All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Moslem Rage 2017 - Part Deux©

Because dead islamics are good propaganda for evening news sound bites.

Fatah Continues Promoting Violent Protests Over Jerusalem Announcement

Fatah continues encouraging Palestinians to engage in violent protests and “continue the intifada” against Israel, following President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Palestinian Media Watch reports.

“It is necessary to continue the intifada and escalate it, and to see days of popular rage in the coming days,” read one post last week from Fatah’s armed wing.

On Monday, Fatah’s official Facebook page openly incited Palestinians to kill Jews: “I am coming towards you, my enemy, from every home, neighborhood, and street.”

In other news:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' new $6 million residence vacant over backlash fears

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ new $6 million residence vacant over backlash fears

That's a shame, Mahmoud. I suppose he will have to "slum-it" and stay in the 13 million dollar presidential palace he had built.

Mo' money for Mahmoud.
[ Egypt looking to put an end to US aid to its country? ]

I don't have the text of the resolution beyond what Bloomberg quotes, but it appears to be mostly a restatement of UNSC 478 from 1980 with an important distinction.

UNSC 478 does not call for all states to withdraw embassies from Jerusalem. It calls on "Those States that have established diplomatic missions at Jerusalem to withdraw such missions from the Holy City."

This draft resolution "calls upon all States to refrain from the establishment of diplomatic missions" - but it does not call on states that already have such missions to withdraw them, as UNSC 478 did.

Because the majority of diplomatic missions (mostly consulates) in Jerusalem primarily serve Palestinian Arabs.

(full article online)

Egypt to submit draft UNSC resolution on Jerusalem today aimed at the US (and Israel) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Is this about wanting to free Palestine or about having heard of how good the treatment of Arabs in Israeli prisons really is ? ]

The terrorist refused to empty his pockets following the metal detector test and drew the knife instead. The officers immediately raised their weapons and arrested him before he could stab any of them.

No injuries were reported during the incident.

The suspect was transferred for preliminary questioning, which revealed that he intended to carry out a terrorist attack against the officers.

Another terror attack was prevented at the Tomb of the Patriarchs Wednesday morning, when Border Police officers arrested an Arab who approached one of the inspection posts near the cave with a knife in hand.

(full article online)

Terrorist draws knife at soldiers at Tomb of the Patriarchs
  • Hamas called for a "Day of Rage" -- as opposed to the days of peace and harmony the terrorist group ordinarily calls for -- but this did not spill out very far.

  • In Stockholm, meanwhile, the new "locals" contented themselves with setting light to the Star of David rather than to real live Jews as their compatriots in Gothenburg had tried to do.

  • The fabled "Arab Street" had been meant to rise up. And it did rise up. But not in the Arab world... instead it lit up in Europe.

(full article online)

Europe's "Arab Street" Rises Up
Jewish National Fund (JNF) Chairman Daniel
Atar presented the residents of Gush Etzion with the land registry deed Wednesday. With the gesture, the State of Israel officially recognize's the community's ownership of the land of Kfar Etzion.

The event took place 100 years after the JNF first purchased the land, 69 years after the Jordanian army ethnically cleansed all Jews from the area, and 50 years since the reestablishment of the Jewish presence in Gush Etzion.

"The registration of the land of Kfar Etzion as the land of the Jewish National Fund is an important step, both symbolically and practically, in order to continue our hold on Gush Etzion and the Land of Israel," said Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked.

"We would all be happy, of course, if the move had been completed before, but there is no more fitting or appropriate time than this, on the 50th anniversary of our return to the Gush, to Kfar [Etzion], and to Jerusalem," she added.

(full article online)

'We should achieve full sovereignty soon'
A siege is defined as “a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender”. Bethlehem of course does not fit that definition. As we see, the BBC commissioned programme uses the term “occupied Palestinian territories” to describe an area that has been under complete PA control for over two decades.

(full article online)

Political narrative and inaccuracy in BBC Two’s ‘Alternativity’ – part one
Obviously no viewer lacking background knowledge on Hebron (i.e. the majority) would understand from that ‘explanation’ that the agreement concerning that city signed by Israel and the Palestinians almost twenty-one years ago divided it into two parts: H1 – under Palestinian control – and the smaller H2 – under Israeli control. Not only does this programme fail to explain that the presence of Jews in Hebron is the result of that agreement, but the history of Jews in Hebron – including the fateful 1929 pogrom by Arabs – is completely erased.

