All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Hostile Palestinian connection to any 1948 event?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

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Actually, there are several mistakes of fact embedded here. Let us clean them up. We will focus on the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Israel attempted to establish the "Jewish State" they would call "Israel." The formation of the Jewish State was a recommendation of a particular apportionment outlined in A/RES/181(II) and adopted by the General Assembly.

Using the power of Jewish determination, and in coordination with the UN Palestine Commission, the institutions necessary for the turn-key State, the National Council for the Independence of the Jewish State, Israel was established 14/15 May 1948. However, the Arab Legion had been already in play for half a year.

On November 30, 1947, the Arab Legion began operations in support of supply convoys to Arab forces around Jerusalem. Glubb tried to distance his force from direct involvement in the fighting–until May 1948, when the Jews of the Etzion Bloc, a group of settlements on the road north of Hebron, attacked Arab reinforcements and supplies destined for Jerusalem. On May 4, a week before the British Palestine Mandate would expire, Arab tanks, armored cars of the Desert Patrol, and riflemen drawn from the Arab locals stormed the four Jewish settlements that comprised the Etzion Bloc. At stake for Glubb, from a military perspective, was a huge British-organized arms convoy bound for Amman.

.In the course of the Arab-Israel War, The Arab Legion/Jordan accepted the:

shall remain in force until a peaceful settlement between the Parties is achieved.​
The Armistice Demarcation Lines defined in articles V and VI of this Agreement are agreed upon by the Parties without prejudice to future territorial settlements or boundary lines or claims of either Party relating thereto.​
The Jordan-Israeli Peace Treaty (1994) which was the "Peaceful Settlement" officially ended the conflict.

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Technically, the Green Line established by the 1949 Armistice lost practical relevance as a result of the Six-Day War of 1967. Other than for historical value, at the conclusion of the 1994 Treaty, the International boundary between Israel and Jordan was the Jordanian River.

The Arab Palestinians were NOT a party to either the Armistice or Treaty. The territorial dispute over the territory (formerly sovereign Jordanian) is whether or not the Arab Palestinians have any claim at all, and whether or not the conflict is a Non-International Armed Conflict (NIAC) or an Armed conflict at the level of a civil war.

I suspect that no one really wants to make that call.

Most Respectfully,
That really sidesteps my post.

BBC actor eats “humble pie” over Labour anti-Semitism smear​

A British actor has admitted to falsely accusing a left-wing academic and activist who supports Palestinian rights of anti-Semitism.

Tracy-Ann Oberman, a household name due to a former role in the long-running BBC soap opera EastEnders, will pay “substantial” damages and legal costs to Philip Proudfoot.

He is a research fellow at the University of Sussex and leader of the Northern Independence Party.

“It is harmful to allow the fear of false accusations to prevent us from speaking out against apartheid in Israel,” Proudfoot said in a statement released by his lawyers on Tuesday.


Institute for Curriculum Services: How an Israel Lobby Group Infiltrated US Education

by Jessica Buxbaum

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA — In 2018, the Virginia Coalition for Human Rights (VCHR) successfully stopped the state from adopting textbook edits made by the Institute for Curriculum Services (ICS), a pro-Israel “educational” institution.​

The ICS promotes itself as improving the accuracy of K-12 instruction on Judaism and Jewish history in the United States. Yet, backed by the Israel lobby, its strategy appears more in line with advocating a Zionist narrative than enhancing education.

Today, ICS boasts that it has helped better public education in all 50 states and impacted 11 million students across the country. With this in mind, MintPress News uncovered how ICS is twisting the truth about Israel in U.S. schools.


Institute for Curriculum Services: How an Israel Lobby Group Infiltrated US Education

by Jessica Buxbaum

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA — In 2018, the Virginia Coalition for Human Rights (VCHR) successfully stopped the state from adopting textbook edits made by the Institute for Curriculum Services (ICS), a pro-Israel “educational” institution.​

The ICS promotes itself as improving the accuracy of K-12 instruction on Judaism and Jewish history in the United States. Yet, backed by the Israel lobby, its strategy appears more in line with advocating a Zionist narrative than enhancing education.

Today, ICS boasts that it has helped better public education in all 50 states and impacted 11 million students across the country. With this in mind, MintPress News uncovered how ICS is twisting the truth about Israel in U.S. schools.

That's awful!

Are they telling the truth about your terrorist buddies?

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