All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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My goodness but it’s been a busy week for Peaceful Inner Strugglers. Allah’s hate and war manual being the inspiration for lots of absurdities and the usual mayhem. Let’s take a look, shall we?

In the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza’istan and Fatah’istan, Allah’s minions are on gee-had tear– and remember that these fine folks receive boatloads of kafir money under the official aegis of a UN “relief” agency. I'm willing to place money on the bet that a lot of our money and aid is getting into the hands of Allah's killers, but that’s just me.

Terrorists open fire on civilian bus in Samaria carrying students. No injuries reported, security forces searching for shooters.

Shooting attack in Samaria

Mo money, Mo money, Mo money…

But wait - there's more: (from the above link)

The shooting attack comes just hours after a 24-year-old Arab terrorist from Shechem stabbed an Israeli guard in front of the Jerusalem central bus station, leaving the guard seriously wounded.

One thing I've learned about the Religion of Peace™ over the years is that you just can never grow inured to its nightmarish madness. Every day, there's death, hatred, suffering, brutality. Every week something happens that chills you to the bone.
Maj. Gen Yoav Mordechai, the military liaison to the Palestinians, wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday in Arabic that “irresponsible” terror groups are seeking an “escalation” with Israel, and warned Gazans that they will be the ones who end up paying the price.

The Defense Ministry’s Coordinator of the Government’s Activities in the Territories, Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai. (Screenshot)
“The continuation of the instances of [rocket] fire will lead to a severe and painful response by the IDF. Don’t try to test our strength,” wrote Mordechai.

(full article online)

Rocket fired from Gaza on Friday landed at Sderot kindergarten
and warned Gazans that they will be the ones who end up paying the price.
That is because Israel bombs the crap out of civilians.

That's not accurate. Israel responds to acts of Islamic terrorism. That Islamic terrorists wage those acts of Islamic terrorism from civilian areas does not mean that Israel is precluded from acting in self defense.

It's just really creepy that you have been afflicted with the disease that causes you to parade dead bodies around some like kind of trophy in an attempt to promote your Jew hatreds.
More proof that we need a stupid post button.
Maj. Gen Yoav Mordechai, the military liaison to the Palestinians, wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday in Arabic that “irresponsible” terror groups are seeking an “escalation” with Israel, and warned Gazans that they will be the ones who end up paying the price.

The Defense Ministry’s Coordinator of the Government’s Activities in the Territories, Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai. (Screenshot)
“The continuation of the instances of [rocket] fire will lead to a severe and painful response by the IDF. Don’t try to test our strength,” wrote Mordechai.

(full article online)

Rocket fired from Gaza on Friday landed at Sderot kindergarten
and warned Gazans that they will be the ones who end up paying the price.
That is because Israel bombs the crap out of civilians.

That's not accurate. Israel responds to acts of Islamic terrorism. That Islamic terrorists wage those acts of Islamic terrorism from civilian areas does not mean that Israel is precluded from acting in self defense.

It's just really creepy that you have been afflicted with the disease that causes you to parade dead bodies around some like kind of trophy in an attempt to promote your Jew hatreds.
More proof that we need a stupid post button.

Another of the pointless slogans you cut and paste across multiple threads.
During the gathering, Netanyahu criticized the EU for “spoiling” the PA, leading the PA to become recalcitrant, and demand unrealistic concessions from Israel.

“I also said that the heart of the conflict had nothing to do with the settlements. Repeating that over and over doesn’t make it true. The [Arab] opposition to Zionism preceded the settlements, and it is tied to the overall refusal to accept a Jewish state per se.”

“The settlements that the Palestinians are talking about really are Jaffa and Tel Aviv and Haifa. The time has come to stop spoiling the Palestinians.”

(full article online)

Netanyahu to EU: Stop spoiling the Palestinians, Trump was right
Today is Monday, Kislev 23, 5778 · December 11, 2017

Today in Jewish History

• Jews Accused of Poisoning the Wells during the Black Plague (1348)
As the “Black Death” plague decimated Europe, Christians accused the Jews of causing the plague by poisoning the wells in an effort to wipe out the Gentile population.

On the 23rd of Kislev 5109 (Nov. 15, 1348), Rudolph of Oron, bailiff of Lausanne, sent a letter to the mayor of Strasburg informing him that certain Jews of Lausanne had “confessed” under torture that they together with their coreligionists had poisoned all the wells in the Rhine valley. This resulted in the masses persecuting and killing tens of thousands of Jews throughout Europe.

Daily Quote
"Love your fellow as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18). Said Rabbi Akiva: This is a great principle in the Torah
Torat Kohanim 4:12

Month View
Maj. Gen Yoav Mordechai, the military liaison to the Palestinians, wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday in Arabic that “irresponsible” terror groups are seeking an “escalation” with Israel, and warned Gazans that they will be the ones who end up paying the price.

