All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ theliq, et al,

Well, actually, I was not talking about "Zionists."


❖ Not all Israelis are Jews.
❖ Not all Jews are Zionists.
❖ Not all Zionists are Settlers.​

Each nation, state and territorial government has its own immigration laws and its own understanding as to what it means to be an "illegal alien."

There is no question about the following facts.

❖ The Allied Powers assumed the Title and Rights to the territory that was formerly under the Mandate.
❖ The Allied Powers agree that under the Ttile and Rights the assumed by Treaty Law, they would establish a Jewish national Home in the territory.
❖ The Allied Powers assume that under the Ttile and Rights the assumed by Treaty Law, to facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage immigration to "all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish National Home."​

Where is the "illegal immigration" criteria?


What lawful entity actually stipulates that?

Zionism is the political movement for national liberation. This movement includes the belief that:

◈ The Jewish people have the right to self-determination.
◈ The Jewish people have the right to realize their self-determination.
◈ The Jewish people have a right to become a nation like any other nation.​

These are not "terrorist view" but the views held currently under international law and expressed by the Arab Palestinian People.

IF it is the case that the "Zionists are a Terrorist Organization" → THEN it must be the case the Arab Palestinian are equally guilty.

On the matter of "racism," the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) derive this belief from A/RES/3379 (XXX) 10 November 1975 which Determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. What the HoAP most often forget to disclose (intentionally) is that in A/RES/46/86 16 December 1991 the UN specifically corrected the error and decided to "revoke the determination contained in its resolution 3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975." The HoAP do this to perpetuate the myths.


A "cult," by definition, is dealing with a religious belief directed towards a very specific idea. Zionism is NOT a religious belief structure; but a national liberation movement.

As you will note, Article 2, Section 1, The Constitution of the WZO updated November 2017, specifically speaks to the aims of Zionism secured under public law.

Most Respectfully,
◈ The Jewish people have the right to self-determination.
◈ The Jewish people have the right to realize their self-determination.
◈ The Jewish people have a right to become a nation like any other nation.
And, according to you, the Palestinians do not have rights.

The Palestinian people's have those same exact rights.

They just don't have the right to murder civilians. No one has that right.
Israel murders civilians all the time yet Palestinian resistance is expected to be pristine. If the international community would enforce international law, that problem would be solved.

No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
I rest my case. Why should the Palestinians be the only ones who have to follow the rules?
You are dodging the question.
The Palestinian people's have those same exact rights.

They just don't have the right to murder civilians. No one has that right.
Israel murders civilians all the time yet Palestinian resistance is expected to be pristine. If the international community would enforce international law, that problem would be solved.

No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
Israel bombs the crap out of thousands of civilians and when the Palestinians kick up a little sand with a bottle rocket it's OMG they are targeting civilians.

Double standards much?

BTW, those rockets land in villages that the Palestinians were expelled from in 1948.
Those rockets land anyplace they can reach.

Do Israeli Jews have the right to bomb the places now held by Palestinians where they were expelled during the initial conflicts?
So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands?

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?
Interesting questions...yes. But you aren’t answering them are you?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Coyote, Shusha, et al,

When I talk about the Arab Palestinians intentionally avoiding (within Oslo I) the "Permanent Status of Negotiation" (Article V) - and - "Dispute Resolution Process" (Article XV), there is a consequence to the avoidance (now passing the Quarter Century mark) to be considered. And as our friend "Coyote" has indicated, there is an ever demising liability attached for the Israelis to face (if we have not already passed that point).

As we approach the 25-year mark on the establishment of Area "C" (Oslo II), now less than 24 months away, Israel has maintained Article 43 (Hague Regulations) guardianship, currently, with full Israeli civil and security control. What impact, if any, does this have legally on the situation?

When you try to make big distinctions, you do one thing. You marginalize the reality of the other. In individual actions which get ignored or excused, they are the same. In individual people - what is the difference between the settler throwing a stone and the Palestinian throwing a stone? Not much.

The larger picture might be different, but it is being used to excuse the many small cruelties and injustices that are allowed to be perpetrated because one side is - over 5 million people - is broad-brushed and demonized.

Tinmore makes one very valid point that I agree with. If the Palestinians in the West Bank object to the spreading of settlements, the taking of their land (which may or may not be their land under the complicated land system but that is an argument for another day), the increasing inability to fight for their rights in courts, then they are labeled the abusers and Israel is free of responsibility for what happens and is labeled the "victim"? REALLY?