(full article online)

Political narrative and inaccuracy in BBC Two’s ‘Alternativity’ – part two
[ Again, it is about being Jews.....and not Israelis ]

Police say the 60-year-old suspect approached restaurant boss Yorai Feinberg outside his premises in Berlin Tuesday. In the scene filmed by a friend of Feinberg, the man said “it’s only about money with you” and “no one wants you here,” among other things.

(full article online)

German man arrested for anti-Semitic slurs at Israeli cafe
A siege is defined as “a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender”. Bethlehem of course does not fit that definition. As we see, the BBC commissioned programme uses the term “occupied Palestinian territories” to describe an area that has been under complete PA control for over two decades.

(full article online)

Political narrative and inaccuracy in BBC Two’s ‘Alternativity’ – part one
uses the term “occupied Palestinian territories” to describe an area that has been under complete PA control for over two decades.
Another big fat Israeli lie. Abbas cannot even leave Ramallah without permission from Israel.
A siege is defined as “a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender”. Bethlehem of course does not fit that definition. As we see, the BBC commissioned programme uses the term “occupied Palestinian territories” to describe an area that has been under complete PA control for over two decades.

(full article online)

Political narrative and inaccuracy in BBC Two’s ‘Alternativity’ – part one
uses the term “occupied Palestinian territories” to describe an area that has been under complete PA control for over two decades.
Another big fat Israeli lie. Abbas cannot even leave Ramallah without permission from Israel.
Oh, the poor man.
One has to wonder why he has not requested asylum from the UN as he has been outside the PA many, many times. Hamas leaders do that, so can he. :)

And all of those Millions he has stashed away in non PA banks.
What would he do with that?
[ How the UN came to be what it is today ]

The answer was not long in coming. First, the remaining Arab states, with Iraq only momentarily absent, convened a “confrontation summit” in Damascus to fight the Camp David settlement. Iraq soon was brought in, and before the year was out leaders of all Arab states except Egypt had met in Baghdad to form a “rejection front” against Egypt and Israel. Simultaneously the Soviet Union (returning to the tactics it had used in 1975 to counter its expulsion from Egypt) escalated its campaign to delegitimate Israel by identifying it with the Nazis.

Having been sounded in 1971 with a two-part article in Pravda entitled “Anti-Sovietism is the Profession of Zionists,” this theme was steadily elaborated and diffused. (The original Pravda article, for example, asserted that the massacre at Babi Yar had been a collaboration of Nazis and Zionists.) Once the idea had been set, it proceeded to be popularized on television, in novels, and finally in children’s publications. Thus the October 10, 1980 issue of Pionerskaya Pravda, a tabloid-size weekly for children aged nine to fourteen who belong to the Soviet youth organization, Pioneers:

"Zionists try to penetrate all spheres of public life, as well as ideology, science, and trade. Even Levi jeans contribute to their operations: the revenue obtained from the sale of these pants are used by the firm to help the Zionists.

Most of the largest monopolies in the manufacture of arms are controlled by Jewish bankers. Business made on blood brings them enormous profits. Bombs and missiles explode in Lebanon—the bankers Lazars and Leibs are making money. Thugs in Afghanistan torment schoolchildren with gases—the bundles of dollars are multiplying in the safes of the Lehmans and Guggenheims. It is clear that Zionism’s principal enemy—is peace on earth.

. . . The United Nations described Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination. More and more people today are beginning to realize that Zionism is present-day fascism."

(full article online)

"Joining the Jackals" - Commentary Magazine
More of the Peaceful Inner Struggle™️

Girl's antisemitic poem on PA TV: "Jews defile Jerusalem" - PMW Bulletins

Girl's antisemitic poem on PA TV:
"Jews defile Jerusalem"

  • "Why did you bring the Jews to us, who defile Jerusalem and its great mosque?"
  • PA TV interview of Jerusalem Arab: Jews are "thieves ... the world's stench"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

A Palestinian girl recited a poem on PA TV, which included antisemitic hate speech about Jews. The girl presented the poem in response to US President "Trump's decision [that] Jerusalem is the capital of Israel."

In her poem the girl stated that Jews "defile Jerusalem and its great mosque."

The poem addresses former British Foreign Secretary, who issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 that Britain supported "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people:"
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