All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The main purpose is for freight, not people. The trains should reduce truck traffic that is going today from the port at Haifa to Jordan.

And beyond.

Buried in this Al-Monitor story about the proposed railway as a possible competitor to the Suez Canal we learn:
In the interview [with Arabic newspaper Elaph], Katz explained that the railway will cut freight expenses from Europe to the Gulf countries and indicated that 25% of Turkey’s exports to the Gulf travel through Haifa’s port and pass through Jordan.That's probably a fair amount of goods that already go to Gulf states through Haifa. I imagine that many products from Europe also reach the Gulf through Haifa.

Part of the honor/shame dynamic is that one is shamed only if what he did is known. Arabs don't mind benefiting from Israel - as long as no one knows.

(full article online)

Many goods are shipped to Arab states via Haifa, today ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Blincoe, author of "Bethlehem: Biography of a Town," fancies himself an Bethlehem expert — "facts about Bethlehem a speciality" he boasts on Twitter, and in Christianity Today he presumptuously called himself Bethlehem's "biographer" — but in reality facts about Bethlehem are the author's undoing.

Bethlehem's Water for Jerusalem?

In the original version of the interview, the self-proclaimed Bethlehem expert had told Simon Warrall, curator of National Geographic's "Book Talk":

The reason Israel has been so interested in Bethlehem is the same reason everyone's always been interested in it: It's still the source of water for Jerusalem. There's a pumping station to supply water to Jerusalem, and settlements have grown up around it. The first Israeli settlement in Bethlehem was built in 1967. Now there are 22 surrounding the town.

When asked about the claim that Jerusalem's water comes from Bethlehem, Prof. Haim Gvirtzman, a water expert at the Institute of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, responded that the information is 2000 years out of date. During the Second Temple period, Jerusalemites did draw water from Bethlehem (as Blincoe told National Geographic), but that is certainly not the case today. While around six springs in the Bethlehem area provide a half million cubic meters of water per year (a negligible amount in comparison to Jerusalem's needs), that water is used in the area of Bethlehem and surrounding Palestinian towns. None is pumped to Jerusalem.

(full article online)

CAMERA: Novelist Nicholas Blincoe's Bethlehem Fiction in National Geographic
In a previous chain of correspondence in which I addressed Stephen Twigg, the Chair of the International Development Committee, (IDC) I identified the misuse of British aid funds, and also gave evidence that the Department for International Development (DfID) – who undoubtedly have done much good, yet when it comes to Palestinian terrorism, have deliberately misled the public and parliament.

Getting a response from Twigg was like pulling teeth. After I had rebuffed his absurd and immoral idea that concerning an inquiry the DfID will investigate itself, Twigg reluctantly stated: “I suggest you allow us some time to do that on the issue you have raised – among our other responsibilities – and I will keep you informed as I have undertaken to do.”

Not, “The notion that our nation is rewarding those who tried to murder you (a British citizen), is so abhorrent to us, that rest assured, I am making this of the utmost priority.”

No. Not that.

But he did compliment me on my “extraordinary bravery in speaking so openly” about “my experience.” And on behalf of the IDC expressed “every sympathy.”

(full article online)

Not So “Great” Britain
In a previous chain of correspondence in which I addressed Stephen Twigg, the Chair of the International Development Committee, (IDC) I identified the misuse of British aid funds, and also gave evidence that the Department for International Development (DfID) – who undoubtedly have done much good, yet when it comes to Palestinian terrorism, have deliberately misled the public and parliament.

Getting a response from Twigg was like pulling teeth. After I had rebuffed his absurd and immoral idea that concerning an inquiry the DfID will investigate itself, Twigg reluctantly stated: “I suggest you allow us some time to do that on the issue you have raised – among our other responsibilities – and I will keep you informed as I have undertaken to do.”

Not, “The notion that our nation is rewarding those who tried to murder you (a British citizen), is so abhorrent to us, that rest assured, I am making this of the utmost priority.”

No. Not that.

But he did compliment me on my “extraordinary bravery in speaking so openly” about “my experience.” And on behalf of the IDC expressed “every sympathy.”

(full article online)

Not So “Great” Britain
Why do you always post Israeli propaganda sites?
In a previous chain of correspondence in which I addressed Stephen Twigg, the Chair of the International Development Committee, (IDC) I identified the misuse of British aid funds, and also gave evidence that the Department for International Development (DfID) – who undoubtedly have done much good, yet when it comes to Palestinian terrorism, have deliberately misled the public and parliament.

Getting a response from Twigg was like pulling teeth. After I had rebuffed his absurd and immoral idea that concerning an inquiry the DfID will investigate itself, Twigg reluctantly stated: “I suggest you allow us some time to do that on the issue you have raised – among our other responsibilities – and I will keep you informed as I have undertaken to do.”