What is the consequences, if any, should the Arab Palestinians experience if they resist negotiations and resolution procedures?

Most Respectfully,
Rights are non negotiable. What is there to negotiate that does not involve the Palestinians negotiating away their rights?
And, according to you, the Palestinians do not have rights.

The Palestinian people's have those same exact rights.

They just don't have the right to murder civilians. No one has that right.
Israel murders civilians all the time yet Palestinian resistance is expected to be pristine. If the international community would enforce international law, that problem would be solved.

No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
I rest my case. Why should the Palestinians be the only ones who have to follow the rules?
You are dodging the question.
What question am I dodging?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are asking the Israelis to put their sovereignty and territorial integrity at risk.

The Palestinians do not ask for others to provide anything.

The tension and mistrust between the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) and the Israelis, that has accumulated over the decades of violence have tainted and contaminated any attempt at a fair and just negotiation or settlement of disputes.

There is (absolutely) no reasonable expectation that the "Right of Return" (or anything remotely like it) could happen happen for several generations. Until the semior members of government come from a family that has no previous experience with the Arab-Israeli Conflict. And the parents of the prodigy of that generation haven't even been born yet.

Most Respectfully,
The "right of return" for Arabs into Israel has been done already by those Israel decided to allow back. Some have turned to murdering Jews in Israel.

The other "right of return" they refer to, being that of 5 Million Arabs, mostly descendants of those who fought the Jews during the Independence war and left before it started or were expelled afterwards, will never happen.

There are about 20,000 living Arabs who actually fled or were expelled from Israel before, during or after the war.

NONE will be allowed to return.

Many who fled were not allowed back...were not violent, and had their land essentially confiscated through absentee landowner laws.
And, according to you, the Palestinians do not have rights.

The Palestinian people's have those same exact rights.

They just don't have the right to murder civilians. No one has that right.
I don't see the Palestinians living in their homeland.

There are Arab Israeli (Palestinian) citizens in Israel, there are Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza.

Is all set to right yet? No. But you can't say there are none living there.
OK, but the vast majority of Palestinians no longer live on their own land.
Their land is called the Arabian Peninsula. They are welcome to it.

And Palestinians are living on 80% of the Mandate for Palestine which was to become a Jewish State because IT IS the ancient Jewish homeland.

And about 20% of the population in Israel is Arab.

So, lie.

Arabs/ Palestinians, are living in ALL the 100% of the ancient Jewish homeland.
No. Their land is Palestine. Two people’s. One land. When you you deny them their right of place you are no different than those who deny Jews their right of place.
The Palestinian people's have those same exact rights.

They just don't have the right to murder civilians. No one has that right.
Israel murders civilians all the time yet Palestinian resistance is expected to be pristine. If the international community would enforce international law, that problem would be solved.

No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
I rest my case. Why should the Palestinians be the only ones who have to follow the rules?
You are dodging the question.
What question am I dodging?
The one I highlighted.
Israel murders civilians all the time yet Palestinian resistance is expected to be pristine. If the international community would enforce international law, that problem would be solved.

No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
Israel bombs the crap out of thousands of civilians and when the Palestinians kick up a little sand with a bottle rocket it's OMG they are targeting civilians.

Double standards much?

BTW, those rockets land in villages that the Palestinians were expelled from in 1948.
Those rockets land anyplace they can reach.

Do Israeli Jews have the right to bomb the places now held by Palestinians where they were expelled during the initial conflicts?
So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands?

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?
Interesting questions...yes. But you aren’t answering them are you?
I am asking because I don't know. The narrative is usually the Jews were expelled so the Jews have the right to move back. Now, are these the same people who were expelled, or just a basket of people who share a religion?
RE:: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is another side to that coin.

So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands.

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) should be happy, in fact, damned pleased, that they do not have any high level lethal technology. If the HoAP had aircraft, Israel would have to destroy it (and all its brothers and sisters) as well as the base. You see, as soon as it lifted off the ground, it would be inside the Israeli Air Defense Zone. If the Israelis detected any telemetry or MASINT signature that would suggest a high tech weapon of any kind, turned to face Israel, they would have to immediately destroy it (even if that meant leveling the entire grid square). Even medium-range artillery can fire a six-inch - 50 lbs shell, 9 miles. A low tech 122mm 40-tube multiple rocket launcher (MRL) can again hit targets 9 miles away.

