All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

One of the key needs for negotiation and aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza — in the midst of this Israeli campaign to eliminate Hamas — one that neither pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian fanatics comprehend, is to protect and extend the “Abraham Accords.”

Those agreements need to be extended to Saudi Arabia. Of course many will scream that these Accords and the mutual diplomatic recognition they bring are happening at the expense of Palestinians. This may seem true, but in fact that train left the station long ago. As is, the best hope for the defeated Palestinians is not for an Arab war to “establish Palestine” (and drive out Jews) “from the Jordan River to the Sea” … or even for a now unlikely “two state solution.”

The best hope and most likely evolution is for economic and regional trade development in the region and social & political changes that can eventually offer Palestinians and all Arabs job opportunities, education and more integration into the modern world.

If slow and uneven progress made toward regional economic development and “peace” between neighboring countries and Israel is reversed, nobody — including Palestinians themselves — are likely to benefit. Meanwhile, the fight against autocratic Arab regimes, fanatic Islam and extremist Israeli Zionists must continue.
Biden says that all Hamas hostages must be released before we can discuss a ceasefire.

Hamas is not going to fall for that lie.

Ceasefire Now! Rashida Tlaib, Naomi Klein Join Thousands in Jewish-Led D.C. Protest Against Gaza War​


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