Not, “The notion that our nation is rewarding those who tried to murder you (a British citizen), is so abhorrent to us, that rest assured, I am making this of the utmost priority.”

No. Not that.

But he did compliment me on my “extraordinary bravery in speaking so openly” about “my experience.” And on behalf of the IDC expressed “every sympathy.”

(full article online)

Not So “Great” Britain
Why do you always post Israeli propaganda sites?
Why don't you research what those sites say, or anything else to do with the conflict?

Laziness is no excuse.
Jew hatred is no excuse.
Being illogical is no excuse.

When you do find an error on anything being reported, give me a call :)
My Lords, Iraq is a member of the UNHRC, along with Saudi Arabia, China and Venezuela, to mention just a few of them. When Iraq campaigned for membership of the UNHRC they cited in support the happy condition of the Christian minority. In China, 1.3 billion people are denied freedom of speech, assembly and religion. Tibetans are occupied and tortured. In Russia, dissidents are harassed, arrested and assassinated. Crimea is annexed and Ukraine bombarded. In Saudi Arabia beheadings are at an all-time high. They bomb Yemeni civilians.

The response of the UNHRC is largely silence and the welcoming as members of those atrocious states. Only one country is permanently on the agenda of the UNHRC and that is Israel, targeted by the Arab members in an effort to deflect attention from themselves.

Earlier this year our Government, thankfully, became a torch-bearer for the truth. The British mission blasted the UN body as biased and overly focused on Israel. The UNHRC has breath-taking double standards and is outrageously biased against the only country in the Middle East whose Christian population has grown, namely Israel.

It is time to call out the hypocrisy of the UNHRC, as a preliminary to safeguarding the religious minorities of Iraq and the wider Middle East. Will the Minister ensure that the UK’s place on the UNHRC is, has been, as it was in the past and I hope will be in the future, to tell the truth and defend the persecuted?

(full article and video online)

Baroness Deech blasts the UNHRC in the British House of Lords - UN Watch
Yet Amnesty's pretense of a moral stand to drop the Jewish event because of the political stances of some of the organizers proves that, in retrospect, Amnesty's hosting of the previous events is not just in the position of a disinterested host renting out a space but of an organization that will only host events and speakers that are completely consistent with its own position.

Amnesty's justification of the ban says this explicitly: “A wide range of organisations hold their events at our London office, but we reserve the right to withhold permission for our building to be used by organisations whose work runs directly counter to our own."

Meaning that this banning of the Jewish group has proven that Amnesty International really is antisemitic. Not because the group is Jewish, but because Amnesty has hosted antisemites without any qualms of their work being in the least bit counter to Amnesty's own positions.

And, it should be recalled, Amnesty members voted against a resolution condemning antisemitism. Amnesty has praised a group that posts literal antisemitic photos and supports violence against Jews. Amnesty has sponsored talks by Palestinians who promote a blood libel against Jews. Amnesty has done other things to indicate that they have a problem with Jews.

(full article online)

Amnesty UK, which has hosted antisemites, refuses to host Jewish group ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But Hillel Neuer isn’t a settler, and this debate wasn’t about settlements. It was about the UN, which has been disproportionately targeting Israel for critique. Unbelievably, in the last two years more UN resolutions have passed against Israel than those focused on Syria, North Korea and Iran combined. Criticising Israel – like criticising any government – is legitimate. Singling out Israel for criticism, while totally ignoring the world’s worst theocracies and dictatorships stinks of a pathology. Why focus on the world’s only Jewish state? Have Amnesty ever barred pro-Iranian or pro-Saudi individuals form their premises?

Amnesty UK could have allowed this debate to continue without supporting either side. Instead, they chose to boycott a human being for his views.

(full article online)

Human rights are universal, Amnesty. Even Jewish rights
MK Oren: "We will examine whether the Tamimi family is real"
Oren, who headed the sub-committee of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee: "There were cases when a child was cast with a cast in his right hand, and the next day the same boy appeared with a cast in his left hand.

A subcommittee of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee examined whether the Tamimi family is a real family that sends its children to provocations against IDF soldiers, or it is a propaganda campaign in which children are recruited to defame the IDF. Deputy Minister Michael Oren (all of us) told Maariv yesterday.

"When I headed the subcommittee, about two years ago, there was a very instructive discussion, with the participation of representatives from the Shin Bet, the Military Police, the IDF and outside bodies. We discovered that apparently not all the children who appear as children of the Tamimi family are indeed members of the family, "said Oren," we did not reach an unequivocal conclusion, and there is still a big question mark on the matter. "

"The suspicion arose because every week there was a provocation in front of the cameras, and sometimes a 12-year-old boy was sent with a cast in his right hand, and the next day the same boy appeared with a plaster cast in his left hand. At least some of them as family members, a whole industry of propaganda. "

According to Oren, the children were chosen according to their appearance: "Europeans, freckles, redheads, dressed in American garb and baseball caps inverted, had a whole campaign with tank tops with pictures of the children and posters - which raises the suspicion that this is a well-orchestrated campaign, Who raised the question of the credibility of the family and whether it is really a 'real family' or that it is recruiting Palestinian children for a fee to present in Pallywood, a Palestinian video industry designed for propaganda purposes. "
MK Oren: "We will examine whether the Tamimi family is real"
Oren, who headed the sub-committee of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee: "There were cases when a child was cast with a cast in his right hand, and the next day the same boy appeared with a cast in his left hand.