Why do I mention this... As the sophistication of an opponents weaponry increases, so does the substantial military advantage anticipated to the Israelis when silencing such hardware of the opponent. In terms of the HoAP, they have to become more aware of Rules 23 and 24... The proportionality of the counterfires will become much more lethal.

Just My Thought,
Most Respectfully,
Israel murders civilians all the time yet Palestinian resistance is expected to be pristine. If the international community would enforce international law, that problem would be solved.

No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
I rest my case. Why should the Palestinians be the only ones who have to follow the rules?
You are dodging the question.
What question am I dodging?
The one I highlighted.
Well, you can't but that is a one sided question. Why is it bad for Palestinians to attack Israelis but OK for the Israelis to attack Palestinians in far greater numbers?
No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
I rest my case. Why should the Palestinians be the only ones who have to follow the rules?
You are dodging the question.
What question am I dodging?
The one I highlighted.
Well, you can't but that is a one sided question. Why is it bad for Palestinians to attack Israelis but OK for the Israelis to attack Palestinians in far greater numbers?
It is not one sided. How about you answer my question first and then I will answer yours?
RE:: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is another side to that coin.

So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands.

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) should be happy, in fact, damned pleased, that they do not have any high level lethal technology. If the HoAP had aircraft, Israel would have to destroy it (and all its brothers and sisters) as well as the base. You see, as soon as it lifted off the ground, it would be inside the Israeli Air Defense Zone. If the Israelis detected any telemetry or MASINT signature that would suggest a high tech weapon of any kind, turned to face Israel, they would have to immediately destroy it (even if that meant leveling the entire grid square). Even medium-range artillery can fire a six-inch - 50 lbs shell, 9 miles. A low tech 122mm 40-tube multiple rocket launcher (MRL) can again hit targets 9 miles away.

Why do I mention this... As the sophistication of an opponents weaponry increases, so does the substantial military advantage anticipated to the Israelis when silencing such hardware of the opponent. In terms of the HoAP, they have to become more aware of Rules 23 and 24... The proportionality of the counterfires will become much more lethal.

Just My Thought,
Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians already have high tech weapons that will bypass Iron Dome. Israel keeps whining about it all the time.
Israel murders civilians all the time yet Palestinian resistance is expected to be pristine. If the international community would enforce international law, that problem would be solved.

No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
Israel bombs the crap out of thousands of civilians and when the Palestinians kick up a little sand with a bottle rocket it's OMG they are targeting civilians.

Double standards much?

BTW, those rockets land in villages that the Palestinians were expelled from in 1948.
Those rockets land anyplace they can reach.

Do Israeli Jews have the right to bomb the places now held by Palestinians where they were expelled during the initial conflicts?
So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands?

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?
Interesting questions...yes. But you aren’t answering them are you?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are asking the Israelis to put their sovereignty and territorial integrity at risk.


The tension and mistrust between the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) and the Israelis, that has accumulated over the decades of violence have tainted and contaminated any attempt at a fair and just negotiation or settlement of disputes.

There is (absolutely) no reasonable expectation that the "Right of Return" (or anything remotely like it) could happen happen for several generations. Until the semior members of government come from a family that has no previous experience with the Arab-Israeli Conflict. And the parents of the prodigy of that generation haven't even been born yet.

Most Respectfully,
The "right of return" for Arabs into Israel has been done already by those Israel decided to allow back. Some have turned to murdering Jews in Israel.

The other "right of return" they refer to, being that of 5 Million Arabs, mostly descendants of those who fought the Jews during the Independence war and left before it started or were expelled afterwards, will never happen.

There are about 20,000 living Arabs who actually fled or were expelled from Israel before, during or after the war.

NONE will be allowed to return.

Many who fled were not allowed back...were not violent, and had their land essentially confiscated through absentee landowner laws.
The Palestinian people's have those same exact rights.

They just don't have the right to murder civilians. No one has that right.
I don't see the Palestinians living in their homeland.

There are Arab Israeli (Palestinian) citizens in Israel, there are Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza.

Is all set to right yet? No. But you can't say there are none living there.
OK, but the vast majority of Palestinians no longer live on their own land.
Their land is called the Arabian Peninsula. They are welcome to it.

And Palestinians are living on 80% of the Mandate for Palestine which was to become a Jewish State because IT IS the ancient Jewish homeland.

