All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

US and Israel: Is the ‘Unbreakable Bond’ Finally Breaking?​

Israeli President Isaac Herzog added nothing of great value in his speech at the United States Congress on July 19.

His was the typical language. He spoke of a ‘sacred bond’, touted the shared experience between both nations as “unique in scope and quality”, and celebrated the great, common “values that reach across generations”.

But this theatrical language was meant to hide an uncomfortable truth: the relationship between Israel and the US is changing at a fundamental level.

Staggering Number of Israelis Consider Leaving the Country: Poll​

An Israeli Channel 13 opinion poll indicated that Israel’s very demography will change as a result of the country’s current political crisis.​

The survey was conducted on Tuesday following the Israeli government’s vote to pass a law, which represents a key component of the judicial overhaul.

The Numbers

The Israeli newspaper, The Times of Israel said that over a quarter of Israelis are considering leaving the country.

The paper, citing the Channel 13 poll, said that “28% of respondents were weighing a move abroad, 64% were not, and 8% were unsure.”

“The survey reflected the impact of the coalition passing the law on Monday, despite sustained mass protests, vehement opposition from top judicial, security, economic and public figures, and thousands of Israeli military reservists vowing to quit service,” the newspaper reported.

Leaders of Major Clans in Gaza Mobilize against PA Arrests, Demand Elections​


This conference was a rare occurrence since political meetings of this nature are often confined to political groups, such as Hamas, Fatah, and other socialist, Islamic and nationalist parties.

In a statement issued at the end of the conference, the leaders of the clans reiterated their full support of the Resistance in the occupied West Bank.

They also demanded that the Palestinian Authority stop its political arrests of Palestinian activists in the West Bank.

In the statement, the groups also called for the immediate formation of an inclusive Palestinian National Council, with elections at home and abroad.

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