A subcommittee of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee examined whether the Tamimi family is a real family that sends its children to provocations against IDF soldiers, or it is a propaganda campaign in which children are recruited to defame the IDF. Deputy Minister Michael Oren (all of us) told Maariv yesterday.

"When I headed the subcommittee, about two years ago, there was a very instructive discussion, with the participation of representatives from the Shin Bet, the Military Police, the IDF and outside bodies. We discovered that apparently not all the children who appear as children of the Tamimi family are indeed members of the family, "said Oren," we did not reach an unequivocal conclusion, and there is still a big question mark on the matter. "

"The suspicion arose because every week there was a provocation in front of the cameras, and sometimes a 12-year-old boy was sent with a cast in his right hand, and the next day the same boy appeared with a plaster cast in his left hand. At least some of them as family members, a whole industry of propaganda. "

According to Oren, the children were chosen according to their appearance: "Europeans, freckles, redheads, dressed in American garb and baseball caps inverted, had a whole campaign with tank tops with pictures of the children and posters - which raises the suspicion that this is a well-orchestrated campaign, Who raised the question of the credibility of the family and whether it is really a 'real family' or that it is recruiting Palestinian children for a fee to present in Pallywood, a Palestinian video industry designed for propaganda purposes. "

Typical Pallywood. My all time favorite was the funeral shown on national TV years ago. When the Pali's discovered some Israeli's were present, they all dropped the coffin & ran --- including the dead man. Heh Heh!
MK Oren: "We will examine whether the Tamimi family is real"
Oren, who headed the sub-committee of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee: "There were cases when a child was cast with a cast in his right hand, and the next day the same boy appeared with a cast in his left hand.

A subcommittee of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee examined whether the Tamimi family is a real family that sends its children to provocations against IDF soldiers, or it is a propaganda campaign in which children are recruited to defame the IDF. Deputy Minister Michael Oren (all of us) told Maariv yesterday.

"When I headed the subcommittee, about two years ago, there was a very instructive discussion, with the participation of representatives from the Shin Bet, the Military Police, the IDF and outside bodies. We discovered that apparently not all the children who appear as children of the Tamimi family are indeed members of the family, "said Oren," we did not reach an unequivocal conclusion, and there is still a big question mark on the matter. "

"The suspicion arose because every week there was a provocation in front of the cameras, and sometimes a 12-year-old boy was sent with a cast in his right hand, and the next day the same boy appeared with a plaster cast in his left hand. At least some of them as family members, a whole industry of propaganda. "

According to Oren, the children were chosen according to their appearance: "Europeans, freckles, redheads, dressed in American garb and baseball caps inverted, had a whole campaign with tank tops with pictures of the children and posters - which raises the suspicion that this is a well-orchestrated campaign, Who raised the question of the credibility of the family and whether it is really a 'real family' or that it is recruiting Palestinian children for a fee to present in Pallywood, a Palestinian video industry designed for propaganda purposes. "

Typical Pallywood. My all time favorite was the funeral shown on national TV years ago. When the Pali's discovered some Israeli's were present, they all dropped the coffin & ran --- including the dead man. Heh Heh!

Does the Tamimi family income come anywhere else beside Turkey and UNRWA?
I think we will find many interesting details about them, Arafat and the Swiss accounts...

Meanwhile Israel is taking time, and the Tamimis in Nabi Salih begin to realize that they are slowly turning into propaganda assets of a field they don't belong to. When Putin is on Your border one can learn some Judo tricks...
The politically incorrect reality is that when it comes to the Jewish people, Europe has not evolved much since 1945. The Holocaust made it impossible for polite European democracies to openly associate with antisemitism and discrimination of Jewish citizens. However, antisemitism that was labeled “The Longest Hatred” by the late renowned Israeli scholar Robert Wistrich, refused to die in Europe’s heart. Instead, much of post-colonial Europe continued to embrace Jew-hatred in the name of anti-Zionism and “human rights”.

Even the leftist Israeli novelist Amos Oz noted: “Out there, in the world, all the walls were covered with graffiti: ‘Yids, go back to Palestine,’ so we came back to Palestine, and now the world at large [sic] shouts at us: ‘Yids, get out of Palestine.'”

(full article online)

Europe's "Human Rights" Persecution of Israel
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