And about 20% of the population in Israel is Arab.

So, lie.

Arabs/ Palestinians, are living in ALL the 100% of the ancient Jewish homeland.
No. Their land is Palestine. Two people’s. One land. When you you deny them their right of place you are no different than those who deny Jews their right of place.
ALL of the Mandate for Palestine is Palestine. And all of the Mandate for Palestine is what they keep demanding to have.

Read their charters. It is exactly what it says in them.

All of Israel is Palestine to them. Just check any of their maps of their "Palestine".

Keep equating both people in your mind.
I rest my case. Why should the Palestinians be the only ones who have to follow the rules?
You are dodging the question.
What question am I dodging?
The one I highlighted.
Well, you can't but that is a one sided question. Why is it bad for Palestinians to attack Israelis but OK for the Israelis to attack Palestinians in far greater numbers?
It is not one sided. How about you answer my question first and then I will answer yours?
Now you are dodging.
No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
Israel bombs the crap out of thousands of civilians and when the Palestinians kick up a little sand with a bottle rocket it's OMG they are targeting civilians.

Double standards much?

BTW, those rockets land in villages that the Palestinians were expelled from in 1948.
Those rockets land anyplace they can reach.

Do Israeli Jews have the right to bomb the places now held by Palestinians where they were expelled during the initial conflicts?
So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands?

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?
Interesting questions...yes. But you aren’t answering them are you?
I am asking because I don't know. The narrative is usually the Jews were expelled so the Jews have the right to move back. Now, are these the same people who were expelled, or just a basket of people who share a religion?

Well I don’t buy into any multigenerational right to move back for either side and most claiming that as a right are not among those directly affected.
No they are not expected to be pristine. Just, for a start - stop targeting civilians. Explain please how you can justify creeping into a house at night and murdering every inhabitent right down to the infant? How is that NOT deliberately targeting civilians? How is that in any remote way self defense?
Israel bombs the crap out of thousands of civilians and when the Palestinians kick up a little sand with a bottle rocket it's OMG they are targeting civilians.

Double standards much?

BTW, those rockets land in villages that the Palestinians were expelled from in 1948.
Those rockets land anyplace they can reach.

Do Israeli Jews have the right to bomb the places now held by Palestinians where they were expelled during the initial conflicts?
So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands?

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?
Interesting questions...yes. But you aren’t answering them are you?
The "right of return" for Arabs into Israel has been done already by those Israel decided to allow back. Some have turned to murdering Jews in Israel.

The other "right of return" they refer to, being that of 5 Million Arabs, mostly descendants of those who fought the Jews during the Independence war and left before it started or were expelled afterwards, will never happen.

There are about 20,000 living Arabs who actually fled or were expelled from Israel before, during or after the war.

NONE will be allowed to return.

Many who fled were not allowed back...were not violent, and had their land essentially confiscated through absentee landowner laws.
I don't see the Palestinians living in their homeland.

There are Arab Israeli (Palestinian) citizens in Israel, there are Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza.

Is all set to right yet? No. But you can't say there are none living there.
OK, but the vast majority of Palestinians no longer live on their own land.
Their land is called the Arabian Peninsula. They are welcome to it.

And Palestinians are living on 80% of the Mandate for Palestine which was to become a Jewish State because IT IS the ancient Jewish homeland.

And about 20% of the population in Israel is Arab.

So, lie.

Arabs/ Palestinians, are living in ALL the 100% of the ancient Jewish homeland.
No. Their land is Palestine. Two people’s. One land. When you you deny them their right of place you are no different than those who deny Jews their right of place.
ALL of the Mandate for Palestine is Palestine. And all of the Mandate for Palestine is what they keep demanding to have.

Read their charters. It is exactly what it says in them.

All of Israel is Palestine to them. Just check any of their maps of their "Palestine".

Keep equating both people in your mind.
ALL of the Mandate for Palestine is Palestine. And all of the Mandate for Palestine is what they keep demanding to have.
For starters, the Mandate for Palestine was not a place.

The Palestinians want all of Palestine?

WOW, how bizarre! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
You are dodging the question.
What question am I dodging?
The one I highlighted.
Well, you can't but that is a one sided question. Why is it bad for Palestinians to attack Israelis but OK for the Israelis to attack Palestinians in far greater numbers?
It is not one sided. How about you answer my question first and then I will answer yours?
Now you are dodging.
I highlighted in bold the question I asked you that started this. You have yet to answer it. That is dodging. I am going to play word games. If you won’t answer then say you won’t, stop the games. However I am really interested in your answer.
Israel bombs the crap out of thousands of civilians and when the Palestinians kick up a little sand with a bottle rocket it's OMG they are targeting civilians.

