer creator Andrew Anglin employs Hitler’s propaganda strategy in running the website.

(full article online)

The Daily Stormer’s Jew-hating style guide revealed
Sadat was the bravest and most courageous of all Arab leaders. And for his goodwill he paid with his life to an assassin’s bullet in a Cairo parade.

The peace with Egypt has held, albeit, a cold peace, not one that is enamoured by the people of Egypt. Israeli tourists travel to Sinai resorts and to Cairo regularly but no Egyptian tourists have come to Israel.

Still, the years of Egyptian-Israeli warfare have thankfully ended. Anwar Sadat was a hero.

The peace he wished for between Israelis and Palestinians is still far away. While Israeli leaders in the past have been willing to make compromises, the Palestinian leaders have backed away from all compromise.

(full article online)

The Bravest Arab
[ Uniting or dividing? What is the UN about? ]

GENEVA, December 14, 2017 – The U.N. office in Addis Ababa put up posters for Palestinian solidarity event that call Israel an “apartheid” state and promote violence against Israelis.

An email was sent to all U.N. country team employees in Ethiopia to “urge [them] to make the extra effort to attend the event as a show of support for the cause of the Palestinian people.” The email confirmed that this was an official U.N. event.

Image 1:
One collage of images on display was labeled “Walls of Shame: Dividing One People”. This label conflicts with the U.N.’s commitment to the two-state solution, which calls for the land to be separated into a Jewish state of Israel and an Arab state of Palestine. The controversy over Israel’s security barrier, from a U.N. perspective, surrounds the unilateral nature of its location. The U.N. recognizes that two people should be divided, so to state that the barrier divides “one people” would be to deny the right of Israel to exist on the other side.

The collage also features one image that says “End Apartheid.”A March U.N. report using the “apartheid” slur was withdrawn by secretary-general Guterres, and resulted in the resignation of UN ECSWA chief Rima Khalaf.

At least two other images include Palestinian rioters throwing stones, which is a promotion of violence.

(full article online)

U.N.'s Palestine Day posters in Addis Ababa call Israel 'apartheid', Israelis 'fools' - UN Watch
Yes, those 70 years of denying reality has really helped bring peace. Let's try it for 70 more years.

But that’s just not how this White House operates. In fact, it conceded another piece of leverage on Friday and again angered Palestinians for no apparent purpose. White House officials made clear their expectation that Jerusalem’s Western Wall, which lies outside Israel’s pre-1967 borders and abuts some of Islam’s most sacred sites, will eventually be declared part of Israel. This time, they were careful to say that the final borders of Israel and any Palestinian state must be settled in negotiations. But it seemed another case of America taking Israel’s side on an explosive issue.Because, you know, it is always possible that Israel would give up on its desire to hold onto Jewish holy places because of world pressure.

The idea of keeping Jerusalem united is obviously a non-starter to the New York Times. The idea that Israel, which has been a state for nearly 70 years, has a better claim on how to define its capital than the fictional state of Palestine, is considered crazy. The idea that pressuring "Palestine" to compromise on Jerusalem is crazy - only the Jews must give away their heart and soul for peace, but Arabs are assumed to be the rightful owners of all the holy sites because 19 years of illegal Jordanian occupation is considered more legally important than 50 years of Jerusalem being open to all religions under Israeli rule.

(full article online)

New York Times justifies 70 years of lies about Jerusalem ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yes, those 70 years of denying reality has really helped bring peace. Let's try it for 70 more years.

But that’s just not how this White House operates. In fact, it conceded another piece of leverage on Friday and again angered Palestinians for no apparent purpose. White House officials made clear their expectation that Jerusalem’s Western Wall, which lies outside Israel’s pre-1967 borders and abuts some of Islam’s most sacred sites, will eventually be declared part of Israel. This time, they were careful to say that the final borders of Israel and any Palestinian state must be settled in negotiations. But it seemed another case of America taking Israel’s side on an explosive issue.Because, you know, it is always possible that Israel would give up on its desire to hold onto Jewish holy places because of world pressure.

The idea of keeping Jerusalem united is obviously a non-starter to the New York Times. The idea that Israel, which has been a state for nearly 70 years, has a better claim on how to define its capital than the fictional state of Palestine, is considered crazy. The idea that pressuring "Palestine" to compromise on Jerusalem is crazy - only the Jews must give away their heart and soul for peace, but Arabs are assumed to be the rightful owners of all the holy sites because 19 years of illegal Jordanian occupation is considered more legally important than 50 years of Jerusalem being open to all religions under Israeli rule.

(full article online)

New York Times justifies 70 years of lies about Jerusalem ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
is considered more legally important than 50 years of Jerusalem being open to all religions under Israeli rule.
Another big fat Israeli lie in a loooooong list of Israel's lies.

The New York Times is perfectly entitled to muse over whether US President Donald Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is a good idea.

The NYTimes editorial on the subject goes further however.


Since when was the Western Wall “another piece of leverage” to be conceded?

Newsflash New York Times: The Western Wall won’t “eventually be declared part of Israel.” It’s already part of Israel and is the holiest site that Jews can pray. It doesn’t only abut “some of Islam’s most sacred sites.” Whether the NY Times likes it or not, the Western Wall happens to abut the Temple Mount, Judaism’s most sacred site.

(full article online)

New York Times: Western Wall Should Be Used As 'Leverage' | HonestReporting
The Parents Circle purports to support peace between Jews and Arabs, bringing together bereaved family members of those fallen on both sides: Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). The problem is, only when Jews capitulate to the “Palestinian” narrative are they kosher enough to be featured on the propaganda pages of their website, as I wrote here. There is no information on the number of Jews who initially showed an interest in their organization but dropped out when they saw the line they had to toe.

These so-called Dialogue meetings are supposed to be conducted in parallel in Israeli and PA high schools. A representative Israeli Jew and Palestinian Arab are meant to co-facilitate these discussions. While an unknown number of Israeli schools have rejected the possibility of having a Palestinian Arab co-conduct the sessions, there were many that hosted them. In contrast, ZERO PA schools allow an Israeli Jew to enter their premises. The principals do not want to vouch for their ability to safeguard the Israelis. Such meetings that do take place in the PA, do so in community centers and many are without the Israeli Jewish half of the team. Yet, the organization does not allow meetings to take place in Israel without the Palestinian Arab co-facilitator. I know this by having spoken to directors of the programme both in Israel and the PA.

(full article online)

The Parents Circle: Trump's Jerusalem Speech Shutting Us Up - Israel Diaries
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