All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Aftermath Of Israeli Strikes Proves Israel Is Targeting History, Culture And Ordinary Civilians

After the Israeli army bombarded Gaza on Saturday, killing two children and causing damage to public, civilian facilities, it became apparent that the soldiers were also targeting a prominent building, meant for preserving and displaying Palestinian archeology, arts and culture.

The Palestinian TV has reported that some of the Israeli missiles targeted the “Arts and Crafts Village”, which is run by the City Council in Gaza, and was founded by late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, in 1998, with funding from the UNDP.

The Arts and Craft Village building is filled with archeological materials, including pottery, metal crafts, and various historical valuables.

» Aftermath Of Israeli Strikes Proves Israel Is Targeting History, Culture And Ordinary Civilians– IMEMC News

Gaza "Cultural" center...


Israel to summon Swedish ambassador over recognition of Palestinian state

Shouldn’t someone explain to the Swedish ambassador that humoring those who embrace the notion of “statehood” for two separate and antagonistic Islamic terrorist franchises, applied to an invented people with an invented national identity, invented by an Egyptian, does nothing but fuel delusions?
Israel to summon Swedish ambassador over recognition of Palestinian state

Lieberman is correct, if the Swedes knew anything about the issue they'd recognize that there're already 3 Palestinian states - Israel, Jordan and Gaza.

Anything but news from Ayatollah perspective?
Because Iran is one of the countries with which Israel has direct conversation on a daily basis.

Gaza is one such case of a conversation with Iran.
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Trump-Gulf-Israel 'Peace' Plan Seeks Palestinian Surrender

1) The gee-had is a miserable failure.

2) The welfare fraud spigot is getting turned off.

3) Who is going to make up the welfare payments shortfall?

4) The end is near.
Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a
report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem
Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a
report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

OK, so really nothing reliable.
Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a
report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem
If an Israeli had been killed during the “ Great March of Return “ lol I doubt if you would be posting .
Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a
report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem
If an Israeli had been killed during the “ Great March of Return “ lol I doubt if you would be posting .

An Israeli was "deliberately and fatally shot" by Hamas terrorists. Where is the OUTCRY from these *cough cough* human rights supporters?
Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a
report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem
If an Israeli had been killed during the “ Great March of Return “ lol I doubt if you would be posting .
Redundant. That's what y'all are for. There was one. Pimp it up.
Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a
report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem
If an Israeli had been killed during the “ Great March of Return “ lol I doubt if you would be posting .
Redundant. That's what y'all are for. There was one. Pimp it up.

You are a bit befuddled. Israel was defending its border from Islamic terrorists.

There’s no need to whine about dead gee-hadis. Hamas paid a fee to those attending the border riots.
Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a
report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem
If an Israeli had been killed during the “ Great March of Return “ lol I doubt if you would be posting .
Redundant. That's what y'all are for. There was one. Pimp it up.

Yawn.....,, if this were an Israeli Medic and he was shot you would be celebrating. That’s the difference. Pro Israeli posters aren’t celebrating Why was she there? Because of the Palestinian rioting and violence. Keep pimping up your lies.
Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem

The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a
report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper — B’Tselem
If an Israeli had been killed during the “ Great March of Return “ lol I doubt if you would be posting .
Redundant. That's what y'all are for. There was one. Pimp it up.

Yawn.....,, if this were an Israeli Medic and he was shot you would be celebrating. That’s the difference. Pro Israeli posters aren’t celebrating Why was she there? Because of the Palestinian rioting and violence. Keep pimping up your lies.
An unarmed medic is not a legitimate target no matter how much you try to excuse it up.
An unarmed medic is not a legitimate target no matter how much you try to excuse it up.

An unarmed medic is never a legitimate target. An armed combatant, even if disguised as a medic, is a legitimate target. Do we agree?

I remain unconvinced that she was targeted and not a victim of a ricochet AND/OR I remain unconvinced that she was unarmed. (Wasn't she filmed participating in the violence?) The reality is that we just don't know. We just don't have a complete and unbiased version of the events.

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