Double standards much?

BTW, those rockets land in villages that the Palestinians were expelled from in 1948.
Those rockets land anyplace they can reach.

Do Israeli Jews have the right to bomb the places now held by Palestinians where they were expelled during the initial conflicts?
So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands?

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?
Interesting questions...yes. But you aren’t answering them are you?
I am asking because I don't know. The narrative is usually the Jews were expelled so the Jews have the right to move back. Now, are these the same people who were expelled, or just a basket of people who share a religion?

Well I don’t buy into any multigenerational right to move back for either side and most claiming that as a right are not among those directly affected.
You don't object to the Jews "moving back" after thousands of years. What is the problem with the Palestinians moving back after 70 years? And besides, there are records of Palestinian citizenship.
What question am I dodging?
The one I highlighted.
Well, you can't but that is a one sided question. Why is it bad for Palestinians to attack Israelis but OK for the Israelis to attack Palestinians in far greater numbers?
It is not one sided. How about you answer my question first and then I will answer yours?
Now you are dodging.
I highlighted in bold the question I asked you that started this. You have yet to answer it. That is dodging. I am going to play word games. If you won’t answer then say you won’t, stop the games. However I am really interested in your answer.
I don't agree with any killing. I just question the double standard.
Those rockets land anyplace they can reach.

Do Israeli Jews have the right to bomb the places now held by Palestinians where they were expelled during the initial conflicts?
So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands?

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?
Interesting questions...yes. But you aren’t answering them are you?
I am asking because I don't know. The narrative is usually the Jews were expelled so the Jews have the right to move back. Now, are these the same people who were expelled, or just a basket of people who share a religion?

Well I don’t buy into any multigenerational right to move back for either side and most claiming that as a right are not among those directly affected.
You don't object to the Jews "moving back" after thousands of years. What is the problem with the Palestinians moving back after 70 years? And besides, there are records of Palestinian citizenship.
Palestinian citizenship to which Palestinian State?
Israel bombs the crap out of thousands of civilians and when the Palestinians kick up a little sand with a bottle rocket it's OMG they are targeting civilians.

Double standards much?

BTW, those rockets land in villages that the Palestinians were expelled from in 1948.
Those rockets land anyplace they can reach.

Do Israeli Jews have the right to bomb the places now held by Palestinians where they were expelled during the initial conflicts?
So, since the Palestinians cannot mooch the high tech weapons that Israel has, they are expected to just sit on their hands?

Interesting questions. Are the Jews moving into the West Bank the same Jews that were expelled?
Interesting questions...yes. But you aren’t answering them are you?
Many who fled were not allowed back...were not violent, and had their land essentially confiscated through absentee landowner laws.
There are Arab Israeli (Palestinian) citizens in Israel, there are Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza.

Is all set to right yet? No. But you can't say there are none living there.
OK, but the vast majority of Palestinians no longer live on their own land.
Their land is called the Arabian Peninsula. They are welcome to it.

And Palestinians are living on 80% of the Mandate for Palestine which was to become a Jewish State because IT IS the ancient Jewish homeland.

And about 20% of the population in Israel is Arab.

So, lie.

Arabs/ Palestinians, are living in ALL the 100% of the ancient Jewish homeland.
No. Their land is Palestine. Two people’s. One land. When you you deny them their right of place you are no different than those who deny Jews their right of place.
ALL of the Mandate for Palestine is Palestine. And all of the Mandate for Palestine is what they keep demanding to have.

Read their charters. It is exactly what it says in them.

All of Israel is Palestine to them. Just check any of their maps of their "Palestine".

Keep equating both people in your mind.
ALL of the Mandate for Palestine is Palestine. And all of the Mandate for Palestine is what they keep demanding to have.
For starters, the Mandate for Palestine was not a place.

The Palestinians want all of Palestine?

WOW, how bizarre! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

That is bizarre considering absentee owners of large portions of land in the geographic area of Palestine were Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese

! :laugh::laugh::laugh:[

Consult with the Turks and see if they're interested in re-establishing the calphate.

! :laugh::laugh::laugh:[
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