The Defense Ministry’s Coordinator of the Government’s Activities in the Territories, Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai. (Screenshot)
“The continuation of the instances of [rocket] fire will lead to a severe and painful response by the IDF. Don’t try to test our strength,” wrote Mordechai.

(full article online)

Rocket fired from Gaza on Friday landed at Sderot kindergarten
and warned Gazans that they will be the ones who end up paying the price.
That is because Israel bombs the crap out of civilians.

That's not accurate. Israel responds to acts of Islamic terrorism. That Islamic terrorists wage those acts of Islamic terrorism from civilian areas does not mean that Israel is precluded from acting in self defense.

It's just really creepy that you have been afflicted with the disease that causes you to parade dead bodies around some like kind of trophy in an attempt to promote your Jew hatreds.

Well, for men I can understand why Islam is a religion to die for with the reward of all those virgins for their martyrs. But what is the incentive for females who prefer death over life?
[Now, why are non Palestinian Muslims/Arabs chanting "death to the Jews" ? It could not possibly be written in their holy book, could it? ]

The expression "khaybar, khaybar ya yahud, jaish muhammad saya’ud," "Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, Mohammed’s army will return" is a thinly disguised call to murder Jews today, referring to a battle when Mohammed slaughtered scores of Jews.

And we are seeing it being chanted literally all over the world.

(full article online)

Muslims threatening Jews with "Khaybar Khaybar Ya Yahud" all over the world ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[Yeap,there is still this little issue getting in the way. When, oh, when will the USA do anything about it? ]

'What country is Jerusalem in?'
Interesting. What was the legal process for Israel to annex Jerusalem?
It took the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem back from the Jordanians who had taken it by a war of aggression in 1948.

Remember the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948?
The one attacked by the Jordanians where they killed some Jews and then expelled the rest of the population there only to destroy all the homes belonging to the Jews after that?

THAT is the legal process for Israel to have annexed the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem to the rest of Jerusalem.


Am Israel Chai !
"Coincidentally," during Muhammad's flight (the Hijra) from enemies in Mecca to the date palm oasis founded centuries earlier by Jews fleeing Roman wars in Judea--Medina--the Arab Muhammad (his pagan colleagues in Mecca and elsewhere worshipped stone idols in the Kaaba) came closely in touch with Jews and their unique religious beliefs. Abraham, G-d, Jerusalem, Isaac, Ishmael, the Angel Gabriel, the Temple Mount, Hebron, etc. had absolutely no meaning to pagan Arabs. While there was some contact with Christians as well, it is no accident that Islam's Qur'an looks something like an Arabized version of the Hebrew Bible. Not a few famous ancient and modern scholars have noted this. After Muhammad's sojourn with Medina's Jews (there were pagan Arabs living there too), Muhammad had his followers worship facing Jerusalem (the qibla).

(full article online)

Forget political correctness for a while
[Yeap,there is still this little issue getting in the way. When, oh, when will the USA do anything about it? ]

'What country is Jerusalem in?'
Interesting. What was the legal process for Israel to annex Jerusalem?
It took the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem back from the Jordanians who had taken it by a war of aggression in 1948.

Remember the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948?
The one attacked by the Jordanians where they killed some Jews and then expelled the rest of the population there only to destroy all the homes belonging to the Jews after that?

THAT is the legal process for Israel to have annexed the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem to the rest of Jerusalem.


Am Israel Chai !
Jordan lost its occupation of Palestinian territory but could not lose the territory because it was not theirs. It is still occupied Palestinian territory.
[Yeap,there is still this little issue getting in the way. When, oh, when will the USA do anything about it? ]

'What country is Jerusalem in?'
Interesting. What was the legal process for Israel to annex Jerusalem?
It took the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem back from the Jordanians who had taken it by a war of aggression in 1948.

Remember the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948?
The one attacked by the Jordanians where they killed some Jews and then expelled the rest of the population there only to destroy all the homes belonging to the Jews after that?

THAT is the legal process for Israel to have annexed the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem to the rest of Jerusalem.


Am Israel Chai !
Jordan lost its occupation of Palestinian territory but could not lose the territory because it was not theirs. It is still occupied Palestinian territory.
It was Palestinian Jewish Territory. The most ancient of the Jewish lands.

It is still Jewish land, in dispute, until the warring Arab leaders decide they want peace and prosperity and not remain in the stone age.

More than time to annex Judea and Samaria to its rightful people, the Jews, and put an end to this endless Muslim crying.

Am Israel Chai !
By contrast, when Palestinians have been caught—including on camera—desecrating religious holy sites like Rachel’s Tomb, Joseph’s Tomb and the Church of the Nativity, UNESCO is often silent despite its stated goal to protect culturally significant sites. In 2013, for example, more than 200 terror attacks occurred at Rachel’s Tomb, where the Jewish matriarch Rachel is believed to be buried; 119 of those attacks included the use of explosives at the sacred site.

(full article online)

UNESCO indulges anti-Semitism
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